How is being “wise and safe” in your job choice affecting you?
I had a job that simply was not a right fit for me. It taxed my very soul, and sucked the life out of me. Yet, I fooled myself into thinking it was “wise and safe” to stay there (e.g. regular salary & good benefits), even though people were often fired because of new management or reorganization or…whatever. In other words, it was not necessarily really “wise and safe”. It was not as secure as I pretended to myself.
Hours were added or dropped or schedules changed so frequently that it was a good idea to only “pencil in” your latest schedule in your calendar, so it could easily be erased. We had to punch in and punch out…docked if a few minutes late, but not paid for a few minutes overtime.
Don’t get me wrong. I was very grateful for a job, and I got along fine with my bosses, but it was not a good fit for me. It truly, literally sucked the life out of me. And I was often ill from the stress and lack of sleep because of the scheduling. Often working ’til 9 p.m. one night and having to be back and “punched in” and ready to work at 7 a.m. the next day. We never knew when the schedule would include weekends. That was ever changing as well. I was careful to work hard and to follow the rules, so I didn’t get fired, but I couldn’t SHINE there. Ever been there? Ever experienced any of those things yourself?
Why are we afraid to make the leap? To change? To do what we were created for? To do what we have dreamed of doing? Many times the people around us encourage us to be “wise and safe”, so we just stay put…miserable and weary. Sometimes we even give up and stop dreaming altogether.
Maybe there is another way. There was for me. There can be for you, too. Ever wanted to start your own business? Start up your own blog? But not knowing where to start, or maybe you have already started something you’ve always dreamed of doing, but you are lacking the support system to encourage you to keep going?
My coach helped me to prepare myself and to plan wisely…walking alongside me to help me keep my focus on my goal and not lose site of my dream.
Now…I am living my dream…in my own business, doing for others what my coach did for me.
Add to that, the Leading From Your Strengths profile consultation that helped me to be more settled in my spirit about my God-given Strengths, which made me even more confident that I am now right where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I was created to do. Being now in that confidence is a very restful/peaceful place to be. You, too, can realize that in your life. But it takes the courage of taking that first step. In this case it is the inquiry call for more information.
So, are you ready? Just slide over to the left side of this page and look for “Topics”…and read some of the articles about coaching…and read more about the Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) assessment process.
John Trent (co-creator with Rodney Cox) was recently on Focus on the Family, discussing Ministry Insights Leading From Your Strengths assessments. Prison Fellowship also uses the assessments.
Maybe it is time to realize being “wise and safe” is not necessarily wise and safe, but rather being stuck outside the realm of God’s best for you. Job security? Or are you in chains? Why not jump on board to discover what God had in mind when He created you, so you can move forward more confidently into all you were meant to be.
Scroll back up to the top of the page for more information and to get more of your questions answered. Contact me for the FREE inquiry call. Simply fill in the email contact form available by clicking on any of the pages of Loaves and Fishes Coaching website.