God’s Daily Faithfulness
“Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.”
Exodus 4:12 (NASB)
Communication is difficult in the current climate
When you pray, do you ever feel like you are yelling into a microphone with no one listening on the other end?
Many feel isolated and fearful. We struggle to communicate our feelings and our needs to God and to each other.
Some are struggling with anger and blaming others. Our words and opinions can be misconstrued and twisted. It is a challenging time. But is it a new thing? Or just an old thing in new “packaging”?
I felt frustrated
Grammar rules are difficult enough in English. While preparing for the mission field, in language school in Costa Rica, I struggled with even the most basic grammar rules, verb tenses, and word translations. Like Moses then, and like you and me now, we can each feel slow of speech. We want to speak to others, but we can sometimes feel a sense of fear at the reaction we might receive.
God’s faithfulness
Do you ever feel like a fish out of water? Is it like speaking a foreign language that no one understands? After Spanish language school, the mission group sent us to Haiti, where they speak French and Creole. I felt like I could have written the book about When God Doesn’t Make Sense. He might have seemed to not make sense, but He knew exactly what He wanted to accomplish in me. Over and over again, God’s faithfulness was evident, even then. He has told me to GO because He would teach me what to say. I WENT. And, He DID!
The places of testing
The places of testing are difficult while we are in the midst of them. But as Believers in our Sovereign God, we know that we know that the Hand of God is in it all. His faithfulness is constant and reliable. For me, so many years ago, I still remember how difficult it was to leave both countries (Costa Rica and Haiti). Why? Because God had been so evident in my daily SURVIVAL there; and because He continually taught me what to say, just like He promised.
Even in the midst of a pandemic, He never changes
I sometimes feel like I need a translator nowadays, too. Sometimes I feel like I am speaking a foreign language. My desire is to speak HIS words of encouragement to draw people to a closer walk with Him. To learn to trust Him more each day. God continues to tell me to GO. And even now, He promises to help me to know what to say. Just like now, all the testings and unknowns during this time of “social distancing” and lack of gathering together in groups. It is challenging. Have you sensed Him there for you too? Please share…testimonies encourage each of us.
It is an opportunity
Just because I am not in a foreign country doesn’t mean that the days of my stepping out and “going” when I feel inadequate for the task have ended. It is still a constant daily thing. But…Isn’t that what the Christian life is all about? His sufficiency in the midst of our insufficiency. Drawing our eyes Heavenward.

From a flock of geese to a dog on a leash, the pages of this winsome little book are filled with things we see around us every day. Pamela A. Taylor takes those everyday items and looks at them through the eyes of a child; making them seem exciting and new while also teaching children how to be grateful for the God who created them. Take a walk with Pamela through the pages of this book and help your little ones see God’s hand in the beauty of life.
Prayer and Fasting
Some of us across the country, are at about the 1/2 way point of a 21 day fast for our nation’s and our world’s very survival. I’d love to have you join us at any time. We realize that first we must be walking closely with God…to be cleansed from our own personal unrighteousness, so He can fill us to the brim and overflow in prayer for your nation and your leaders on the local, state, and federal level. Praying specifically for individuals.
A theme of many of my posts this year has been:
“If my people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways,
THEN I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.”II Chronicles 7:14
We have to do our part FIRST, before God will hear and forgive and then HEAL THE LAND THAT WE LOVE.
Some song lyrics are rumbling around my head…
I probably have some of the words wrong, but here is what is flooding my mind: Only trust Him, only trust Him. Only trust Him now. He will save you. He will save you. He will save you now. Trust and obey. For there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. Simple? Yes and no. It is a CHOICE. And either way, choose or not, there will be consequences.
Where do you want us to go today, Lord? Thank You for the examples of Your proven faithfulness in Your Word, like the story of Moses. Thank You for the testimony of other believers who are fully devoted Christ-followers. It gives us courage. May we bring You joy this day. Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! Amen.
Awaiting His shout,
Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor
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