Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Brainwashing Monster

Unplugging the TV for a television “fast”. Could I do it? I had wanted to for a long time, but lacked the resolve. I don’t know how it sneaked in on me. When my kids were growing up, we didn’t watch television. On the weekend, we rented Christian videos, but didn’t just sit in front of the TV.

Somehow, after they left home, it made the meal hour a bit easier with another person (via television) in the room. And then it developed into…at the end of the day, with my brain tired of thinking, it was so easy to just sit in front of the brainwashing monster that required no interaction from me. I could “mindlessly” sit there and watch the flickering screen. Mindlessly is the key word here. My mind was a sponge, soaking up whatever poured forth into my living room.

I began to get disturbed at how my brain felt like it was turning to mush. So, I chose to give up television for the Lenten season. It started as 40 days of no TV. And here I am, still in the midst of my television fast.

Do I miss it? Yes, I miss it a lot. I miss the commercials that try to make me lust after things I don’t need. I miss the visuals of sex outside of marriage. I miss the violence. I miss the bad attitudes, the disrespect for others, the mocking of God and the taking of His name in vain. I miss the “brainwashing” of my value system.

Yes, I miss a lot…and my spirit feels “cleaner” without all that pollution entering my mind and spirit.

I also remind myself that it’s important to keep remembering to put something better in its place, or I’ll fall right back into it again. I’m catching up on some great reading. On a post real soon, I plan to follow through on a request from one of this blog’s readers…To publish a list of books and videos/DVD’s that feed my soul. Stay tuned (sorry…I couldn’t resist saying that!

I know it is well past Easter, when we typically think of giving up things, but anytime is a good time to have a television fast. I challenge you to consider unplugging your television. And then let us all know how soon your brain feels cleaner and brighter.

We are in this battle for our minds together! Keep looking up!

Think about it…if the Lord came back at this moment, would you want to be watching television? Would you ask Jesus to wait for the next commercial before you were ready to go? I think not…so…what if today was the day? What if it is? What will you be doing/reading/watching?

Oh, I almost forgot to make the challenge a bit more … well … challenging! I have a friend that plans to go on a church mission trip to Haiti this fall. In order to fund the trip, he and his wife have given up their Internet and television. So…how about that??? Not only is he giving up something that we all think is essential, but he is also GOING into a very challenging environment. I know because I have lived in Haiti as a missionary. I know the challenges he will be facing. Yet, isn’t it cool that his brain will be less polluted because of his fast from television AND the Internet? Hmmmm…hopefully, this has all given you some “food” for thought.

Please pass the television fast challenge on to those you love. It could make all the difference in this world. I’d love to hear from you. What are you thinking? Are you addicted to television or the Internet? Have you done a fast from either or both? How did it go?

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 3:51 pm

Are You Flourishing?

Are you flourishing? I’ve been pondering that question the last few days after reading a quote in my Encounter With God devotional (published by Scripture Union). I encourage you to also take some time to ponder it.

“Flourishing is God’s gift and plan. When you flourish you are in harmony with God, other people, creation and yourself. Flourishing is becoming the person He had in mind in creating you.”
— John Ortberg.

Are you becoming the person God had in mind for you to be when He created you? You are not an accident or a mistake. He purposefully created you. And through your creation–in conjunction with your life experiences– He has been preparing you for what He has prepared for you to do.

One of my favorite things to do is to help people discover who they are and then move forward in their path toward flourishing “in harmony with God, other people, creation and yourself.”

Leading From Your Strengths assessments and consultations = one way God has used to accomplish that.

The Loaves and Fishes Coaching website will answer some of your questions. Then contact me for a FREE inquiry call. When you are ready, you’ll be amazed what freedom you will have from discovering how to answer “Yes!” to the question, “Are you flourishing?”

Also, you might want to go to LinkedIn to read some of the comments from people that know me.

Until then…

When you are ready…

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths — Pam Taylor @ 12:37 pm

Do You Believe God…?

Do you believe in miracles? I do. Do you believe God cares? I do.
Do you believe God has your best interest at heart? I do.
Do you believe that God cares what you do with your life? I do.

Do you believe God hates sin? I do.
Do you believe we are all sinners? I do.
Do you believe God winks at sin? I do NOT.
Do you believe that He loves sinners? I do.
Do you believe He loves you? I do.
Do you believe God wants what’s best for you? I do.

Do you believe that God chose your parents? And your personality? And the country you’d be born into? I do.
Do you believe that God wants you to read the love letter (the Bible) He wrote to you? I do.
Do you believe that He wants you to find Him in the midst of that love letter…the Bible? I do.
Do you believe that He wants to have a personal relationship with YOU? I do.
Do you believe that He wants you to make that a priority? I do.

Is there anything stopping you?

I’m praying for you to find this Friend that is closer than a brother to be your very closest relationship from now until eternity! He’s waiting with open arms. Whenever you take the first step forward He’ll meet you there. Jump into the Word of God…the Bible…and devour every word. Ask Him to reveal Himself in a deep personal way like you have never known before and He will delight to answer that request. He speaks to us from every single page. But the trick is that we have to stop long enough to listen (read it).

There are lots of translations and paraphrases to choose from. Choose one that is most understandable to you. Some still love the beauty of the Kings James Version. Others find it cumbersome and so love the Message version or the Amplified Version or the New International Version. Many choices. Just make that choice. Do that and He will meet you in those pages of His Holy Word.

Tell me: How do you make the Bible come alive to you personally? How do you keep reading/studying the Bible as a priority in your own life? Share your story. We can encourage each other in this way. We can help each other come closer in relationship to the Source of all life. Temporal and Eternal. Praise the Lord God Almighty. Father. Son. And Holy Spirit. Praise His Glorious Name.

Do you believe that will make Him happy? Do you believe God? I do.


Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 4:00 pm

Acrostic. God thank You that You (are)…

How hungry are you to know God? What do you do (practically speaking) to get to know Him better?

One method I’ve often used to move closer to God is to think through His characteristics…using an acrostic. It keeps me focused and it helps me stretch past the normal Biblical words, to a more personal approach.

So, let’s go through the alphabet, letter-by-letter…and name some characteristics about God that we have found to be true in our own experience. I’ll start…

God, thank You that You (are):

Always there
Believe in me
Care about me
Devoted to me
Everywhere in my world
Faithful Father
Interested in me
Mindful of my pain/disappointments/sadness/hurts
Never unkind or too busy or hurried
Provider of every physical, emotional, spiritual, & financial need I have
Right alongside me every moment in all things
Steadily dependable
Trustworthy…Your “Word” is “good”
Unwavering in Your pursuing a love relationship with me
Vie for my affections
Want to spend time with me just because I’m me
X-tatic when I spend time with You
Yearn for a deep relationship with me
Zealous in showering me with displays of Your love

There! That’s my acrostic! Now it’s your turn!

Let me know what you think. Was this helpful to get you outside the box in your devotional time with Your Creator, the Lord God Almighty?

I heard a radio message last week. The topic was our relationship with God. God wants our whole heart. He will come as close to us as we will let Him. We are the hindrance…not God. The teacher said, “We all have about as much of God as we really want. The real issue is how hungry we are to know Him.”

So, now that you have had time to think about it, “How hungry are you to know God?”

It would be great if you’d comment here so we can share together how we deepen our relationship with the Lord. Our personal “worlds” move so fast, it takes intentional effort to encourage each other to
keep focused on deepening relationships with people AND with God.


Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 4:37 pm