I Confess. I Am a Fanatic. Join Me?
Definition of a fanatic
“A person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme or political cause.” All of you who know me well, know it is true. When I believe something, I am immovable. BECAUSE I have done my own personal and detailed research! And I don’t quit until I am satisfied that I have thoroughly investigated. So…
I confess. I am absolutely a fanatic
I have been a Leading From Your Strengths “fanatic” for about ten years. I was first introduced to it by Rodney Cox, CEO of Ministry Insights, International. About ten years ago, Rodney gave a “guest” presentation in one of my Coaching classes. I took the assessment, feeling a bit smug, thinking that it would NOT be able to “peg” me, because I kept second guessing & changing my answers as I took the assessment. Nope. I was certain. I would be the exception. They would NOT be able to be put me into a neat little box.
However, I was NOT the exception
I was convinced immediately after my virtual consultation by Rodney (in front of all my classmates and my instructor, by the way) that this was a GIFT to the church. To Christians. To SHOW us how to BE the church. How to encourage one another to love and good deeds. All the things that Scripture instructs us to become TOGETHER. So, I immediately signed up for the training to be a LFYS Consultant. (I took it again, wanting to be the best Strengths Coach I could be. And I became even more convinced that I had a key to help the people of the “church” learn better how to BE the church. To date, I have found nothing better.)
Now, I laugh at my doubting
When I saw my 20 page print out, I was stunned. It was ME!!! Most of my life, NO ONE has understood me. Certainly, no one has said to me that I my personality was chosen by God. But that is exactly what I learned. I know I can get on people’s nerves. I have too many questions while trying to understand new stuff that people/bosses/family present to me. That can be MISunderstood as wanting my own way, but I discovered, that my questions are because I am actually wanting enough information that I can be on board, in agreement. I always wondered why I was so intense and why couldn’t I just relax and let stuff roll off my back? “What was WRONG with me? WHY couldn’t I be like EVERYBODY ELSE?” (Probably because NO ONE is like EVERYBODY else! My expectation was unrealistic. AND self-centered.)
The many other options
Yes, there are many other options. And over the years, I have also taken those assessments, like the DISC, Myers-Briggs, and others based on colors, nature, and all sorts of different things. And the main reason for this particular article is the latest SHINY OBJECT that CHRISTIANS are running with. EVERYWHERE, the ENNEAGRAM is the latest MUST DO assessment.
Something about the Enneagram concerned me
So, after these 10 years of understanding that feeling of “concern” is part of why God put me in the body of Christ. To ask people to slow down a bit and be sure we understand what we are getting into before we go full speed ahead with the latest shiny object. Being a Beaver (LFYS) personality, I don’t automatically trust something, just because others say it is OK. God actually commended the Bereans for investigating what they were taught, recognizing counterfeits by comparing it with the original (The Bible). And, we must always remember to consider how our choices may not be “sin” but, they may cause our “weaker” or less Berean-like brothers and sisters to stumble and maybe even fall (Romans 14:14-23). .
Here’s a couple of references I found about the Enneagram. Read below:
Unable to just let it go,
I did some Enneagram investigating on my own. A Beaver personality actually NEEDS to understand—not to argue or disagree—but hoping to be able to be a TEAM player and get enough information to feel comfortable with what everyone else is excited about. I needed to know why in my gut I had concerns. I hoped I was wrong. Sadly, I discovered a form of gnostic based numerology with occultist origins, given in a vision by what sounded a lot like a demon. I was put off by the evil and dark origins. The more I investigated, the more I knew I had to say something on my “platform” that God has given me. Sadly, some say since it is called “Christian Enneagram” that it is OK. You know, like horoscopes, or palm reading. Or like “Christian Yoga”. (If it is Christian, why do we call it Yoga?) Adding the word Christian and adding Bible verses onto something does not automatically make it Biblical. (See links to the right for more info re Ennneagram origins).
Why I stay with Leading From Your Strengths
From what I have witnessed, none have so honored the Word of God and our Creator, like Ministry Insights Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) does. For me, that is the main reason for 10 years, it is the only Personality Assessment Tool I have kept in my Coaching Toolbox.
Another coach posted on Twitter—referring to Ministry Insight International’s Leading From Your Strengths—“The key is your identity in Christ. LFYS emphasizes this point.” She is so right. That is the key!
Excellent life-changing results
God, the Scriptures, loving & accepting others—all Biblical principles—added to the base of discovering our Identity in Christ.
It’s like when a law enforcement officer is trained to recognize a counterfeit bill by studying the original. He learns everything else is counterfeit. Easy peasy! That’s kinda how I feel about LFYS. In another blog post, I wrote to explain in more detail WHY I feel so strongly about sticking with what works for me and for my clients. I have personally witnessed many lives totally transformed through this amazing tool. Mine, included! Here’s more of my testimony: “Which Personality Assessment Tool is the Best?”
Have you ever noticed…
Why do you seem to be one person at work and another person at home? Ask yourself: Why are you more intense in some situations? What are others’ perceptions of you under stress? What does your health and finances have to do with your personality? All these questions are answered in the consultation. A trained coach will help you apply it to every part of your life…work, family, play, physical, mental, financial, etc. To become all God intended. Resulting in being Joy-filled.
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We fool ourselves
We think we know ourselves. But unless the Lord God is the center of our growth, self-deception can get in the way of our maturity in Christ. It is really important to walk through this personality type journey with a coach who has been trained in the process. I know I have repeated that often. It is crucial! Often we just take ANOTHER assessment and read the results with interest; and then just put it on the shelf. And soon, we forget about it entirely.
Take the LFYS assessment, print out the profile, but don’t stop there. Contact me to set up a consultation. You will be delighted and amazed at the freedom you will experience afterwards. It is the consultation with a LFYS trained coach, helping you with the application of it that makes it like GOLD. Of great value to your life and relationships.
You will discover and embrace all God intended you to be when He created you.
Awaiting His shout,
Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor
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