Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Just Sit Back & Close Your Eyes

“Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

A simple little children’s song? Not at all! It is a deep and profound fact!

I could write pages of text to try to convince you of that–but why not let HIM convince you. Just sit back, close your eyes and say that phrase over and over a few times: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

Let it sink in.

Amazing! How often do we take the time to do something as simple as that?
Now what? How do you know it’s true that Jesus loves you…YOU…personally.

“The Bible tells me so.” Really?? Really!!

The Bible is full of stories of how God relates to people–all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstances. And EVERYTHING He does is from the motive of love. The more you’re alone with Him in His Word, the more real that fact will become. Guaranteed!

Don’t believe me? Let’s talk about it. I’ve tried it and tested it and proved it to be true! Want to stay on track? I’d love to walk the path with you. Just let me know. You can find me here:    loavesandfishescoaching.com

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 2:35 pm

Of What Value?

Of what value? “In 1978 a Gutenberg Bible was sold at auction in New York for $2 million – the highest price ever paid for a printed book.” So says The Timetables of History – a Horizontal Linkage of People and Events book.

This week, I went to a Wycliffe Bible Translators fundraiser banquet in my city. What a privilege to hear the testimonies of people that are so eager to get the Word of God to every nation, every tribe, every people. People that don’t even have a single copy of the Bible in their own language. Wycliffe wants to remedy that.

How many Bibles do you possess? Would you pay $2 million for any one of them?

I have a lot of questions rolling around in my head. Why do you suppose that anyone would pay $ 2 million for the Gutenberg Bible? To read and study it? Or just to “possess” it? I wonder if the new owner is a Christian? Was it an emotional draw to the original Gutenberg version of the Bible? Or was it an emotional draw to the Author of the Bible?

Now…ask yourself:    Of what value is the Bible to you?
Why do you own your Bible? To possess it, or to get to know the God of the Bible ?  Are the pages dog-eared from extreme use? Or is it gathering dust somewhere?

The Word of God – living and active and more powerful than a doubled-edged sword. Rightly dividing the truth and error.  In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

Of what value? $2 million? NOT ENOUGH! Priceless!

Let’s talk about it!  loavesandfishescoaching.com

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 4:40 pm

Encouragement: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Encouragement is the gift that keeps on giving. I just read about a research study that was used to measure the effects of rejection/discouragement. They administered the same I.Q. test twice…to the same group of people.

The first test was administered and graded. That same group of people were then exposed to a period of being rejected and discouraged. That was followed by the second test. It is reported the scores were 25 to 30 points LOWER after being exposed to the negative atmosphere.

As Christians, this is a helpful reminder. Life is hard enough without being energy drainers to the people in our world. Being discouraging and judgmental seems to be a default setting…unless we make a conscious choice otherwise.

I find myself wishing that the research people had given the test a third time…after a period of encouragement.

We are called by God to encourage one another, and all the more as the day of Christ’s return draws near. Giving encouragement is definitely a choice. And we can give the gift of that choice even if we feel the person doesn’t “deserve” it. This is a good place to remind ourselves that when we offer good to someone, Jesus is pleased …He goes so far as to say that He views it as a gift to HIM personally…it is as though we are offering it to Jesus Himself.

Jesus also says the opposite is true. If we fail to give the good, He is not pleased and He views it as failing to bless Him as well.

A Christian coach reminds us to take the higher road. To believe in our skills and talents. Others may minimize us, but a coach maximizes us…refusing to focus on what is wrong, but rather to encourage what is skill and talent and good about us. I have noticed that just having that safe place to process my world and to “clear” (without being judged…but rather encouraged to look deep inside myself to find the solution…that solution that pleases the Lord) empowers me to rise above the negativity around me and within me. It is an energy gainer to have a Christian coach. It’s an encouragement to our very soul (our mind, our will, and our emotions).

I can be that safe place for you to discover ways to rise above the negativity and turn those energy drainers into energy gainers. The introductory call is a gift to you—to give you an opportunity to discover the wonderful world of Christian coaching and what it can mean in your life. Questions? Contact me at loavesandfishescoaching.com . We can schedule a time for a free inquiry call to talk about the gift that keeps on giving.

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 3:19 pm

The Creator Knows Best

You know that thing you have wanted to do ever since you can remember? The one you put on the back shelf because LIFE happened? The Creator knows best. He purposefully chose your personality and your spiritual gifts.

Let’s make this the day for you to find out what your Creator had in mind when He designed you. Perhaps that longing you have always had is part of that plan the Lord had in mind for you to do/be.

It is a joyful thing to find out how your piece of the puzzle fits into the overall picture. I’d like to walk with you in the discovery process.


Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 11:04 pm

For the Love of Haiti

The following article is reprinted from Gary Wood’s Running on Full Today web site.

Armchair quarterbacks try to come up with the answers for how to make things work in the rescue efforts in Haiti, following the earthquake. “Why don’t they just…” is often heard wherever people gather. It is all said in an effort to try to find solutions for the daily images of pain and suffering we see broadcast by the media. We are a nation that wants to help. But without knowledge of the culture and the way it functions, our hands are tied and there are bottlenecks preventing or slowing down help getting to the people it’s intended for.

It is difficult to understand why the help Haiti needs is not readily available in their country already…or why they can’t just google Amazon and have it delivered right to their door.

Even in the best of times, Haiti does not have the resources that we have learned to take for granted. Could it be that at least some of the problems come from confusion caused from trying to “help” Haiti through the filter of our own North American cultural mindset and habits? If that were indeed true, and I believe that it is, what can we do?

A Haitian doctor expressed sincere gratefulness on a news segment, but he then said, “But, this is our country. Don’t tell us what we have to do.” He is a doctor. An educated man. Are you wondering why he said that?


Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 9:50 pm

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