Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Are YOU Resting In Jesus in These Perilous Times?

Train passing through a mountain tunnel

In perilous times, we need Courage

David Wilkerson was small in stature; however, when the Lord called him to evangelize in New York City, he did it! He became a street corner preacher and God continued to use him for the rest of his life. He trusted the One Who holds the world in His hands. He knew there was no safer place to be than to be right in the center of God’s will for his life.

David Wilkerson was also a writer

David Wilkerson wrote about resting in Jesus in perilous times. In his inspiring newsletter, he said that God had impressed on him a single promise from God’s Word (the Bible) that if he would commit his very life to it, this promise would keep him through any and all perilous times. It would be a daily power source of faith. For him. In New York City amongst the gangs. AND for you and me, too, right where we are right now.


Right now, the United States, and the entire rest of the world is suffering loss. There is grief over the isolation and changes we have no control over. Sickness. We are fighting an unseen enemy. And we are suffering for fear that there will not be ENOUGH of what we need. Of what we are used to. Businesses, schools, churches, and all other events are being closed and cancelled. Bars and casinos are closed. There is fear and there is confusion. There is loneliness from the isolation and the lack of the regular routine. What is a person to do? Some are not heeding the warnings. Others are hoarding. Others are reaching out to see where they can help those in need of help.

Here is David Wilkerson’s “promise verse”:

“Your Father knows what things you have need of before you ask Him.”
–Matthew 6:8

There is only one reliable option

Surrender to the One Who loves you. The Lord wants each of us to find that “sweet spot” of fellowship with Him. God wants you to CHOOSE to give Him “quality” time. Focused attention. And He wants each of us to trust Him! Because He is trustworthy. He is DAD! And like a good father, he knows what we need before we even ask Him. He is our Provider. Our Source of EVERYTHING we need. That is a foundation we MUST stand upon, or we will fear and fall.


The necessity is resting in (trusting in) the Fatherhood of Almighty God, Creator God, Restorer of the Breach, Savior, Blessed Redeemer.

Fear not

I have been hearing that there are approximately 365 verses that state: “fear not” in the Bible. God speaks those words to many fearful people in Scripture. They were just like you and me and yet they learned to fear not! We can, too! 🙂

God can be trusted

When Corrie ten Boom was a child, her dad comforted her fears with this illustration: “When a train goes through a tunnel, and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.” God is not only our Creator; He is our Engineer. He knows what is best. Trust Him even when you don’t understand and when you go through the trials and dark “tunnels” of life. Trust Him. He adores you!

Here’s what you CAN do…

“Casting all your care upon Him, because He cares for you!” (I Peter 5:7)

That verse is powerful! The Creator God cares about you…about me! WOW! And He is patient while we learn to trust Him on a deeper level each day. Little by little. We can learn to be resting in Jesus in perilous times.

Don’t give up. It will be worth it all! I promise!

Better still…HE promises!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

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