Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Moms, Put on Your Oxygen Masks

To prepare the passengers in case of an emergency during flight, the directions from the flight crew include something like this: “Moms, put on your oxygen mask before putting on your child’s oxygen mask.”

Why do you suppose they do that? I’m thinking it is because they know that it goes entirely against a mother’s natural instinct.

For many moms, one of the hardest things about mothering is the taking care of yourself part. I know it was for me, and and I hear it from others, as well.

So, this post is to encourage you. Not to be selfish, but to be sure to take care of self-care. In order to be the best mom for your child, it is not selfish to give yourself a “time out” so to speak. To refresh your spirit. To put on your oxygen mask before attempting to care for your child.

I’m not talking about neglecting your child. I’m not talking about indulging yourself in selfishness. I’m talking about knowing what you need in order to be the best you can be. Different personalities need different things to be their best. So, know your personality type. Know your spiritual gifts. Know your worship style. Know what type of exercise strengthens you. Know when a short break for a glass of water or a bit of protein will help bring out the best in your mothering skills.  A Christian life coach can help you to pinpoint those areas that you may need to “tweak” a bit in order to put on your oxygen mask so you can be breathing well enough to then care for your child’s oxygen mask.

What are ways that you, Moms, put on your oxygen masks ?

Mothering is like a sisterhood. We like to encourage and help each other through to success. What have you done or what are you doing now? Or maybe you remember how your own Mom did that very well…

BTW, we just want to let you know that we are new to Facebook so be sure to take time to “Like” Loaves and Fishes Coaching on Facebook.


  1. ’tis so true and so counter intuitive to us Moms and daughter for that matter.

    Comment by Ellen

  2. So true. That’s where God comes in, huh? Helping us do what is not natural, reinforcing our need for Him! 🙂

    Comment by admin

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Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 11:17 am