Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

What’s Wrong With This Picture?


Put yourself in this Mom’s place. Traveling alone with a baby.

Look closely and then tell me…What’s “wrong” with this picture? Maybe “wrong” isn’t the “right” word. Maybe “unusual” is the right word.

I’m pretty sure this would not be what I would look like if I were at a major airport, ready to travel a number of hours with my baby on a plane…ALONE! What about you?

Here is what is (wrong/unusual) = remarkable: She is smiling! She is a real, live person and she is smiling! And at peace! How did that happen?

Lindsay sent me this picture. It inspired me so much that I asked her if I could use it on my website. I figured if it inspired me, it would inspire you, too. (I’m passionate about helping Overwhelmed Moms find their way out of the fog. And this picture speaks volumes!!!) And then…when I heard her response, I just had to share it with you right away.

Because…here’s something else that is remarkable about this Mom: Her response was “Yes…but…I wasn’t overwhelmed.” WOW! She wasn’t overwhelmed??? Astounding!!!

What do you suppose was Lindsay’s secret?

Lindsay had a plan. She had spent the days leading up to this day (as she prepared to move to another continent in a few short weeks) speaking God’s promises out loud to herself as she packed and as she took care of her baby. Her husband was far away…on another continent because of his work. It was unavoidable. This was a fog she was going to have to find her way through without her husband’s help. She wanted to be victorious, even though her life was in an uproar! But you would not know it to look at her, would you?! She had chosen the HIGHER ROAD.

Life is a series of choices. Flesh or Spirit. Which will rule? Which will we “feed”? The Spirit or the flesh?

This Mom had chosen to listen to praise music even though the things in her life were in chaos. While helpers were shouting questions at her. While she had to make a ton of last minute decisions. While she had to remember to eat. While she had to remember to change the diapers and nurse the baby. While movers came and went. While her apartment looked more like a war-zone than a home…with all the sorting and packing materials all around. Lindsay had chosen to have God on the throne, rather than let her feelings rule her. She did what she could do. She fed her Spirit Soul food and it nourished her to the point that her countenance would actually shine! You can see that for yourself!

She did what she could and left the rest to God. He likes that! 🙂

lindsay-baby-cropShe is an amazing woman. She is one of my favorite people and I wanted to share a bit of her story with you. I pray it inspires you to take the time to stop, drop and pray. To remember that nothing is too big for God to handle. IF we let Him.  She made a conscious choice to meditate on the promises of God. To feed her soul with music. Not just any music. She chose music that nourishes and exalts God. Proving: You definitely are what you “eat”. His Word (the Bible) is her nourishment. AND…Praises helped her rise above her circumstances. God has a plan and she followed it. And this is the result!

Please take time to comment and let us know what this has stirred up in you. And please also share stories of times when God’s Spirit has ruled and you, too, have been victorious in a difficult circumstance. We would love to hear from you. And as Lindsay prepares to move from her familiar surroundings, your remarks could be perfect timing and have the same effect on her to encourage her to keep looking UP because GOD is BIG.

“My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to accomplish His work,” Jesus said. (John 4:34 NAS)

{{Lindsay Nichols Estes has a message for women in transition. She walks her talk and more often than not, she comes forth trusting God’s promises. She knows the secret of success. If you are in transition, and want a coach to walk through it with you, you can find her here: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsaynicholsestes }}


  1. Pam, it is a great story and I know it is true. You always tell the truth. As I read it I thought of the dad who was traveling overseas on a flight I was on. Actually, I was on his row. Me, him, 3 little girls. It was interesting to watch him handle the stress of the situation. He did well but not as well as Lindsay. Thanks for sharing.

    Comment by Bill Graybill

  2. Bill Graybill, You make me laugh! Yes, it is a true story. The proof is in the picture! And Lindsay is a real woman that is out to change her world! Thanks for sharing the story about the Dad that you shared an overseas flight with. He is fortunate you were there for the moral support I have no doubt that you gave him. You are doing amazing things for the Body of Christ, Bill. Our world is richer for what you add to it! I appreciate your encouragement and your kind words. AND your taking the time to encourage Lindsay here on the post…as she goes across the pond to start her new life in a new country.

    Comment by Pam Taylor

  3. Thank you for sharing. That is a great story. I could learn something from her.

    Comment by Tanya

  4. Hi Tanya, The thing that is so great about Lindsay’s story is that it is true. And it SHOWS through the pictures the power of the grace of God when we yield to it. When we do things HIS way, He shows up to give us that peace that passes understanding. I am humbled by Lindsay’s story. She is an amazing woman. Thanks so much for taking the time to encourage her with your comment.

    Comment by Pam Taylor

  5. You and Lindsay are both an encouragement to me. Thank you for writing this story – you have a delightful “voice!”

    Comment by sfleming

  6. WOW! Thanks Susan Fleming…for the kind words! I had a feeling you would like that story! LOL. And, thanks for being my virtual assistant. You get the credit for making the story LOOK good when people download it. Thanks for putting all the pieces together so the visuals are available with the story!

    Comment by Pam Taylor

  7. Love it. Love her! What a testimony of God’s grace and her love for Him.

    Comment by Kinsey

  8. Hi Kinsey, Isn’t it amazing what we can do when we take God seriously? He WANTS to help us to move through our days with grace! I’d love to hear YOUR story sometime! We all have a story.

    Comment by Pam Taylor

  9. Hi Pam,

    Not only is Lindsay an extraordinary young lady, she has an extraordinary coach who helped prepare her for this move :).

    Great job!

    Comment by Kim Avery

  10. Awww…Thanks, Kim Avery…and because YOU are my coach, you help keep me focused so that I can be my best to coach extraordinary women like Lindsay. She is going to be a blessing to those she touches in her new location across the pond. God has such a great plan: we do best when we work together helping each other to embrace and move in our strengths!

    Comment by Pam Taylor

  11. What an amazing story. If that were me, I would be a mess. God bless her! She is a great role model for her child.

    Comment by arleen

  12. Excellent point, Arleen Bradley! She is indeed an excellent role model for his child…and for all who know her, actually! I agree with you. I think I would have been a mess, too.

    Comment by Pam Taylor

  13. Thank you for sharing this story – it was certainly not me 10 years ago traveling in Germany with my 3 year old! Planning and perspective make a world of difference 🙂

    Comment by MaryAnn Dolezal

  14. MaryAnn Dolezal, Planning and perspective do indeed make all the difference, don’t they? WOW! Traveling in Germany with a toddler would have been challenging for sure! Thanks for weighing in and encouraging Lindsay as she moves out of the country and starts a new life!

    Comment by Pam Taylor

  15. Choices, choices, choices. Yes. And the ONLY thing we can really control in life is our ATTITUDE : )

    Comment by Kimberly | New Spark Coaching

  16. You are sooooo right, Kimberly! Attitude is our most influential choice, indeed! And affects the outcome tremendously either negatively or positively! The CHOICE is ours!

    Comment by Pam Taylor

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