Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Marathon Running

People that run marathons are a dedicated bunch.

They train faithfully, in all kinds of weather…always with that focused attention to detail that produces “winners”. Some hire coaches to help them train and to endure to the end.

Marathon running…it can be grueling before, during, and after the event. One friend actually lost a toe as a result of being determined to finish the race. She persevered in spite of the pain. Maybe even because of it. She had worked so hard to get to this point. She simply could not give up! Would not give up!

I know that the water stations along the way are like an oasis in the desert. Along with the refreshment of the water, they are also a place to receive encouragement to persevere. People cheer you on at these specially prepared refreshment stations. It is critical to be reminded of the goal to finish.

Marathon Running

Time on this earth–as followers of Christ–can seem like running a marathon.

It is critical to keep focused toward the goal. Christian Life Coaches often help people to hold their focus toward their goals: “Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead…the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14). Paul also said in that same verse: “…but one thing I do…”

Is that the one thing we do?

To press on with our eye toward the goal of spending eternity with Jesus? Is that our joy and focus? Do we love Him enough to go through the grueling training before, during, and after the event of “going home to be with the Lord”? Are we willing to lose a toe …or worse…in the process?

Or are we distracted toward the worldly prizes more than the heavenly ONE? Do we try to take shortcuts because the training is so hard?!

Run Your Race

Today is a new day! Let’s keep cheering one another on. This is a great day for a fresh start with a fresh perspective. Which marathon are YOU running? And which prize do you most value?

I’d love to hear from you. Have you done any marathon running?

How have you found it to compare to the walk of a disciple of Christ?

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