Begin Today!
“The tragedy of life is not that it ends too soon, but that we wait so long to BEGIN!”–W. M. Lewis
Can there really be a way that God has already created to avoid the tragedy of coming to the end of your life one day…never having begun to live your life? I believe there is!
I used to always be looking forward to the next stage of life. Not content with my current circumstances. You know: The old “grass is always greener…” syndrome.
Then…one day, I realized how much I was missing with that attitude.
What are you waiting for? Don’t be like I was. Don’t let circumstances or people dictate your mood. Choose to live your life with arms wide open. Begin anew! Embrace today as a gift! Follow my lead and choose joy! You can choose to live moment by moment with delighted expectation!
Can this be God’s way to avoid the tragedy of never having begun to live your life? From my own personal experience…Yes, I believe it is.
What about you? Are you living “grass is greener” or “embracing life as it comes”?
Personality and Jesus
Do you know who God created you to be? Have you ever stopped to think about how your personality affects the way you interact with others? Find out more in this new book by Pamela A. Taylor.

Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,
Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor