Honoring Memorial Day With Gratitude
It had been pouring rain. I thought our Memorial Day remembrance by the lake would not happen. (Oh me of little faith!)
But God cleared the sky for a short time so we could stop…to remember the sacrifices of our heroes and their families.
I was moved to tears as the High School band played the Star Spangled Banner. (Yes, our flag is still there. In spite of wars and rumors of wars.)
Tears were still in my eyes as the VFW honor guard stood at attention. Most in the crowd saluted or had their hands over their hearts throughout the remembrance time. (They honored the flag of our country. It’s not just a flag, but rather a symbol of the COST of freedom.) The raising of the flag by our local Boy Scouts (but only to half mast…to honor the fallen). Then, a prayer by the Chaplain of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars). That prayer included honoring the Name of our Lord Jesus. Openly. Without hindrance. Another reason for tears of gratitude: for wonderful small town Iowa with its “old-fashioned values”!
And then the band played TAPS. More tears. More emotions of gratitude. More hands over the hearts. More salutes from veterans. I am thankful for those in Clear Lake, Iowa who organized the remembrance.
I’m glad I had stopped to remember. I wanted to share my thoughts of joy and gratitude with you.
Yes this is celebrated as a HOLIDAY in the United States, but there is a reason why we have a “holiday” to celebrate. Today, I am not taking that freedom for granted. It came with great price.
I am thankful to God for stopping the heavy rain long enough for us to draw together as a community and remember with gratitude those that suffered much so we could stand there together openly praying and remembering. To be FREE to do so. THANK YOU seems small for such a great gift!
Please share YOUR thoughts and remembrances about Memorial Day in the comment section below.
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Awaiting His shout,
Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor