Who is Your Valentine?
A Mini-Minute with Pam: Who is Your Valentine?
Valentines Day is a great day for some and for others, a deep loneliness or depression takes over. What about you? Are you looking forward to it, or dreading it?
I want to tell you a story about a woman that had everything. Privilege. Health. Talent. A great swimmer. And a wonderful family. She has the most amazing husband in the world. Ken Tada married her AFTER her accident jumping off the dock, and becoming paralyzed from the neck down. He knew how hard it would be. It makes me think of the sacrificial and deep love that Jesus has for you. For me. Jesus left the “privileged” life of Heaven. He gave up His own life in every way. He is our “Valentine”. He CHOSE to do that. Just like Joni’s husband. Personal sacrifice. For love. Not many find Ken’s kind of deep HUMAN love. But there is One that loves you even more than that…
“During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverent submission. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience through what He suffered…”
Hebrews 5:7-9 (NIV)
When life changes your plans.
Joni Earekson Tada is an author, painter, public speaker and a quadriplegic. Her story is well-known, but what she has to say to us may be a bit difficult to hear. Joni is not a stranger to the world of suffering. She was very young when her life was forever changed on an ordinary day while swimming with her family.
She broke her neck in a diving accident.
We know her now as a beautiful soul fully surrendered to God. But it was not always that way. Of course…it was all difficult to accept at first. She had been an active young woman. But God had given Joni a loving family and at least one good friend that patiently helped her to see her life was not over. It had just taken a different path. She has learned obedience through what she has suffered.
Mindset matters.
Her other-worldly mindset gives her the strength to endure through her life challenges. Challenges that most of us cannot even imagine. Things we take for granted. It has been said that Joni begins her day EVERY day with the realization that she needs God “desperately”. It is not a theory for her. It is a reality. She simply cannot do even the simple tasks of “life” without help.
Reality check.
Joni believes that the “really handicapped people are those who don’t really know of their desperate need for God.” Amazing perspective from one confined to a wheelchair, needing someone to assist her with everything she does.
Jesus paved the way…
Through Jesus’ “reverent submission” He became the Source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him. Jesus’ suffering made it possible for Joni and for you and for me to endure until we meet Him face-to-face. Amazing love. Love that gives us wisdom to understand the concept of the necessity to grasp the idea that we truly are beginning each day “needing God desperately”.
What about you?
It is in accepting that fact – that we need God desperately – that we are empowered to follow wherever He leads.
Related Post: What If God Has A Love Language
Who is Your Valentine?
Food for thought
This week as you celebrate Valentines Day:
- Can you honestly say that God is your FIRST love?
- Do you stop daily to remember how how much you actually DO desperately NEED HIM for absolutely everything?
- Is time with Him your FIRST priority every day?
- Is He your last thought before sleep, or are you busy rehearsing the next day’s “to do” list?
How can we do anything but love Jesus desperately for all He has done so we can be with Him throughout all eternity. Talk about a “Forever Love”. THIS is it! Every day is Valentines Day with Jesus. When you look for Him, you will see Him EVERYWHERE in your life. He loves to lavish you with displays of His love. Seek Him and you will find Him. He’s creative. Sometimes you have to do a deep search, but He is there. Everywhere. Are you with me?
Who is Your Valentine?
Until next time,
Personality and Jesus
Do you know who God created you to be? Have you ever stopped to think about how your personality affects the way you interact with others? Find out more in this new book by Pamela A. Taylor.

Awaiting His shout,