Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Who is Your Valentine?

A Mini-Minute with Pam: Who is Your Valentine?

Valentines Day is a great day for some and for others, a deep loneliness or depression takes over. What about you? Are you looking forward to it, or dreading it?

I want to tell you a story about a woman that had everything. Privilege. Health. Talent. A great swimmer. And a wonderful family. She has the most amazing husband in the world. Ken Tada married her AFTER her accident jumping off the dock, and becoming paralyzed from the neck down. He knew how hard it would be. It makes me think of the sacrificial and deep love that Jesus has for you. For me. Jesus left the “privileged” life of Heaven. He gave up His own life in every way. He is our “Valentine”. He CHOSE to do that. Just like Joni’s husband. Personal sacrifice. For love. Not many find Ken’s kind of deep HUMAN love. But there is One that loves you even more than that…

“During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverent submission. Although He was a Son, He learned obedience through what He suffered…”

Hebrews 5:7-9 (NIV)

When life changes your plans.

Joni Earekson Tada is an author, painter, public speaker and a quadriplegic. Her story is well-known, but what she has to say to us may be a bit difficult to hear. Joni is not a stranger to the world of suffering. She was very young when her life was forever changed on an ordinary day while swimming with her family.

She broke her neck in a diving accident.

We know her now as a beautiful soul fully surrendered to God. But it was not always that way. Of course…it was all difficult to accept at first. She had been an active young woman. But God had given Joni a loving family and at least one good friend that patiently helped her to see her life was not over. It had just taken a different path. She has learned obedience through what she has suffered.

Mindset matters.

Her other-worldly mindset gives her the strength to endure through her life challenges. Challenges that most of us cannot even imagine. Things we take for granted. It has been said that Joni begins her day EVERY day with the realization that she needs God “desperately”. It is not a theory for her. It is a reality. She simply cannot do even the simple tasks of “life” without help.

Reality check.

Joni believes that the “really handicapped people are those who don’t really know of their desperate need for God.” Amazing perspective from one confined to a wheelchair, needing someone to assist her with everything she does.

Jesus paved the way…

Through Jesus’ “reverent submission” He became the Source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him. Jesus’ suffering made it possible for Joni and for you and for me to endure until we meet Him face-to-face. Amazing love. Love that gives us wisdom to understand the concept of the necessity to grasp the idea that we truly are beginning each day “needing God desperately”.

What about you?

It is in accepting that fact – that we need God desperately – that we are empowered to follow wherever He leads.

Related Post: What If God Has A Love Language

Who is Your Valentine?

Food for thought

This week as you celebrate Valentines Day:

  • Can you honestly say that God is your FIRST love?
  • Do you stop daily to remember how how much you actually DO desperately NEED HIM for absolutely everything?
  • Is time with Him your FIRST priority every day?
  • Is He your last thought before sleep, or are you busy rehearsing the next day’s “to do” list?

How can we do anything but love Jesus desperately for all He has done so we can be with Him throughout all eternity. Talk about a “Forever Love”. THIS is it! Every day is Valentines Day with Jesus. When you look for Him, you will see Him EVERYWHERE in your life. He loves to lavish you with displays of His love. Seek Him and you will find Him. He’s creative. Sometimes you have to do a deep search, but He is there. Everywhere. Are you with me?

Who is Your Valentine?

Until next time,

Personality and Jesus

Do you know who God created you to be? Have you ever stopped to think about how your personality affects the way you interact with others? Find out more in this new book by Pamela A. Taylor.

Personality and Jesus

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Awaiting His shout,


Multi-tasking in Your Head

A Mini-Minute with Pam: Multi-tasking in Your Head

Man with box on head

How do you get from a sigh to a song?

Do you have trouble resting and just being with God with no agenda? He knows we need that. Are you multi-tasking in your head, like I was? Constantly ruminating about all you must do. Trying to figure out every angle so you don’t miss anything. Wanting to measure up. Trying to do so much for the Lord. I’ve spent years. Dumping lots of money. Hiring experts. Looking for someone to help me find God’s plan for my life. Many coaches. Many classes. Seminars. Counselors. Teachers. All different, but they all claimed they had the answer for me. I believed them. More thinking and doing.The only problem was, it was one size fits all. All of this “naval gazing” only produced more frustration.

I never measured up to the expectations

It only led to frustration. The Ministry Insight Leading From Your Strengths assessment actually began the journey to sanity and a degree of peace. It was a good place for me to start. (I’ve actually written a trilogy about discovering personality strengths, embracing them, and living them out in your day-to-day.) We are all different by God’s design. Embracing that is the first step to leave the SIGH behind) But something was still missing. I knew God was not surprised at my despair. I knew He was not angry with me. I knew He would show me the way sooner or later. The problem is, I didn’t measure up to expectations. And like you, I wanted “SOONER” rather than “LATER”.

None of the experts gave me the peace I longed for.

I could not find someone who would simply listen to me without trying to fix me. Kinda like Job’s friends. I know God sees me. God hears me. God cares. So, what was wrong with me? Have you ever felt that way? I read a book about Oswald Chambers. He claimed to know the SECRET. And you know what? He DID! He discovered the secret; but only after years of searching, disappointments, and isolation with his family while serving the Lord in China.

The sigh MUST come before the song.

God has a process. We must die to our own plan before He can raise us into His destiny for us. So, all of this struggling is actually part of His plan toward our maturity in the Lord. The Psalms are a great example. Most if not all Psalms begin with the sigh. The sadness. The loneliness. The searching for significance. Talking honestly to God. And by the end of the Psalm, there is usually breakthrough. My guess is that each Psalm could have taken months or perhaps years to compose. Because the discovery definitely takes time. Focused time.

Can a person actually bring that peace to another?

No, they can’t. Only God can. But first, God wants us to hear ourselves telling Him in detail what we believe the problem is. Confessing our unbelief, despair, fear, anger, or whatever emotion we are feeling. If you don’t feel like talking to Him about it, then tell Him that, too. He already knows anyway, right? Of course that is right. God knows everything. So, first I had to learn to be honest with God and with myself.

Israelites vs Joshua & Caleb

Which do you want to be? Spies went into the Promised Land. They all saw the problems. Most SIGHED and feared the size of the giants. They saw it as Giants vs the Israelite people. They saw no way of winning. But, Joshua and Caleb saw it as Giants vs God ! They saw the problem of the Giants, too. But they didn’t stay in the problem space. Rather, they knew their God was more powerful than any enemy. More powerful than any giants. In a sense, they were SINGING God’s praises of possibilities. They saw no way of losing. Which group do you fall into on most days? Be honest with yourself. Be honest with God. He already knows anyway. He just wants to know that WE know that He is BIGGER than any problem we face.

The right path

Little did I know that this entire process was the right path all along. Little did I know that God would lead me to discover the same secret as Oswald Chambers. Was it difficult? Yes. Was it lonely at times? Yes. And it still is sometimes. Not God AND (something or someone else)…But…Realizing that we all have a God-sized vacuum and only when we allow God and only God to totally fill it up to the brim, do we find the SECRET that Oswald Chambers discovered…that God has creatively been telling us all along, in various ways. The secret?


God is actually saying to us, “Everything that you are NOT, I AM! “ Everything! Absolutely everything!

There is just one more important thing I need to mention: Only if Jesus is your Lord and Savior, and if you have a personal relationship with Him, can you live like that.

Do I believe that? YES! Do you? If not, would you like to? It is a choice only you can make.

All are invited to come into relationship with Jesus but sadly, not all do.

Until next time…

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Living from Your Strengths Mentor

What If It’s Time to RSVP?

A Mini-Minute with Pam: What if it’s time to RSVP to your bridegroom?

Bride sitting at window

Headline: Jesus is getting married!

It is true that the courtship has been bumpy and long. There have been dangers of a broken engagement along the way. But any day now, the wedding will be a reality!

You are invited.

The wedding has been officially announced and the invitations have been sent. Have you responded to your invitation? It is not too late…yet…

Don’t delay.

This will be a marriage that will never drift into the mundane. You will never be bored. You will never be separated by divorce or death.

Take some time to read His Love Letter to you

The Bible — the Word of God was prepared especially for His followers. Get to know the Bridegroom. Start with making a list of His Greatness…His attributes. Note how He relates to His created ones. Pay close attention. Ask Him for understanding. Begin to make a list of what is most meaningful to you as you read. I suggest that you start toward the back of the book…in the New Testament.

Try this for starters:

Make the next four Sundays special. Each Sunday read one of the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) so you can get to know the Bridegroom. The 4 Gospels. And it’s where you will read of His invitation to you to join Him forever. The more your read, the more you will understand the depth of His love for you!

Say yes to His invitation to you!

And begin the journey toward maturity as His someday soon Heavenly Bride. Little by little, growing, maturing, and understanding what it means to be a “follower” devoted to the Bridegroom, Jesus. As He already is devoted to you. He longs to have you say yes! He’s done His part…now it’s your turn to respond.

Related Post: Wedding Plans and Alpha Moms

Parking Spaces

It seems when we begin our walk with God, He seems to even give us every parking space we pray about. And then, one day, we realize we pray for an up-front-parking-space and He says no. All the spaces are full. We have to walk a few blocks. And we are tempted to complain. We ask WHY? And He replies something like: “I love you so much, my love, but you need the exercise!” THAT is TRUE love. Concerned for the other one. And that is the difference between what we want as a baby Christian and what we need as a more mature Christian.

R.S.V.P. But that is only the beginning.

The rest of your life and on into eternity will be spent walking together with Him…side-by-side. Never looking back. There is no one you can trust more than the Heavenly Bridegroom. Jesus, the Christ. The Lord.

Let me know if I can help you toward that journey of becoming all you were created to be. Don’t settle for less than that…

When you are ready…

Do you need encouragement in your walk with God?

I offer one-on-one coaching and would love to come alongside you to help you become the woman God created you to be.

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Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

What If You Finish What You Start?

A Mini-Minute with Pam: What If You Finish What You Start?

Done is better than perfect,

Know your strengths

It’s important to know your personality strengths so you understand why you do what you do. God made you unique. You are like no other. So on the most basic level of understanding: A Lion personality is driven by an active will and the need to get results. An Otter personality is driven by emotion and the need to influence. A Beaver personality is driven by logic and need to do things right. A Golden Retriever personality is driven by a passive will and the need to help.

Know each other’s strengths

You can see how different we are from each other. And why conflict is possible and probable in our relationships. When that happens, if we take a step back a bit, we can probably find just the right approach when we have something we hope to accomplish together.

Personalities and Decluttering

I mentioned in another post that I recently spent a week under the mentorship of an amazing Decluttering Coach. It was called a “Decluttering Challenge” by Sarah Mueller. Now, think of each of the personalities and how they each might respond to the challenge. Have you figured out which personality you might have?

(If you’d like to know for sure, perhaps you’d like to click over to the Ministry Insight website and take a 15 minute survey to find out for sure.)

Sarah understood how to appeal to each of us in the Challenge, in order to bring out the best in each of us.

Books Available

If you’re curious and would like to know more about how to live out your strengths to the glory of God, I’ve written three books about Personality Differences. You can find them on Amazon and also on my website.

Starters and Finishers

As a Living Your Strengths Mentor Coach, I have been reflecting on the what and why of clutter and decluttering. I remembered that the Lion and the Otter personalities start things easily and that the Beaver and the Golden Retriever personalities are more apt to finish what they start even if they have to stay up all night to do it. So, you can see how valuable it is to know about that when you are choosing a team. We need both starters and finishers.

Finish What You Start

So, ever since the Decluttering Challenge, I started to realize how often I now have been actually working on a project and be tempted to lay it aside, and hear myself saying: “FINISH”. Hmmmm…

That is one of the key words that Sarah taught. FINISH. It is an action word. And it is powerful.

I won’t give away her secrets here about exactly all that the FINISH word entails. It is so much more than just a word. You will have to take her course to find out more. But as a Beaver personality, FINISH is a COMFORTABLE word for me personally. Beavers like to finish what they start.

What If You Finish What You Start?

Spiritually speaking, what is God calling you to finish? We are spiritual beings. Whatever we do, affects your relationship with God. Maybe that promise to yourself to have a daily exercise routine, lose weight, eat healthy, stop gossiping, get your anger under control, finish a project you started, or perhaps…

Did you start reading through the Bible in January with the intention to read all the way through and somehow you got out of the habit? If that is you, I encourage you to begin again today. There are tons of reading plans out there. Keep trying until you find one that actually works for you. Equip yourself for these challenging days ahead. Get your “Sword of the Spirit” (which is the word of God) sharpened and ready for what’s ahead. Figure out the best time of day that works for you. You don’t have to do what anyone else is doing. When you arise, before you turn out your light at night, over your lunch break, while on the treadmill. Whatever works. Just DO it! Finish what you started. Or if you haven’t started, then there is no better time than TODAY. Start, so you can Finish!

Until next time,

Do you need encouragement in your walk with God?

I offer one-on-one coaching and would love to come alongside you to help you become the woman God created you to be.

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Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

If All I Had…

A Mini-Minute with Pam

Lıfe preserver and book
My Omaha pastor said, “If all you have is your salvation, that should be enough.”

That was more than 40 years ago and I still ponder that statement. It pops into my mind often. Powerful.

Can we just stop our world for a minute and honestly think about that one sentence. Can we actually live our daily lives like that? Is Jesus truly enough? Or do you need more?

Do we walk in a state of contentment that God is our Father and that you and I are continually in His care?

Do you live you life with your eye on eternity with your Lord?

Or do you live in survival mode: Just for today? Is busy-ness your idol? Or is Jesus your “Hero”? Is He enough? If not, why not? And what can we do to change our mindset?

In Psalm 56:12b, 13 “I will render praises to You, for You have delivered my soul from death.”

Psalm 56:11 “In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

God bless you bunches!

Until next time…

Do you need encouragement in your walk with God?

I offer one-on-one coaching and would love to come alongside you to help you become the woman God created you to be.

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

I Was Blind But Now I See

Blind man walking
I was blind but now I see!

Do you ever flirt with temptation?

I know there are times that I do.

How close do we allow ourselves to get to temptation?

In the Bible story, the man was born blind. What if he had been tempted to believe he would always be blindly stumbling around?

Yet, he took a chance. He believed. He trusted. He obeyed.

After applying mud to the man’s eyes, Jesus told him to go wash it off.

The man obeyed and was given the gift of sight. Just imagine his joy! He could now physically see the One who healed him. Jesus.

Then along came the Debbie-downers.

People were skeptical. They asked the man if his Healer was a sinner? The man realized that was not his “call” to say.

But he did absolutely know one thing. And he proclaimed the truth of it: “I do not know whether He is a sinner and wicked or not…

“One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25, NIV)

What About You?

Does God ever ask you to do crazy things like He did that man?

Have you wondered what you would do under similar circumstances?

Sight: (conquering blindness) comes through using the tools of daily prayer and daily Bible reading. Actually choosing to spend time with Jesus. Those are our “weapons” to fight the good fight, as scripture calls it. The good fight. The inevitable daily temptations.  They are tools for those times when the Debbie downers show up. When your faith is tested.

It can’t be just rushing through a verse or two, but prayerfully reading whole chapters at a time. Be radical. Develop a deep and lasting friendship with the Healer. Saturate yourself!

2 Corinthians 5:7 reminds us that we walk by faith and not by sight. The blind man trusted. He obeyed the crazy thing with the mud and the washing it off part. The blind man didn’t question. He took a chance. He believed. He trusted. He obeyed. He walked by faith and received his sight.

That can be your story,  too. You can say, “I was blind but now I see!”

We build our faith and trust in the Lord through daily Prayer and Bible Reading. DAILY. It’s actually like food for the Soul. Feeding your soul daily is just as important as feeding your body daily. No shortcuts or we become emaciated and weak. Kinda blind in a sense. We don’t see temptation and sin sneak up on us. Because we have not nourished our soul that day.

Obedience: is stepping forward toward holiness. (The opposite is falling backward toward temptation.) It’s consciously realizing when we are being a slave to the tyranny of the urgent. It’s choosing to do what makes Father God happy as our priority.

Related Post: Learning to Lean

A lesson from computers

The computer term GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) fits well here. What we get back is indicative of the amount of time and care we take with the input. AND being attentive and careful WHAT what we actually have put in.

So, to prevent flirting with temptation–our thoughts, and what we put into our minds through our eyes, our ears, and our actions, must be diligently and carefully guarded to prevent viruses (temptation) from causing a CRASH.

Onward, dear friends. Let’s choose to walk by faith together. To God be the Glory.

I’d love to hear from you. I’d love the opportunity to walk alongside you as your Christian Coach. Wonder how coaching works? Hit the connect button and set up a time for a complementary call. Life is tough and we all need a place where we can be real and safe. Where we can work out our struggles with our very own cheerleader. Encouraging us on to victory in our walk with the Lord. Someone who understands our personality and believes in us.

Until next time.

Do you need encouragement in your walk with God?

I offer one-on-one coaching and would love to come alongside you to help you become the woman God created you to be.

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Free Coaching Tip: CHOOSE to Celebrate EVERYTHING!

Man celebratingFree Coaching Tip!

Celebrate Everything

We can all find plenty to grumble about. We can all choose to find fault in anyone. We can all feel like God must have made a mistake. However, that is NOT the way of the Cross. That is NOT the way to peace and joy. Rather…One of the most freeing things that brings peace and joy…is to choose to celebrate everything. That’s my free coaching tip, today.

I believe it was Elisabeth Elliot who is famous for quoting: In acceptance lies peace. She was an advocate for CHOOSING to see God’s LOVING hands in EVERYTHING.

Related Post: Drudge, Drudge

It is a choice

Life is hard, but God is good. That is not negotiable. Our default—especially during hard times—is to think that if horrible things happen, that God is mean. We naturally have questions, but the Truth is that all the time, God is good, even when life seems bad right now. Believe that He understands your questions, so…even in the midst of badness: Choose to celebrate His goodness!

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

I Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV)

The beauty around you is not an accident

God is the Creator of the beauty all around you. As I write this, we are in the spring of the year. And, if we take the time to notice, we see vibrant colors in the sky, in the trees and plants everywhere. Beauty. God is the creator of beauty and color and fragrances. Choose to celebrate His creativity!

“Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.

Psalm 150:1

At mealtime and snack time

Stopping to celebrate the abundance of choices we have for sustenance is powerful and freeing. It makes God happy when we remember with gratitude that it all comes from Him. He is your Provider. Your Shepherd. Choose to celebrate His generosity and care for you!

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

I Corinthians 10:31

In every emotion you experience

He is there with you, experiencing it with you. In sad times and happy times. In times of grief or celebration, you are never alone. Choose to celebrate His presence!

“A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance…

Ecclesiastes 3:4

When you are in your bed, preparing for sleep

No need to lie awake, worrying. God takes the night watches. He never sleeps or slumbers. He is wide awake, even as you sleep. Choose to celebrate His rest!

”Let the saints be joyful in glory; let them sing aloud upon their beds.”

Psalm 149:5 (KJV)

You are not an accident. You are here by God’s design.

Before you were even born, your Creator designed you just the way He needed you to be in order to do what He has called you to do. He adores your crooked nose, or your space between your two front teeth, or your short neck, or your bushy eyebrows. You are unique and He thinks you are beautiful. Choose to celebrate His wisdom in creating you to look the way you do!

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14

He never stops thinking about you

Isn’t that powerful? The Creator of the entire universe, never ever stops thinking about you. You’ve heard the saying “If God had a refrigerator, YOUR picture would be on it!” Choose to celebrate His pure unconditional love for you!

“How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them. Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you.”

Psalm 139:17

The popular counsel to “Act as if” until you “Get it” works. To act as though whatever is going on in your life has first passed through the loving hands of the Lord God. Because that is true. Nothing touches you without first passing through the nail-scarred hands of our Lord. He goes through it all WITH you. Your pain is His pain. Your joy is His joy. Choose to celebrate that!

”These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”

Matthew 22:1

It is also true that there is only one way to become like Jesus. We become like Him through the fellowship of His suffering. Yes – sometimes when the hurt is deep and wide – we have to choose to purposefully search for His LOVING hand in a circumstance, but when we take the time to pray and search, we will find Him THERE – in the midst of the circumstance – in all His GLORY! Activate your search daily. THAT is where we find joy. And that is something to CELEBRATE!

Until next time…

Do you need encouragement in your walk with God?

I offer one-on-one coaching and would love to come alongside you to help you become the woman God created you to be.

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Neglecting these 12 Things Will Steal Your Joy

Joyful woman - don't let these things steal your joy

Will Power is Not Enough.

Everyone can benefit from having an experienced coach to help you see things a bit more clearly. To cheer you on, through the rough days and the dull, ordinary, lackluster days. Today, I want to shine the light on somethings that can steal your joy.

Years ago, I began compiling a list of these dozen suggestions to explore when sheer will power was not enough. Practical ways. For many, It has been a great way to get unstuck. To re-discover their joy. My clients have found these things useful when they can’t seem to rise above their feelings. And become the woman God always intended.

Pick and choose from these dozen suggestions for ways to get practical. Or do them all…YOU choose what works best for you…They are not in any particular order of importance. Just a random list of things that actually work…

Neglecting these 12 Things Will Steal Your Joy

  1. Have you had protein? Enough water?
  2. Have you had enough sleep? (6-8 hours/night)
  3. Are you listening to Christian praise and worship music?
  4. When was the last time you did something just for fun?
  5. Smile. Even if you don’t feel like it. 😃 Than, do it again and again!
  6. Get in the Bible! Stay there awhile. (None of this 5 minute stuff if you really want to soar!)
  7. Embrace the emotion you are feeling. Try this: Set the timer. Feel the emotion. Pray. Then move on. Repeat if needed.
  8. Journal for clarity (Brain Dump). No one else has to ever see it. Just getting it out on paper often is helpful for clarity.
  9. Get outside and walk.
  10. LOOK for evidence of God. He is EVERYWHERE!
  11. CHOOSE to tithe.
  12. Jesus says…”WHEN you fast…”

BONUS: Choose to be around people that make you laugh and draw closer to God. They are soul-filling.

Discover Living From Your Strengths (LFYS) Life Changing Mentor Coaching.

Do you have questions? Through the Ministry Insights assessment, you will Discover your strengths. And then, through mentor coaching, you will learn how to daily Embrace and Live out your strengths. You can contact me by clicking on the blue button beside the signature line. Or leave me a private message on Facebook.

Leading from Your Strengths

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , , , , , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Life’s Constantly Moving Targets. Setting Priorities.

Woman looking at camera

Here we go again.

It is that time of year to begin taking stock of you life. Setting goals. Are there changes you need to make? What do you like/want to keep? What do you want to work on? What do you need help with?

January is just around the corner.

And leading up to January is typically the time for evaluating last year; and for setting fresh priorities for the new year.

Reprioritize your focus.

Setting priorities in the middle of life’s constantly moving targets should probably be done in sound bites rather than all at once. Take time to do it deliberately and with mindfulness. It is just too easy to get discouraged in that “not yet” state of being…So, take it slow and deliberately. Examine family, work, church, play obligations. What goes? What stays?

Ask yourself: most important priority?

The Apostle John teaches (see John 3:1-21) you MUST be born again. It is not an option. It is by God’s design. You can be assured that out of this flows all the power of God to help you accomplish all He has for you. It is not an option. We are each created by His design. Our God knows what is best for each of us individually. For our eternity. This is the starting place and is non-negotiable if you want TRUE success.

What is evidence you are born again?

You become a follower of Jesus. You get to know Him through His Word…the Bible. It is not the words you speak. Or any act you do. It is WHO are you following? WHO is your role model?

What is evidence you are a follower of Jesus?

You long for and have a relationship with Jesus. You look forward to time reading and studying His Word. Memorizing it. The sword of the Spirit. The weapon you can pull out to fight the devil’s discouragement and roadblocks along the paths of life.

You begin to talk with Him about what you read. Learning to trust Him more with each passing day. You can’t see the wind, but you can observe its power. You can’t see the Spirit but you can feel it each day as He encourages and guides you as you spend time with Him. He desires to disciple you. And that takes time. This is: Priority #1.

What is evidence you have a relationship with Jesus?

You are steadily becoming more like Him in thought, word, and deed. It doesn’t happen overnight. It is a gradual process. Just like the parent/child relationship. The child has to learn the various aspects of growing up. So does the child of God. You start with milk and you graduate to meat. You begin to show evidence you are: The follower of Jesus. The disciple of Jesus. YOU! 😉

In a nutshell.

Re-prioritize your focus. Your #1 focus is your relationship with Jesus as a follower of Christ. God will take care of the rest. You will be amazed how things fall into place when you turn to Him for guidance about everything.

Separation Anxiety.

When you first make that step, there can be a separation anxiety. Things may feel strange. And even periodically along the way, it is common to lose focus and suffer from separation anxiety. But do what you did at first and peace will return.

The solution?

Always: Come “Home” to Jesus.

“Father, I easily drown in a sea of priorities. Give me grace to accept that my relationship with You should be the most important goal of my life.”

Scripture Union’s Encounter with God. November 17, 2016.

I’d love to talk with you about your goals and priorities. Click the blue button and let’s get started!

God bless you bunches!

Discover Living From Your Strengths (LFYS) Life Changing Mentor Coaching.

Do you have questions? Through the Ministry Insights assessment, you will Discover your strengths. And then, through mentor coaching, you will learn how to daily Embrace and Live out your strengths. You can contact me by clicking on the blue button beside the signature line. Or leave me a private message on Facebook.

Leading from Your Strengths

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Don’t Fear the Shaking. Just Think Differently.

Depressed woman looking out window

Why are we here? As Christians, why are we here?

In these confusing and often perilous times, are their any good answers? What should we do? What can we do? What should we focus on and what should be our priorities?

The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren begins with this first sentence: “It’s Not About You.” I was still a relatively new Christ-follower when I read Warren’s book, but that first sentence is seared into my brain forever. It was a stunning realization. How much of my life has been about ME? God regularly brings that sentence to my mind: “It’s not about you, Pam.” So, WHAT is it about, friends?

Being about God’s business

We all know that we are to be about God’s business “saving the lost”. Perhaps using the “Four Spiritual Laws,” for instance, is a great beginning to keep you on track when you talk with someone about the need for surrender to following after Jesus. The need of dying to self-interest.

We know in our “know-er” that there is only ONE way to God and that is through Jesus Christ. But, then what? What else is there to do?

LOTS!!!! For instance…

Step 1: Leading people to Christ.

Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

Mark 16:16 NIV

Step 2: Obedience, all the while knowing we are not responsible for the outcome.

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.

Matthew 28:17 NIV

Step 3: Discipleship of those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ, the Lord.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples  of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”{emphasis mine}

Matthew 28:18-29 NIV

Step 4: Remembering we are not alone.

”And surely I am with you always, to the
very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:30 (NIV)

Have we helped to create this mess by skipping step 3: Discipleship? Have we neglected to keep God relevant and alive in our daily lives? Are we aware of His presence throughout the entire day and night–in our work, recreation, churches and in our family lives?

Is our neglect and lack of focus on the Lord the reasons why the carnal life is getting so much stronger than the spiritual life of our nation and yes, the world? Did we forget our purpose? Have we forgotten our assignment from Jesus: GO. And MAKE DISCIPLES. Baptize them. Teach them. EVERYTHING He commanded us.

Is that how we started losing the battle?

We got too busy. Too preoccupied. Too satisfied with our lives.

Step 5: We repent.

We bring every thought captive. We stop fearing the shaking. Rather: No matter what we are feeling, we change our thinking. We think differently. We move with Jesus. We pull the plug on deception and lies and evil thinking. Moment by moment. And in those times when we can’t shake the negativity and the depression, we dump our pride, we cry out to God for help, and we ask mature believers to pray for us when we are in the pits of despair. We stand together as one!

Step 6: We rejoice.

God is on the move. People are turning more to prayer. More are regularly reading and studying their Bibles. More people are surrendering to Jesus’ Lordship. More are beginning to see that Jesus really is the only WAY, and the only TRUTH, and the only LIFE.

Do YOU believe that?

Step 7: Watch for Him. Watch for signs that He is with you.

To God Be the Glory! Great things He has done—and is doing every day!

Until next time…

Discover Living From Your Strengths (LFYS) Life Changing Mentor Coaching.

Do you have questions? Through the Ministry Insights assessment, you will Discover your strengths. And then, through mentor coaching, you will learn how to daily Embrace and Live out your strengths. You can contact me by clicking on the blue button beside the signature line. Or leave me a private message on Facebook.

Leading from Your Strengths

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

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