Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

The H.A.L.T. Stumbling Block

A Mini-Minute with Pam

Holding hands for prayer
Relationships are tough.
Especially after watching the news, I sometimes joke with my friends, “The world would be a wonderful place if it weren’t for the people in it.” Of course that is silly, but it kinda makes me snap back and realize what is really going on inside myself that is causing me to REACT to something or someone. Do you ever have that problem?

People seem to so easily be offended these days.
Many are scared. Not knowing what to do about so many things in their lives. How can we be the “best version of ourselves”, as some would say. Do we just put up with it and pretend all is well? Do we fly off the handle when things don’t go our way? What would Jesus do? What DID Jesus do?

God created us, so He knows what our triggers are and He knows how we can walk as victorious overcomers. We are not alone in these struggles this side of Heaven. Jesus intimately understands. He is with us through it all.

“Lord, I can easily drown in a sea of priorities; some of which have become idols in my life. Forgive me and remind me of the importance of You being always first.” “Empower me to be a peacemaker rather than a source of conflict, a reconciler rather than a divider.” – Encounter with God devotional.

Stop. Look. Listen.

To yourself and to others. Let’s take some time together to think it through. What causes reactions to and quarrels with each other? Perhaps it is not so complicated. If we think about these, maybe we can be kinder to ourselves and others. Perhaps we/they just need the H.A.L.T. Antidotes.

H.A.L.T. Triggers

H.A.L.T. = Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. All are triggers in relationships.

H ungry. Results in physical or mental weakness.
A ngry. WHO/ WHAT brings out anger in you?
L onely. Can cause you to make compromising decisions.
T iredness. Difficulty concentrating. Prone to accidents in word or deed.

Antidotes to stop the H.A.L.T.

  • Hunger. Get something nourishing to eat so that your body, mind, and spirit can function at its best level.
  • Angry. First: Determine if it’s righteous (someone else is harmed) or unrighteous (you are taking personal offense). Determine your role in it.
  • Lonely. Don’t wait for others to come to you. Be the one to reach out to help or just do a simple kindness for another.
  • Tiredness. Set aside time to simply sit and meditate. to just BE with Jesus. Don’t forget to purpose to get adequate sleep. Sleep restores.

Ask the Lord which of the antidotes you need to put into action.

You’ve heard the expression:

Do what you can do and leave to God what only God can do. Talk it over with the Lord. He will help you determine “What’s next?”

Luke 5:16 “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”

  • Jesus often withdrew from the others
  • Jesus often prayed alone to His Father
  • Jesus took the initiative to seek solitude in lonely places
  • Jesus knew when He needed to withdraw from others to pray to Father God

Sometimes quiet is the best environment for moving forward, especially in our relationship with God, SO THAT we will be ready to make decisions to follow through to move forward with the antidotes of H.A.L.T. Help us Lord, to bring you Joy in our obedience. To God be the Glory!

Do you need encouragement in your walk with God?

I offer one-on-one coaching and would love to come alongside you to help you become the woman God created you to be.

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Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

I Was Blind But Now I See

Blind man walking
I was blind but now I see!

Do you ever flirt with temptation?

I know there are times that I do.

How close do we allow ourselves to get to temptation?

In the Bible story, the man was born blind. What if he had been tempted to believe he would always be blindly stumbling around?

Yet, he took a chance. He believed. He trusted. He obeyed.

After applying mud to the man’s eyes, Jesus told him to go wash it off.

The man obeyed and was given the gift of sight. Just imagine his joy! He could now physically see the One who healed him. Jesus.

Then along came the Debbie-downers.

People were skeptical. They asked the man if his Healer was a sinner? The man realized that was not his “call” to say.

But he did absolutely know one thing. And he proclaimed the truth of it: “I do not know whether He is a sinner and wicked or not…

“One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25, NIV)

What About You?

Does God ever ask you to do crazy things like He did that man?

Have you wondered what you would do under similar circumstances?

Sight: (conquering blindness) comes through using the tools of daily prayer and daily Bible reading. Actually choosing to spend time with Jesus. Those are our “weapons” to fight the good fight, as scripture calls it. The good fight. The inevitable daily temptations.  They are tools for those times when the Debbie downers show up. When your faith is tested.

It can’t be just rushing through a verse or two, but prayerfully reading whole chapters at a time. Be radical. Develop a deep and lasting friendship with the Healer. Saturate yourself!

2 Corinthians 5:7 reminds us that we walk by faith and not by sight. The blind man trusted. He obeyed the crazy thing with the mud and the washing it off part. The blind man didn’t question. He took a chance. He believed. He trusted. He obeyed. He walked by faith and received his sight.

That can be your story,  too. You can say, “I was blind but now I see!”

We build our faith and trust in the Lord through daily Prayer and Bible Reading. DAILY. It’s actually like food for the Soul. Feeding your soul daily is just as important as feeding your body daily. No shortcuts or we become emaciated and weak. Kinda blind in a sense. We don’t see temptation and sin sneak up on us. Because we have not nourished our soul that day.

Obedience: is stepping forward toward holiness. (The opposite is falling backward toward temptation.) It’s consciously realizing when we are being a slave to the tyranny of the urgent. It’s choosing to do what makes Father God happy as our priority.

Related Post: Learning to Lean

A lesson from computers

The computer term GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) fits well here. What we get back is indicative of the amount of time and care we take with the input. AND being attentive and careful WHAT what we actually have put in.

So, to prevent flirting with temptation–our thoughts, and what we put into our minds through our eyes, our ears, and our actions, must be diligently and carefully guarded to prevent viruses (temptation) from causing a CRASH.

Onward, dear friends. Let’s choose to walk by faith together. To God be the Glory.

I’d love to hear from you. I’d love the opportunity to walk alongside you as your Christian Coach. Wonder how coaching works? Hit the connect button and set up a time for a complementary call. Life is tough and we all need a place where we can be real and safe. Where we can work out our struggles with our very own cheerleader. Encouraging us on to victory in our walk with the Lord. Someone who understands our personality and believes in us.

Until next time.

Do you need encouragement in your walk with God?

I offer one-on-one coaching and would love to come alongside you to help you become the woman God created you to be.

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Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Losing Control

Short post. True confessions time… Let’s talk about losing control…

I’m normally even-tempered. I seldom get angry or lash out.

Today I did BOTH. I was angry and lashed out.

My reaction surprised me. I didn’t see it coming.

Afterwards, I was asking myself: WHERE did that come from?

There have been a series of events. And apparently, this thing today was the “straw that broke the camels back”.

In itself, it was a minor issue, but it came from a person that has routinely been rude and unkind to me personally. And, it hurts!

Up until today, I have responded with God’s grace and just let it roll off my back.  “I will take no offense” is a daily “mantra” for me. It is so freeing to CHOOSE to take no offense. However… this time, I forgot to CHOOSE…

I’m just sharing this because I want you to know that I absolutely know I am still a work in progress, just like you. I am not happy with myself how I reacted. I know God loves me anyway, but I know it also made Him sad, too.

Normally, I can praise the Lord, laugh and move on. Today, I did NOT! Today, I blew up at that person! I took offense!

And then I stomped away like a toddler…with her and her friend yelling at me, saying she was just kidding. I had to walk past them again a few minutes later, and she and her friend grabbed my arms, to try to make me stand there and listen to them. I felt angry and I felt trapped! I felt bullied.

Have you ever felt that way?

I can also report that we all three ended up having a calm discussion about what happened. It will never be great, because I have never felt safe with either of them.

I will always have my guard up. AND I now know that they have the ability to “trip my trigger”. So, I know now to be alert and choose to be calm. I should have cried out to “Jesus!” But I tried to handle it on my own and I failed miserably! (I think I need to watch the movie “War Room” again. I want to be more like Miss Clara.)

When I got back to my apartment, I talked on the phone with a dear friend who knows me and loves me even when I act like a toddler throwing a tantrum. I don’t think she has ever seen me that way, because it seldom happens, but she listened. We laughed. She suggested a cup of chamomile tea. I’m so grateful she was there for me! I needed a friend right then. Jesus with skin on.

BUT…it still hurts.

Aren’t we glad we have a God who covers our sins with His Blood?
Aren’t we glad that He loves us even when we mess up?
Aren’t we glad He will make up for our lack? We just have to ask Him!

“Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens: Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.”

Psalm 36:5

“Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!”

1 John 3:1

“Therefore, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:6-7

Thanks for your prayers. You can see that I desperately need you holding me up in prayer. This world HURTS sometimes. But God is bigger than all our hurts.

Do you need encouragement in your walk with God?

I offer one-on-one coaching and would love to come alongside you to help you become the woman God created you to be.

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Bake Your Enemy a Cake

Making a cake

Take no Offense

It is a challenging lesson to master. When something hurtful happens to me or a friend, I sometimes laugh and say “life would be great if it weren’t for the people in it.” Of course, that is silly, but it gets me OFF the MAD train and brings my sense of humor back. What I am meaning is that people interactions are where the rubber meets the road and shows us truths about ourselves. People are like a mirror that James speaks about. Reactions from people show us clearly how closely we are in reflecting Christ in our interactions.

God has been teaching me the phrase: “I will take no offense,” To CHOOSE to NOT take offense is so freeing.

When someone is rude, or unkind or negligent to show love or kindness, I can just re-focus my feelings by saying “I will take no offense”.

War Room Movie

I am reminded of the War Room movie and the phrase from Elizabeth, as she talks with God: “I’m not their judge. YOU are, God. But please…if they are doing something wrong/sinful, don’t let them get away with it.”

It’s all a way to remind me that GOD is GOD and I am NOT. It actually causes me to relax and to keep my joy! It keeps me from taking up an offense. It keeps me from getting angry and blaming others for my angry attitude. Anger is exhausting. Plus…it accomplishes nothing but giving me a headache or a stomach-ache.

Derek Prince

taught on the reality that we must go the FIRST mile of doing what is necessary and required, before we can go the SECOND mile of doing more than is required.

Bake Your Enemy a Cake

Many years ago, at the Christian Brotherhood Fellowship, Buddy Medlock taught on forgiveness and turning the other cheek. On going the extra mile.

Buddy did not function well in the kitchen, but when he and another person had a disagreement, he would go to apologize, but he would first do something that was difficult for him.

Forgive and Bless Your Enemy

He would bake a cake. And he would take that cake along with his apology. The apology was the FIRST MILE. The cake was the SECOND MILE.

(Love is…)
“Never rude; love is never selfish, never quick to take offense. Love keeps no score of wrongs.”

1 Corinthians 13:5 (Revised English Bible)

We ask you, brothers and sisters, to warn those who do not work. Encourage the people who are afraid. Help those who are weak. Be patient with everyone. Be sure that no one pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to do what is good for each other and for all people. Always be joyful. Pray continually, and give thanks whatever happens. That is what God wants for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:14–18 (NCV)

Loaves And Fishes Coaching

How long has it been since you have visited the website? By the way, I have rewritten the home page. I’d love to know what you think. Does it answer your questions about what I do and why I do it?

Discover Living From Your Strengths (LFYS) Life Changing Mentor Coaching.

Do you have questions? Through the Ministry Insights assessment, you will Discover your strengths. And then, through mentor coaching, you will learn how to daily Embrace and Live out your strengths. You can contact me by clicking on the blue button beside the signature line. Or leave me a private message on Facebook.

Leading from Your Strengths

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Loaves & Fishes Coaching

“…Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

Philippians 4:8

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

Matthew 7:12

“Love does no wrong to a neighbor, therefore, love is the fulfilling of the Law.”

Romans 13:10

After a walk by the swimming area of the lake today, I prayed for the men of our town. How difficult it must be to control their thoughts with so much FLESH visible that it leaves little to the imagination!

No matter what the foolishness of the current culture is trying to tell us, men and women are different. In all aspects. And I am praising the Lord for that. I wish I knew how to get that message out so it would truly be heard. My soul was grieving at what we are becoming as a society.

(As I was walking away from the area, today, I thanked God I am not a man. I’m not sure I would be strong enough to keep my thoughts pure. It’s not just on the beach, but also around town.)

Then I noticed some men sitting alone–some in cars–some in work vans (the names of their businesses were on the side of their vans)…They just sat…looking toward the swimming beach. I prayed for them to take their thoughts captive.

(There were plenty of parking spaces by the sea wall where they could have sat and not viewed the FLESH that leaves little to the imagination…and yet they were there…at the swimming beach area…just sitting and watching.)

I began to fear a bit for the women and the young girls. And to pray that they will be wise and thoughtful to help men to wrestle LESS with their thoughts, by choosing to reveal less. To be feminine and modest. To be prudent and wise and kindhearted.

On my way back home from my walk, I prayed some more for the men and boys of our town. That they will be strong and resist following through with the temptations that their eyes cannot resist. It’s not MY idea…

God made His message clear Throughout the Old & New Testament:  Job said in Job 31:1 (Good News translation) “I have made a solemn promise never to look with lust at a woman.” And Jesus said in Matthew 5:28 “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”  And James in James1:14, 15 taught, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed…”

May women see the need to not entice men and may men choose wisdom and strength and look away.

Lord, have mercy.  We desperately need You. We are weak but You are strong! To God be the Glory!

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

–Adapted from a post from 2015. Still very relevant today. Sadly so.


Personality and Jesus

Do you know who God created you to be? Have you ever stopped to think about how your personality affects the way you interact with others? Find out more in this new book by Pamela A. Taylor.

Personality and Jesus

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor