Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Multi-tasking in Your Head

A Mini-Minute with Pam: Multi-tasking in Your Head

Man with box on head

How do you get from a sigh to a song?

Do you have trouble resting and just being with God with no agenda? He knows we need that. Are you multi-tasking in your head, like I was? Constantly ruminating about all you must do. Trying to figure out every angle so you don’t miss anything. Wanting to measure up. Trying to do so much for the Lord. I’ve spent years. Dumping lots of money. Hiring experts. Looking for someone to help me find God’s plan for my life. Many coaches. Many classes. Seminars. Counselors. Teachers. All different, but they all claimed they had the answer for me. I believed them. More thinking and doing.The only problem was, it was one size fits all. All of this “naval gazing” only produced more frustration.

I never measured up to the expectations

It only led to frustration. The Ministry Insight Leading From Your Strengths assessment actually began the journey to sanity and a degree of peace. It was a good place for me to start. (I’ve actually written a trilogy about discovering personality strengths, embracing them, and living them out in your day-to-day.) We are all different by God’s design. Embracing that is the first step to leave the SIGH behind) But something was still missing. I knew God was not surprised at my despair. I knew He was not angry with me. I knew He would show me the way sooner or later. The problem is, I didn’t measure up to expectations. And like you, I wanted “SOONER” rather than “LATER”.

None of the experts gave me the peace I longed for.

I could not find someone who would simply listen to me without trying to fix me. Kinda like Job’s friends. I know God sees me. God hears me. God cares. So, what was wrong with me? Have you ever felt that way? I read a book about Oswald Chambers. He claimed to know the SECRET. And you know what? He DID! He discovered the secret; but only after years of searching, disappointments, and isolation with his family while serving the Lord in China.

The sigh MUST come before the song.

God has a process. We must die to our own plan before He can raise us into His destiny for us. So, all of this struggling is actually part of His plan toward our maturity in the Lord. The Psalms are a great example. Most if not all Psalms begin with the sigh. The sadness. The loneliness. The searching for significance. Talking honestly to God. And by the end of the Psalm, there is usually breakthrough. My guess is that each Psalm could have taken months or perhaps years to compose. Because the discovery definitely takes time. Focused time.

Can a person actually bring that peace to another?

No, they can’t. Only God can. But first, God wants us to hear ourselves telling Him in detail what we believe the problem is. Confessing our unbelief, despair, fear, anger, or whatever emotion we are feeling. If you don’t feel like talking to Him about it, then tell Him that, too. He already knows anyway, right? Of course that is right. God knows everything. So, first I had to learn to be honest with God and with myself.

Israelites vs Joshua & Caleb

Which do you want to be? Spies went into the Promised Land. They all saw the problems. Most SIGHED and feared the size of the giants. They saw it as Giants vs the Israelite people. They saw no way of winning. But, Joshua and Caleb saw it as Giants vs God ! They saw the problem of the Giants, too. But they didn’t stay in the problem space. Rather, they knew their God was more powerful than any enemy. More powerful than any giants. In a sense, they were SINGING God’s praises of possibilities. They saw no way of losing. Which group do you fall into on most days? Be honest with yourself. Be honest with God. He already knows anyway. He just wants to know that WE know that He is BIGGER than any problem we face.

The right path

Little did I know that this entire process was the right path all along. Little did I know that God would lead me to discover the same secret as Oswald Chambers. Was it difficult? Yes. Was it lonely at times? Yes. And it still is sometimes. Not God AND (something or someone else)…But…Realizing that we all have a God-sized vacuum and only when we allow God and only God to totally fill it up to the brim, do we find the SECRET that Oswald Chambers discovered…that God has creatively been telling us all along, in various ways. The secret?


God is actually saying to us, “Everything that you are NOT, I AM! “ Everything! Absolutely everything!

There is just one more important thing I need to mention: Only if Jesus is your Lord and Savior, and if you have a personal relationship with Him, can you live like that.

Do I believe that? YES! Do you? If not, would you like to? It is a choice only you can make.

All are invited to come into relationship with Jesus but sadly, not all do.

Until next time…

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Living from Your Strengths Mentor

What If It’s Time to RSVP?

A Mini-Minute with Pam: What if it’s time to RSVP to your bridegroom?

Bride sitting at window

Headline: Jesus is getting married!

It is true that the courtship has been bumpy and long. There have been dangers of a broken engagement along the way. But any day now, the wedding will be a reality!

You are invited.

The wedding has been officially announced and the invitations have been sent. Have you responded to your invitation? It is not too late…yet…

Don’t delay.

This will be a marriage that will never drift into the mundane. You will never be bored. You will never be separated by divorce or death.

Take some time to read His Love Letter to you

The Bible — the Word of God was prepared especially for His followers. Get to know the Bridegroom. Start with making a list of His Greatness…His attributes. Note how He relates to His created ones. Pay close attention. Ask Him for understanding. Begin to make a list of what is most meaningful to you as you read. I suggest that you start toward the back of the book…in the New Testament.

Try this for starters:

Make the next four Sundays special. Each Sunday read one of the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) so you can get to know the Bridegroom. The 4 Gospels. And it’s where you will read of His invitation to you to join Him forever. The more your read, the more you will understand the depth of His love for you!

Say yes to His invitation to you!

And begin the journey toward maturity as His someday soon Heavenly Bride. Little by little, growing, maturing, and understanding what it means to be a “follower” devoted to the Bridegroom, Jesus. As He already is devoted to you. He longs to have you say yes! He’s done His part…now it’s your turn to respond.

Related Post: Wedding Plans and Alpha Moms

Parking Spaces

It seems when we begin our walk with God, He seems to even give us every parking space we pray about. And then, one day, we realize we pray for an up-front-parking-space and He says no. All the spaces are full. We have to walk a few blocks. And we are tempted to complain. We ask WHY? And He replies something like: “I love you so much, my love, but you need the exercise!” THAT is TRUE love. Concerned for the other one. And that is the difference between what we want as a baby Christian and what we need as a more mature Christian.

R.S.V.P. But that is only the beginning.

The rest of your life and on into eternity will be spent walking together with Him…side-by-side. Never looking back. There is no one you can trust more than the Heavenly Bridegroom. Jesus, the Christ. The Lord.

Let me know if I can help you toward that journey of becoming all you were created to be. Don’t settle for less than that…

When you are ready…

Do you need encouragement in your walk with God?

I offer one-on-one coaching and would love to come alongside you to help you become the woman God created you to be.

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Jesus Is Coming! Get Ready!

Loaves & Fishes Coaching Logo

It began with a leap
John the Baptist was clear and to the point with his message. It’s hard to believe that it all began with a leap!

As a preborn baby, John had been unresponsive, but the minute the Lord showed up on John’s  parents’ doorstep everything changed. Jesus entered the room in the tummy of His mother, Mary. And, at that moment, John the Baptist leapt in the womb of His mother, Elizabeth. She had been waiting six months for movement from her child. Imagine how scary a time that was for Elizabeth. To have waited for so many years to have a child, and then for it to be STILL in her womb must have been very difficult emotionally.

Hope and Joy arrived
And then—Hope showed up on the doorstep. On that wonderful day (as a pre-born baby)—John began the journey for his earthly assignment—to prepare the way for Jesus. There was an instant “connection” between Jesus and John. Everyone in the room knew something very special was happening. That very day, John was responsive to the pre-born baby Jesus inside of Mary’s tummy. Only God could be so creative as to arrange such an unusual “introduction” for the two. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about 3 months. Imagine the conversations to two mothers had during that time.

Mary left to go back home before John was born.
As far as I know, there’s no mention in Scripture of the two mothers ever being together again.

Then, many years later, when the time was right, John walked out of his alone time of preparation in the wilderness, into his very public ministry.

“Jesus is coming! Get ready!” Day after day, John’s message was focused and constant.

“Repent. Be baptized! Don’t wait!“

You and I are to be like John the Baptist.
First, we must be born (again) through the power of the Holy Spirit. And then, as a follower of Jesus–in His Name–we are called to boldly proclaim that the day of the Lord is at hand.

We must sound that same alarm:
“Don’t wait! Repent! Be baptized! Follow Jesus. Put your hand to the plow and don’t look back.”

I’m thinking of the chorus of the beautiful song by Michael W Smith:

Draw Me Close

“You’re all I want
You’re all I’ve ever needed
You’re all I want
Help me know you are near”

Sound the alarm
Dear friend, are you ready to sound the alarm with me? It’s time to say, “Yes, Lord!”

Let’s be on the alert for opportunities to proclaim His Name. Let’s not wait another minute! The world needs Jesus! NOW! Amen? Amen!

Discover Living From Your Strengths (LFYS) Life Changing Mentor Coaching.

Do you have questions? Through the Ministry Insights assessment, you will Discover your strengths. And then, through mentor coaching, you will learn how to daily Embrace and Live out your strengths. You can contact me by clicking on the blue button beside the signature line. Or leave me a private message on Facebook.

Leading from Your Strengths

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Stunning Realization. Easter.

Path to Bridge

For many years I searched for whatever my mother had that gave her the strength to endure her years of cancer with such grace and peace. People didn’t talk much about their faith in those days. They considered it a private thing between them and God. So, I flailed around for years trying to figure it all out. I had no idea who would even know the answer to the longings in my heart.

Stunning Realization

About a year or so after my mother died, I was in bed “saying” the prayer I had been taught. You know the one: “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep…” Then, according to my routine, I would end with “God bless “Mommy, Daddy, Davey, Gail and Bill.” And I stopped. I suddenly HEARD what I had been saying. I had continued to pray for my mother for a year after she had died. It was a rote memory prayer. With no “heart” to it. No real thought to it. Just a routine I did each night. Like brushing my teeth before bed. That realization was MY FIRST STEP TOWARD GOD. But it was only the beginning for my long search for the Living God.

For Years I Kept Searching

I can now gladly tell you that I found Him for whom my heart longed. Jesus. He was there all along. Waiting with out stretched arms. Waiting for me to fall into His arms in surrender.

Crushed…For Me…For You!

What does that mean? It is Amazing Grace. A gift that we can receive or reject. I have found what my mother had. And it wasn’t a what. It was a who. It was Jesus. I learned that Jesus died for me. For my sins. He rose again and is coming back for me. I KNOW THAT so well now. This is real and my prayers are not just a routine anymore. My prayers are conversations with a cherished Friend who is also my LORD!

And, now…thinking of the Easter season and all the remembering we do during that time, I know that: It was our sins that did that to Him. The betrayal. The whippings. The cross. It was our sin that ripped and tore and crushed Him. Our sins! My sins! (Past, Present, AND future sins. He took them all. We still have to face the consequences, but He paid the PENALTY with His life.) He took the punishment. So we won’t have to. And through His bruises we are healed.

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?'”John 11:25-26


This would be a great time to just stop and sit quietly and ponder what you just read. What if you sat quietly each day and mediated on the depth of love from this Jesus the Christ, who would suffer so much so we don’t have to?

Human Love vs. God’s Love

No human love can ever match the depth of God’s love. We don’t have to do anything at all to earn it. It is freely given. BUT we DO have to RECEIVE it. A gift needs to be received before it can bless. Let it sink in. Deep into Your soul. What would that do to your daily life? To your relationships? To your attitude day-to-day?

What if we really believe this? We can only BEGIN to imagine what God has in store for a life fully surrendered to Him…

I Would Love to Hear From You

Is this already a reality for you? If not…Are you willing? I would love to hear your story.

Until next time…

Personality and Jesus

Do you know who God created you to be? Have you ever stopped to think about how your personality affects the way you interact with others? Find out more in this new book by Pamela A. Taylor.

Personality and Jesus

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

September 11: Perhaps Today…

Man removing shoes

The date September 11 (9/11) is on the mind of many this month. The 20th anniversary brings memories flooding back. Most who were alive during that day, can even tell you where they were when they first realized what was happening.

This will be short today.

When you read the title above. what did you think? My thoughts are:

  • Don’t get too comfortable here
  • This world is not your home
  • It’s a “transitional” place
  • Jesus is coming again

How then shall you live?

Are you fearful? Are you hopeful? Do you need someone to talk to–to process what is rumbling around in your head? You don’t have to figure it all out alone. Christian Life Coaching is a pathway to grow in your faith and relationships.  But, first things first…

“Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’”

John 14:6 (NIV)

Jesus is the Way…

Jesus is the ONLY Way, the ONLY Truth, the ONLY way to ETERNAL LIFE. How are you with Him? Are you in a vital relationship with Jesus? If not, why not?

Don’t miss out. Don’t wait another day to develop a deep, abiding vital relationship with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Let’s talk…

My Father For Children: Praising God Through the Alphabet

With an easy-to-follow, alphabetical format, your child will discover how God cares for them in this new book from Pamela A. Taylor.

This interactive acrostic devotional journal is designed to draw your child into the extremely personal and abundant love of Jesus.

My Father For Children: Praising God Through the Alphabet

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor