Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Are You a Curmudgeon?

file000495201931-morguefile-kitchens-smallI once heard a story about a mom who went to the kitchen to get a drink of water, only to find that the kids had taken the liquid dish soap and squirted it all over the floor. They had removed their shoes and were sliding back and forth like it was an ice rink. They were laughing and having a blast!! Lots of fun! UNTIL they saw her there in the doorway. They stopped in their tracks, looking at each other. TERRIFIED as they waited to see what her response would be.

So, there she stood with her hands on her hips observing the situation and trying to decide what to do. She saw their delight. She heard their laughter. But…she also saw what they had done.

She decided that it looked like so much fun that she took off her shoes and slid across the floor in her socks. She threw her head back in laughter. She was really enjoying herself. The kids couldn’t believe it! Then…suddenly…she stopped.

She looked them straight in the eyes and said,  “That was fun! Now LET’S clean this up.”

I’m pretty sure she told them not to do it again, but she understood how fun it was and it was not EVIL or SINFUL what they were doing. It was not DEFIANT. They didn’t know. So she enjoyed the moment but let them know that there were consequences to their decisions. BUT she helped them clean it up. That way they stayed on task. 

Isn’t that exactly how God is with us? He enjoys us and yet He gently guides us back to Truth. He tells us the rules and then He guides us into following the rules. The blessing comes in the obeying. For our kids and for us.

It’s so much more fun to embrace and enjoy life and to appreciate the differences of others, than to be a curmudgeon. You and your child/children are each very different. Choose to enjoy the differences. It is most definitely a choice. It probably won’t come naturally.  

And yet…you still have to be the Mom…the adult…in the relationship. Yes, of course, the adult makes rules and they also keep them. But…don’t forget to remember that the child-like things they do are normal. They are learning how things work and what is acceptable and what is not. They are experimenting.

They are also teaching us to lighten up a bit. And that, my dear sweet mom friend, is a good thing! A very good thing!

Hope this helps…

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 11:04 am

Are You On a Merry-Go-Round? I’m Still Grinning :-)

Have you ever had them ruin your day? You know…the people in charge that have power to grant your request or not to.

Them. The ones that don’t really care about you personally. You know what I’m talking about.

The Carnival was in town this last week.

For three years they have told me I couldn’t ride a horse on the merry-go-round. I could sit on one of the benches but not ride one of the horses.

Hmrmph! NOT my idea of riding the merry-go-round!!! So I said no thank you.

Riding the merry-go-round horses has been a pleasant childhood memory. So being told no made me sad each year.

But I knew there was nothing I could do to change the mind of them.

I am not the adventuresome type, so this is the only ride I will even consider going on. (I know. I know.)

Funny, how important it became to me.

Well, THIS year, they changed their minds.

WHY did they change their minds?

GOD used a friend who knows the owners.  He went to them and told them my story. My disappointment.


Have you ever wondered about God’s love for you personally? Whether He cares about the little things in YOUR life?

You’ve heard it said, “It pays to know people in high places.” Here’s proof. Look what OUR God did…

This is just one small story about how intimately God is involved in our lives. How much He wants to bless us.

Sometimes He makes us wait three years. Sometimes it is immediate. But the answer and the timing is ALWAYS from the hand of a Loving Creator God.

God cares about every single silly little thing that matters to us.

He delights to delight His children with tangible proof of His love!

And in this case, His child is me.

I’m still grinning…


I thought you might enjoy another post about the town where I live:
Are You Living An Orchestra Life?

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:09 pm

Having a Tough Day?


“Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” — John 12:24

That pretty well sums up parenting…and especially motherhood. Motherhood is so daily!

Dying to self. The single seed dying to self for the greater good…the good crop. Meaning…when we truly surrender our rights to the Lord, beautiful things begin to happen within our hearts. And in our families.

In his very first sentence in the book, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren states a Biblical Truth: “It’s not about you.”

That single statement reminds me to get my priorities in alignment with God’s. It’s NOT about me. It’s ALL about HIM!!! The LORD! If there is a Lord (and there is) then there must be servants who do His bidding. (That’s you and me.)

The Small Catechism states “the chief purpose of man is to love God and enjoy Him forever.” We enjoy God when we obey Him. We obey Him because we believe Him when He gives us directions how to live a life which is pleasing to Him and is joy-filled for us.

And WHEN we surrender to that, He gives us His strength, in our weakness! When we are weak, then He is strong! Hang in there, Mom!

You are loved! And yes…it *is* worth it!

Click Here to leave a comment. I would love to hear your thoughts.

This has been a word of encouragement from:

The MomCourager™
Pam Taylor, Christian Life Coach

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night?
Are you grumpy because you are not getting enough sleep?
You might also be interested in this Secret Sleep Aid:


Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 8:24 pm

Drudge. Drudge

Have you ever felt like something is missing? Like there ought to be more to life than just getting up, doing your daily tasks, going to bed, getting up, and starting all over again. Drudge. Drudge. Same old, same old stuff. Day, after day, after day. What happened to the spring in your step? Where did it go? WHEN did it go? Isn’t there more to life than THIS???

Isn’t it time you did something that will help you move out of this dullness and toward that “thing” you used to be so excited about? That you’ve just never quite followed through on…for whatever reason…and yet it still kinda haunts you? It just won’t “go away.”

You know what I’m talking about. It’s that idea that is always lurking around in the background of your mind. Remember now??? Do you feel a bit of pounding of your heart as you think about it? About what “could have been”? What sidetracked you?

I got sidetracked by college, marriage, a job, a home, children, and even the mission field. All good things, but I always had that lingering feeling that something was missing…something that “defined” me. Something that made me…ME.

Have you ever felt that way?

I first had a dream like that in 1978. And then it got buried. By “life”.

Then…FINALLY…in 2008…I hired a Christian Life Coach and asked him to teach me how to do what he did. It was a new beginning for me. I am now my own boss. And I can choose my own hours and even better than that is the fact that I now get to breathe life into the dreams of others. Just like my coach did for me! He held that vision for me when it would get a bit weak and seemed far away. He held it for me and he encouraged me until the dream is now a reality and I am now a Christian Life Coach, too. Friends and family encourage, but any decisions we make affect them, too, so they can’t be unbiased. Their OWN desires get in the way.

Why not do what I did…and follow through on YOUR dream until it becomes a reality.

I’d like to make it a bit easier for you to follow through on that dream toward a new beginning. Commit to three months of coaching (October, November, and December), and enjoy the third month FREE.  (That is a $200 gift. Think of it as a Christmas gift from me to you. I’m handing you $200 toward your dream! If you don’t take advantage of it, it’s like you are just throwing away $200! And that would be sad! You see, no matter what we are doing…dieting…exercising…or learning to move forward in any new direction…it usually takes at least three months to begin to get a consistently forward movement toward that dream to the point that it feels comfortable and “normal” to you.

Maybe your dream is to start your own business like me. Maybe it’s to finally finish that education path you started on so many years ago. Maybe it is to figure out how to get past “overwhelm” in your life. Maybe your dream is to live well on less. Maybe it’s to become the wife that your husband always dreamed of, rather than the overwhelmed, weary, grumpy wretch that meets him at the door each evening. Maybe it’s….well, YOU fill in the blank. What is it that will make you feel more whole? More like God intended?

Don’t delay. This “gift” is a time-sensitive offer; so, I look forward to hearing from you soon. October will be here before we know it. Let’s talk together about that thing that has been in the back of your mind for all these months or years. I’d LOVE to hear what has been “dogging” at your heels. Contact me through the website at loavesandfishescoaching.com and we can arrange a FREE call.  I’ll be happy to answer any of your questions…even my shoe size. 🙂 Through our conversation together,  you can decide if coaching is right for you. AND we can both determine together if we would be a good match…a good team.

By moving forward beginning in October and November, you’ll then receive the month of December ($200 value) FREE. It will be my gift to you. FREE!

I love helping people with new beginnings. And I love giving gifts. Let me bless you this way so you can begin your journey toward new beginnings, just like I did a few years ago!

You don’t want to wait as long as I did to find your true fulfillment in walking in your strengths!

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 2:59 pm

Mom-2-Mom Parenting Tips

Mom-2-Mom Parenting Tips

Parenting is hard work! We all need a little help!

Visit blog.loavesandfishescoaching.com/ to begin receiving Mom-2-Mom “Ten Tips to Inspire You to Greatness” in your parenting. And then…every few days another word of encouragement will slip into your Inbox until you have received all ten.

(BTW, even dads have been helped by these tips.) 🙂

Awaiting His shout,

Pam Taylor

Christian Life Coach

The MomCourager(TM)

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 10:33 am

Mom-2-Mom – Sharing Wisdom

Hi, I’m so glad you are here!

This blog post was set up especially for subscribers to the Mom-2-Mom. Encouragement for the Family Series: Ten Tips to Inspire You to Greatness! (If you’re here but haven’t yet subscribed, but like what you see, just put your name and email in the form over on the right, and you’ll begin receiving the tips, too!)

We all know that we each are even greater in our parenting when we share our collective wisdom and our time-tested knowledge. Here is a place to share what you have learned for the benefit of the rest of us. You have “bragging rights” here! 🙂

At the bottom of each email in the series you’ll find a link here. We’re hoping you won’t just read what others have posted, but that you’ll visit often to share… adding your own comments and wisdom. We truly do all need each other!

So don’t wait – jump right in! The water’s fine. Scroll down and leave a comment or two. Blessings to you.

Until next time,
Pam Taylor
Christian Life Coach

P.S. It would be helpful to put the Tip #at the beginning of your comment if it addresses a specific one. Thanks!

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 11:49 am

I’m Out to Change My World

I’m out to change my world. One person at a time!  Here’s what I just started doing:

When I go to a store & the clerk/cashier is pleasant & helpful (and appreciates my humor):

1. I ask their name.

2. I tell them that I appreciated their (helpfulness or sense of humor or whatever).

3. I ask them for the name of their supervisor so I can tell the supervisor what a good job they did.

4. I ask where I can find their supervisor.


1. I seek out the supervisor.

2. (I smile inwardly as they tense up expecting a complaint.)

3. I tell them that I know that they are used to bad reports about employees, but…

4. I want to give a good report about (NAME) and that I think the employee deserves some kind of reward because they are good for business!


1. I watch the supervisor smile and relax a bit.

2. They ALWAYS thank me for taking the time.

I feel so happy after that.  It is one little thing that I can do to change my world into a little better place!

Here’s my challenge to you: Will you join me in the campaign to intentionally thank people for good service? I’m thinking that it doesn’t just stop at the employee and the supervisor. Don’t you think it’s a pretty good guess that they will treat everyone else in their path in a much kinder way as a result of being thanked?

You might even notice a bit of a spring in your own step as you walk to your car. And we might even catch you smiling throughout the day as you remember how good it felt to bring a bit of beauty to someone else’s day!

Try it. It’s addictive! The only thing it will cost you is a few minutes of time.

Pass this on and let’s see if we can start a “gratefulness revolution“! Share this blog post on FB and on LI and with your email lists. Think of the possibilities! 🙂

One person at a time…we can begin to change our world for the better! Are you up for the challenge??? I promise you it will be fun!

Then, use the comment box below to report back to the rest of us. We want to hear your story!


Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 5:29 pm

Secret Sleep Aid

Looking for a good sleep aid?

Frustrating, isn’t it…tossing and turning at night…trying to fall asleep?

I might have an answer for you…if you are willing to try it. No purchase necessary.

I’m about to share my cool discovery with you. If you truly want to improve your ability to fall asleep, you won’t hesitate to try this. But just in case you need an extra incentive…I double-dare you to try my secret.

This secret sleep aid has worked for me about 5 years.

Here’s my story: After years of sleep deprivation, I was desperate for sleep. I had a job that required me to work one day until 9:00 p.m. and then the next day have to leave for work at 6:30 a.m. and work 10 hours and then it was often the 9 p.m. schedule on the following day. Sometimes, it would be two 9 p.m. days in a row. Or two or three early a.m. days in a row, following by the 9 p.m. day. Some weeks we were working 6 days a week. It was hard to get a routine.It was difficult to fall asleep.

We all know it is easier to fall asleep if you have a routine you follow each night.

Since I was not able to have a dependable routine because my work schedule was beyond my control, I needed a solution to help me fall asleep soon after my head hit the pillow, no matter what time it was each night.

I’ve heard your groans as you also sometimes toss and turn at night. And for some of you, it is a regular almost nightly occurence. Maybe it is not from an undependable work schedule. Maybe it is a new baby. Or maybe it is a child that has nightmares. Or any myriad of possibilities that are preventing your falling asleep at night.

Assuming you have checked out other possibilities…like no caffeine late in the day or evening…or an illness that is causing great pain that is preventing sleep. That is a different story. We can talk about that special circumstance if you would like…

But for now, let’s stick with this scenario…

I want you to have your best life possible and I know that sleep is one way to help you to have the best outlook on your life, no matter what challenges you face. I want you to know my secret so you can get some relief…so you can feel your best…so you can do your best…so your work, family, church, neighborhood relationships have the best possible chance of being great (not just good). So all of your life just “works” better! A life coach likes to help people figure out ways to be their best self (by God’s design).

With all that said, here’s the secret

After you have made the room dark and cool and as quiet…

Fluff your pillow.

Lie down on your bed.

Close your eyes.




Keep smiling.

That is really what I said.


Keep smiling.

And think of how much Jesus loves you.

And imagine Him reaching His arms toward you in love.

And before you know it, it is morning.

Don’t laugh. Well, laugh if you want…because it IS funny…but is also works. It works for me and it will work for you if you give it an honest try.

God says in the Bible that a joyful heart doeth good like medicine. So…smiling will affect the way you look at your life and it will tell your heart that you are joyful and before you know it, you are looking at life differently. And your life “feels” better, even if nothing has changed…(except that you are smiling more).  🙂

Bottom line: I want you to be able to get a better night’s sleep. Like me.

Let me know if I can help. Here is some of what I do..

Pam Taylor. Christian Life Coach. Entrepreneur. Blogger. Coach. Strengths Coach. Improving your options for a more efficient and satisfying life.

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 3:04 pm

The World’s Cheapest Facelift

I’m about to share with you how to get the world’s cheapest facelift. But, you have to be actively involved in this. Are you willing?

You’re still here, so here we go…first off…

Stop reading for a minute and go get a mirror. Bring it back to your computer as you read the rest of this post…Look into the mirror…






Lay the mirror down. Smile again. How do you feel?

Pick up the mirror again. Look at your face. Look at your jawline. Look at your eyes and the area around them.

Now frown while looking into the mirror. Look at your jawline. Look at your eyes and the area around them.

Now smile again into the mirror. SEE the difference? You can give yourself the world’s cheapest facelift by just smiling. Often.

Smile and the world smiles with you. Frown and you frown alone.

Seriously. Isn’t it amazing how much younger you look when you smile?

Let me know what you think when you try this experiment out for yourself. Easy. Free. The world’s cheapest facelift. 🙂

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 4:38 pm

The Power of Accountability

The Power of Accountabiliy was written by Tony Stoltzfus

I’m sharing a link to an article published in the online Christian Coaching Center Magazine this month.

The coaching relationship is a powerfully helpful relationship as you move toward greater purpose. A Christian coach can help by holding you accountable to achieving your personal integrity goals, as well. The unique relationship can be an encouraging tool toward personal growth.

I wanted to share Tony’s post with you, in hopes of blessing you with a different “voice” than my own for a change of pace. You can read it here:


The Power of Accountability and the Christian Coaches role.

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 9:49 pm

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