Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Guest Post: Emily’s Journey with Jesus

Nativity Set


It was perhaps a decade or so ago that Emily Forsyth and I first met at church. She was young and pregnant with her fourth child. She was weary, but hungry to be all God intended her to be. Little did I know that the Lord would allow me to be a part of her “story” for all these years. I love being in the background, watching God work as he is molding her into a thing of beauty, fit for the Master’s use. She has found the path to the source of Joy.

God adores His “girls” and He is a good, good Father. He can be trusted to direct our steps if and when we surrender to His leading. He wants us to know that He is intimately involved in our lives, just as He has been in Emily’s. We are each a work in progress. And we all need someone to remind us it is not about us. We are merely to allow ourselves to be vessels through whom God works.

Emily has given me permission to share this article with you. She originally wrote it for her church newsletter. My prayer is that you will be inspired to stop and think how God might help you to more fully find your own unique path of decrease so that He might increase in your life.

And now…Here’s Emily……

…Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. He must increase, but I must decrease.

John 3:29-30

I just love how our church is buzzing with excitement over the children’s Christmas program! I can’t help but remember back in 1991 when the words were announced by the Sunday School Director, “and the role of Mary goes to…Emily!” That moment, my ten-year-old heart must have skipped a beat. I couldn’t have been more happy to have been chosen to wear that sky blue robe and hold the plastic baby Jesus as the congregation sang Silent Night. At that year’s Christmas eve program, I’m sure I was beaming with delight.

I have always felt the urge to be front and center. What is that about me? It’s not that I have many skills or talents to offer. It’s just that I sometimes don’t mind the “story” being about me.

Several years ago, I had taken a stance in front of a group of people, and in the days following, I began worrying. I found myself at an emotional low. I turned to an older, wiser sister in Christ for counsel. She patiently listened while I shared my heart. I told her of the people, and the things I had said, and how I must have sounded stupid, or unkind. They must have thought I was hateful. I carried on… After a while, she stopped me. She gently put her hands on my arms, and looked into my eyes. “It’s not about you, Emily.” What did she mean it’s not about me? I was the one with anxiety because of this stance that I had taken. Didn’t I have to get it straightened out to be myself again? But as she paused, that truth struck me. This. was. not. about. me. This was about GOD. Everything is. The moment I took myself out of the picture, and focused my concerns on the story being told about God through that situation, I could breathe again. Not only could I breathe, but I felt joy! John the Baptist said “…Therefore this joy of mine is now complete. He must increase, but I must decrease.”

From then on, I realized how much of my life I spent trying to play the starring role in a story that was never about me to begin with. I realized that I was created for a purpose, with giftings, and talents, and passions that were given to me to play a specific supporting role in God’s story. I was created to direct all attention to Him, like shining a spotlight, or making the announcement, or opening the curtain. I no longer had to be the shining star, because in His eyes, I already was! He made me precious in His sight! There is nothing more, nor less I can do to be worthy. And the joy is found when each of us works together to fulfill our supporting role as part of the body of Christ to further His kingdom and shine the light on Him.

When I adapted the principle that “it’s not about me,” everything changed. I stopped striving and over-preparing, and watching to see what others were thinking of me. I knew that it no longer depended on me to get it right, but that God would always get it right. My relationships, my health, my finances, and my faith all grew stronger. Now, whenever I feel consumed with thoughts about what people think of me, or whether I am succeeding or failing, I stop and find a way to serve someone else in the name of the Lord Jesus. It’s amazing how small acts of service toward others can relieve feelings of anxiety or depression. It’s a way of directing our attention away from ourselves. It’s because we were created for that — to play a supporting role in God’s big story! If we do His work, we will find a joy that passes all understanding.

So, to that ten-year-old little “Mary,” I would say, “hold that Jesus high and make sure the light shines on Him. Don’t worry if you fall out of the spotlight, because there is no greater blessing than to be the one who makes great the name of the Lord.”

Emily ForsythEmily Forsyth

Emily finds her joy in Jesus, coffee, and people. As the only extrovert in her family, she admires her quiet, steady husband, Aaron, and their four children. They homeschool and live in Clear Lake.

God Loves Aardvarks: And God Loves Me

"Thank you, God, that you love all the animals and bugs. You love funny looking aardvarks and you love me."

Thankfulness through the alphabet. That's what this fun book will teach the kids in your life.

God Loves Aardvarks and God Loves Me

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Where Is My Neighborhood?

A few weeks ago, God impressed on me that I was not obeying His command to love my neighbor as He intended. I have been asking Him for clarification. Where is my neighborhood and who is my neighbor? Specifically, WHERE and WHO? Did I need to do something differently? I wasn’t feeling condemned by God. Rather, I felt joy that He was taking me into a deeper understanding what it means to be a Follower of Jesus Christ. Here’s some of what I have been processing…

Who IS my neighbor?

“…When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people in Jerusalem” [where they were residing…in their own back yard] “throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about my death and resurrection.”

Acts 1:8 (TLB)

They simply did not understand. Things were not turning out as they thought or hoped for. What was Jesus talking about and what were they supposed to do now? And what does that verse have to do with my new “assignment” from God? (To love my neighbor) Wasn’t I already doing that? As a mentor life coach, I love encouraging friends and clients. I support ministries and I write blogs and books to encourage people to love God and have a relationship with Him. What was I missing? What specifically am I not understanding?

Now what? Their friend was gone

:12, 13 “…They were at the Mount of Olives, so now they walked the 1/2 mile back to Jerusalem and held a prayer meeting in the upstairs room of the house where they were staying. This prayer meeting went on for several days…about 120 people were present…”

They waited a long time

Acts 2:1 “Seven weeks had gone by since Jesus’ death and resurrection and the day of Pentecost had now arrived.”

What happened?

The Apostles were still in Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit descended on the group in that room. They had been waiting seven weeks. Confused. Their Best Friend had left them. And now, in that room, the Holy Spirit arrived. And…at last, they KNEW what Jesus had been trying to tell them. He HAD to leave them so that each of them could receive for themselves the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT residing in them.

But now what?

The people from many nations ran to the house to see what was causing the commotion in that upper room. And the people from those other nations heard these people (the disciples and apostles) from Galilee speaking in their own language “…about the mighty miracles of God.” (v. 11 TLB)

The sentiment of that day was:

Can anything good come from Galilee? And yet, MUCH good was coming from those in the upper room who had prayed and waited for direction. For the Holy Spirit. And each person heard the message in their own native tongue.

(Peter speaking) :

:18, 19 “ Each of you must turn from sin, return to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ or the forgiveness of your sins, then you also shall receive this gift, the Holy Spirit: For Christ promised Him to each of you who has been called by the Lord our God, and to your children, and even to distant lands.”

Where is my neighborhood?

So, what I am learning anew is my current “neighborhood” is the apartment building where I live.

My profession:

I am a writer…a published author. I write books, blog posts, and newsletters. That takes quiet, solitude, concentration, and setting myself aside to think and to study and to write. But, like most things, I had taken it too far. I was isolating and would get frustrated if my solitude was interrupted.

God changed my priorities

He lovingly convicted me that my immediate neighborhood is a blessing from God to me. Each is a gift. I am grateful for each of my neighbors. May I continually seek ways to encourage and bless each one.

I’m sure this is just the beginning of God changing my mindset. But this part so far has been a joy!

“…the direction of Divine living is a deliberate surrender of our own point of view in order to learn Jesus Christ’s point of view and seeing that men and women are nourished in the knowledge of Jesus. The only way that can be done is by being loyal to Jesus myself.”

Oswald Chambers

God Loves Aardvarks: And God Loves Me

"Thank you, God, that you love all the animals and bugs. You love funny looking aardvarks and you love me."

Thankfulness through the alphabet. That's what this fun book will teach the kids in your life.

God Loves Aardvarks and God Loves Me

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Coping with Chronic Migraines with Heather Hart

Coping with Chronic Migraines

In the very midst of pain, in the midst of a migraine, God called Heather to record a masterpiece.

Heather is my author assistant and she has been struggling with a chronic migraine for four years. She’s on the Joni & Friends podcast today sharing some of her story.

She says, “I’m not some Christian superhero, but God is good and all we can do is lean into him.”

Tune in below to hear more about coping with chronic migraines:

Coping with Chronic Migraines

You can grab your copy of Heather’s book, “Clinging to Jesus” on Amazon.

Walk. Sink. Cry Out. Reach Out. Grab Ahold.

Jesus and the Disciples in a Storm

Wow! I’ve been resting on Matthew 14:16 the last few days. For days I couldn’t seem to get past this single verse: “But Jesus said to them, ‘They do not need to go away. YOU give them something to eat.” (emphasis mine)


What was I supposed to glean from that verse that would be applicable to my life now. My “nest” has been ruffled up. My comfort zone is not “comfortable” right now. What do I have to offer…to GIVE…Feeling off-center and a bit like I was sinking.

What Do I Have to Offer?

Meditating on this single verse has been a lifeline…pointing me to clarity of purpose once again.

There were leftovers

This verse is part of the story of the 5 loaves, 2 fish. AND of the 12 baskets full left over. (After feeding 5,000 + people!)

The disciples were frustrated with all the people that would need something to eat. Unfortunately, there was no fast food restaurant nearby. They were concerned. So, they went to Jesus to tell Him the problem (because maybe they thought He didn’t realize the problem. 🙂 All they had was a little boy’s lunch. They had their own ideas what needed to be done, but Jesus had a different plan. That is where Matthew 14:16 comes into the picture.)

Blessing and breaking

Jesus had taken the 5 loaves and 2 fish that the disciples had brought him. He then looked up to Heaven, blessed the food and broke it into pieces and gave all of it to the disciples to distribute to the MULTITUDES. (Do you ever wonder what they were thinking right then?? I do! Kinda funny to think about!) So, back to our story…They gave Him what they had. He multiplied it, but THEY had to “give them something to eat.” THEY had to distribute what God had multiplied. (Reminds me of a poem by Annie Johnson Flint “Hands and Feet for Jesus”.)

They ate what had been multiplied and were FILLED. No more hunger. Filled. Filled with what was first given to Jesus and blessed by Him. FILLED…with much more left over than they even started with. Twelve baskets full LEFT OVER!!! (Here’s where I have been stopping to talk to Jesus a minute. Will you join me?)

Thank You, Lord, for the LITTLE I have to offer. Thank You, that when I give it up to You for Your purposes, You will multiple it to meet the need…and sometimes with some left over. You multiple my LITTLE for others’ sake! Not to hoard, but to give out…to the multitude!

Resting and chewing

I seriously have been resting on this story for days! There is so much there to “chew on”. (Sorry…I couldn’t help myself there!)

After the Offering

Then, after all were fed, Jesus sent them all away—even the disciples—and then He went away—alone—to pray.

He prayed MANY hours. It is stunning that He went away alone. He didn’t “work” the crowd. He didn’t seek glory, attention, or honor or praise for all He had done. Rather, He went to talk with His Father…to spend time alone with His Father. He had merely been doing what He was created to do.

They still didn’t “get it”. Nor does Peter, the Otter personality.

Even after the miracle of the loaves and fishes, the disciples still didn’t “get it”…which they prove by their reactions while in the boat, without Jesus,  experiencing a storm with strong wind. Note they all were very fearful. Even Peter. Let’s call this the “Peter walking on the water” story.

Peter was different than the others. You know Peter. He often spoke whatever came to his mind, and often acted impulsively. Peter was an Otter personality type (Leading From Your Strengths).  He liked to be right in the middle of the action. The party doesn’t start until the Otter arrives! They are FUN!

Without thinking it through, Peter couldn’t wait for Jesus to come into the boat with them. He wouldn’t wait! So, he  stepped out of the boat. And, he was actually safe UNTIL he took his eyes off Jesus and onto the stormy seas.

Typically, Otters love adventure, new things, and get excited about every new opportunity.  They don’t have to think about it. OF COURSE NOT! After all, what could go wrong, right? 😉

They want what they want NOW. They don’t like to wait. It is not surprising Peter did not evaluate the options before flinging himself into the middle of the action. So he stepped out of the boat and walked on the water. BUT when he took his eyes off Jesus and onto the turbulent water, he began to sink! And then he cried out for help. Then he reached out his hand to grab ahold of Jesus. And Jesus saved him. He did not drown. And they got in the boat together.

(Otters are wonderful adventurers, but often bite off more than they can chew, and right smack dab in the middle of their adventure, they just might need some assistance. And then, they let you take over because they are on to the next adventure. You can’t keep a good Otter down.)

And now the storm is past and all was well…

UNTIL the next time Peter and friends forget what they have learned from the provision of the loaves and fishes and on the stormy sea…

What Do I Have to Offer?

Are you like me?

I think there’s an obvious reason why God impressed on me to call my business Loaves and Fishes Coaching., so many years ago. I have always loved this story. And that theme of the loaves and fishes is on my mind often:

What do I have to offer? Am I willing? Do I trust GOD to do with it as He sees fit? It is a timeless principle. A theme that I have to keep re-learning. I have to ask myself. Do *I* REALLY “get it”???

What about you?

Do you have to keep re-learning things about Jesus’ trustworthiness that you thought you already knew?

Can you honestly answer the question, “What do I have to offer?”

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

It’s Not about the Feet

Bare feet through mud and what it has to do with washing feet in the Bible

Washing Feet in the Bible

David Jeremiah teaches that in the ancient world, to share a meal with others is an intimate activity. It affirms mutual trust. It would be inconceivable to eat with one’s enemy…making Judas’ actions incomprehensible. And yet, Jesus again went against tradition. His love has no conditions.

The roads were dusty

Washing feet in the Bible, why was it so important?

Everyone wore sandals. Feet got really dirty. A servant normally met travelers at the door and washed their feet. However, against tradition, that did not happen to this “crew” of fishermen and a tax collector in John 13. Dirty feet entered the room unwashed.

Their hearts were exposed

“(He) rose from supper and laid aside His garments, and taking the towel…” (John 13:4)

Jesus and the disciples were already at the table. No servant is mentioned. And not a single one of them had chosen to wash the feet of their weary friends. The mismatched crew of travelers simply all sat down with dirty feet. So against the norm, Jesus rose from supper… and washed their feet.

Serve or be served?

  1. Jesus did not summon a slave or servant to make them do the task. Rather, after seeing the need, He acted. He served. Washing their feet.
  2. He saw the opportunity for an object lesson and seized the teachable moment.

Peter the Missionary (pre-Pentecost)

No wonder Peter was confused. Against tradition, this King, this Healer, this Teacher, the One they had all hoped would rescue them from the Roman tyranny…this Jesus had gotten up from the table in order to wash their feet. This was not very Kingly! This is not what they had signed up for. Peter doesn’t like weakness.

Outspoken, impulsive, rash, Peter

What happens when Jesus wants to wash his feet? Surprise! Peter forcefully objects. *sigh* A work in progress, pre-Pentecost Missionary Peter is horrified!

Washing feet in the Bible is not about the feet

Jesus explains to Peter that he needs to submit. And of course, “my way or the highway” Peter with his worldly mindset, tells Jesus what to do. Peter is quite the leader, don’t you think? He will instruct Jesus to wash not only his feet, but his hands and head as well.

But, John chapter 13 is not about washing feet. If it were, then Jesus would have gotten each of them to immediately get up from the table and wash each other’s feet.

What IS it about?

  1. Jesus willingly did the job reserved for the lowest of all slaves.
  2. He did not think Himself above anyone.
  3. It was a SYMBOLIC act of humble service. Done with love. Done willingly. Joyfully.
  4. He was not forced to do it. He chose to.
  5. His true followers will follow His example, with the same heart and enthusiasm.

And best of all…

Impulsive, rash, loud-spoken, forceful Peter, a (high “D”) Lion personality has been chosen by God to be part of His “team”. Jesus sees Peter’s value. He understands He is a work in progress. Peter loves Jesus. But he continually fails Him. Jesus knows a secret that Peter and friends do not yet know: Holy Spirit can round off the rough edges. Peter wants to be like Jesus, but he is not quite there yet. Not here…not in Chapter 13.

Submission & service

This is a lesson every follower of Christ, (whether a foreign missionary or not) must learn and put into practice. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we joyfully serve. We DO what Jesus DID. Submitting to what He SAYS. And we learn to embrace our personality type rather than fight it. We realize our strengths are necessary in the Body of Christ. But we also realize that we are all just a single piece of the bigger puzzle picture. Always remembering to not think of ourselves more highly than we ought. We need each other’s strengths. TOGETHER we make a beautiful and complete picture in Christ.

Missionary Peter learns this

…but not until he has even more slip-ups of rushing into situations without being led by the Spirit. So, only after being filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost does Peter become the person Jesus always knew he could and would be. Over time and with the Spirit’s leading, he learned to use his strengths wisely. So you see, there is hope. Always hope. For you. For me. For the Peter’s in your life.

Are you ready…

to learn to appreciate what God intended when He created you? To find your God-given purpose in life? The abundant life is where you and the joy of the Lord intersect; and remember it is not about the feet… 😉 It is about so much MORE!

It begins with Leading From Your Strengths. I am only a click away…

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Important Announcement – A New Beginning

July 4th - New Beginnings

Loaves and Fishes Coaching is coming back!
I’m back to my original business: Loaves and Fishes Coaching, because it better explains and expresses what God has called me to do.

My calling from God
He has equipped and called me to find people feeling a bit dissatisfied with their life; maybe feeling stuck—like there’s “more to life” than what they are doing. Perhaps they feel they are merely existing and not really living. The exciting thing is that God has something better for each of us. And, he has equipped us to live out His plan and call.

At Loaves and Fishes Coaching,
We know that God desires you to take the LITTLE you have, give it to Him to use for His Glory; and He then multiplies it—like the times recorded in the Bible where Jesus took the FEW Loaves and Fishes, praised God for them, and then BROKE them, so they could become food and blessing for others. You will be blessed as a result of giving what you have been given; but not from taking what you think you deserve. Gratitude is the key.

Through much personal sorrow and struggle, I’ve learned:
We’re not here on this earth, at this time in history, to BE BLESSED, but rather to BE A BLESSING! God’s ALWAYS got a plan. In discovering your strengths and talents, through coaching, you will begin to live in that knowledge, make decisions based on that knowledge. And wonder of wonders, you will actually end up BEING BLESSED because you have been a blessing.

God wants us to discover our strengths and live them out for others. NO ONE is beyond finding God’s forgiveness AND their place in God’s plan. Maybe today God is calling you to YOUR new beginning/second chance/fresh start. Let’s talk.

Contact me for a FREE inquiry call to see if coaching is for you…

Thanks for all you do…

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

God Will Use the Loaves and Fishes You Bring to Him

Whether you discover your strengths through the Leading From Your Strengths assessment/consultation so you can move forward in new business start-up or a new blog start-up … or wherever you need a “cheerleader” to believe with you even when you forget your vision or hope or dream, let’s talk about how it can happen for you. God will use the “loaves and fishes” you bring to Him. I’m excited for all that God has in mind for you. God loves to show Himself strong in the lives of His children.  He likes to take the little we think we have and turn it into so much more than we could dream or imagine.

That’s the reason for Loaves and Fishes Life Coaching. The name came from the verses in the Bible where Jesus has been teaching the multitudes all day and they are hungry, so the disciples come to Jesus and ask Him what to do. They reason that it would cost a small fortune and a lot of precious time if they have to go into town and buy the huge amount of food that would be needed for such a great multitude.

Jesus response is the same thing He says to us: A sort of “What’s that you have in your hand?” He tells them the same thing he said to Moses when Moses thought the task was too big for him to do. Jesus calls us to tasks that are too big for us, but not too big for Jesus and us working together.

So, He tells the disciples to go and figure out what is already available. They come back to Him to say all they found is “five loaves and two fish”  (Mark 6:34) and so He has everyone sit down (maybe so they can all witness the miracle about to happen).

“And when He had taken the five loaves and two fish, He looked up to Heaven, blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and the two fish He divided among them all.” (Mark 6:41)

Here’s the cool part: “So they all ate and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and of the fish. Now those who had eaten the loaves were about five thousand men.” (Mark 6:42-44)  Do you see that? 5,000 men ate and were filled…on five loaves and two fish!

That’s the cool part because that’s how God is with us, too. We think what we have is not enough; and then when we bring it to Him, He blesses it and multiplies it.  And many benefit from what we bring to Him for blessing.

God will use the loaves and fishes we bring to Him. Trust Him! But, the big catch is:  we have to BRING it to HIM. That means we have to choose to trust even if it is scary. Even if it seems dumb by the world’s standards. God’s ways are not the world’s ways. What is it you want to do? Start your own business? Start a blog? Learn what your strengths are and then how to implement them into your daily life? Simplify your life? Learn a new skill?

Bring what you have and watch what He can do!


Filed under: Living From Your Strengths — Pam Taylor @ 2:11 pm

Working Through the Toddler Years

“As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent Me. Night is coming when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” John 9:4-5.  Work is an action word. It indicates purpose. As we work through the toddler years, we are to continue to carry out what Father God has planned for us to do…just as Jesus carried out Father God’s purpose for what was planned for Him to do.

Our work will be different, but with the same purpose…to glorify God and honor Him as Creator God.

The Leading From Your Strengths assessment and consultation will help you understand more of what Creator God had in mind when He created you. It can help with greater focus and also in creating more intentional goals in all areas of life: family life, church life, work life and best of all…in your personal relationship with Father God. No longer fighting ourselves by trying to be someone else, we can rest content in who we are and who God intended us to be. It can bring about a freedom of acceptance…of ourselves AND of the other people in our lives, because God chose their personality style as well as yours. So, we can then spend our energy on moving forward together rather than fighting each other’s created design.

Yes, we are all sinners in need of the Savior. I’m not saying we should have the attitude of, “This is who I am, so live with it!” No, it’s not that at all, but rather it is a sense of seeing each other through the eyes of God. With understanding, yet desiring each of us to grow in maturity in our faith walk. Ever growing more and more in the fruit of the Spirit…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…

Sometimes we act a bit like toddlers when we get together. (Toddlers: Gotta love em but at times, they can take a lot of energy to try to bring out the best in them.) The Leading From Your Strengths assessment and consultations can help us navigate as we work through our toddler years before we reach Heaven! 🙂

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths,Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 10:53 am

The Power of Kindness

Encouragement. The atta boy/atta girl comments. Looking for things that people do well. Looking for their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Just what is the power of kindness?

We’ve all seen the stories on the news of the power of the opposite of kindness. And many of us have actually experienced it or caused it ourselves. The verbal abuse. The “shame” people heap on each other with their words. The “I love (?) you, but …” The anger. The rage. The bitterness. The unforgiveness. The abuse. Neglect. The tear-filled eyes of those who have been treated as though they don’t matter.

In David Jeremiah’s Turning Point Devotional, there’s a story about the father of legendary basketball coach John Wooden. The story is about the power of kindness. In Indiana, where Wooden grew up…“Gravel pits were scattered around the area, and farmers would often take their mules to the pits to haul out loads of gravel to use in building roads. Some pits were deeper than others, and it was sometimes tough for a team to pull out a wagon filled with gravel.”

The story goes on to explain that a young 20-something man was unable to force the team of horses to pull that load out of the pit, in spite of his whipping and yelling at them. It was an extremely hot summer day and the horses were worn out. They were frothing at the mouth and they were pulling BACK from the young man. They feared his wrath.

John Wooden’s dad said to the young man, “Let me take ‘em for you.”

“The farmer seemed relieved to hand over the reins. John watched as his dad started talking to the horses and stroking their noses with a soft touch. He slipped between them and started walking alongside them, holding their bridles and bits while talking calmly and gently to them.

“As the horses settled down, he stepped in front of them and gave a little whistle to start them moving forward as he held the reins. Within a few minutes, those two massive horses had pulled the wagon out of the gravel pit as easy as the sun coming up. John Wooden said he never forgot the lesson.”

The power of kindness. It works with horses and it works with people.

The devotional goes on to say “Nothing good comes from being difficult or demanding. A little love and encouragement can often lift others out of the pits.”

You know the Bible verse, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22 NIV) Have you met anyone that seems to make it their mission in life to actually BE those “hardships” to help you to enter the Kingdom of God? Do you have anyone in your life that has a mission to love you with “tough love” by nearly continually pointing out what is WRONG with you? It doesn’t seem to occur to them to mention what might be RIGHT with you. Our own personal “hardship” ambassador…thinking they are ambassadors for God to get us “straightened out”.

We must guard against harming one another. We are none exempt for falling into unkindness…especially when we are under any kind of stress or overtired. Any of us can so easily fall into that sin of being a discouragement to others. Abuse. Neglect. Harsh words…or worse…those things that cause tear-filled eyes of despair and discouragement…or worse.

God delights when we use our words to build others up rather than tear them down. People need encouragement. We all do. We flourish in the midst of it. Words of encouragement are life giving. They have the power to heal broken hearts. They empower people to think outside the box where they sometimes get “stuck”…unable/unwilling to move “forward”. Words have power. For good or for evil.

The power of encouragement. The power of kindness. Everyone needs someone to believe in them and to tell them so!

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths,Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 6:33 pm

Are You Flourishing?

Are you flourishing? I’ve been pondering that question the last few days after reading a quote in my Encounter With God devotional (published by Scripture Union). I encourage you to also take some time to ponder it.

“Flourishing is God’s gift and plan. When you flourish you are in harmony with God, other people, creation and yourself. Flourishing is becoming the person He had in mind in creating you.”
— John Ortberg.

Are you becoming the person God had in mind for you to be when He created you? You are not an accident or a mistake. He purposefully created you. And through your creation–in conjunction with your life experiences– He has been preparing you for what He has prepared for you to do.

One of my favorite things to do is to help people discover who they are and then move forward in their path toward flourishing “in harmony with God, other people, creation and yourself.”

Leading From Your Strengths assessments and consultations = one way God has used to accomplish that.

The Loaves and Fishes Coaching website will answer some of your questions. Then contact me for a FREE inquiry call. When you are ready, you’ll be amazed what freedom you will have from discovering how to answer “Yes!” to the question, “Are you flourishing?”

Also, you might want to go to LinkedIn to read some of the comments from people that know me.

Until then…

When you are ready…

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths — Pam Taylor @ 12:37 pm

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