Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

My Will or God’s Will?

My will or God’s will? Is it possible to know what God wants me to do?

Here’s some questions to ask yourself when trying to evaluate whether your decision is “my will or God’s will“…

  • Have I clearly and specifically asked for God’s help?
  • Do I show my trust for God with every area of my life, not merely this decision?
  • Do I even want to obey God’s clearly revealed will?
  • Am I operating on the basis of good reasons…or on the basis of changing feelings?
  • Am I choosing to take the time to fill my mind with God’s Word so that my mind is being transformed so that I can recognize His will when it is revealed?
  • Are there biblical commands or principles that apply to my specific situation? Am I choosing to take the time to look for them?
  • What are the alternatives and consequences of each possible option?
  • Are my abilities or weaknesses influencing the decision? How?
  • What decision will glorify God?
  • What will build me up spiritually?
  • What will edify others?
  • Have I sought out trustworthy advisors that know the Bible?
  • Have I been like the Bereans and compared the advice that was given…to what the Bible says…rather than merely accepting or rejecting it?
  • Am I making this decision based on how it will affect my own personal freedom?
  • Do I have an internal sense of spiritual peace that my decision is right?
  • What would be the affect if I waited to make this decision?
  • After determining whether it is my will or God’s will, am I determined to obey and please God…no matter what?

Adapted from an article appearing in RBC Ministries devotion book. And that article had been adapted from: How Can I Know What God Wants Me To Do? 

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:14 pm

Invest in Your Future ?

Invest in your future? What does that mean in today’s economy? Jason Bohn was a college student when he made a hole-in-one golf shot that won him a million dollars. He had a plan. Rather than squandering the money, he used it to improve his golf skills–a type of  “living-and-training fund”–an investment in his future, paying off with a win on the PGA Tour’s 2005 B.C. Open. (And proving “Bohn’s decision to invest in the future instead of living for the moment was a wise one indeed.”)

Likely, we won’t make a million-dollar hole-in-one, like Bohn. So how does this translate into a non-golf pro’s lifestyle and investment in our future?

“In a sense, that is what Jesus calls us to do.” (Invest in our future. But..how do we do that?)  We have been entrusted with resources–time, ability, opportunity–and we decide how/where/when to use them. Our challenge is to see those resources as an opportunity to invest long-term. ‘Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’  (Matthew 6:20,21).

Think of your resources: your talents, time, knowledge.  “These are temporal and limited. But if you invest them with an eye toward eternity, these temporary things can have enduring impact.” What about your personality strengths and spiritual gifts? All these things are gifts to us from Creator God, with the intention of our investing them for eternity’s sake.

So…where is your heart? Earthbound or Heavenbound? And what is your focus? Now or forever?

You’re alive and reading this today, which is proof that you still have time and opportunity to invest in your future. “It will not only have an eternal impact, but it will also change the way you view life each day.” 

I’d like to hear from you about how you’re investing in your Future.

Onward! 🙂

Bill Crowder (adapted from Our Daily Bread, October, 2011)

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:18 pm

Self-pity vs. Self-compassion

Self pity vs. self-compassion. What’s the difference? And, who cares?

Self-pity is a passive self-absorbed thing. It prevents us from having self-compassion. And it prevents us from fully loving others.

Imagine. (Pleeeeasssseee…Totally stop everything right now and take a few minutes to truly imagine with me...) Imagine a time when you’re tenderly and compassionately caring for someone that is ill. You lovingly put them to bed.  A little later, you go in to check on them and they are asleep. You stand in the doorway and you watch them sleep and you pray and will them to be well again. You have compassion for them. The person turns over, looks at you and you realize, that person…

It’s YOU!

Now…if you can stay in that moment of time, healing is waiting for you there!

Self-pity vs. self-compassion.

Modeling. Our children model what they see in us. If we don’t forgive ourselves, the child likely is unforgiving toward the mother/father and toward self, as well.

Healthy child: “My mother/father loved life.” However…If we raise “healthy” kids, and we only love them, but we don’t love ourselves, they too will have difficulty loving themselves, because that is what was modeled for them = NOT loving oneself.

Disclaimer: of course we are not referring to the model that embraces thinking the world revolves around oneself, but rather a good healthy love of what the Creator decided we would be. He chose our personality, our spiritual gifts, our talents and skills. To not embrace who we were created to be, is an affront to our Father. We owe it to our children to know the difference between self-pity vs. self-compassion.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this. Have you found this to be true?



Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 11:09 am

Why Do We Need Revivals? Why Do We Need Life Coaches?

Why do we need revivals? “Revivals are a new surge of spiritual life. The return of something to its true purpose,” says David Jeremiah. 

Why do we need revivals? Revivals are not for God. They are for His creation. He knows we are incomplete unless we are complete in Him. So, he allows us to feel empty so He can fill us up.

Many times, our decisions are made in the heat of our emotions being stirred up. Maybe it is a television commercial or an end-aisle store display that causes us to see something and we believe that we just have to have it! The crash of the Target store website over their new product line is proof of that. The resultant anger of the people that were unable to purchase what they saw was a sad commentary on what we have become. Wouldn’t a revival transform our thinking about what we consider to be a life-or-death matter?

Why do we need revivals? How many times have we been to a church service or a seminar and made a commitment in the midst of an emotional setting? How many times do we have to “go forward” in an emotional response before we “really” mean it? Maybe we make plans to be more organized with our time or nicer to our family or we promise to “have devotions” every day as opposed to hit-and-miss, willy-nilly.

How many times do we promise ourselves that we will eat healthy after we see a program on the dangers of making a habit of eating from the fast food lane? How many things do we start with good intentions, only to get shipwrecked along the way and then just plain quit?

Many of our commitments are made in emotional settings for emotional reasons. Then, when the emotion passes, the commitment wanes. David Jeremiah says that he used to “have a revival every summer at camp”. J Can you relate to that? Maybe it wasn’t summer camp for you. Maybe it was a ladies’ retreat, or a men’s Promise Keepers event or something similar.

What can we do to prevent our commitments from only lasting as long as the Israelites while Moses was on the mountain getting the 10 commandments from God? Do we see God move in our lives and then go back to our usual pattern of life? Maybe—like the Israelites—in about 40 days?

Our lives are hectic and busy and it’s hard to focus. It is easy to lose sight of what is truly important. It is easy to let the temporal overshadow the eternal and forget why we are here on this planet at this time in history. What does Creator God have in mind for us to be and to do?

Why do we need life coaches? Christian life coaches are especially trained to help you keep that vision…that desire to live your best life…to live in your God-given strengths, rather than in defeat and frustration at not having kept your commitments when you felt revival stir in you. We help you hold that conviction when it begins to wane. We come alongside you as a type of cheerleader…like Barnabas in the New Testament. Encouraging and cheering you on to be your God-given best self. To be all He intended you to be. A coaching relationship helps you maintain your commitment goals.

Let’s talk about how that can be a reality in YOUR life! J

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 8:19 pm

Moms, Put on Your Oxygen Masks

To prepare the passengers in case of an emergency during flight, the directions from the flight crew include something like this: “Moms, put on your oxygen mask before putting on your child’s oxygen mask.”

Why do you suppose they do that? I’m thinking it is because they know that it goes entirely against a mother’s natural instinct.

For many moms, one of the hardest things about mothering is the taking care of yourself part. I know it was for me, and and I hear it from others, as well.

So, this post is to encourage you. Not to be selfish, but to be sure to take care of self-care. In order to be the best mom for your child, it is not selfish to give yourself a “time out” so to speak. To refresh your spirit. To put on your oxygen mask before attempting to care for your child.

I’m not talking about neglecting your child. I’m not talking about indulging yourself in selfishness. I’m talking about knowing what you need in order to be the best you can be. Different personalities need different things to be their best. So, know your personality type. Know your spiritual gifts. Know your worship style. Know what type of exercise strengthens you. Know when a short break for a glass of water or a bit of protein will help bring out the best in your mothering skills.  A Christian life coach can help you to pinpoint those areas that you may need to “tweak” a bit in order to put on your oxygen mask so you can be breathing well enough to then care for your child’s oxygen mask.

What are ways that you, Moms, put on your oxygen masks ?

Mothering is like a sisterhood. We like to encourage and help each other through to success. What have you done or what are you doing now? Or maybe you remember how your own Mom did that very well…

BTW, we just want to let you know that we are new to Facebook so be sure to take time to “Like” Loaves and Fishes Coaching on Facebook.

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 11:17 am

Working Through the Toddler Years

“As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent Me. Night is coming when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” John 9:4-5.  Work is an action word. It indicates purpose. As we work through the toddler years, we are to continue to carry out what Father God has planned for us to do…just as Jesus carried out Father God’s purpose for what was planned for Him to do.

Our work will be different, but with the same purpose…to glorify God and honor Him as Creator God.

The Leading From Your Strengths assessment and consultation will help you understand more of what Creator God had in mind when He created you. It can help with greater focus and also in creating more intentional goals in all areas of life: family life, church life, work life and best of all…in your personal relationship with Father God. No longer fighting ourselves by trying to be someone else, we can rest content in who we are and who God intended us to be. It can bring about a freedom of acceptance…of ourselves AND of the other people in our lives, because God chose their personality style as well as yours. So, we can then spend our energy on moving forward together rather than fighting each other’s created design.

Yes, we are all sinners in need of the Savior. I’m not saying we should have the attitude of, “This is who I am, so live with it!” No, it’s not that at all, but rather it is a sense of seeing each other through the eyes of God. With understanding, yet desiring each of us to grow in maturity in our faith walk. Ever growing more and more in the fruit of the Spirit…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…

Sometimes we act a bit like toddlers when we get together. (Toddlers: Gotta love em but at times, they can take a lot of energy to try to bring out the best in them.) The Leading From Your Strengths assessment and consultations can help us navigate as we work through our toddler years before we reach Heaven! 🙂

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths,Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 10:53 am

Resting in Jesus in Perilous Times

David Wilkerson wrote about resting in Jesus in perilous times. In his newsletter, he said that God had impressed on him a single promise from God’s Word (the Bible) that if he/we would commit his/our very life to it, this promise would keep him/us through any and all perilous times. It would be a daily power source of faith.

He goes on to quote the verse…the promise from God’s Word. “Your Father knows what things you have need of before you ask Him.” (Matthew 6:8)

God wants you to give Him “quality” time. Focused attention. And trust Him!

Resting in (trusting in) the Fatherhood of Almighty God, Creator God, Restorer of the Breach, Savior, Blessed Redeemer. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Many, many times in the Bible (His words to us), He says to “fear not”. He speaks those words to many fearful people in scripture. They were just like you and me and yet they learned to fear not! We can, too! 🙂

Corrie ten Boom’s dad comforted her fears when she was a child with this illustration: “When a train goes through a tunnel, and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.” God is not only our Creator; He is our Engineer. He knows what is best. Trust Him even when you don’t understand and when it is dark when you go through the trials and “tunnels” of life. Trust Him. He adores you!

I Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all your care upon Him, because He cares for you!”
Can you believe it? The Creator God cares about you…about me! WOW! And He is patient while we learn to trust Him on a deeper level each day. Little by little. We can learn to be resting in Jesus in perilous times. Don’t give up. It will be worth it all! I promise! Better still…HE promises!

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 1:17 pm

The Power of Kindness

Encouragement. The atta boy/atta girl comments. Looking for things that people do well. Looking for their strengths rather than their weaknesses. Just what is the power of kindness?

We’ve all seen the stories on the news of the power of the opposite of kindness. And many of us have actually experienced it or caused it ourselves. The verbal abuse. The “shame” people heap on each other with their words. The “I love (?) you, but …” The anger. The rage. The bitterness. The unforgiveness. The abuse. Neglect. The tear-filled eyes of those who have been treated as though they don’t matter.

In David Jeremiah’s Turning Point Devotional, there’s a story about the father of legendary basketball coach John Wooden. The story is about the power of kindness. In Indiana, where Wooden grew up…“Gravel pits were scattered around the area, and farmers would often take their mules to the pits to haul out loads of gravel to use in building roads. Some pits were deeper than others, and it was sometimes tough for a team to pull out a wagon filled with gravel.”

The story goes on to explain that a young 20-something man was unable to force the team of horses to pull that load out of the pit, in spite of his whipping and yelling at them. It was an extremely hot summer day and the horses were worn out. They were frothing at the mouth and they were pulling BACK from the young man. They feared his wrath.

John Wooden’s dad said to the young man, “Let me take ‘em for you.”

“The farmer seemed relieved to hand over the reins. John watched as his dad started talking to the horses and stroking their noses with a soft touch. He slipped between them and started walking alongside them, holding their bridles and bits while talking calmly and gently to them.

“As the horses settled down, he stepped in front of them and gave a little whistle to start them moving forward as he held the reins. Within a few minutes, those two massive horses had pulled the wagon out of the gravel pit as easy as the sun coming up. John Wooden said he never forgot the lesson.”

The power of kindness. It works with horses and it works with people.

The devotional goes on to say “Nothing good comes from being difficult or demanding. A little love and encouragement can often lift others out of the pits.”

You know the Bible verse, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” (Acts 14:22 NIV) Have you met anyone that seems to make it their mission in life to actually BE those “hardships” to help you to enter the Kingdom of God? Do you have anyone in your life that has a mission to love you with “tough love” by nearly continually pointing out what is WRONG with you? It doesn’t seem to occur to them to mention what might be RIGHT with you. Our own personal “hardship” ambassador…thinking they are ambassadors for God to get us “straightened out”.

We must guard against harming one another. We are none exempt for falling into unkindness…especially when we are under any kind of stress or overtired. Any of us can so easily fall into that sin of being a discouragement to others. Abuse. Neglect. Harsh words…or worse…those things that cause tear-filled eyes of despair and discouragement…or worse.

God delights when we use our words to build others up rather than tear them down. People need encouragement. We all do. We flourish in the midst of it. Words of encouragement are life giving. They have the power to heal broken hearts. They empower people to think outside the box where they sometimes get “stuck”…unable/unwilling to move “forward”. Words have power. For good or for evil.

The power of encouragement. The power of kindness. Everyone needs someone to believe in them and to tell them so!

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths,Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 6:33 pm

Marathon Running

People that run marathons are a dedicated bunch.

They train faithfully, in all kinds of weather…always with that focused attention to detail that produces “winners”. Some hire coaches to help them train and to endure to the end.

Marathon running…it can be grueling before, during, and after the event. One friend actually lost a toe as a result of being determined to finish the race. She persevered in spite of the pain. Maybe even because of it. She had worked so hard to get to this point. She simply could not give up! Would not give up!

I know that the water stations along the way are like an oasis in the desert. Along with the refreshment of the water, they are also a place to receive encouragement to persevere. People cheer you on at these specially prepared refreshment stations. It is critical to be reminded of the goal to finish.

Marathon Running

Time on this earth–as followers of Christ–can seem like running a marathon.

It is critical to keep focused toward the goal. Christian Life Coaches often help people to hold their focus toward their goals: “Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead…the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14). Paul also said in that same verse: “…but one thing I do…”

Is that the one thing we do?

To press on with our eye toward the goal of spending eternity with Jesus? Is that our joy and focus? Do we love Him enough to go through the grueling training before, during, and after the event of “going home to be with the Lord”? Are we willing to lose a toe …or worse…in the process?

Or are we distracted toward the worldly prizes more than the heavenly ONE? Do we try to take shortcuts because the training is so hard?!

Run Your Race

Today is a new day! Let’s keep cheering one another on. This is a great day for a fresh start with a fresh perspective. Which marathon are YOU running? And which prize do you most value?

I’d love to hear from you. Have you done any marathon running?

How have you found it to compare to the walk of a disciple of Christ?

Do You Believe God…?

Do you believe in miracles? I do. Do you believe God cares? I do.
Do you believe God has your best interest at heart? I do.
Do you believe that God cares what you do with your life? I do.

Do you believe God hates sin? I do.
Do you believe we are all sinners? I do.
Do you believe God winks at sin? I do NOT.
Do you believe that He loves sinners? I do.
Do you believe He loves you? I do.
Do you believe God wants what’s best for you? I do.

Do you believe that God chose your parents? And your personality? And the country you’d be born into? I do.
Do you believe that God wants you to read the love letter (the Bible) He wrote to you? I do.
Do you believe that He wants you to find Him in the midst of that love letter…the Bible? I do.
Do you believe that He wants to have a personal relationship with YOU? I do.
Do you believe that He wants you to make that a priority? I do.

Is there anything stopping you?

I’m praying for you to find this Friend that is closer than a brother to be your very closest relationship from now until eternity! He’s waiting with open arms. Whenever you take the first step forward He’ll meet you there. Jump into the Word of God…the Bible…and devour every word. Ask Him to reveal Himself in a deep personal way like you have never known before and He will delight to answer that request. He speaks to us from every single page. But the trick is that we have to stop long enough to listen (read it).

There are lots of translations and paraphrases to choose from. Choose one that is most understandable to you. Some still love the beauty of the Kings James Version. Others find it cumbersome and so love the Message version or the Amplified Version or the New International Version. Many choices. Just make that choice. Do that and He will meet you in those pages of His Holy Word.

Tell me: How do you make the Bible come alive to you personally? How do you keep reading/studying the Bible as a priority in your own life? Share your story. We can encourage each other in this way. We can help each other come closer in relationship to the Source of all life. Temporal and Eternal. Praise the Lord God Almighty. Father. Son. And Holy Spirit. Praise His Glorious Name.

Do you believe that will make Him happy? Do you believe God? I do.


Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 4:00 pm

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