Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Who Am I? Who Are You? Why Do We Do the Things We Do? Part I of IV

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes get frustrated with myself because I am not like someone else. I wonder: Who am I? Who are you? Why do we do the things we do? Some days, I want to be more dynamic or more pioneering, for instance.

Sometimes, I wish I didn’t need to know so many details about things before I can move forward. Like the time I had promised to help at a silent auction fundraiser. Because I had never even been to a silent auction, I had no idea what to expect. I felt apprehensive. My friend knew me well. She graciously answered all my questions so I would feel prepared. She provided what I needed to increase my comfort level so I would feel equipped enough to be able to get my eyes off myself and onto the job at hand. I ended up having a blast! All because my friend accepted me for who I am and provided what I needed in that circumstance.

Why did knowing more facts about what was expected change my whole attitude about the event so much? Why couldn’t I just act like my friend and just go with the flow?

Those are very good questions and the answer is: Because God created us to be different. On purpose. By design. My friend and I both were needed at that event. After I felt a greater comfort level and understood how it all worked, I was able to be outgoing and engage the people at the auction. I was able to be other-centered and my friend was able to do what she does well.

God has a plan. He knows just what is needed in your own part of the world. Conflict comes because we don’t accept that we are different by design, but rather we fight it and try to make others into our clones. However, God gave each of us a unique way of handling life – with the crises and opportunities that come with this life on earth.

My friend and I had a potential for conflict because of my need for specific detailed information, but she chose the higher road and realized what I needed to move forward. She was able to “bring out the best” of my God-given design. Wouldn’t you like to be able to do that as well as my friend did?

This has been Part I of four parts to discovering:
Who Am I? Who Are You? Why Do We Do the Things We Do?
How can we learn to get along better together?
Watch for Part II coming soon!

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths — Pam Taylor @ 8:35 pm

God’s Wedding Vows

Is it time to renew your wedding vows with the Lord? Or is it time to finally make that commitment to the Savior? What are God’s wedding vows?
The Lord beckons us to relationship with Him. He’s always wooing us to become His own. Since before you were born, He has loved you. He is continually seeking to get your attention. When you awaken in the night, He is in the middle of a thought about you. Doesn’t that knowledge make you want to dig into His Word (the Holy Bible)…the place where He shows you (over and over) the stories of how He relates to His people. To you. You are “His people”. Love Him back. It’s that easy. His Word (The Bible) will tell you how to do that.
If you have loved Him in the past and now your love has grown cold, renew your “wedding vows” with the lover of your soul. He longs for His “called out ones”… His Bride…to intentionally maintain the relationship with Him.
You’ve heard the song, “I have decided to follow Jesus”? Yes, it is a decision. One you will never regret. Will your life be easy after that decision? Most likely, no! But why would we expect our life to be easier than the One (Jesus) who gave His ALL for us. The New Testament books will explain that in ways that will draw you to Him.
I heard a song on the radio and don’t know the title/artist or the exact words, but it goes something like this: God loves you and made you for the pleasure of knowing you. God made you for the pleasure of loving you.
How can we resist an offer like that? Even with all your warts and even with all the baggage of your past the Creator God thinks that knowing you  is a pleasure. And…that loving you is a pleasure. No strings attached. All He wants is your heart.
Would you like to have God in the center of all of your life? Would you like to talk about ways to make that happen? I know where you can find a good Christian Life Coach to help you with the process of discovering who you can be in Christ. 🙂

To learn more about God’s wedding vows what that can mean to you personally, contact me at  loavesandfishescoaching.com

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 11:47 am

Do You Have Hope-so or Know-so Faith?

I have a serious question for you. Do you have hope-so faith or know-so faith? Do you “hope” that you will go to Heaven? Or do you “know” that you will go to Heaven?

Let’s go back to basics. We all become like those we spend time with.  So, get a piece of paper and let’s take time to:
**Review your relationships (including TV/computer/cell). Are they drawing you closer to the Savior or away from Him?
**Review how you spend your discretionary time. Are you feeding your mind/spirit/soul with trash or with a banquet?
**Review the priority you give to spending time in the Word of God (The Holy Bible).  Remember that we become like those we spend time with.

A good way to begin to get that “know-so” faith  is to practice the presence of God. Be aware of His presence. Everywhere. All the time. In all circumstances. He is a gentleman. He won’t push Himself on you. It’s your choice to: Seek–with a vengeance–a relationship with Him. As though your eternal life depends on it. Because it does! Literally. Eternally.

It’s that time of year when we start new schedules. It’s time to: Schedule in the Lord.  Purposefully make time with Him and His Word a priority in your schedule. Highlight it in your day-planner or calendar. Then keep that appointment as though it is a “date” with the coolest person in the world. Because it is! (And the best part is, the relationship also carries over to the next world as well. It doesn’t get any better than that!)

Be honest with Him. He knows it all anyway. He loves you. He created you, so He knows why your life is “stuck” or not working as you had hoped it would. He knows you’re hurting over betrayal or disappointment or because you made a decision that has turned your world upside down. He knows what is tempting you. He can provide that way out. But the only way to get the power to be the best you can be is through an intentional relationship with Him and His Word. He promises to meet you there.

If you need help working it through, that’s my favorite thing to do…to walk alongside “imperfect” people like me…imperfect people that want to be all the Lord wants us to be. It is so much easier when you have a trusted ally to walk the path with you. Don’t worry. Nothing you say will surprise me. We all struggle. Me, too. That is the nature of this world. It is not our home. We are only passing through. We’re “getting ready for” the next…the so-much-better-world. The first call is my gift to you. Just email me to arrange it. It is that easy. Let’s get started with this new schedule determined to get back to basics…whatever it takes! Onward! loavesandfishescoaching.com


Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 12:13 pm

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Psalm 23 reminds us that “The Lord is My Shepherd. I shall not want”. (Meaning: I have all I need.) That’s what The Lord God wants us to know.

With Him as our Shepherd/Lord, we lack nothing that we need. He is enough to meet our every need. Key word = need. He is Faithful and True. He longs to hear us say, “I trust You, Lord, to give me everything I need.” If it’s a new thought, keep saying it until you believe it. It may take time, but believing it brings freedom from the enslavement of continually striving for more! If you have questions, contact me at loavesandfishescoaching.com  If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find someone who does!

I shall not want. The pain of life comes from wanting more than we have. Wanting to the point of distraction and discontent and sometimes even anger or bending the rules. It sometimes gets us into a lot of unnecessary debt, because…after all…we deserve it, right? It is a hard habit to break away from thinking that if we don’t take care of ourselves, who will?

How do we conquer the wanting more demon? It takes a mindset change. A Christian life coach can help. But, it also takes spending time regularly in His Word (The Bible) to keep remembering that He is sufficient. All things are possible with the Lord.

It is a statement of confidence in the Lord when we conquer that wanting more demon. Discover contentment. I’d love to help you as you move toward that truly good life of trusting God as the Good Shepherd. He truly wants what’s best for you!


Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 5:05 pm

Are You Living In “Stuff-ville”?

“Stuff”. Do we own it or does it own us? Isn’t the temptation to acquire more and more stuff,  at least part of what is referred to as  the American Dream? Do we sometimes hope we will feel better about ourselves because of what we own?

Abraham, the Patriarch in the Bible was a tent dweller. Why?

He knew this world was not his home. He was merely passing through. Abraham’s hope was centered in his future Home – the City of the One and Only True and Living God. We can read about it in chapter 11 of the New Testament Bible book of Hebrews, verses 9,10. “By faith he (Abraham) lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, fellow-heirs of the same promise; for he was looking for the city which has foundations, whose architect and builder is God.”

Keeping our focus on the eternal rather than the temporal is difficult to do alone. We all need support. We need encouragement to keep our focus on what is truly important. That’s what Christian Life Coaches do. Coaches help you find–and then encourage you to keep your eyes on–your God-given strengths and goals. That’s how we find renewed hope and purpose.

We know that we can’t take any of this “stuff” with us on that day when we breathe our last breath. A coach helps you remember to keep asking yourself: “In light of eternity, is this where I should focus my attention, time, money, skills, and emotions?”

You know the question: What would Jesus do?

Or maybe a better question is: What did Jesus do? When was the last time you stopped long enough to think about how Jesus spent His time? We know His time was definitely not spent on accumulating “stuff.” It was/is spent on helping people find their way Home.

Home.  Where Jesus is waiting. Do you need “directions” how to get there? I can help! That’s one of my favorite topics! Heaven!

You can find your answers, but there are no shortcuts to finding them. It takes time…Time spent prayerfully reading the Bible. Lots of time. Over and over again for your entire lifetime. Once is not enough. Time in the Bible is time in relationship with the Lord of the Bible.

It’s been said that the Bible can be read from Genesis to Revelation…from beginning to end…in 72 hours. How did you spend your last 72 hours? 🙂

Can you answer this question with certainty: “Is my citizenship in Babylon (“Stuff-ville“) or in the New Jerusalem?” This could be the day you choose to think like Abraham did…focused on your eternal destiny, rather than just living for the “stuff” of today.

I’d love to be your coach in the discovery process. I know the way “Home”…

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths,Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 3:40 pm

Deal or No Deal…The Prodigal Attitude

You might already know that the story is about the (Prodigal) son that asked for a share of the inheritance so he could leave home and do his own thing. He was granted his requests. He had a good time for awhile…until his money ran out, that is. Which meant that his friends ran out about the same time. And then he found a job slopping pigs. He was so hungry that the pig slop began to look pretty good. That’s when he decided he had to do something to take control of the situation.

Eureka! He got an idea!

We find him reasoning to himself that he will go back home and negotiate a deal with his father. He will tell his father that he is no longer worthy to be called his son. (Sounds humble, huh? Sounds like he learned his lesson, right? ) And he decides the best part about his brilliant plan is that he will plead with his father to make him one of the father’s hired servants.

Sounds good. But is it really? Deal or no deal? Pride or humility? Wisdom or Arrogance? What are the makings of a “real man” (or woman) of God?

There were at least three kinds of servants in those days:
1. Day Workers. They were paid on a day-to-day basis (no job security).
2. Hired Servants. They worked long hours on the estate, but lived in town (with their independence intact).
3. Bond Servants: They lived on the estate and worked very hard (job security, but no independence).

After all of his arrogance and foolishness and loss, when the prodigal was planning to return home, we see that he continued to want control of his own “hard-earned” money and to live apart from his father and keep his independence as well. He wanted to be a hired servant.

So, do we find a surrendered, humble man that has learned from his mistakes or do we find someone that looks a lot like US when we approach the throne of God the Father to make requests of Him in prayer??? Are we really saying, “I’ll serve you, but I still want my freedom to decide how that will actually play out”.

This story is often called the story of the Prodigal (or Lost) Son, and yet it is also the story of the Loving Father. (For some of you, this story will be a sad thing because you have never known what it felt like to be truly loved by a Father. And for you, this is an especially important thing to understand: it is an excellent illustration of the way our Heavenly Father is with us.) (Be sure to read the whole story in Luke 15). In this story, do you see that the Father never let the son tell him his plan? All the son got to say was that he was not worthy. The Father took it from there and gave the son much more than he ever had thought or imagined. Our Heavenly Father is just like that! (A word of caution: We can’t expect a shower of material things, but it can be guaranteed that whatever He (God, the Father) chooses for us will most certainly be better in the long run than we ever could plan out in our own puny earth-bound brains.)

However, it is also important to mention that a prodigal attitude breaks the Father’s heart as He stands waiting for us to come back home. When we stray or get distracted from fellowshipping with Him, He waits with a longing for us…He wants to shower us with His love. He is sad because of all we miss by not trusting Him to take good care of us. Dig deeply into the reading of His Word (the Bible). He is waiting there for you. He wants you to get to know Him. He has carefully chosen each word…to bless you!


Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 5:06 pm

Meet MY coach on You-Tube


I thought you might enjoy meeting my Christian Life Coach on You-Tube: speaking about the role of a Christian Life Coach.


The few short minutes you spend there may clarify and/or answer some questions you might have about life coaching in general…and how it differs from other professions.

Then, spend some time at loavesandfishescoaching.com Be sure to check out some of the other blog posts, as well. After getting to know me a bit, schedule your FREE call. We can talk about where you are now and how that gap can be bridged to get to where you want to be. Finding renewed energy, purpose, and joy.

From the comfort of your home or office computer, you can conveniently contact me at loavesandfishescoaching.com  to set up the free phone appointment.

Do it now, before you get side-tracked on something else. What have you got to lose? It’s a FREE inquiry call. That’s all. No obligation. I’m looking forward to meeting you!   You can find me at loavesandfishescoaching.com

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 5:56 pm

Wedding Plans & Alpha Moms

Most couples have expectations that after the engagement, there comes the blissful and effortless planning of a wedding celebration. However, sometimes, the wedding plans become a challenge when one or more Alpha Moms vye against the Alpha Bride for the power to plan.

Let’s be fair. Seldom does the Alpha person see the relational fractures they are causing. What could be some of the possible reasons this is happening?

Alpha Manifestations:
The money rules. Whoever pays the most thinks (and rightly so) that they should have a greater input … but unfortunately that often translates into the “Right to Rule” all things attitude.
Power struggles. “Where, what, who, when” decisions become nightmares as formerly sane people try to be heard. It appears that they feel that their way is the only reasonable (translated: correct) decision.
Focus on tasks/decisions. It is easy to forget to be kind when so many tasks and decisions are piling up.
Past experiences. Perhaps their own Mom was a Wedding Alpha Mom and they don’t know there is another option.

Is there an alternative? Is this all inevitable? Does the best Alpha win?

Advantages in the Christian Wedding:
 We can choose to keep God in the center…to pray first, pray during, and pray after each decision, each meeting, and each event.
 The wisdom of the Word of God is the Rock to stand on. Reading the New Testament book of Philippians is a good place to start each day. It helps to keep our focus on the Joy in the Lord…to keep our thoughts of Him front and center.
 It helps to keep reminding ourselves that God is on our side. He wants us to ask for His help. He desires the wedding plans to be as blissful as the joy of the engagement was. Jesus’ first recorded miracle was at a wedding feast with his mother. He understands.
 A priority must be in keeping our guard up against the evil one that desires to destroy the good testimony that can come from a Christian wedding done well.
 We can choose to have an “accountability partner” to help us keep focused on what is eternal.

It is also important to remember that just because we are Christians, we are not immune to the temptations brought on by wanting everything to be just right. With all the busyness, it is easy to forget we are sinners needing God’s mercy, guidance, wisdom, and grace.

In Luke 18:9-14, the Alpha church leader – the one that knew and taught the Scriptures – the one that spent most of his days in a religious lifestyle (and should have known better) tried to convince God of his “Alpha-ness” (translated: worthiness).

In the story, we also see the lowly, despised man – feeling his sinfulness (translated: UNworthiness). He is begging God for mercy.

The question is – in any of life’s circumstances – do we want to be the Alpha person or the one asking for the Lord’s mercy and guidance…and receiving it because God sees our heart. Being an Alpha person is a hard habit to break. But the first step is awareness that it’s not worth the ultimate price – being out of God’s favor.

It helps to keep the perspective that it is truly only one day. Future relationships can be strained when we insist that the Alpha way is the right way…controlling things with either attitude, tears, or outbursts of anger. Whether you are the bride, the groom, the mother, the father, a relative, or friend, it simply is not worth it in the long run. How much better to seek to be a blessing in the planning of a wedding.

Yes, decisions have to be made and deadlines have to be met. And yielding is difficult, but done with eyes wide open and on the Lord, it can be the difference between being a Kingdom Person rather than a Church Person. Our ways are earthly. His ways are Heavenly.

Luke 18:14 “I tell you that this man {the UNworthy one…the one who knew that he was a sinner}, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled; and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

May God bless your wedding plans, your wedding, and all the rest of your days on earth. For His glory!



Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 3:05 pm

A Time for Remembering. From Loss to Gain.

When I was pre-teen, my Mother died after a long illness. Unable to bear to see her suffer any longer, I had cried out to God to either heal her or take her. She died that very day. Loss.

A year later, my boyfriend died following a boating accident. Normally, we would have been spending the day together; but he had gone water skiing because we were arguing.  Loss.

That very summer–just days after the accident, and a year after my Mother’s death—my best friend and confidant went on vacation out of state for the entire summer. Loss.

Continually coming to dead ends, for years I searched for the GOD of my Mother.  She had something that helped her through that time of suffering; and I wanted that something. (What was her “secret”?).  I was lonely, bored, and confused. Loss.

Still desperately looking for answers in the wrong places–when I was not yet 20, I married a man I barely knew. For twelve years we were barren. Loss.

My salesman husband traveled and there were breeches to our marriage covenant to love and honor. Loss.

Still searching for answers, I finally found what I was looking for in a church. I still didn’t know what to call it, but I knew they had something very important.  I was in a safe place–loved by people that knew the “secret” my Mom knew. And now I knew the “secret” too. They loved me to the Word of God and to the God of the Word. Gain.

I devoured the “secret”…the Glorious Word of God…and I found HIM (the LORD) there…in the Bible. He was waiting there for me all the time. I just had to be willing to receive what He had to offer. I found Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit and lots of examples of how God relates to His imperfect creation: people…you and me. And I found the joy of discovering the unconditional love of our Creator. He loves us exactly as we are…but…He also loves us too much to let us stay there. He teaches us how to see loss as gain. Loss truly is gain when it drives us seeking until we come to Him and to His Word. He wants us to experience the abundant life—not of money and things—but of the realization of our Father’s Love. Gain. Great Gain.

“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! …For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen” (Romans 11:33-36 New International Version)

Turning losses into great gain…
That’s my favorite topic! Arrange a FREE call. Contact me at loavesandfishescoaching.com.

I can’t wait to talk to you.  🙂

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 4:59 pm

Just Sit Back & Close Your Eyes

“Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

A simple little children’s song? Not at all! It is a deep and profound fact!

I could write pages of text to try to convince you of that–but why not let HIM convince you. Just sit back, close your eyes and say that phrase over and over a few times: “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

Let it sink in.

Amazing! How often do we take the time to do something as simple as that?
Now what? How do you know it’s true that Jesus loves you…YOU…personally.

“The Bible tells me so.” Really?? Really!!

The Bible is full of stories of how God relates to people–all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstances. And EVERYTHING He does is from the motive of love. The more you’re alone with Him in His Word, the more real that fact will become. Guaranteed!

Don’t believe me? Let’s talk about it. I’ve tried it and tested it and proved it to be true! Want to stay on track? I’d love to walk the path with you. Just let me know. You can find me here:    loavesandfishescoaching.com

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 2:35 pm

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