Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Meeting Jesus Face-to-Face

A tribute to a life well lived

I originally wrote this, many years ago, in 2007, as I grieved the loss of a dear friend many miles away. Since that time, many others I held dear have joined my friend. Diane, in the presence of Jesus. Though they are blessed and full of joy in Jesus’ presence…

I find that today, I am again grieving my own loss in the death last evening, of another dear mentor and friend, Leota Mether, many miles away. It has been many years since we have seen each other, but her steadfast love of her Lord and Savior was palpable and she longed for Heaven to be with Jesus from the day I first met her. Her example has continued to give me a good foundation from which to build my own trust and faith in our Lord. Leota was our family’s piano teacher, but she was so much more. She was our mentor in how to live a faithful Christian walk. So, I share this piece, Welcome Home, again, knowing that everyone reading it will be thinking of someone that they miss…mindful of the transition from here to there…I pray this comforts you in your own loss…

Welcome Home

The story begins in Delaware. One morning, so many years ago, a dear friend kissed her husband good-bye, left to go jogging with her friend, was hit by a truck, and immediately left to be with her Lord. I’ve written from the perspective of my friend, Diane, and now from the perspective of my friend, Leota, as she meets King Jesus face-to-face in Heaven.

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.”
—Jude 24, 25, NAS

Today, at 6:40 a.m. (Earth-time)

I stepped from your world into the peaceful beauty and splendor of Heaven. It was an easy passing…there was a quietness and a calm in the air as I passed from one world and into the next. It was a lovely journey.

King Jesus was on the Bema Seat. I was not afraid to face Him. We discussed my life and I quietly asked, “but Lord, what about when I…”


(In blood red)

suddenly appeared on my hand. “Oh, my Lord,” I whispered, as He stepped down from the Bema Seat. The jagged scars from the rough-hewn nails on His wrists made me weep as He wrapped His lovely arms around me. That simple act of His hug has totally healed me of my earthly experiences. Those beautiful scars! I laid my head on His shoulder and wept for joy. Such love. I looked down and saw the scars on His feet…love marks to me. Such glorious, pure, untainted, unconditional love. I am in the home of the forgiven.

He placed a crown on my head. On me! How could this be? And yet, it is true! Glorious love! Somehow, I don’t feel unworthy. It feels natural to be here. As though I have always been here. Then I remember: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1, NAS).

“Oh, my Lord…my glorious Lord!” I fell before His feet. I touched the scars. “They are there because of my sin, not Yours!” He lifted me up, and escorted me – His bride – to the banquet table. “How is it possible, with so many others here, that I feel as though I am alone with You”? I asked Him. Those beautiful expressive eyes drew me closer – ever closer to an understanding of the purity that love can possess.

The clutter of the things that were important in my earth-life is gone. “Life is so simple here. There is love and there is purpose; and I know that You have prepared this destiny especially for me. You have used my earth-life to prepare me for what You were preparing for me – here – after the banquet.”

“I have been healed with Your loving embrace,” I whispered. “Your banquet table has nourished me. I have walked down the path with You – on Your arm as Your bride. Oh, the wonder of it all! Now, You have said that we have work to do – together – in every sense of the word. You have made me worthy to be here and You have proved it by placing this crown on my head.”

I tried to kneel and He told me, “No, STAND before Me…I have made you worthy.” So, I stood…in my glorified body – before King Jesus and He embraced me again, and said, “You have been faithful. Well done, My lovely one. My bride. You are here, not for what you have done in My Name, but because you have loved my Glorious Appearing. That is all that I have required. There is no need for My bride to ever fear My appearing. You were created for this purpose. Your earth-life was preparation for all of this. I often told you, “I have My way. You have yours. Mine is better. You see…I was right. My way is better.”

Then He said, “Here, My love…let Me show you how My Light sparkles through this bottle of your tears that I have kept. Not one tear was lost…and see how they add to the beauty of Heaven—the home of the forgiven.



This might be a good time to think of what it might be like for you your last day on earth. Are you ready to meet your Maker? I’d love to hear your story. Let’s talk!

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

We Love Our Gifts, But…

Do we truly trust the Giver? Stop and think for a moment. Do we open our Spiritual Gifts, as we would any gift? With expectation? Do we use those Gifts to the Glory of God–with gratitude– for what He has provided? Let’s talk a bit about Gifts…

Gifts of the Spirit

You know my passion is to help you discover and live your Personality Strengths. But, we also each need to know our Spiritual Gifts. The two work together in each Christian. So…what is YOUR Spiritual Gift? The Lord God assigns our Gifts through the Holy Spirit, just as He assigns our Personality Types. Both are God-given. We can’t pick or choose. It is decided for us.

Our Assignments

Though we mostly love gifts, we often hate our assignments. Our testings. Our challenges to walk the walk we talk. They, too, are chosen…hand picked for us…by God Himself. We can praise the Lord that the Holy Spirit is available to help us through it all. No matter what. We are not alone. What if we actually embraced our God-given Gifts? Many do. Some do not. Which are you?

If God has taken the care to choose the perfect Gift and Personality for each of us, we don’t want to shun His generosity!

Our Spiritual Identity

When we know our spiritual identity in Christ, we naturally walk in it, and have more freedom, because when we walk with Him, rather than fighting Him and His plan for us, the Lord is fully present; and our load is no longer heavy–WHEN and IF we allow Him to help us carry it as He desires to do.

AND when we know and embrace our spiritual identity, we also call out the greatness in other people, by helping them find that freedom, too.

We are billboards–advertising so to speak–what a Fully Devoted Follower looks like.

We either attract or repel others by our “walk” in the Spirit.


Another form of rejection of God’s chosen design for each of us, is to compare ourselves to others, either in a positive OR a negative way. God chooses. His Fully Devoted Followers embrace that choice and bless Him by fully living in that design without envy toward another.

If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.
Galatians 6:3-5 NIV


Your worldview affects your identity. Cultural worldview is about “me”. Kingdom worldview is Biblical, and actually provides the feeling of the inner joy that comes from the realization of being blessed that Jesus is King.

O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.
Psalm 139:1-24 ESV

Church Person vs. Kingdom Person

Which are you? If we are honest, I think most of us waiver back and forth between the two. And life here on earth, is a training ground, so we steadily more and more develop that Kingdom Mindset.

And, though it was intended to be the discipleship training ground, unfortunately, often inside the walls of the church, we don’t find out how to be a good Kingdom person. Rather, we learn how to be a good Church person. That is grievous to our Savior. To our Lord Jesus!

Maintaining an Appearance…

In that case, we might find ourselves settling for mediocrity rather than choosing to put our hand to the plow of Kingdom planting. As a good church person, we maintain an appearance of faith but without the strong heart toward God. We want to “fit in.” The Bible tells us to examine ourselves.

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
2 Corinthians 13:5 ESV

For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned
Romans 12:3 ESV

What about you?

Are you frustrated trying to figure it all out for yourself? Are you feeling like something is missing? Do you need some help figuring out your God-given Gifts? Your Strengths? I can help you with that.

Walk the walk of a Kingdom person

Ask God for a new lens from which to see your life. May He make us each a faithful Kingdom person. Let’s ask to see our lives as our Creator sees them…both in the victories and in the testings. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Lovingly, He orchestrates our lives for our greatest opportunities to mature. To become a Fully Devoted Follower of our Savior and Lord Jesus.

Until Next Time,

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

The Blessing of Encouragers

An encourager can help you find your voice.

What does that mean?

Each of us has a unique way of expressing ourselves. We are not created to be a carbon copy of another. What we believe that we “ought” to be able to do can sometimes cause a type of emotional or spiritual paralysis and/or an inability to move forward. Finding your voice comes from discovering your strengths. And then using them to grow stronger and more confident each day. It is YOU being YOU. The God-given you. The you that Creator God chose for you to be.

Encouragement is a two-sided coin

It actually is the Spiritual Gift of Exhortation. It is more than encouraging the discouraged or afflicted. The other side of that coin is afflicting the comfortable. Think of the many prophets that displayed that second side of the coin: Afflicting of the comfortable. Think of King David and the Prophet Nathan: “YOU are that man!”

The King’s Speech movie

“When England’s throne is suddenly thrust upon him, amidst royal family scandal and impending world war, King George VI must overcome a lifelong, debilitating speech impediment to lead his nation.”
– from the back of the DVD cover

King George VI’s wife

Elizabeth adored her husband and was an absolute rock of support and encouragement to him. She believed with all her heart that her husband could overcome his speech impediment. He was a stutterer. She had great compassion and continually tried to find someone to help her husband to find his voice and move forward. She was like the first side of the coin (encouraging the discouraged and afflicted king, her husband). He trusted and adored her.

The Speech Therapist

The King’s wife found and enlisted the help of an eccentric man, who had been highly effective with soldiers returning from war, helping them to recover and rehabilitate. But, this speech therapist was the other side of the coin type of encourager. He was a true exhorter. He afflicted the comfortable King. He challenged him. He was absolutely devoted to the king. But, he refused to “baby” him or make excuses for him. He absolutely believed the king could overcome his affliction.

True friends help you overcome your fears

The king (Bertie) and his speech coach (Lionel) learned to trust each other and became great and loyal friends to each other. “…the two men forge an unlikely friendship that will ultimately empower the monarch to find his voice, inspire his people and rally the world.”
– from the back of the DVD cover

Sometimes pain precedes the healing

The King had resigned himself that no one could truly help him. He was thoroughly discouraged. He felt inadequate to lead the nation. And yet, we see it took both sides of the coin to help someone so deeply damaged by his past care-takers and father. People who should have helped him, actually shamed him! And that made him go deeper into the fear of failure.

Who has helped you find YOUR voice?

A Christian life coach is a lot like the speech coach that helped the king find his voice. Sometimes we will be one side of that coin. Sometimes, the other side of the coin, but ALWAYS with the goal of challenging you to achieve the greatness God had in mind when He created you. We work alongside God to help you find your strength…you wholeness. All for the purpose of greater peace and joy.

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Sleep Deprivation. A Gift From God?

I want to say a little bit to those who suffer from sleep deprivation. Those who wake in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep. Have you ever thought of it as a gift from God? Maybe He is calling you to a closer walk to Himself.

Thinking back…

I’m thinking back about those morning feedings with my children and it seems like it was often about 4:00 or so in the morning. Somehow it was like God was calling me in a very special way to Himself and I was almost sorry when the children grew older and I slept through those times.

The 4th Watch

Just recently I’ve discovered some things how Jesus comes to people during the 4th watch. I also noticed that often He would pray to His Father during the 4th watch. So I did a little bit of research, and I discovered that it happens to be between the hours of 3 and 6 in the morning. I have a feeling many of you suffering from sleep deprivation might say that often that is the time when you are awake and frustrated.

What’s the significance?

I noticed that the 3rd watch was often during time of trial or battle. Remember the disciples on the sea, struggling during the 3rd watch of the night? That would have been sometime between 12 midnight to 3 in the morning.

The weather was bad and the boat was tossing around and they were struggling and crying out for help. Then, Jesus came and walked to them. That was during the 4th watch when he appeared. The hours between 3 and 6 in the morning.

What if…?

So, what if he lets you struggle. He lets me struggle? And what if we take the time to look for Him during that 4th watch? What if He is there? What if we have been missing Him?

Mindset shift

What if you just decide to change your mindset…your way of looking at the sleep deprivation…and just decide to embrace that time and spend it with Him in the wee hours of the morning?

A blessing in disguise

I know for me, it has been a blessing in disguise to change my way of looking at the wakeful hours. Surrendering, rather than fighting it to no avail. CHOOSING instead to relax and visit with My Father in His Word and prayer. And spend some time with Oswald Chambers “My Utmost For His Highest” devotional. And journaling. Somehow, it is so much better than later in the day. The 4th watch. And then, often, I go back to bed and am able to sleep for another hour or two.

Give it a try. And let us know how it goes…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

School is Starting. You’re Busy. Here’s Help… (Recipe Inside)

School Day Breakfast Cookie. Make Ahead & Freeze.

School’s starting. Details. Details. YIKES!!

My Dad would sometimes say that he felt like he was meeting himself coming and going.  Do you ever feel that way? Is your head spinning, trying to remember all the details for everything you need to get accomplished for this new school year? There’s shopping, organizing, school physicals, car pool schedules, garage sales to make room for the new stuff you bought, and the need to get back into a good sleep routine.

And then, there is meal planning. Do I hear a SIGH?

Let’s talk about breakfast! You want your kids to start their school day (whether Traditional, Christian, or Home-schooled) with a good & satisfying meal.

I know you are so busy right now. I’m praying for you, Mama. And I’m on your team. I want to help you with breakfast. Little successes lead to bigger successes as you walk out your daily routine in your career as Mama to your kids.

I have a great recipe for you.

I have written VERY SPECIFIC instructions in case you want your kids to do the “creating”. (Hoping I left nothing to “chance” here.) So, here you go…
Just for you, sweet Mama…

Delicious & Easy School Day Breakfast “Cookie”

(Complete Meal in Cookie Form! YAY!!!)

  1. Turn on the oven to 350 degrees (to preheat while you mix up the cookie dough)
  2. Mix together with a large spoon, in a large bowl, the following ingredients:
    • 2 cups oats (I use the quick oats in the round box)
    • 1 mashed banana (peeled)
    • 1/3 cup or 1 small individual size applesauce (unsweetened)
    • 2 eggs
    • 1/2 cup or 1 individual size box raisins
    • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
    • 1 t. vanilla
    • 1 t. cinnamon
    • 1/3 cup melted butter
    • 1/3 cup crushed walnuts (I crush them to the consistency of flour with a hammer in a plastic bag)
    • If the mixture seems a bit too thick, I sometimes add a 1/2 cup or so of water to make it better consistency for mixing.
    • Sometimes for variety, I add 1/3 cup or so of Cocoa Powder.
    • The fruit makes them naturally sweet, so no other sweetener is needed.
  3. Baking time is 15-20 minutes…depends on how big you make your cookies. The bigger the cookie, the longer it takes to cook!

More tips:

  • I use a non-stick cookie sheet so I don’t need to grease the cookie sheet because there is butter in the cookie mix. I drop them by spoonful and flatten with the back of the spoon.
  • I usually double the recipe (that gives me 10-14 cookies). I make my cookies as big as the ones at Starboard Market or Cookies, etc. or some other “Monster Cookie” shop.
  • I freeze them and when I am in a rush, I can take one out of the freezer and either let it sit to thaw, while I get ready for the day, OR I can heat it in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds. YUM!!!

This is a great idea for you, Moms, especially when you are running late. The kids can take a breakfast cookie with them in the car. No sticky mess. Very cool!

Please leave a comment using the form below. Would you be so kind to share on FB to help other Moms start the day with a “cookie”?

And, please…share your own recipes to help your morning start off well with a nourishing breakfast.

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Back to School Days – 17 Ways to Keep Your Sanity

It’s that Back-To-School time of year.

Back to scheduled days. Scheduled bed times. Scheduled meals. Back to busy days. To car pooling the kids to sports and fun events.

What is a Mom to do in order to keep her sanity?

What can you do to keep the home a safe place for everyone? A place where they want to bring their friends. I can still remember when September came around, the whole world of lazy hazy days of summer came to an abrupt end. So, whether you are a single parent, a homeschool parent, or if your kids are in public or private school, I’ve been pondering today what might be helpful for you right now.

Start each day smart.

With the Lord, no matter what else is going on. Each morning, turn your face toward Heaven and start confessing who the Lord is. Name His qualities. (Shepherd. Healer. Protector. Provider.) Name His titles. (Lord. Savior. King. Creator. Father. Friend.) Praise Him for His attributes. Behold Him and Believe. Believe He will meet your every NEED. EVERY DAY! Share what you are learning with the kids! And don’t forget: Get in the Word as soon as you can each day.

Now, for the day-to-day back-to-school stuff. Here are a few ideas…

  1. Figure out what is working.
  2. Do more of it. Stop doing what’s not working.
  3. Start with 5 minute wake-up snuggles in bed. Prayer. Bible verse. Then, a good nutritious breakfast. No less than 10 grams of protein for each of you.
  4. Send them off with kisses on the palm of their hands. If they miss you during the day, they can put their hand against their face to be reminded of your love.
  5. Send them off with fun little sayings like: I love you. You love me. Have a great day and I’ll see you at three.
  6. Send a family picture along in their lunch pail. Laminate it after you glue it to a red construction paper heart.
  7. Keep adjusting the model. Stay focused on the vision of your individual family plan. That plan will be different than any other family you know!
  8. Don’t take anything or anyone for granted.
  9. A calm household has regular routine bedtimes. For kids and for Mom. Well rested people get along with each other better than tired people.
  10. Never get “comfortable” with what you do.
  11. Keep learning. Keep fresh. Be teachable.
  12. Find your own “voice”. Be willing to be unique. Don’t “follow the crowd”. Follow your Lord and ask Him for His plan.
  13. Trust the process.
  14. Don’t get impatient with the process. An oak tree started as a tiny acorn.
  15. Ask for help when you need it.
  16. HAVE YOUR OWN COACH THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PROCESS. Everybody needs their own “cheerleader” (coach).
  17. Discover your strengths. May I suggest Leading From Your Strengths assessments? I promise that it will give you fresh heart. You will discover a new understanding of yourself and each family member. Recognizing, understanding, and embracing each others’ strengths is a VERY GOOD plan! Contact me for more information. (It is so much better than trying to change each other, which NEVER works anyway. ).

And over all these things, spread a covering of prayer to the One who believes in you. Choose to trust that He truly wants to help you be successful this school year. Just ask. He has the “gift” of “helps”, btw

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Personality Strengths and Weaknesses — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Increase Your Energy

This is a busy time of year coming up. Summer is drawing to a close and highly scheduled lives begin again. We know that with God, anything is possible. Faith, Hope, Love and Laughter are all part of God’s energy plan.

Learn from the past

But, don’t LIVE there in the past. What did you do last year that you want to do the same?

Life is full of lessons

Maybe you have disappointments, failures, and things you wish you had done differently. You know that no re-do is possible. You can’t un-do what has happened. But you can learn from it and choose a new path. Rehashing the past is energy-draining! You can move into an amazing fresh new start. Here’s how…

Learning from the Apostle Paul

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do; forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this in mind…
Philippians 3:13-15a

In summary, the Apostle Paul’s 3-part plan was actually a goal toward maturity. And you and I need to follow the same plan in order to be effective in the Kingdom work He has called us to do.

  • Forgetting what’s behind
  • Reaching toward what’s ahead
  • Pressing on with the goal in mind

You can’t change the past. But you can reach out toward what is ahead of you, and with the energy of the Holy Spirit in you, believing God, you can press forward toward the goal always in your mind. What are you working toward? In the Lord, you have the energy/the power/the ability to do what He has called you to do. Remember…

A definition of energy:

the power and ability to be physically and mentally active. Sometimes, you can sabotage the plan, so…

Here’s some ideas to increase your energy so you can reach toward accomplishing your goals

  • Don’t skip a good protein breakfast
  • Drink lots of water
  • Walk whenever you can, rather than jumping in the car
  • Take 3 deep breaths whenever you feel like you can’t cope
  • The Psalms can be helpful in times of great pain and sorrow
  • BELIEVE GOD. “Act as if…” you have it all together. When you are faithful with this, the FEELINGS will soon follow and you will be surprised at your coping ability!
  • REMEMBER: You and God can do this together. Believe that! He is only a prayer away!

Listen to Classical Music* every chance you get (to minimize energy-drainers)

  • Decreases the stress hormones causing overeating and excess belly fat
  • Decreases depression, anxiety and physical pain
  • Improves sleep and decreases nightmares
  • Encourages faster healing after surgery
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Increases energy and endurance while exercising by 10-12 percent

*(The benefits of music list is from: 700 Club’s “Increase Your Energy. You can get the energy you need to live a full life.”)

Until next time,

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Which Personality Assessment Tool Is Best?

Online personality “Superman” tests

Every few months, there are new online evaluation tests, and a continuous flow of new personality assessments that everyone is crazy about. UNTIL the next shiny object comes along. But, as far as I can see, these are focused on YOU. Every one claims to be the Superman of assessments. But I am sticking with one that has been life-changing for me and for my clients.

My favorite for ten years

So, why has Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) been my favorite for 10 years or more? There are many reasons, but my two biggest and best reasons are that it is Biblically based, and it is centered on appreciating our differences, rather than being in competition with each other. It is purposefully other-centered, created for Kingdom-building, focusing on how we fit TOGETHER like puzzle pieces.

Ministry Insight (creator of LFYS) website states:

These key scriptures “explain God’s plan for our uniqueness. We hope you can read them, study them, and discover for yourself God’s design for differences… I Corinthians 12, Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:11-13, I Peter 4:10, Ephesians 2:10.”

Personal testimony: I can be frustrating

Rather than telling someone else’s story about how Leading From Your Strengths helped them to a better, more fulfilling life, I thought I could go deeper with my own story. In order for you to understand the bigger picture I want you to know what is possible, so I’m going to make myself vulnerable. So, here we go…

I need details. I have questions before I commit to anything. I seldom make snap decisions. I don’t know about you, but I sometimes get frustrated with myself because I am not like someone else. Some days, I want to be more dynamic, or more laid back, or more pioneering, for instance.

Volunteering at a Silent Auction

Like the time my friend asked me to volunteer to help her with a Silent Auction. First of all, I had never been to a silent auction. (Don’t laugh. It’s true!) So, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. As the day grew closer, I began to panic. I needed more information to get to a comfort level that would actually make me helpful rather than an irritation.


My friend knew I would love it once I got there, but since she was well-schooled in LFYS, she knew what was causing me to panic. I needed details. So, she patiently explained the whole process and exactly what would be expected of me. She also knew on the ride there, I would have some fresh concerns that needed clarifying. She was patient, calm, and kind. Not having to DEFEND my panic, gave me a comfort level and made the whole process pretty seamless. Because she had eliminated the “new experience anxiety”, I felt equipped to be able to get my eyes off myself and onto the job at hand.

I ended up having a blast!

All because my friend accepted me for who I am and provided what I needed in that circumstance. But then, she understood the strengths differences.

Was I just being picky?

  1. Are you wondering why knowing more facts about what was expected actually changed my whole attitude about serving at the event?
  2. Are you thinking: Why couldn’t I just act like my friend and just go with the flow? I’ve tried that before and that is NOT a pretty picture, believe me! It never works well when we try to be something we are not.

Here’s why and why not…

The answer is because God actually created us to be different. On purpose. By God’s design wisdom.

There had been potential for a conflict.

But the knowledge we had because of LFYS made it possible for each of us to understand the other and to work as a team. My friend and I both were needed at that event. After I felt a greater comfort level and understood how it all worked, my spiritual gift of encouragement kicked in, and I was outgoing, fearlessly asking people to make a bid at our table at the auction. I was able to be other-centered and my friend was able to relax and be herself. Because I had been prepared with knowing what was expected of me, I was able to be left alone in the booth (my personality type is dependable, and not easily distracted from the task at hand). And she was able to meander around the event, meeting needs and greeting people, rather than constantly having to calm down an ill-prepared BEAVER personality. Wouldn’t you like to be able to do that as well as my friend did?

Do you see the POSSIBILITIES?

What if ALL of us understood that we are to help others be all they can be in Christ, by allowing them to be who they are. (We aren’t talking about self-centered sinful behavior here.) We are talking about God-given personality types. God created each person with the exact strength He wanted them to have, in order to accomplish His purposes until He comes again.

Are you ready to get started?

I have an amazing offer for you. For only $49, you can take the assessment AND schedule a one-on-one phone consultation with a certified LFYS Coach. ME! Valuable information is gleaned from a quick multiple choice assessment you take online. We then schedule a phone consultation, to evaluate how to incorporate the information into your life.

Here’s how to make that happen

Leave a comment in the comment box below, with your email address, so we can compare calendars to set up a *Free* call to answer any questions. We can then arrange for your LFYS personality assessment and consultation. Don’t delay! I’m not sure how long I can make this very special offer available.

Until next time,

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

You Will Never Have a Better Past

Are you stuck?
The reality is that many of the conversations we have on a daily basis are about what went wrong in our past. What’s that about? God clearly instructs:

“…Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press towards the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13, 14) He wants you to release the past because you will never ever have a better PAST. No matter how you try. The past is…PAST…

What keeps you from letting go?
My prayer right now is that you will STOP and actually prayerfully look at your life and listen to what God is trying to say to you.

Stop blaming
The past is past. You cannot make it better. There are consequences and there are results. But it is past. Deal with what you need to deal with and move on.

There’s no sense in BLAMING anyone. But you can look at your own attitudes and listen to your own words. We are what we think. And we are what we speak about ourselves. I can remember saying often to myself: “What is WRONG with me?” I wasn’t seeing myself as God sees me. The life of a new creation cannot be lived looking back, but rather by looking ahead toward today and beyond.

Potty training
When I was MUCH younger, the big thing was blaming our mothers because of the way they potty trained us or whether they nursed us or not. That is unproductive. The past is past. Move on. Let it go! What you are right now today is not your mother’s FAULT! You have God and His Word to help you be an overcomer. No more “excuses”.

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us…” (Ephesians 3:20). God actually wants to bless you! But, He leaves it to you and me to embrace Him and believe His plan is for you and me to let go of the past and move forward WITH HIM.

What are you clinging to?

  • Has someone hurt or abused you?
  • Has someone disappointed you?
  • Have you been abandoned maybe as a child or by a husband?
  • Has someone manipulated you with guilt or fear?

CHOOSE to rise above it
Much in our lives can be solved, simply by realizing that we are all living out the personalities that God has given us, in an uninformed way. Often we see our strengths as weaknesses. Sadly many do not even want the abundant life because they would have to stop clinging to victimhood and blame. I don’t believe that is you, or you would not have read this far!

Manipulation & domination
However, If you want to continue to manipulate people to feel sorry for you, or if you want to continue to have inauthentic surface-y relationships, then don’t keep reading. I won’t coddle you in your victimhood. I’ll listen and affirm your life was tough (because who’s life hasn’t been?) BUT if you decide you want to work with me, I will help you discover your personal God-given strengths, so you can embrace and joyfully walk in them. AND I pledge that I will encourage you in every single tiny step forward.

Leading From Your Strengths
It will be glorious watching you do the hard work of re-programming your mind to think GOD’S thoughts and seek HIS plan as you walk away from your past failures and disappointments. God wants you to walk away from the past and toward your future. Because you will never have a better PAST anyway! It is impossible to change the PAST! So…

Let it go!
You won’t forget about it, but it’s behind you. Your past is part of what made you, YOU! I believe you are still reading this because YOU want to see your life through fresh eyes. You actually can move forward with the Lord Jesus Christ as your Source of everything, and trusting you no longer have a desperate need to “please” or “blame” any single person.

CHOOSE to do what you do out of gratitude. For what the Lord has done for you. For your salvation. For your future in Heaven with Him. For His unending unconditional love of who you ARE, because HE is the one who designed you to have the gifts, personality, strengths, and talents that He knew you would need, in order to do what He has prepared in advance for you to do!

Are you ready to begin the discovery process? If so, you have come to the right place. Let’s get started…

Thanks for all you do…

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Do Not Keep Worrying

How is it possible?
Not to worry? Why should I not worry? Everybody worries about something. There is plenty to worry about. And yet God commands us not to worry. Surrendering your heart to Jesus is the great first step. Or, maybe you went forward years ago but your heart has grown a bit cold, making you prone to fear and worry. So…Is there hope? YES!!! YES!!! There is most certainly hope. And I have a plan to share with you…

“Do not keep worrying” (Luke 12:29)
It is not a suggestion. It is an instruction. From GOD. But…we all know that the world is a mess! Families and even churches seem to be dysfunctional. Even so, God has given us a choice. We can live in peace and trust, OR in discontent, striving…wrought up in confusion and fear.

A choice
This is when we want to turn to God and say: Do you mean, God, that worry is a choice? And that NOT worrying is also a choice? You mean that I can actually STOP worrying? How is that possible? Where do I start? Here’s just one idea…

Try this: The 5 second rule*
One of my mentors shared: The 5 second rule: “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (and then speak out loud an “anchor thought”). She used as an example a child afraid of a school rehearsal. The child wants to conquer her fear, so she says, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  My rehearsal is going to be awesome”.

Getting specific
Here’s how it works: when tempted to worry or be afraid, choose to count backwards from 5 and then say out loud the best possible outcome (an anchor thought). As a Christian, you might say, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1. My Father knows I need these things”, or “5, 4, 3, 2, 1. My presentation will be amazing because I have prepared for it and My Father will not forsake me”, or when you don’t want to be angry, …”5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Traffic is slow. What a great time to pray!”

Fear & Faith are both THOUGHTS
Our thoughts are what sabotage us. Fear is thinking the worst possible outcome; and faith is thinking the best possible outcome. Since our thoughts are the problem, they can also be the solution. This “game” we can play with our mind to transform to a more Godly response is just one way to “NOT KEEP WORRYING”. God has more for you than you can ever think or imagine.

Luke 12:28-31 (NAS)

“But if God so arrays the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, HOW MUCH MORE will He clothe you, o men of little faith! And do not seek what you shall eat, and what you shall drink, and DO NOT KEEP WORRYING. For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek, BUT YOUR FATHER KNOWS THAT YOU NEED THESE THINGS.

and these things shall be added to you. Do not be afraid little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the Kingdom.” (EMPHASIS mine.)

Your Father knows you need these things (Luke 12:30)
BUT He wants to be certain that you know the Source is not you, your hard work, your cleverness, or whatever; and He wants you to know that everything, absolutely everything comes from Him and through Him. The trials and the scary worrisome things are the opportunities to “go first” in trust with faith.

So what are you waiting for?
Is it difficult for you to stop worrying? Maybe you would like some support and encouragement through the process of transformation. I’d love to be that one for you. We will look at your God-given strengths and figure out if your personality might be more prone to fear and worry than people with other personality strengths.

Click the blue “Let’s Connect” button below to request a *Free* 1st call. Together, we can get started sooner rather than later. Why wait? CLICK now…

*Author of the book: The Five Second Rule: Mel Robbins (Disclaimer. I have not read the book, so I can’t recommend it or not. I don’t know anything about the author. I merely found the rule to be helpful, and it is a joyful thing to give credit where credit is due. This is an amazing plan!)

Thanks for all you do…

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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