Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Don’t Fear the Shaking. Just Think Differently.

Depressed woman looking out window

Why are we here? As Christians, why are we here?

In these confusing and often perilous times, are their any good answers? What should we do? What can we do? What should we focus on and what should be our priorities?

The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren begins with this first sentence: “It’s Not About You.” I was still a relatively new Christ-follower when I read Warren’s book, but that first sentence is seared into my brain forever. It was a stunning realization. How much of my life has been about ME? God regularly brings that sentence to my mind: “It’s not about you, Pam.” So, WHAT is it about, friends?

Being about God’s business

We all know that we are to be about God’s business “saving the lost”. Perhaps using the “Four Spiritual Laws,” for instance, is a great beginning to keep you on track when you talk with someone about the need for surrender to following after Jesus. The need of dying to self-interest.

We know in our “know-er” that there is only ONE way to God and that is through Jesus Christ. But, then what? What else is there to do?

LOTS!!!! For instance…

Step 1: Leading people to Christ.

Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

Mark 16:16 NIV

Step 2: Obedience, all the while knowing we are not responsible for the outcome.

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.

Matthew 28:17 NIV

Step 3: Discipleship of those who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ, the Lord.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples  of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”{emphasis mine}

Matthew 28:18-29 NIV

Step 4: Remembering we are not alone.

”And surely I am with you always, to the
very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:30 (NIV)

Have we helped to create this mess by skipping step 3: Discipleship? Have we neglected to keep God relevant and alive in our daily lives? Are we aware of His presence throughout the entire day and night–in our work, recreation, churches and in our family lives?

Is our neglect and lack of focus on the Lord the reasons why the carnal life is getting so much stronger than the spiritual life of our nation and yes, the world? Did we forget our purpose? Have we forgotten our assignment from Jesus: GO. And MAKE DISCIPLES. Baptize them. Teach them. EVERYTHING He commanded us.

Is that how we started losing the battle?

We got too busy. Too preoccupied. Too satisfied with our lives.

Step 5: We repent.

We bring every thought captive. We stop fearing the shaking. Rather: No matter what we are feeling, we change our thinking. We think differently. We move with Jesus. We pull the plug on deception and lies and evil thinking. Moment by moment. And in those times when we can’t shake the negativity and the depression, we dump our pride, we cry out to God for help, and we ask mature believers to pray for us when we are in the pits of despair. We stand together as one!

Step 6: We rejoice.

God is on the move. People are turning more to prayer. More are regularly reading and studying their Bibles. More people are surrendering to Jesus’ Lordship. More are beginning to see that Jesus really is the only WAY, and the only TRUTH, and the only LIFE.

Do YOU believe that?

Step 7: Watch for Him. Watch for signs that He is with you.

To God Be the Glory! Great things He has done—and is doing every day!

Until next time…

Discover Living From Your Strengths (LFYS) Life Changing Mentor Coaching.

Do you have questions? Through the Ministry Insights assessment, you will Discover your strengths. And then, through mentor coaching, you will learn how to daily Embrace and Live out your strengths. You can contact me by clicking on the blue button beside the signature line. Or leave me a private message on Facebook.

Leading from Your Strengths

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Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Quick & Easy School Day Breakfast “Cookie” (Save: Recipe included)

Flustered woman

School’s starting. Details. Details. YIKES!!

Is your head spinning, trying to remember all the details for everything you need to get accomplished for this new school year? There’s shopping, organizing, school physicals, car pool schedules, garage sales to make room for the new stuff you bought, and the need to get back into a good sleep routine.

And then, there is meal planning. Do I hear a SIGH?

Let’s talk about breakfast! You want your kids to start their school day (whether Traditional, Christian, or Homeschool) with a good & satisfying meal. Kids NEED breakfast!

I know you are so busy right now. I’m praying for you, Mama. We are on the same “team”. I want to help you with breakfast. Little successes lead to bigger successes as you walk out your daily routine in your career as Mama to your kids. And these successes help you begin to feel like the best mama ever! YAY!

Complete Meal in Cookie Form! YAY!

School Day Breakfast Cookie

(Preheat oven to 350 degrees)

Mix ingredients together with a large spoon, in a large bowl:

  • 2 cups oats (I use quick oats)
  • 1 mashed banana
  • 1/3 cup or 1 small individual size applesauce (unsweetened)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup or 1 individual size box raisins
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 t. vanilla
  • 1 t. cinnamon
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 1/3 cup crushed walnuts (I crush them in a plastic bag with a hammer…to the consistency of flour.)

Baking time is: 15-20 minutes…depends on how big you make your cookies. The bigger the cookie, the longer it takes to cook! 🙂


  • If the mixture seems a bit too thick, I sometimes add a 1/2 cup or so of water to make it better consistency for mixing.
  • Sometimes for variety, I add 1/3 cup or so of Cocoa Powder or 1/2 cup of peanut butter for more protein.
  • Grease the cookie sheet.
  • I drop the dough by the spoonful and flatten with the back of the spoon.
  • I make my cookies as big as the ones at Starboard Market or Cookies, etc. or any other “Monster Cookie” shop, so that one cookie is a full meal.
  • I freeze them, for times when I’m in a rush.
  • Sometimes I add a glob of peanut butter on the top, for extra protein.

When running late in the morning…

  • I take one out of the freezer and either let it sit while I get ready for the day, OR I can heat it in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds. YUM!!!
  • The kids can take a breakfast cookie with them in the car. No sticky mess. What do you think?

Would you be so kind as to share on FB to help other Moms start the school/work day with a “cookie” 🙂

And, please…share in the comment section below, your own yummy and time saving school morning recipes. Thanks bunches!

Discover Living From Your Strengths (LFYS) Life Changing Mentor Coaching.

Do you have questions? Through the Ministry Insights assessment, you will Discover your strengths. And then, through mentor coaching, you will learn how to daily Embrace and Live out your strengths. You can contact me by clicking on the blue button beside the signature line. Or leave me a private message on Facebook.

Leading from Your Strengths

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

God, Where Are You?

Homeless Man in Subway

The disciples wanted to know the answer to that question. They thought they had it all figured out.
Their Savior (from the Romans) had arrived and would conquer their enemy. But, then He died. He left them. Why? Why did He leave them? How could they ever go on without Him? How could they have been so wrong about Him? He died! And worse yet, they thought someone must have stolen His body from the tomb! They were lost. They were purposeless. Can you relate? I know I can!

And then, He appeared ALIVE in their midst

“The touching part of this story is where and how Jesus appears…He doesn’t call the disciples to the temple, or to some other place to see Him. He comes to them where they are, both literally and spiritually. He shows them that He’d kept His promises.” – Anchor devo, July 2022

I love that Jesus meets us where we are, just as we are. No pretense. In real life right where we are, spiritually and literally.

Object lessons

God is faithful to send object lessons along the way in order to solidify any lessons He is currently teaching us. Often, for me, it comes in the form of a song, a devotional, a comment from a friend, a radio Bible lesson, or a movie. And often, it comes in all of those things one after another. I guess I am a bit dense, so He has to repeat His messages to me in multiple ways. THIS week, it is about God meeting me right where I am.

Movie title

The title of this post is actually the title of a movie I watched this week: God, Where Are You? The man—the subject of the story–had been on top of the word. Famous. Rich. With lots of “friends” and admirers. And then his world totally fell apart and he was homeless, filthy, hungry, and absolutely alone.

Kindness reminders

The movie is actually a great reminder of our mission on earth. To help those God sends our way to see that God does indeed meet us right where we are. Everyone. Always. We don’t have to wait to be (almost) perfect, in order to help others (as we discussed last week in the post.) To LISTEN to their story. To feed them when they are hungry. To NOT TAKE OFFENSE when they get angry with our lame attempts to help. To be PATIENT with them in their inability to trust that we don’t have a hidden agenda in our helping them. There are so many lessons in this movie. I hope you will take the time to find it online and watch it with an open heart to what God might be teaching you through it. We all need kindness reminders that God is in our midst. Always. Sometimes the smallest act is exactly what is needed to begin a mindset shift.

A dark tunnel

One of the characters is a woman that had found her way out of the dark tunnel of homelessness. Malachi encourages each of his “customers” (as he refers to them) to keep a gratefulness journal and to write down each thing that BY CHOICE they are grateful for. This woman had learned “Being grateful for all that I have is the biggest step to get away from what I didn’t have”.

It reminded me of life coaching. Yes, it is important to look at the past because it made us what we are today, but it is important to not stay there. Rather, to look to the present and what we can be grateful for and then to look forward to what is possible. To NOT GIVE UP!


So when we ask: “God, where are you?” He responds: “I am right here with you every moment. Look for Me and you will find Me!”

All things are possible…

ALL things are possible. All THINGS are possible. All things ARE possible. All things are POSSIBLE. Always! To God be the Glory! Don’t give up!

Gratefulness Journal

Those of you who know me well, know that I have kept an Ebenezer (Thus far God has led me) Journal every since I went through a very difficult crossroads. It can be like throwing a life raft to a drowning person. To choose to walk in an attitude of gratitude and keep a gratefulness journal to read when you go through dry seasons…as a reminder of what He has done and so will do again! To help those God sends our way, to see that God does indeed meet us right where we are. Everyone. Always. Whether we realize it or not. HE is faithful. We don’t have to wait to be (almost) perfect…We can start today…

Amen? So be it!

Discover Living From Your Strengths (LFYS) Life Changing Mentor Coaching.

Do you have questions? Through the Ministry Insights assessment, you will Discover your strengths. And then, through mentor coaching, you will learn how to daily Embrace and Live out your strengths. You can contact me by clicking on the blue button beside the signature line. Or leave me a private message on Facebook.

Leading from Your Strengths

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor