Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Lord, I Want to Know You (Devotion Week #7)

Woman under arch looking at castle - Lord I Want to Know You

Lord, I Want to Know You is the 7th and last post in this series. Below are the links to the other 6.

“The Name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe.” (Proverbs 18:10)

THE LORD who remains the same throughout all generations.

His loving-kindness

“And the LORD (Jehovah) descended in the cloud and stood there with him (Moses) as he called upon the name of the LORD (Jehovah). Then the LORD (Jehovah) passed by in front of him and proclaimed, ‘The LORD (Jehovah), the LORD (Jehovah) God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness and truth; who keeps loving-kindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations’” (Exodus 34:5-7) This is your Jehovah!

He is self-existent. He is LORD

Jehovah, the self-existent One, appears in capital letters in many Bibles. LORD. “And God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, ‘Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel,
‘I AM has sent me to you.’” (Exodus 3:14)

He is eternal

John 1:14 records that the eternal Word of God “became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” Also in John’s gospel, Jesus identified Himself as the eternal Son through “I am” statements, including His bold statement, “before Abraham was born, I am!” — Arthur Jackson, from Our Daily Bread

Of course He is LORD over all the year, but there is something special about this season of the year, that we call Easter—an amazing time to awaken our spiritual senses and focus on the ultimate sacrifice of our Savior and Lord. The great I AM, who Was, Is, and Always Will Be. He came as a baby, lived, died and rose from the dead. AND is coming back again for His own. He is all we need for every circumstance. For every need.

His unchangeableness

Jehovah is the self-existent One – “I AM WHO I AM”. He is the eternal I AM, the Alpha and the Omega, the same yesterday, today, and forever. All of life is contained in Him. Why do we look elsewhere? Why do we not rest in His unchangeableness? He has never failed. Would He begin with me or with you? He cannot; He is Jehovah, the self-existent, covenant-keeping God.” — Kay Arthur

The Covenant Names of God

We’ve spent these last 6 weeks focusing on the Names of God. But, it is not JUST the Names of God. It is actually the characteristics of God we have studied. And most of all, we have been looking more closely at the COVENANT NAMES of GOD. And we’ve also been looking at Biblical characters who learned particular characteristics of God at a particular time in their lives. And we have seen a modern day example from my own life of how each name applies to us today. And a personal prayer for you each week.

My prayer for you:

Father, I pray for this amazing woman reading this. I ask—just as Moses prayed for God to show him His Glory—that You, LORD, will show her Your Glory! Pass by even now, in all Your goodness. Proclaim Your Name over her! I pray that she continues to draw closer to you—to her amazing God Almighty. Help her to deeply know You by all Your glorious Names. Make it personal. Each of Your names are actually a Covenant You are making with each of Your Followers. THANK YOU, FATHER!!!

I pray she daily continues to draw closer to You—The Keeper of her soul!

Dear one,
Thank you for taking this journey of discovery with me. If you don’t know the LORD in a personal way, but would like to, I’d love to make an appointment to talk to you about all this.


I LOVE questions! We can explore together how to RE-discover, or to finally find your way HOME into the arms of the ONLY ONE who loves you Unconditionally! Truly! I’m only a click away!

Until next time…

Free E-Book for Easter

When you sign up for Pamela Taylor's email list, you'll receive her 7-day Names of God Easter devotional book FREE.

Names of God: 7-Day Easter Devotional

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Will Provide) (Devotion Week #6)

Jesus comforting child - Jehovah-Jireh

I’ve been publishing these weekly devotional thoughts and prayers for women on my blog to encourage your heart, reminding you how deeply your Lord loves you–directing your thoughts toward the names & characteristics of your God. Today’s post is Jehovah-Jireh. Here’s the link to the first ones.


Do you ever feel scared that there will not be enough? Or that you will not have what you need? That you have to work really hard and extra hours so that you and/or your family will be happy? Why did Jesus instruct us to pray: “Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11) Do you feel silly asking God for help when you can do it yourself?

“Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, and rely on horses, and trust in chariots because they are many, and in horsemen because they are very strong, but they do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the LORD!” (Isaiah 31:1) Why do you think God said that “woe”?

The scarcity fear is natural in this country. We have raised the bar of what is “required” to survive.

I am thinking of the story of Abraham and the experience of needing a sacrifice on a trip with his son to the mountains to worship God. (That was of course, before the time of Jesus BEING our sacrifice.) Do you think Abraham was scared? What about Isaac?

This story in Scripture, is the first mention of God as Jehovah-Jireh, the provider.

Isaac asks his father where the animal for sacrifice is. His father, Abraham, says God will provide. When they reach the top of the mountain, Isaac is placed on the altar, and his father, Abraham, raises the knife to kill him (to sacrifice him). Then God realizes that Abraham’s faith is deep and that NOTHING—not even his beloved son—will be more important to him than his Lord God.

Of course, we know that God did indeed provide the lamb that suddenly appeared in the thicket nearby, so Isaac got to also witness God’s provision. That is the name that Abraham called God at that point. Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Will Provide). Abraham had not known HOW God would provide but he had absolute faith that he would! God meets them both on that mountain, and proves that He will provide WHAT is needed, WHEN it is needed. You’ve heard the saying, God is always on time. Never late. Never early. But right on time!

Are you learning, with me, that God can be trusted to provide everything that you need? He permits our experiences, in order to provide us with opportunities to trust Him. His promises are trustworthy. And true. And sometimes scary.

An example from my life:

When we were in missionary language school…
the sending agency had promised I could keep my kids with me because I home schooled; and from the beginning, they had been fully supportive of me. UNTIL we got to California and they decided I would have to put my kids in a day care in CALIFORNIA while my husband and I were in training during the day. I asked if I could have a babysitter come to our apartment and stay with the kids (the pastor’s daughter); so I could check on the kids during our breaks each day. They said no. I asked again and they said if I did, I would have to pay for it myself.

It was way more than we had available, so I prayed and the money did not come and did not come. It was the deadline to make the decision what to do. I was actually angry with God, and told Him so (I had no similarity to Abraham’s response ).

God is Jehovah-Jireh, He will provide.

There was a knock on the door and when I opened it, I was obviously perturbed. Another missionary woman was standing there, smiling, and said she had just gotten their mail and received some money they did NOT need and felt strongly that God was telling her to give it to us. (YES, I was embarrassed I had been so rude when I answered the door…I took the envelope, thinking it would be a small pittance)

After she left, I opened the envelope. Would you be surprised to know it was a HUGE check and enough to cover all the costs for our kids to stay in our apartment while we were on the same mission grounds, so they could continue the homeschooling and be safe NOT in a CALIFORNIA day care! It was at the final hour (like Abraham) and it was exactly what we needed (like Abraham). Well, that was quite a lesson for me! AND for my children. (I wish I had more space to tell you more details, but at least you see a real life example of our Name for God for this week. Jehovah-Jireh.

I’d like to pray for you right now…

Father, we women think we need to take care of everything ourselves. We forget to immediately go to YOU. You already know. You just want us to acknowledge to ourselves that You are the Provider and that we can count on you to take care of the details. People (and mission groups) will always disappoint, but You will never disappoint. You will never let us down. Likely, it will be at the final hour, but You will provide. You DO provide. Help this lovely woman reading this to rest in You. To relax. To trust You with her whole heart, mind, soul and strength. It might look different than what she thought, but it will always be exactly the right answer and provision that she needs.

Show her she does not have to be perfect before asking You for help. Nurture this sweet soul, Lord. I chose this particular story from my life to share here, because it shows my attitude was stinky. It shows me at my worst before You. I was angry. I was afraid. I did not know what to do. But, I never stopped talking to YOU about it. AND You loved me in spite of my imperfections. AND You do that for each of us! You will do it for the woman reading this. All she has to do is ASK! You are a good, good Father! Thank You, Jehovah-Jireh!

God, thank You that we don’t have to be like Abraham—offering sacrifices on the altar—because Jesus Christ, our Savior has done that once for all, already. And this season of the year is meant to remind us of what has already been done to provide THE WAY for us to spend eternity in Heaven with YOU! There are not enough words to express the gratitude that spills out from my heart at this moment.

Dear one,

Each week heading into the season we call Easter (and beyond), I’ve been writing a fresh new devotional post, including a personal prayer, especially with you in mind. For encouragement. It is a tough world with many distractions. I am hoping to bring you a bit closer to your Savior!

Lukewarm people do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to.”
Francis Chan (2013)

If you are having difficulty trusting God to take the reigns of your life. If you don’t understand what Jesus has done for you. If you fear what He might ask you to do, please let me help you find your way out of that maze. As a mentor coach, that is what God has gifted me to do! And remember… I am only a “click” away…

Until next time…

Continue to Devotion Week #7 – Lord, I Want to Know You

Free E-Book for Easter

When you sign up for Pamela Taylor's email list, you'll receive her 7-day Names of God Easter devotional book FREE.

Names of God: 7-Day Easter Devotional

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Tags: , , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Elohim (The Creator) (Devotion Week #5)

Woman looking over mountain range thinking about Elohim

I’ve been publishing these weekly devotional thoughts and prayers for women on my blog to encourage your heart thru the Easter season, reminding you how deeply your Lord loves you–directing your thoughts toward the names & characteristics of your God. Today’s topic is “Elohim.” Here’s the link to the first ones. Should I continue with this theme?

Are you learning—like me—to turn to the only One who offers REASONS for your existence?

The world offers counterfeits

And confusion. And tells us to work on our weaknesses and to be like whatever the latest commercials on TV are portraying as the perfect woman.

You are NOT a mistake

During this season of celebrating the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, let’s focus on the One who created you just the way your are. You are here, at this time and place by God’s design. You are not an accident or a mistake.

God chose you for this time and place

Let’s look at God the Creator (Elohim) a bit more closely through the eyes of Scripture. God spoke, the Spirit moved and Colossians 1:16 says in Him (Jesus Christ), the Son of God, “all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth.”

Then, God (Elohim) said, “Let Us make man in Our image.”

Moses didn’t think he was good enough

Moses thought he was inadequate and slow of speech, and apparently had a speech impediment. He told God to send someone better to speak to Pharaoh and God said that He (God) had made Moses’ mouth, so He knew what was Moses was capable of, even though Moses disagreed. (Do you ever feel that way about something you believe God is calling you to do? I know I feel that way sometimes.)

God also told Moses that He makes some people deaf, and blind. GOD decides what challenges and opportunities will bring Him the most glory. GOD decides. We do NOT.

Personal Story when I first understood Elohim

My son had been born 5 weeks early, and at 10 days old, he needed heart surgery. I could not believe this was happening. I didn’t understand. I was in the hospital chapel arguing with God: “God, I haven’t even had time for post-partum depression, and you expect me to deal with THIS?”

God’s response to me

(It was as clear as if He had been standing in the room with me): “I decide who has heart problems and who does not.” I could literally feel God’s Spirit fill the room with the TRUTH of that. I didn’t feel He was angry. I just felt that He was helping me see I needed to step up to the plate and accept what God had designed for our family. And I had absolute PEACE. Have you heard “In acceptance lieth peace”? I can attest to the truth of that. And my son had the surgery. And he is now 39 years old. And is married with a son of his own. Of course that is a shortened version of those 39 years, but the point is that we are ALL here by GOD’S DESIGN. GOD DECIDES. And then He walks through it with us!

Let’s pray TOGETHER:

Father, Elohim, would you right now…this very moment remind this sweet woman reading this prayer, that you offer all she needs for every circumstance.

It is difficult to get our brain around how You create—out of nothing—and how You breathe life into everything. You truly are an awesome God. You create birds, flowers, cows, zebras, and creepy snakes and mosquitoes. You create sunrises and sunsets. AND YOU created this amazing woman, exactly the way You wanted her to be, so she can complete what YOU wanted her to do. Redhead or brunette, she is here at this time and place by God’s design. Help her to embrace WHO she is IN YOU.

She is —created for YOUR glory—and is precious in Your sight. You formed her and plunked her down here and now. Bless her with a close relationship with You, Lord Jesus!

“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the Glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:36)

Now what?

You were created for Him! You are a unique creation of God, one of a kind,created for His glory. He “formed my inward parts.” He “weaved me in my mother’s womb…I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:13-14)

“Have you ever thought of yourself as being fearfully and wonderfully made? Or do you look at yourself and despise what Elohim has created?” … “You may not understand how your situation could ever bring Him glory, but you can trust in the Name of your Lord.”
– Kay Arthur

I’d love to help you find that acceptance and that peace. To discover, embrace, and live the very strengths God designed just for you! You can contact me by clicking on the blue button below.

Continue to Devotion Week #6 – Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Will Provide)

Free E-Book for Easter

When you sign up for Pamela Taylor's email list, you'll receive her 7-day Names of God Easter devotional book FREE.

Names of God: 7-Day Easter Devotional

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

El-Elyon (God Most High) (Devotion Week #4)

Woman sitting on rock looking over sea thinking about El-Elyon

I’ve been publishing these weekly devotional thoughts and prayers for women on my blog to encourage your heart thru the Easter season, reminding you how deeply your Lord loves you–directing your thoughts toward the names & characteristics of your God. Today’s name of God is, “El-Elyon.” Here’s the link to the first ones. 


Feeling lonely? Overcome with life? Where do you go when your life feels out of control? When you don’t know where to turn. When all have turned away and you stand alone, forsaken, confused, and angry.Way too often we turn to a friend or to food or our favorite addiction, rather than to El-Elyon, The God Most High.

Are you learning, with me, to turn to the only One who can truly fill that empty void you feel?

But God…

Those two little words are a powerful reminder. All would be lost, but God… HE is the everlasting help you are searching for in those wee hours of the morning when all the world seems to be caving in and you feel absolute utter loneliness.


I’m asking God to bless you right now, as you read this. That you will find Him whom your heart seeks. That He will fill that void. That He will become more personal to you than He has ever been before in your life. You are created for more than you can think or imagine. Embrace that fact. Is it possible to get ahold of your emotions? YES! Let’s learn TOGETHER. It is time to turn yourself over to El-Elyon and trust that He leads you into His best life for you. Surrender is not a curse word 😉

I’d like to pray for you right now…

Father, we women are guilty of trying to be Super Women. We hate to ask for help. We think in order to be worthy, that we have to be able to “do it all” without missing a beat. We pretend to have it all together.

Yet, You have not created this lovely woman to go it alone. Those early morning, late night times when the world seems to be caving in on her…when she feels like no one cares…and she longs for a knight in shining armor to rescue her and take care of her. How delightful that is exactly what YOU do as El Elyon. You are that One she longs for. And ONLY YOU will fill the void.

Thank you for the times she stumbles and feels empty, because it actually drives her to seek answers. Please help her actually FEEL the change when she surrenders and looks to YOU and only You, to fill the void. Whenever she starts to murmur or complain, remind her to run to her El Elyon, The God Most High, over all things and all people. Help her to trust in Your Name and give thanks.

“…in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
(I Thessalonians 5:18)

You have said that nothing can happen without your permission. And that You work everything together for good for those that love you. (Romans 8). satan can only go as far as you give him permission. And people can only go as far as you give them permission. The story of Joseph and his jealous brothers proves that. You, God, through circumstances beyond his control, used mean-spirited people to get Joseph exactly where you wanted him to be, to do exactly what you wanted him to do. No doubt he felt that utter loneliness we women often feel when the house is quiet and we finally go to bed for the night, and try to sleep. In those times when sleep won’t come, because we forgot you are most definitely there through it all. That NOTHING can happen without your permission. Remind her to give thanks in all things…That is a powerful antidote to discouragement.

Remind her of Job in the Old Testament. satan said to God that Job only obeyed him because his life was so wonderful. God knew otherwise, so he gave permission to satan to see that for himself. Even Job’s wife suggested that Job just give up and die. She even told him to curse God and die. But Job’s response is classic and is excellent for you to remember right now as you prepare yourself to turn to El-Elyon yourself, in all things…

Father, quickly remind this amazing woman when she is tempted to go her own way. Draw her immediately back to you. When she tries to manipulate and dominate the situation that is causing her stress. You are her TRUE El-Elyon. With you, all is well. Help her to trust you more deeply.

You see. You care. You are in the midst of it all with her. Remind her to be like Job in her response “…shall I accept good from God and not accept adversity?” In all this, Job did not sin with his lips.” (The story is in Job 2:1-10) Guard our lips Lord. Our ears hear when we grumble and our mind then believes the worst we are speaking.

Now what?

During this season of celebrating the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, do you need help reasoning it all out so you can accept the absolute truth that God is Sovereign Ruler over the universe? Over ALL! “For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his Kingdom endures from generation to generation…He does according to His will in the Host of Heaven and among the inhabitants of earth. No one can ward off His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’” (Daniel 4:34-35)

“If God is not Sovereign, if He is not in control, if all things are not under His dominion, then He is not the Most High, and you and I are either in the hands of fate, (whatever that is), in the hands of men, or in the hands of the devil.” –Kay Arthur

Acknowledge & accept the King of Kings, as your El-Elyon In acceptance lies peace. He can be that for you! I’d love to help you find that acceptance and that peace. You can contact me by clicking on the blue”Let’s Connect” button below.

Continue to Devotion Week #5 – Elohim (The Creator)

Free E-Book for Easter

When you sign up for Pamela Taylor's email list, you'll receive her 7-day Names of God Easter devotional book FREE.

Names of God: 7-Day Easter Devotional

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Tags: , , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

El Roi (The God Who Sees) (Devotion Week #3)

A young woman looking at camera
Heading into the season we call Easter, I am publishing weekly devotional thoughts. Today’s thought is El Roi.

God meets Hagar—as He meets you, dear one– at a scary and vulnerable time. He listens to her cries and frustrations. He reassures her. He tells her to go BACK INTO the very difficult situation. AND he tells her to change her attitude toward Sarai, her mistress. Her boss. WOW! That is a tough assignment. Does she listen and obey?

Are you learning, with me that God sees it all? In His sovereignty, He permitted whatever you and I (and Hagar) have experienced). And He promises to work it together for your good. (Romans 8). IF you belong to Him! The promise is conditional. You must be one of Jesus’ “sheep” (remember last week’s devo?)

El Roi

The blessing is that Hagar feels heard. She listens and responds to the conversation with God, and realizes He has a plan for her life. She trusts Him and knows without a doubt that He cares. He SEES her, and “She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: You are the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have seen by the One who sees me.’” (Genesis 16:13) And yes, she obeys and goes back.

I’m asking God to bless you and I’m praying for you, right now to connect on a new and deeply personal level with the God who sees you. He sees you as an individual. Because you matter. You are unique. You are special. You are created for more than you can think or imagine. But the key is getting ahold of your emotions and actions. Let’s learn together how to turn ourselves over to the One Who Sees! The world is loud, distracting, and full of lots of things that vie for your attention and time. A world that craves to be seen. A world that wants to influence you AWAY from God. But in the world, it is a different kind of “seeing” than what God offers. God’s “seeing” is pure and devoted to your best.

I’d like to pray for you right now…

Father, we women in our busy-ness can be tempted by counterfeits, but we need to be seen for who YOU created us to be. When we choose to focus on following after You, and obeying Your still small voice, You fill up every “hole” in our heart and heal every betrayal and loss. Help this sweet woman to see her worth in YOUR eyes. Show her that she doesn’t have to be or do anything to be loved by You. You created her to be the kind of person she is. Please help her to see that You are more than enough for her. That anything else is a blessing, but not a necessity.

In addition, You have given her strengths, talents, gifts, AND the ability to see others’ needs and value. Women are nurturers as You are, Lord. She feels hopeless and helpless until You remind her how much she matters to You. Nurture her. Like You did for Hagar. You feel her every pain and sorrow. Tell her you see and hear her. Then, help her to respond like Hagar did.

Lord, You really actually are always with this amazing woman. Everything that concerns her, concerns You. BUT, like with Hagar, You will tell her to get up, wipe away her tears, and go back and finish what she started. OR You may tell her to go a different direction. But make it clear and give her courage to obey. We learned last week, that You supply ALL our NEEDS (Psalm 23). So, she has nothing to fear or be worried about. You are a GOOD FATHER. She can trust You.

Father, please remind her quickly whenever she is tempted to go her own way. Draw her immediately back to You. You are her TRUE El Roi. With you, all is well. Because You SEE and You care.

During this season of celebrating the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, can you say that God has ever spoken that clearly to you, as He spoke to Hagar? Are you in a close relationship with God, so YOU can speak your heart and believe He sees you? If not, would you like to have that comfort and assurance? I’d love to help you find that place of a deeper walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. You can contact me by clicking on the button below.

Continue to Devotion Week #4 – El-Elyon (God Most High)

Free E-Book for Easter

When you sign up for Pamela Taylor's email list, you'll receive her 7-day Names of God Easter devotional book FREE.

Names of God: 7-Day Easter Devotional

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Jehovah-Raah (The Great Shepherd) (Devotion Week #2)

A statue of Jesus among sheep - Jehovah-Raah

Heading into the season we call Easter, I am publishing weekly devotional thoughts. Today’s post is Jehovah-Raah.

Sheep need a lot of care

They need constant attention. They fall off cliffs, grazing with their heads down, unaware of their surroundings. Do you ever feel distracted like that? I do, too, sometimes.


It is true that “all we like sheep have gone astray”. (Isaiah 53:6) . Sheep are sheep. What makes the difference is what kind of shepherd you follow. The shepherd determines the quality of care. It stands to reason then, that the better the Shepherd, the better the sheep.

I’m asking God to bless you and I’m praying for you, right now to connect on a new and deeply personal level with your Shepherd…Because you matter. You are created for more than you can think or imagine. But the key is getting ahold of your emotions and actions. Let’s learn together how to turn ourselves over to the One True Shepherd! The world is loud, distracting, and full of “cliffs” in the form of temptations.

I’d like to pray for you right now…

Father, we women in our busy-ness can be tempted by counterfeits, but what we need is a Good Shepherd, because we are absolutely helpless without one! We often forget that we are totally dependent on You. Remind us when we forget. May we be “enlightened sheep”, determined to look to YOU for all things, all day long! Help us to avoid the “cliffs” of temptation.

Lord, we all are familiar with the Psalm 23. Give us something fresh. Thank you that you are right here. Right now. Fully present. You actually are always with this amazing woman…please help her to know that if she is one of your sheep, she shall lack NOTHING that she truly needs. You are fully here for her. Thank You that you do sometimes allow her to stumble, so that she can understand and remember that You designed her to need to ask You for help. Thank you for the many ways you remind her that she is not SELF-sufficient. Give her absolute confidence in saying, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” (Psalm 23)

You also promise to meet her TRUE deeply felt needs so that she can “lie down” in YOUR “green pastures” (the place where there is provision, protection, and companionship). Gratefully, it is not a forced lying down, but it is a release in her spirit that she CAN lie down and rest content and at peace, because the Shepherd meets the sheep’s needs, so that the sheep CAN lie down and REST.

Father, please remind her quickly when she is tempted to go her own way. Draw her immediately back to You. You are her TRUE Jehovah-Raah, her Good Shepherd. With you, all is well. Because, “Surely goodness and loving-kindness (mercy) will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever (Psalm 23:6)

Ahhhh…Rest in THAT, dear one! Rest in that!

During this season of celebrating the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, are you certain that the Lord is YOUR PERSONAL SHEPHERD? If you are not sure, please immediately contact someone you know who is a true follower of Jesus. I’d love to be that someone for you…to lead you into the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ, the One and Only Savior. So He can be your own personal Shepherd. You can contact me by clicking on the button below.

Continue to Devotion Week #3 – El-Roi (The God Who Sees)

Free E-Book for Easter

When you sign up for Pamela Taylor's email list, you'll receive her 7-day Names of God Easter devotional book FREE.

Names of God: 7-Day Easter Devotional

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord of Peace) (Devotion Week #1)

Woman standing on street -Jehovah-Shalom

Heading into the season we call Easter, let’s try something different during my blog post sharing time. Today’s post will be about Jehovah-Shalom.


What do you do and where do you go when your heart is troubled and unsettled? When you need peace. Do you turn to an addiction: food, t.v., shopping, partying, alcohol, drugs? Do you turn to a friend? Or…

Are you learning–like me– to turn to the only One who offers TRUE Peace?

THAT peace is found ONLY in Jehovah-Shalom. The “world” and all its trappings does NOT offer a TRUE Peace.


I’m asking God to bless you and I’m praying for you, right now…Because you matter. You are created for more than you can think or imagine. But the key is getting ahold of your emotions and actions. I’ve seen far too many of us, far too often, thinking we have a RIGHT to lose our temper and lash out at others, when we are lacking that inner peace that passes understanding. Women, we are doing harm.

During this season of celebrating the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, I’d like your feedback if this devotional series is helpful. Please share it with others, and please let me know how I can improve it for you. WHAT do you need?

Let’s pray TOGETHER:

Father, Jehovah-Shalom, would you right now…this very moment…remind this sweet woman reading this prayer, that you offer all she needs for every circumstance. In Isaiah 26:3, You promise You will keep her in perfect peace when her mind is turned toward you.

We all want that peace You offer, LORD, but it often seems impossible. Remind her to consciously invite You into every situation. Big or small. Remind her right now to take every thought captive, as You tell us we are to do. Help her focus on You, rather than the circumstances that want to rob her of that joyful connection with You. Hold her tightly. It is a rough world out there and satan wants to destroy our effectiveness for bringing Your Glory into every aspect of our lives. Please, reach into her heart, her mind, her emotions and encourage her in every way.

Help this sweet woman reading this right now, to remember that when peace eludes her, You are always only a breath, and a prayer away. Simple? Yes. Easy? No. Distractions are always trying to disrupt what God intended. Onward, Christian. The REAL battle has already been won. Just believe it!

Here’s a suggestion to get you started on this sweet path to daily peace when you need a pick-me-up during the day:

  • Choose to take a moment and just stop whatever you are doing
  • Take 3 deep breaths. Slowly. Calm yourself down
  • Choose to smile at that very moment (You can’t frown AND smile at the same time.)
  • Make a conscious decision to invite the LORD into the situation

Pray with me:

Father, please remind her quickly when she walks out of the Peace that You offer. Draw her immediately back to You. You are her TRUE Peace. Her Jehovah-Shalom. With you, all is well.

Remember our special code: 🙂
KLU (Keep Looking Up)
GIB (God Is Big)

What is your plan moving forward, sweet friend?

Let me help you find that special plan God has for you. He will equip you for what He has called you to. Believe. Let’s figure it out together. Contact me by clicking on the button below…

Continue to Devotion Week #2 – Jehovah-Raah (The Great Shepherd)

Free E-Book for Easter

When you sign up for Pamela Taylor's email list, you'll receive her 7-day Names of God Easter devotional book FREE.

Names of God: 7-Day Easter Devotional

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Be Strong. Clothe Yourself In His Armor.

Woman reading her Bible on a dock

The joy of the Lord is your strength.

What does it mean to strengthen yourself in the Lord, as David did in I Samuel 30:6? It seemed like the whole world had turned on David. Everything had gone wrong. And his loyal band of men even turned on him, with good reason, actually. But, David knew God. They had a deep and real relationship. So, when he had nowhere to turn on earth, he turned to the Lord, “But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.”

How are you doing at the end of 2020?

Way too many things are swirling around in my head this week. It is hard to focus my thoughts to go in one direction for a blog post. So, I sat down here, at my computer; and decided that if I strengthened myself in the Lord, that perhaps what I discovered here today, would strengthen you, too. So, I am praying for God to lead me into something here that will encourage your heart, because I am pretty sure you may be suffering from the very same “malady” as I am.

Philippians 3:10 (Amplified Version)

“For my determined purpose is that I may know Him, that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly.” Lord Jesus, help us to have a deep awareness of Your presence, so it changes how we go through transitions, especially difficult ones.

1 Peter 2:9

We are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people.” We belong to You, Almighty God and we are Your peculiar treasure, so the essence of who we are matters! Give us wisdom and unstop our ears so we can hear You in these very confusing and frustrating times.

C. S. Lewis

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.” Father, help us to choose to spend more time maturing our soul (mind, will and emotions) to see you more clearly and love you more deeply.

Archbishop William Temple

“Coincidences occur much more frequently when we pray.” I don’t know about you, dear friend, but I don’t believe in “coincidences” and that is the essence of this quote. Prayer matures us to think more like our Father in Heaven. So, as we get to know Him better, we begin to think more like Him, and things “coincidentally” happen. Frequently!

Joni Eareckson Tada

“When life is rosy, we may slide by with knowing about Jesus, with imitating Him, quoting Him, and speaking for Him. But only in suffering will we know Jesus”. Joni is speaking not of knowing ABOUT Jesus, but actually KNOWING Him, in relationship. Joni is an expert on experiencing suffering. A diving accident when she was very young, brought the reality that she would never walk, run, swim, or do anything physical again. She would spend the rest of her life in pain, unable to care for herself, and totally dependent on others. We should always listen when the Joni’s in our lives speak truth from experience. Like the Bible’s Hebrews 11, the hall of fame for the suffering saints.

Like Jesus (Hebrews 5:8)

Though He was God’s Son, He learned obedience from the things he suffered. Amazing. Our Lord learned obedience through suffering. So, why should we be any different? No one ASKS for suffering, but when it comes, what is our response? Lord Jesus, I remember reading a book many years ago, entitled Don’t Waste Your Sorrows. It was an eye-opener to the GIFTS of sorrow and suffering. So, Father, please make us grateful for the past and open to the future. Ever watching for how You will use those sad times for good and not for evil. Realizing we are experiencing a bit of what You suffered for us, in order to make it possible for us to have personal relationship with You. To God be the Glory!

Consider Him

“For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:3) How often we lose heart, Lord. Thank you for Your example. Forgive us and help us to be be better “Soldiers of the Cross” as the old Hymn describes. Give us wisdom to be like King David, strengthening and encouraging ourselves in the Lord GOD!

God is good. All the time. All the time, God is good.

“The greatest need of every human being is not self-improvement but self-abandonment” – Anchor.org devotional Thank you, Lord, that in every circumstance, You are Sovereign and You are Good! All the time! You are faithful even when we are faithless. Lord, we believe. Help our unbelief.

Psalm 127:1

“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.” Great and Mighty God, may we have an unhindered view of Your majesty and assurance of Your power within us. – Encounter with God

Thank you for journeying with me just now

We are on this journey together for such a time as this. Hopefully, as I encouraged my own heart in the Lord God today, that you, too, feel stronger as–together–we clothed ourselves with His armor—the Word of God—and the testimony of the saints that have gone before us.

Until next time. And until the Lord comes again…
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:01 am

Wedding Invitation

Bride in wedding dress

The Holy Spirit is sending out wedding invitations. Prepare. The Bridegroom cometh.

Pastor Jentezen Franklin

You are invited. Have you accepted?

We are at a time in history where it seems that everywhere people are on edge and the tension in the air is palpable. Blame and defensiveness are angrily expressed emotions. MSM feeds it into the willing recipients. As God’s “bride” we must be different. We must ask “What WOULD Jesus do?” What DID Jesus do?  You and I might be the only “Bible” some ever read. Will we draw people close to God in search of the peace and joy we have, or will we push them away by our attitudes?

Proverbs 14:12

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” Our attempts to reach God through good works, religion, philosophy, or morality do not bridge the gap to a Holy God. Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead to bridge that gap by paying our penalty and providing the way to relationship to God. It is a choice. Each must make that choice personally. Follow Him? Or go the way of the world?

1 Timothy 2:5

“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man, Jesus Christ.”

satan lies and destroys all that is good

All this chaos in our world is a big distraction from satan to keep us from a DAILY living out 2 Chronicles 7:14, a verse that keeps us focused on eternity. Am I? Are you? Are we together called by His Name, humbling ourselves, seeking His face, and turning from our wicked self-centered ways? Are we removing barriers in our lives that prevent clear communication with God…SO THAT He hears our prayers? SO THAT He responds by forgiving our sins, and healing our land? When we are in that “place” with God, our prayers can move mountains. Believe and ask God to help any unbelief you are harboring. He desires that close unhindered fellowship with His bride. YOU!

Are you ready for His return?

He is coming sooner or later, whether we are ready or not. We each need to daily ask: Is my heart other-centered in love or in condemnation or judgment? Am I ready to accept His wedding invitation? The Bridegroom cometh. Does that make you happy or scared? Wondering? (Let’s talk and pray together about your eternal destiny.)

James McDonald

“We live in a day when we are very silent about the Truths of God and very vocal about personal injury. It should be the opposite.”

Fasting and prayer

So, if you joined me, we are nearly at the end of a 21-day fast. (It is never too late to START a fast when God prompts you.) Remember: We live in the natural, but we win in the supernatural. “To fast means primarily NOT TO EAT” – teaches Arthur Wallis from his amazing classic book God’s Chosen Fast

That time is used to connect with God rather than being hindered by purchasing, preparing, and eating the food. It is a sacrifice to the Lord. The length, and whether it is a partial or total fast, should be directed by God.  Arthur Wallis’ book is great resource for understanding and for clarity about fasting and the types and reasons to fast.

Andrew Murray

“Jesus never taught His disciples how to preach, only how to pray…”

Please pray with me in the power and authority of Jesus’ Name: “Lead me to forget my thoughts of what I think I know, and make me kneel before You in true teachable-ness and power of Spirit.”

Daddy, Daddy! Guess What I Saw Today?

From a flock of geese to a dog on a leash, the pages of this winsome little book are filled with things we see around us every day. Pamela A. Taylor takes those everyday items and looks at them through the eyes of a child; making them seem exciting and new while also teaching children how to be grateful for the God who created them. Take a walk with Pamela through the pages of this book and help your little ones see God’s hand in the beauty of life.

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

God’s Daily Faithfulness

Child yelling at microphone

“Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.”

Exodus 4:12 (NASB)

Communication is difficult in the current climate

When you pray, do you ever feel like you are yelling into a microphone with no one listening on the other end?

Many feel isolated and fearful. We struggle to communicate our feelings and our needs to God and to each other.

Some are struggling with anger and blaming others. Our words and opinions can be misconstrued and twisted. It is a challenging time. But is it a new thing? Or just an old thing in new “packaging”?

I felt frustrated

Grammar rules are difficult enough in English. While preparing for the mission field, in language school in Costa Rica, I struggled with even the most basic grammar rules, verb tenses, and word translations. Like Moses then, and like you and me now, we can each feel slow of speech. We want to speak to others, but we can sometimes feel a sense of fear at the reaction we might receive.

God’s faithfulness

Do you ever feel like a fish out of water? Is it like speaking a foreign language that no one understands? After Spanish language school, the mission group sent us to Haiti, where they speak French and Creole. I felt like I could have written the book about When God Doesn’t Make Sense. He might have seemed to not make sense, but He knew exactly what He wanted to accomplish in me. Over and over again, God’s faithfulness was evident, even then. He has told me to GO because He would teach me what to say. I WENT. And, He DID!

The places of testing

The places of testing are difficult while we are in the midst of them. But as Believers in our Sovereign God, we know that we know that the Hand of God is in it all. His faithfulness is constant and reliable. For me, so many years ago, I still remember how difficult it was to leave both countries (Costa Rica and Haiti). Why? Because God had been so evident in my daily SURVIVAL there; and because He continually taught me what to say, just like He promised.

Even in the midst of a pandemic, He never changes

I sometimes feel like I need a translator nowadays, too. Sometimes I feel like I am speaking a foreign language. My desire is to speak HIS words of encouragement to draw people to a closer walk with Him. To learn to trust Him more each day. God continues to tell me to GO. And even now, He promises to help me to know what to say. Just like now, all the testings and unknowns during this time of “social distancing” and lack of gathering together in groups. It is challenging. Have you sensed Him there for you too? Please share…testimonies encourage each of us.

It is an opportunity

Just because I am not in a foreign country doesn’t mean that the days of my stepping out and “going” when I feel inadequate for the task have ended. It is still a constant daily thing. But…Isn’t that what the Christian life is all about? His sufficiency in the midst of our insufficiency. Drawing our eyes Heavenward.

Daddy, Daddy! Guess What I Saw Today?

From a flock of geese to a dog on a leash, the pages of this winsome little book are filled with things we see around us every day. Pamela A. Taylor takes those everyday items and looks at them through the eyes of a child; making them seem exciting and new while also teaching children how to be grateful for the God who created them. Take a walk with Pamela through the pages of this book and help your little ones see God’s hand in the beauty of life.

Prayer and Fasting
Some of us across the country, are at about the 1/2 way point of a 21 day fast for our nation’s and our world’s very survival. I’d love to have you join us at any time. We realize that first we must be walking closely with God…to be cleansed from our own personal unrighteousness, so He can fill us to the brim and overflow in prayer for your nation and your leaders on the local, state, and federal level. Praying specifically for individuals.

A theme of many of my posts this year has been:

“If my people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways,
THEN I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.”

II Chronicles 7:14

We have to do our part FIRST, before God will hear and forgive and then HEAL THE LAND THAT WE LOVE.

Some song lyrics are rumbling around my head…

I probably have some of the words wrong, but here is what is flooding my mind: Only trust Him, only trust Him. Only trust Him now. He will save you. He will save you. He will save you now. Trust and obey. For there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. Simple? Yes and no. It is a CHOICE. And either way, choose or not, there will be consequences.


Where do you want us to go today, Lord? Thank You for the examples of Your proven faithfulness in Your Word, like the story of Moses. Thank You for the testimony of other believers who are fully devoted Christ-followers. It gives us courage. May we bring You joy this day. Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! Amen.

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

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