Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Take Off Your Shoes

Man removing shoes

“We look upon Jesus Christ as the best Example of the Christian life; we do not conceive of Him as Almighty God Incarnate, with all power in heaven and on earth…we do not take off the shoes from our feet when He speaks. Jesus Christ is Savior, and He saves us into His own absolute and holy lordship.”

Oswald Chambers

When we pray…

We are on Holy Ground. One of my favorite ways of thinking of Jesus is that He is my Friend. But I must never forget that He is my Savior and my Lord. Yes, Jesus is truly a wonderful Friend of sinners, but He NOT our “buddy”. When we enter into His presence, it must be with awe that we are in the presence of the Most High God, Creator, and we must take every thought captive to believing that He is THE MOST HIGH GOD. He is above all other gods that have been made with human hands and imaginations. HE is the ONLY Way, the ONLY Truth, and the ONLY Life.” Other religions of the world do not believe those basic facts. He is Lord of lords and King of kings. From the beginning to now and forever.

Jesus’ authority is not partial, but absolute! He says…

He did not TAKE it. God GAVE Him that authority. “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth…” (Matthew 28:18a)


Prayer is not passive. It is actively and expectantly talking with God and listening and waiting for God’s answers. Waiting (in the prayer sense) has been described as actively enduring until the answer comes.

David Wilkerson writes…

in the book The Cross and The Switchblade: In the early 1960’s, in the inner city, Wilkerson was hosting a rally in New York City for inner city kids. Most of the kids were deeply involved in dangerous gangs. He’d rallied 65 churches to join him in the planning and counseling training for after the rally. They were enthusiastic and expectant about what God could and would do. Things didn’t go as hoped…

He was discouraged

“On the 4th night, 100 people showed up. The arena would hold 1,000 people. The ones that did show up were disruptive and loud and rude. They made lewd remarks.”

What about you?

Have you ever felt like God wanted you to do something and when you obeyed, it flopped and you felt mad at God? Or maybe you felt like a failure? Did you quit?

David was ready to quit

That 4th night, David broke up the meeting early and went home, brokenhearted and angry at God. He was ready to quit. He felt lower than a snake’s belly, as my Dad used to say. David spoke plainly with God about his feelings.

Wilkerson’s brokenhearted prayer

“Lord, we’re not even beginning to reach these boys and girls. What am I supposed to do?”

Here’s what I want to focus on…

David Wilkerson wrote in His book, The Cross and the Switchblade: “And as always—why is it I have to learn this again every time?—“

When I REALLY asked

I was REALLY answered

David Wilkerson

What about you?

Have YOU experienced the difference between asking and REALLY asking (out of desperation or fear)? If not, isn’t it about time you do? If you have, what happened?

What about David Wilkerson? What happened?

If you haven’t read his book, isn’t it about time you do? His story is one of my all time favorites. Biographies are faith-builders!

Daddy, Daddy! Guess What I Saw Today?

From a flock of geese to a dog on a leash, the pages of this winsome little book are filled with things we see around us every day. Pamela A. Taylor takes those everyday items and looks at them through the eyes of a child; making them seem exciting and new while also teaching children how to be grateful for the God who created them. Take a walk with Pamela through the pages of this book and help your little ones see God’s hand in the beauty of life.

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Repent or Drown. Jonah.

Woman in pool
Seriously! When your are in the belly of the fish (like Jonah), you have two options. Repent or Drown!

Jonah thought he could run from God.

He didn’t like God’s plan. What’s true of Jonah is true for individuals today and also for nations. Jonah spent some time in the bile of the belly of the fish. He nearly drowned.

We know the story of Jonah calling Nineveh to repentance, but it looks like Jonah needed a lot of TLC reminders about who is God and who is NOT. Jonah had a need to repent and confess a few sins before he could even be used to speak God’ message to Ninevah. And then even after that, God needed to help him to see the bigger picture. At this point in his life, Jonah was self-serving and bitter. God’s idea of who is “worthy” of salvation did not please Jonah’s unforgiving heart. His heart was hardened and God had to soften it up and give him a few reality checks. God continually is purifying His “messengers”. Have you noticed that?

Frank Sinatra would have liked Jonah

Do you remember Frank Sinatra’s famous song, “I Did It My Way”? God doesn’t see things as man does. You’ve probably noticed that too. God sees things differently.

Society is in the bile of the belly of the fish

We definitely need God’s plan to get us out of this mess that we have created by doing it “my way”. The first step back toward sanity is for individuals to repent, but also—as a nation—we MUST repent or our nation as we have known it, will continue to drown in pride, stupidity and rage. (Many times in Scripture, God says to us: “YOU do this, and THEN I will respond like this.” We are in one of those times.)

Evening prayer

Every evening, at 7:14 p.m., I’ve been praying the verses in 2 Chronicles 7:14 for myself, and for my nation and its leaders. I set my timer to remind me each evening. Will you join me?

In 2 Chronicles 7:14  (Note that there are 4 things for INDIVIDUALS and also for NATIONS to do BEFORE God responds.) (Also note that after we do what He requires, THEN there are 3 things God does in response.)

IF MY people who are called by My Name, …(It is conditional= “IF”.
AND…This instruction is specifically for God’s “sheep” — His fully devoted followers. His people.)   So, IF they will (it is a choice)…

  1. Humble themselves
  2. And pray
  3. And seek My face
  4. And turn from their wicked ways

God promises,
THEN…” (God does these three things in RESPONSE to what His followers do FIRST, to prepare themselves for the answers He desires to give!)

  1. I will hear from Heaven
  2. And forgive their sins
  3. And heal their land

We people have made a mess of things. What else can we do? Here’s an idea that has been presented by some leaders and some pastors…Will you join me?

A Corporate Call to Action. Be creative.

When: August 1st through August 21 (and beyond if you desire or feel called to it)

What: 21 days of prayer and fasting for personal and national repentance and revival, if God in His mercy grants it.

Where: YOU decide how it works best for you so you can be consistent and faithful. And also choose whether you will do this alone with God or by phone or Zoom or Skype or FB Live with others.

Isn’t that what we desire for ourselves, our families, friends, and our nation and its leaders (for God to intervene for His glory)? Of course it is!

In addition, will you also join me in praying that the President calls a “Solemn Assembly” for the nation?!?

Daddy, Daddy! Guess What I Saw Today?

From a flock of geese to a dog on a leash, the pages of this winsome little book are filled with things we see around us every day. Pamela A. Taylor takes those everyday items and looks at them through the eyes of a child; making them seem exciting and new while also teaching children how to be grateful for the God who created them. Take a walk with Pamela through the pages of this book and help your little ones see God’s hand in the beauty of life.

Don’t be a Jonah! Repentance MUST come BEFORE Revival. IF we seek Him fervently and IF God—in His mercy—grants revival, to God be the Glory!

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Murmurming or Gratefulness?

Today I Am Grateful Book
Which will we choose? Murmuring or gratefulness? Can we actually learn to overcome grumbling? There are certainly lots of challenges to capture our attention and direct it toward the negative aspects of life.

Job (of the Old Testament book named after him) had friends that were miserable comforters. He lost all but his wife and yet he did not curse God and die as his wife suggested. Job had lots of questions. He didn’t know that he had been chosen to be an object lesson to satan to prove how authentic Job’s faith in God was.

It is possible to recognize a true follower of God by observing their lives. Did Job grieve over loss? It hurt him as deeply as it hurts one who has not yet experienced the transforming light of God. The difference is, those with a relationship with God have hope…even if they don’t understand. They trust that God is The Lord God Almighty. Maker of Heaven and earth. Creator of all that exists. And much, much wiser than our own limited earth-bound understanding.

Those with a relationship with Father God know that whatever trials…whatever painful ordeal…whatever suffering…whether it is character-building or whether it is to show the world how a Christian reacts to crisis, they continue to follow…maybe with sadness, and a sense of loss, but also with hope. Maybe with confusion, but also with trust in the God of the Bigger Picture. We earthlings see through earth-bound eyes. God knows how it all fits together for the Bigger Picture. He sees through the lens of Eternity.

Murmuring or Gratefulness?

Which will you choose? I keep a daily Ebenezer journal. Ebenezer is an old word that means, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” No requests. No murmurings. Only gratefulness. Through this daily evening written record, I see major interventions of God in my life. I begin to see a trend of God being involved in my life. My dreams are sweeter and I wake more refreshed and at peace. I begin to actually look forward to each new day as I look expectantly for God to show up. I am actually recording His involvement in my day-to-day life.

Try it…and then let me know how it changes your outlook on life.

Come Lord Jesus!

God bless you bunches!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Busted By God

Distributing Communion

It happens to me frequently

(On those occasions, I usually only tell my very closest friends about the details, so because we are getting to be pretty good friends after all this time, I decided it was time to share one of these stories with you.)

Normally, the cause is:

I get a good idea and I spend a lot of time organizing and thinking of every possible scenario and then someone or something prevents it going forward and so I’ll find myself “clearing” with a good friend rather than talking to God about it; and so…since He is listening to my conversations anyway, I get a check in my spirit. Hence…the Busted by God idea. Yup! He lets me know that He’s listening. Is He being mean? No! God is never mean-spirited! He’s just letting me know He loves me and wants what’s best for me! He feels that way about you, too!

One step further

One Saturday, God went a step further…and I love it when this happens! He is intimately involved in every detail of my life. I know that. But it’s really cool when He verifies that love in tangible ways. Ways I can’t ignore. That morning, I had prayed “Lord Jesus, speak to me. I’m ready to listen and eager to obey.”

Grumbling and complaining

It didn’t take me long. Later in the same day, I was on the phone sadly describing a disappointment to a friend and got that check in my spirit and continued to talk anyway. Someone had hurt me and I wanted sympathy. Suddenly, I realized it was nearly time to get to the church, since I was scheduled to assist with communion. So, I rushed off the phone to go get myself dressed and out the door.

Then, I heard that check in my spirit again and thought of my morning prayer, but I was short on time to talk with my Father and to hear what He had to say, so I rushed to the table where my Bible and study tools were still open from the morning. And grabbed up Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest all the while praying for God to “give me a word” that would direct my heart to Him and away from my complaints. So…he did just that!

Taking the lazy way out

I did what is known as “The Open Window Method”…open anywhere and expect God to speak. It’s normally just a lazy way to grab anything. I know. I know. Yes, I was taking the lazy way out. But speak He did! (I LOVE THIS!) I happened to open to June 17. (Click the date for updated version. I have the older version.) The title was “The Uncritical Temper”. And the verse at the top was: “Judge not that ye be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1) I laughed right out loud. Yup! Busted by God! Because He loves me. So, my eyes fell down the page and focused on something I had previously highlighted: “There is always one fact more in every man’s case about which we know nothing…I have never met the man I could despair of after discerning what lies in me apart from the grace of God.”

Is that cool, or what?!

Remember I was on my way to serve communion. It would NOT have been OK to have pride and criticism in my heart. It is never OK, but my heart was feeling the sense of urgency that could not be put off. Rather, I had opportunity to confess on my way there and to receive the forgiveness and cleansing promised.

That was just the beginning

If you think that was the end of my Father’s lesson to me that evening, you are wrong. He gave me an opportunity to see if I took the lesson to heartor had it merely been head knowledge.


It was time to collect the offering. And, as I passed along the offering plate, a lady with great disdain on her face corrected me (it was so animated that everyone else knew what was happening). She had rebuked me for the way I was serving. Ahhh. I remembered my lesson. I had told God that morning that I was ready to listen. And I did. I felt His love. And I let Him love her by using me….and praying silently for her to be blessed. (BTW, I also prayed for Him to remind her that she, too, was about to take communion…just in case He was so busy with me that He forgot about her. 🙂 )

There is yet another part of this…

It’s the part that happened after church. I walked over to her and thanked her for her help and told her that next time I would try to remember to do what she had suggested. That was definitely God loving her by using me. I would not have thought of doing that on my own.

Being Busted by God is a good thing! And when you are His child, it feels like LOVE!

Have you ever had a time that you were Busted by God?

Come Lord Jesus!

God bless you bunches!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

How to Conquer Anxiety and Fear

A woman sitting on the floor

“GOD met me more than halfway, He freed me from my anxious fears.” –Psalm 34:4 (The Message)

Is that true for you? It CAN be…Let’s talk a bit about that…

Billy Graham speaks clearly how to conquer fear, anxiety, tension, and worry.

“Mankind has always been beset by worry, and the pressures of modern life have aggravated the problem…Many of you are filled with a thousand anxieties. Bring them to Jesus Christ by faith…”

He continues: “I am learning in my own life, day by day, to keep my mind centered on Christ; the worries and anxieties and concerns of the world pass, and nothing but ‘perfect peace’ is left in the human heart.”

Billy Graham reminds us, “Memorizing is most important. Thinking God’s thoughts will take the place of worried, anxious concerns.”
The Christian Workers’ Handbook

“The Quality of Fear” by David Brooks (New York Times – 10/20/2014)

“Fear, of course, breeds fear. Fear is a fog that alters perception and clouds thought.”…”you wind up with an emotional spiral that develops its own momentum.”

A Fear-Busting Fog-Clearing Promise of God

“Know this well, then. Take it to heart right now: God is in Heaven above; God is on Earth below. He’s the only God there is. Obediently live by His rules and commands which I’m giving you today so that you’ll live well and your children after you…” –Deuteronomy 4 (The Message)

Here’s a Plan for Conquering Fear

  1. First pray to try to discover the source of your fear
  2. Set aside special time for Bible study for wisdom & prayer for insight. Do a word search to find fresh verses to “chew on”
  3. Write down and memorize Scriptures that pertain to your concern/fear. Add verses of praise/thanksgiving
  4. When anxious or afraid, stop to remember and meditate on God’s promises. Carry them with you in your pocket or purse.
  5. Serve others (it gets your mind off yourself and your fears)

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV – emphasis mine)

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” –I Peter 5:7 (KJV)

I’ve shared some “ammunition” to fight fear. To choose God. To choose faith. To choose trust in God’s tender loving care for His children.

What will you decide to focus on?

(As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.) The Lord God tells us that whatever we focus on will grow.

So, dear ones, it is time to choose: Will you follow God or will you allow fear to snuff out your peace?

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” –Isaiah 41:10 (KJV)

Know this: God can be trusted. He’s GOT this…WHATEVER “this” is for you. We are all different…

“God is the Blessed Controller of all things.” –I Timothy 6:15 (Phillips New Testament)

Beloved, God absolutely can be trusted. Even when things don’t make sense. Especially when things don’t make sense! He is a GOOD FATHER. He watches after His children.

The question is: ARE you one of His children? It is a conscious choice we must each individually make.

If you are not sure if you are His child,

It is time to get that settled. I’d love to talk with you, to help you understand just what that means to be in the family of God. Send an email through the contact form on the website, to set up an appointment. I will respond as soon as possible and we can compare calendars to set up a time to talk. (I know times are tough for many of us. So, I wanted you to know there is no charge for the inquiry call.)

Questions? Just ask…

Or…please leave a comment. It matters! YOU matter!

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Who is the Master of Your Fate?

Woman with raised fist and "Focus" on back of hand

WHAT defines you? WHO defines you?

This shut down of much of our country and the world can be challenging to say the least. Who IS the master of your fate? Is it the United States Government? Is it a foreign power? Is it just “chance”? Is it God? Is it satan? These scary times can bring loss, fear, and a sense of betrayal. Some of you come to the table with challenging questions, trials, and decisions that must be made quickly. It is more than “Should I wear a face mask or not?” It is big and it is serious!

Quotes from my past

I grew up in the 50s and 60s. It was definitely the years of great confusion, fear, and rebellion against government who was leading us into fearful situations. We called it the LOVE generation. The songs were about war and love. And we claimed we knew the answer. Our expressions of love would fix the world. But it was really rebellion against all authority. I can still personally remember my generations struggles to understand, which caused us to rebel against what we did not understand. We see a lot of that with the youth of today, too. Has it always been that way with each generation? I can only speak from my own experience.

We would say with firm sarcasm: “Who died and left you in charge?” And then there was the: “You’re not the boss of me!” (FYI neither of those worked well with my father.) My Dad was most definitely IN CHARGE. He was also the most loving person I can remember in my whole life. He was not huggy feeley, but I absolutely knew I was loved unconditionally by him.

Does rebellion make you into a master of your own fate?

My Mom was ill much of my life and she died when I was 12 going on 13. That is a bad time for a girl to lose her mother. I must have had a dozen crushes on guys. I know because I wrote their names on my notebook. Thankfully, there was little time to pursue my crushes. I missed much of the rebellion of that season because I had to go home, do my homework, and start dinner every day after school. And do the ironing. Those were the days when we ironed EVERYTHING…even the bed sheets. We used cloth handkerchiefs, so even they had to be ironed, too. (No such things a disposable tissues…at least WE didnt have them in my family home.)

The Master of My Fate poem

I remember learning a poem in high school about being the master of my fate. The poem has stuck with me throughout my life. For many years, it confused me because I subconsciously thought, “If I truly am the master of my fate, why cant I make my life work right?” And even though I didn’t rebel much on the outside, the poem affected my attitude on the inside. For many years. It was very bad theology!

A Bible teacher shared a story

Many years later, I began to question what I had carried with me in that poem. I knew something was “off”. I began a search for God. (I wrote about that in an article “Maybe I’ll Try Church.” I had tried everything and nothing worked. So, at a Bible study taught by a former rebellious youth, now matured in the faith, he shared a story that thankfully now overrides the poems instruction that encouraged rebellion.

The illustration

Its all about where your focus is placed. Maybe you have heard the story he shared that night so many years ago: It is as though there are two “dogs” inside of each of us. A black dog and a white dog. And whichever one we feed the most, will be the strongest.

Of course, the black dog illustrates our sin nature and the white dog illustrates life after surrender to Jesus Christ the Lord. And the feeding is our focus and all the conscious choices we make that can cause us to either be better or bitter.

Haven Ministries devotional

A few years ago, a devotion published by Haven Ministries started me thinking about “fate” and “masters” again.

Heres what it said:

“Society teaches us constantly that we are the masters of our destiny, that we are what we make of ourselves, that we write the script. Knowing Jesus Christ as our Savior, however, shows us otherwise. Christianity is not about me and what I make of myself; its about Christ and what He has done for me. He is the author of my faith;…all my days were ordained in His Book before a single one of them came to be.”

It goes on to say: “Those lessons come to us over time when our best-laid plans fail and we are forced down other paths. Instead of feeling that we write the story of our lives, we see that every day is a journal page – a record of all the Lord has done for us. He is the author of our lives! With our eyes fixed on Him (not ourselves), He carries us through and writes us into the wondrous plan of His Kingdom.”

Jeremiah 10:23 states:

“I know, O LORD, that a mans life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.”

Coming to terms with the truth

So, have you come to terms with who truly is the master of your fate and the author of your life story? Maybe its time to do what I finally did: surrender all of the questions and doubts and rebellion to Creator God and trust that “Father knows best.” Because He truly does! 🙂

Your whole life will take a turn for the better as peace and joy show up in your life on a routine basis because you realize that Gods “got your back”. Amen? Amen! So be it! Come Lord Jesus!

Questions? Id love to talk to you about this!

God bless you bunches!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Is This The Removal of a Nation’s Hedge of Protection?

Castle Surrounded by Hedge
What do you do in the midst of a world-wide pandemic? How does one cope? Should we hope or despair? Is it more than just an illness or is this a message? What could that message be? And why?

The 7:14 Challenge

I accepted a challenge to set the timer on my phone for 7:14 as an encouragement to pray the 2 Chronicles 7:14 Scripture over our nation. Our leaders need wisdom. And the citizens need peace and wisdom. Will you join me in the challenge? Every day. Either once or twice/day.

Exactly what is that Scripture telling us to think and do?

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

II Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

  • First, it is conditional. IF we do our part.
  • Who will God hear? It is an exhortation from God to His people. Not to everyone. Just those called by His Name.
  • We are to humble ourselves. To ask God to show us about what we are doing or saying that is displeasing to Him.
  • THEN we are to pray for the purpose of seeking His face. To truly seek HIM. Because we love Him. Not stuff or blessings. But Him.
  • AND we are to be specific what we are doing that is against His will. “Wicked ways” are those that are Unholy. Ungodly. Selfish. Immoral.
  • THEN, and only then does God promise to hear from Heaven and forgive our sins..the “wicked ways” we have confessed and turned away from.
  • THEN, and only then will He heal our land…when His people follow the plan.
  • And then, and only then will He forgive the collective sin of that nation.

And then we are in the position to receive our assignment: we are to share everywhere…the Gospel message.There is forgiveness for sin. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. The GOOD NEWS! Jesus is ALIVE! And coming again!

“He said to them, ‘Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that REPENTANCE and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.’”

Luke 24:47

Have we been taking God’s protective hedge for granted?

I hear the 2 Chronicles 7:14 scripture quoted often. And often, the phrase “And turn from their wicked ways”is  left out. (That is selective praying.)

“You can’t solve a problem by dealing with the symptoms…its manifestations. You have to deal with the cause behind it.”
– Jonathan Cahn

Let’s now take a bit of a different direction…

Extraordinary! Stunning! Mind Blowing!

Those are words on the cover of the New York Times Best Seller
The Harbinger (My copy says: Over 1,000,000 copies sold … and that was 7 years ago). WOW!

“EVERY POLITICIAN, EVERY LEADER, AND EVERY PERSON IN THE UNITED STATES should not only read this book but also understand the divine implications it contains. Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, is far more than a prophetic warning to the United States; it is an unveiling of the ways of God. Cahn carefully unfolds how God renders His judgment of a nation in perfect balance with His mercy. Those who read it will be captivated by the narrative, convicted by how blind we are to God’s ways and in awe of how thorough God is in His warnings.

John Paul Jackson

Jonathan Cahn says

“Ten years after removing prayer and Scripture from its public schools, the nation legalized the killing of its unborn. The blood of the innocent now stained its collective hands. Israel had sacrificed thousands on the altars of Baal and Molech. But by the dawn of the twenty-first century, America had sacrificed millions. For its thousands, judgment came upon Israel. What then of America?”
– p. 22

Nine Harbingers

“Each was a sign for ancient Israel. Each was a warning of judgment…of their end…the Nine Harbingers of judgment…Each one containing a prophetic message.” – p. 23

What application can we make about God’s warnings and blessings concerning what we are experiencing?

The Breach

“America was the most blessed nation on earth, its blessings shielded by a powerful hedge of national protection. As its founders had foretold, if the nation followed the ways of God, it would be blessed not only with prosperity and power but also with peace and security. But if America turned away from God, its protection would be removed!” – p. 29

God desires to bless us, BUT there is the pesky word “if” which speaks of OUR responsibility if we want to REMAIN in the place of His blessings. WE are the ones that moved away from what God intends.

Think 9/11

“On September 11, 2001, the walls of America’s national security were breached…The most powerful nation on earth and the most sophisticated defense system ever built by man…The wall of defense…breached.” … “Then came the mistake. Then came the repeating of the ancient mistake. America responded to the calamity as if it were only a matter of security and defense…and nothing more. It would strengthen its national defenses and fortify its walls of protection. There was no pausing to ponder whether there could be anything of deeper significance behind it, no asking if something could be wrong, no searching of its ways.” – p.30

We all ran to our churches and prayed out of fear and that continued for a short season, but we didn’t turn from our wicked ways. We fell back into going our own way. We became even more lukewarm as a nation than we were before 9/11. And we didn’t stop murdering innocent babies in the womb and we didn’t stop trafficking our children and women. Sadly…we walked OUT of the blessing God intended for us as a nation. We forgot the “if” … and expected to benefit from the “then God will…”

Can God turn it for good purposes?

What could we possibly call good about 9/11? He was trying to get our attention. To wake us out of complacency. “The sounding of an alarm to wake up a sleeping nation, to change its course, to save it from judgment.” – pg 30

Could it possibly be that God is again sounding the alarm with the China Virus? The Coronavirus.

Enough of quoting from the book

I am hoping to inspire you to purchase the book and read it. Or take it off the shelves and read it again, as I have been doing. See if you agree that it is applicable to what we are now experiencing in our nation and around the world, in fact.

God has not forgotten us.

He still has the same plan: “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” — Acts 3:19 (KJV)

Know that I am praying for you.

And I’m here to encourage and to help you through this, if you’d like. Just click the button to send me an email if you want someone to talk to, to pray with, or vent about whatever is on your mind and heart. Each of us has our own unique circumstance we are working through during these uncertain times. TOGETHER with GOD, we shall overcome…

God bless you bunches!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Sure You Can!

Women Jumping

It is never too late, until that day when you unzip this earthly body and step into eternity to see Jesus face-to-face. On that day, you will either be His or you will not. Your choice. I can help you with understanding that choice. And then walk alongside you as you discover how best to direct your life for your greatest fulfillment.

This is the first day of the rest of your life!

You can—beginning this very day— choose more deliberately and thoughtfully how you spend the gift of your life. It is not too late. You can readjust your course. Get out of the rut! Sure you can! I have, and you can, too!

Let’s talk!  I’m available for a FREE call. Contact me and we can set up an appointment. As you learn to walk more fully in your God-given gifts and strengths, you will find new energy and greater satisfaction in your relationships. What have you got to lose? It is definitely a win/win situation. No doubt about it! Get coached!

Ignatius of Loyola prayed: “O heavenly Father…give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, Your strength. Help us to have perfect trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power…for, living close to You, we shall see Your hand, Your purpose, Your will through all things. Amen.”

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Hard Lessons in God’s Faithfulness

“Now then, go, and I, even I, will be with our mouth, and teach you what you are to say.” – Exodus 4:12 (NASB)

Spanish Language School

While in language school in Costa Rica, I struggled over basic grammar rules, the meanings of words and the tenses of the verbs. I often felt frustrated. Like Moses, I reminded God that I was slow of speech. I knew He wanted me to go out and speak anyway, even though I was afraid. There are no good excuses when He says “go”. And of course, He was faithful through it all.

WHERE do You want us to go?

Another time, after Spanish language school, the mission group sent us to Haiti, where they speak French and Creole. I felt like I could have written the book about When God Doesn’t Make Sense. I struggled with everything. I was unprepared for the culture and I again struggled over basic grammar and word meanings and tenses of verbs. I most definitely felt frustrated and actually I felt betrayed by the mission group. But once again, God’s faithfulness was evident, as He once more reminded me that it was He who told me to go; and that He would teach me what to say.

Communication is more than just words

I learned that when I smiled a lot and used my hands a lot I was able to find ways to communicate with the people of the countries where we were sent. I’m grateful that I did not let my fear win the battle. It was actually hard to leave both countries because God had been so evident in my daily survival there; and He taught me what to say, just like He promised.

Inadequacy is a condition, not a place

Just because I am no longer in a foreign country doesn’t mean that the days have ended for my stepping out and “going” when I feel inadequate for the task. He reminds us that it is the very definition of the Christian life. His sufficiency in exchange for our insufficiency. Every day. All day. No matter what. No matter where. No matter who. No matter when. He is our “How”. Always.

Let’s pray together:

“Where do you want us to go today, Lord? Thank You for the examples of Your proven faithfulness in Your Word. Help us to remember times past when you were faithful, so we have courage for today to trust You to be faithful again. Always. Thank You for the testimony of other believers. It gives us courage. May we bring You joy this day. Amen.”

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Touching the Hem of His Garment

A Woman Praying to God
In Matthew 14, the people brought to Jesus all who were sick. They begged to just be able to touch the hem of His garment. We are told that those who touched the hem of His garment were “made perfectly well”. That is a powerful statement.

I want to be made perfectly well. Don’t you?

What does it mean to be made perfectly well?

I don’t think this story is so much about physical healing as it is about being made perfectly well. Our earth-bound bodies and minds are puny and can’t comprehend the greater picture. We want what we want and we want it now. We want NO problems. We want physical healing, but there is so much more to desire than physical healing.

A courageous woman desperately in need

In Mark 5, A woman who had been ill for 12 years had spent all her money on doctors, yet she was worse than when she started. She was in need. She was desperate. She was brave. She did the unthinkable. In the midst of a crowd, she reached out and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. INSTANTLY she was healed. Instantly she KNEW she was healed. “And Jesus, IMMEDIATELY KNOWING in HIMSELF that the power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and said “who touched my clothes?”

She knew and she worshiped

The woman was afraid. She was trembling. But she also knew what had happened to her. And she knew how it happened. So, she worshiped. She “came and fell down before Him.” She “told Him the whole truth.” (Of course He knew it anyway, but this woman who had been bleeding for 12 years and was considered unclean and could have no human contact for 12 years. THAT woman knew immediately that she was “made perfectly well”. MORE than physical healing. She was made perfectly well. That is powerful.

The safest place to be

Jesus cares. The safest place is to be bowed down, reaching out to the hem of His garment, pleading with Him to give the healing that is needed. The soul healing is the greatest need of all…the soul—mind, will and emotions. This woman was desperate enough from the failure of human intervention to reach out to Jesus. Jesus was her last resort. And He made her “clean” and “whole”. Her shame was gone. I don’t think she probably ever forgot the compassion shown her that day.

Yes, Jesus heals. Some of us are healed here and some on the other side. It is a mystery.

Pray with me?

Lord, may I stay that close to you today—that I continually touch the hem of your garment—that my soul may be made perfectly well. That I may have full strength to bless—MAKE me a blessing, Lord…Help me keep my eyes on you and my hands on the hem of your garment—bowed down (in order to touch it). When I start to sink because I have taken my eyes off you, help me remember to cry out to You and reach out to You, so You can pull me out and “catch me” as you did Peter when he began to sink that day he stepped out of the boat toward You!

Please share your thoughts and experiences. Either here on the blog or privately. How can I pray for you?

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 8:00 am

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