Repent or Drown. Jonah.
Seriously! When your are in the belly of the fish (like Jonah), you have two options. Repent or Drown!
Jonah thought he could run from God.
He didn’t like God’s plan. What’s true of Jonah is true for individuals today and also for nations. Jonah spent some time in the bile of the belly of the fish. He nearly drowned.
We know the story of Jonah calling Nineveh to repentance, but it looks like Jonah needed a lot of TLC reminders about who is God and who is NOT. Jonah had a need to repent and confess a few sins before he could even be used to speak God’ message to Ninevah. And then even after that, God needed to help him to see the bigger picture. At this point in his life, Jonah was self-serving and bitter. God’s idea of who is “worthy” of salvation did not please Jonah’s unforgiving heart. His heart was hardened and God had to soften it up and give him a few reality checks. God continually is purifying His “messengers”. Have you noticed that?
Frank Sinatra would have liked Jonah
Do you remember Frank Sinatra’s famous song, “I Did It My Way”? God doesn’t see things as man does. You’ve probably noticed that too. God sees things differently.
Society is in the bile of the belly of the fish
We definitely need God’s plan to get us out of this mess that we have created by doing it “my way”. The first step back toward sanity is for individuals to repent, but also—as a nation—we MUST repent or our nation as we have known it, will continue to drown in pride, stupidity and rage. (Many times in Scripture, God says to us: “YOU do this, and THEN I will respond like this.” We are in one of those times.)
Evening prayer
Every evening, at 7:14 p.m., I’ve been praying the verses in 2 Chronicles 7:14 for myself, and for my nation and its leaders. I set my timer to remind me each evening. Will you join me?
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 (Note that there are 4 things for INDIVIDUALS and also for NATIONS to do BEFORE God responds.) (Also note that after we do what He requires, THEN there are 3 things God does in response.)
“IF MY people who are called by My Name, …(It is conditional= “IF”.
AND…This instruction is specifically for God’s “sheep” — His fully devoted followers. His people.) So, IF they will (it is a choice)…
- Humble themselves
- And pray
- And seek My face
- And turn from their wicked ways
God promises,
“THEN…” (God does these three things in RESPONSE to what His followers do FIRST, to prepare themselves for the answers He desires to give!)
- I will hear from Heaven
- And forgive their sins
- And heal their land
We people have made a mess of things. What else can we do? Here’s an idea that has been presented by some leaders and some pastors…Will you join me?
A Corporate Call to Action. Be creative.
When: August 1st through August 21 (and beyond if you desire or feel called to it)
What: 21 days of prayer and fasting for personal and national repentance and revival, if God in His mercy grants it.
Where: YOU decide how it works best for you so you can be consistent and faithful. And also choose whether you will do this alone with God or by phone or Zoom or Skype or FB Live with others.
Isn’t that what we desire for ourselves, our families, friends, and our nation and its leaders (for God to intervene for His glory)? Of course it is!
In addition, will you also join me in praying that the President calls a “Solemn Assembly” for the nation?!?

From a flock of geese to a dog on a leash, the pages of this winsome little book are filled with things we see around us every day. Pamela A. Taylor takes those everyday items and looks at them through the eyes of a child; making them seem exciting and new while also teaching children how to be grateful for the God who created them. Take a walk with Pamela through the pages of this book and help your little ones see God’s hand in the beauty of life.
Don’t be a Jonah! Repentance MUST come BEFORE Revival. IF we seek Him fervently and IF God—in His mercy—grants revival, to God be the Glory!
Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!
Awaiting His shout,
Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor