Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Hard Lessons in God’s Faithfulness

“Now then, go, and I, even I, will be with our mouth, and teach you what you are to say.” – Exodus 4:12 (NASB)

Spanish Language School

While in language school in Costa Rica, I struggled over basic grammar rules, the meanings of words and the tenses of the verbs. I often felt frustrated. Like Moses, I reminded God that I was slow of speech. I knew He wanted me to go out and speak anyway, even though I was afraid. There are no good excuses when He says “go”. And of course, He was faithful through it all.

WHERE do You want us to go?

Another time, after Spanish language school, the mission group sent us to Haiti, where they speak French and Creole. I felt like I could have written the book about When God Doesn’t Make Sense. I struggled with everything. I was unprepared for the culture and I again struggled over basic grammar and word meanings and tenses of verbs. I most definitely felt frustrated and actually I felt betrayed by the mission group. But once again, God’s faithfulness was evident, as He once more reminded me that it was He who told me to go; and that He would teach me what to say.

Communication is more than just words

I learned that when I smiled a lot and used my hands a lot I was able to find ways to communicate with the people of the countries where we were sent. I’m grateful that I did not let my fear win the battle. It was actually hard to leave both countries because God had been so evident in my daily survival there; and He taught me what to say, just like He promised.

Inadequacy is a condition, not a place

Just because I am no longer in a foreign country doesn’t mean that the days have ended for my stepping out and “going” when I feel inadequate for the task. He reminds us that it is the very definition of the Christian life. His sufficiency in exchange for our insufficiency. Every day. All day. No matter what. No matter where. No matter who. No matter when. He is our “How”. Always.

Let’s pray together:

“Where do you want us to go today, Lord? Thank You for the examples of Your proven faithfulness in Your Word. Help us to remember times past when you were faithful, so we have courage for today to trust You to be faithful again. Always. Thank You for the testimony of other believers. It gives us courage. May we bring You joy this day. Amen.”

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Touching the Hem of His Garment

A Woman Praying to God
In Matthew 14, the people brought to Jesus all who were sick. They begged to just be able to touch the hem of His garment. We are told that those who touched the hem of His garment were “made perfectly well”. That is a powerful statement.

I want to be made perfectly well. Don’t you?

What does it mean to be made perfectly well?

I don’t think this story is so much about physical healing as it is about being made perfectly well. Our earth-bound bodies and minds are puny and can’t comprehend the greater picture. We want what we want and we want it now. We want NO problems. We want physical healing, but there is so much more to desire than physical healing.

A courageous woman desperately in need

In Mark 5, A woman who had been ill for 12 years had spent all her money on doctors, yet she was worse than when she started. She was in need. She was desperate. She was brave. She did the unthinkable. In the midst of a crowd, she reached out and touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. INSTANTLY she was healed. Instantly she KNEW she was healed. “And Jesus, IMMEDIATELY KNOWING in HIMSELF that the power had gone out of Him, turned around in the crowd and said “who touched my clothes?”

She knew and she worshiped

The woman was afraid. She was trembling. But she also knew what had happened to her. And she knew how it happened. So, she worshiped. She “came and fell down before Him.” She “told Him the whole truth.” (Of course He knew it anyway, but this woman who had been bleeding for 12 years and was considered unclean and could have no human contact for 12 years. THAT woman knew immediately that she was “made perfectly well”. MORE than physical healing. She was made perfectly well. That is powerful.

The safest place to be

Jesus cares. The safest place is to be bowed down, reaching out to the hem of His garment, pleading with Him to give the healing that is needed. The soul healing is the greatest need of all…the soul—mind, will and emotions. This woman was desperate enough from the failure of human intervention to reach out to Jesus. Jesus was her last resort. And He made her “clean” and “whole”. Her shame was gone. I don’t think she probably ever forgot the compassion shown her that day.

Yes, Jesus heals. Some of us are healed here and some on the other side. It is a mystery.

Pray with me?

Lord, may I stay that close to you today—that I continually touch the hem of your garment—that my soul may be made perfectly well. That I may have full strength to bless—MAKE me a blessing, Lord…Help me keep my eyes on you and my hands on the hem of your garment—bowed down (in order to touch it). When I start to sink because I have taken my eyes off you, help me remember to cry out to You and reach out to You, so You can pull me out and “catch me” as you did Peter when he began to sink that day he stepped out of the boat toward You!

Please share your thoughts and experiences. Either here on the blog or privately. How can I pray for you?

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 8:00 am

Eight Ways to Embrace Your 2020 Vision

A Pair of Glasses on a Stack of Books
I’ve been praying and thinking about how I can encourage you as you move into a new decade. 2020 is a big deal. I want first of all to say that God created you to be you. He had a special plan in mind when He made you. So, He wants for you to be the best you, you can be.

Here are the eight ways I promised—to get you started in very practical ways, embracing the next decade. Print the list. Keep it in your planner, journal, or Bible. Don’t try to do them all at once. Just conquer one at a time. Little by little the transformation happens. One new decision per week, and in two months, you will be comfortable with the entire list.

  1. Believe this: The 2019 YOU does NOT define The 2020 YOU. Start fresh. Here’s how…
  2. Know this: Gratitude is the path to joy and inner peace. It is a proven fact.
  3. Choose trust: God is still on the Throne. Choose to walk courageously into 2020.
  4. Look up: Thanking God for at least 3 things before sleep each night can re-set your soul (mind, will, emotions) to enable better sleep.
  5. Choose gratitude: Daily add to a written gratitude journal; you can pick it up any time during the day and be encouraged.
  6. Memorize this: Psalm 100. When stressed, recite it out loud. Let your ears and mind hear your praise often. It’s an auto-re-set!
  7. Choose contentment: By asking for less. By enjoying what you already have. By choosing not to covet what others have.
  8. Tell no one: Do at least one SECRET GOOD DEED per week. Tell NO ONE! It’s a way to bless your Father God!

To be that person God had in mind when He created you, don’t wait another day! Contact me so that we can be certain you and God are on the same page. I can help. Remember that the 2019 you does NOT define the 2020 you. You are not a victim of your past. You can choose a new path. Here are the next three suggestions that we can start with together…

It helps first of all to:

  • Discover your Biblical Personality Strengths (There’s many secular options, but Leading From Your Strengths is Biblical and other-centered, and the very best in my opinion. I’ve used it for more than ten years very successfully with my clients and friends.)
  • Then, discover your Spiritual Gifts.
  • Then, let’s figure out together how to help you work with God to be the best you that you can be in 2020.

God bless you bunches!

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

The New Year Cometh

The New Year Cometh

Fresh new starts

To me, it always feels like a fresh new start. And this December 31 ends one decade and the next day begins a new decade. So it is even more special than usual! We go from the 2010’s to the 2020’s. That seems BIG! And it should make a difference in more than a calendar-page-turning event.

High points

Let’s both take a few minutes here to think back over the last decade. What were the high points? For me, when 2010 rolled in, I had just officially become self-employed, as a Christian Life Coach. That is really BIG!! What about you? Big or small, what are the high points for you? Write them down. Think it through. You will be really glad you did. You will discover that God has been active in your life in ways you had forgotten.


For me, it has been a refreshing change from the cubicle job in the huge open room with lots of other people. It was a debt collecting place. Undoubtedly, not a good “fit” for this introvert with the spiritual gift of encouragement. I was miserable there for 5 years. Grateful for a job, but miserable.


And now, I have the freedom to create my own schedule. I work from home. So the introvert part of me is very happy. I get to encourage people every day now, rather than making them mad by working for the company that had the sole goal of collecting their debt. Now, I have no time clock to punch in and out for the long days with 2 short breaks and the 1/2 hour lunch break. Now, I am FREE to freely use my spiritual gifts to ENCOURAGE people to be all God created them to be. Encouraging them to embrace their lives with joy and expectation. Doesn’t that sound good to you? I am daily blessed with amazing people that God has sent to me.


As I write this now, it is still 2019 and Christmas is on the horizon, so I am reminded of Mary’s Magnificat.

Luke 1:46-49

“And Mary said ‘My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has had regard for the humble state of His bond slave…for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is His name…'”

Joy and expectation

I am filled with joy and expectation as I await the next decade, knowing that God will continue to send me the people HE wants me to encourage and mentor AND also hoping—for me—that my time as a student at Christian Book Academy will be fruitful and that many of my writing creations will be published and bear fruit in people’s lives.

What about you?

What are you rejoicing about from the decade between 2010 and 2020? What new thing do you hope 2020 begins for you? Do you have plans to grow as a person? Would you like to explore Christian Coaching to see what God can do as you discover more about your own personality strengths and spiritual gifts and even the way God wired you personally to be drawn into worship of Him? We can do all of that for you, together.

The dawning of a new decade cometh

Wouldn’t you love to keep on learning and to discover ways to live “outside the box” where you safely continue the same ‘ole, same ‘ole. Wouldn’t you like to explore something new and different than what has “always been” for you? Wouldn’t you love to have your own advocate to help you discover and embrace and live your strengths, and realize your full potential?

Let’s chat a bit and pray together about what the next decade holds for you! You don’t have to do this life alone! I promise to be your biggest cheerleader, cheering you on to “what if I…?” This 2020’s decade could be your best decade ever!

God bless you bunches!

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

A Willing Heart

A Willing Heart

Mary, Mother of Jesus

“We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.”

–1 Thessalonians 2:4

Mary’s life never robbed Jesus of His glory.

Her mission was to witness the Glory of the Son of God. She was a woman of courage and character. A poor girl in an insignificant town, from a humble family with little expectation her life would be different than most. Then, angel Gabriel came to Mary. (see Luke 1:38)

Why did God choose Mary?

I’ve been studying the Scriptures about Mary the last few days. And with my knowledge of the Leading From Your Strengths characteristic & personality strengths, I think I know WHY God deliberately chose this Golden Retriever type of personality, because of the particular situations she would need to endure in her adventure as the mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Seeking approval

Mary sought approval from the One that matters most. Seeking God’s approval means turning FROM the desire for the applause of others. She went against social and cultural norms. She trusted God would not let her down. As she yielded to the purposes of God in and through her, she was able to anticipate the approval of the One who matters most without fear of public outcry or condemnation.

Mary surrendered to God’s plan

She was able through the power of the Spirit, by CHOOSING to be willing to lose all that defined her,  in order to become who God had CHOSEN her to be. He wants that for all of us.

What can we learn from Mary?

I’m not a scholar, and I’m not Jewish, but, I believe that when Mary, an innocent VIRGIN, courageously told Joseph, her beloved betrothed love of her life, that she was pregnant,  she knew that he KNEW it was not HIS baby she was carrying. The penalty for adulterous betrayal was death by stoning. BOTH their lives actually were in peril in that culture.

She gave her life & reputation to God

When angel Gabriel gave Mary God’s message, Mary answered, “May it be to me as you have said” (See Luke 1).  She had responded with a willing heart, ready to do whatever the Lord asked of her. Praise God for her response, which played a part in the blessing you and I have in Jesus.” (Anchor Devo December 2019)

The angel called her highly favored

He said to her, “Do not be afraid.” Angels aren’t sweet & pretty with flowing robes that flutter into your life to bless you. Rather, they are fierce looking warriors. Why else would their first words (whenever they appear to people) are some variation of FEAR NOT.

So you might think Mary was different than you or me

You might think you could never do what she did, yet I’m pretty certain that you would obey whatever an angel told you YOU to do, too. Her first response was a question, asking how it could be that she would bear the Christ Child, since she was a virgin. (Luke 1:34) And she most certainly had intended to stay that way before her marriage with Joseph. He also told her that her barren Aunt Elizabeth was now “with child”. Her next response was one of surrender and trust.  With a willing heart, accepting the consequences. “I am your servant. May it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38) The angel left her.

Aunt Elizabeth is 6 months along

Mary went to see her aunt Elizabeth. Upon hearing Mary’s greeting, baby John leaped in Elizabeth’s womb. And Elizabeth gave Mary an important affirmation. Any Golden Retriever personality’s indecision or concern would have melted away when Elizabeth said, “Why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me.” (Luke 1:43) Mary stayed 3 months, until John was about to be born. Golden Retrievers are people people. They are loyal. They are “let’s do this together” people.


Goldens greatest fear is loss of security and they don’t like change. From others, they want sincere appreciation and harmony. When stressed, Goldens can be indecisive and unenthusiastic, so you can see why God gave her so many clear affirmations. God knew she would need them in all the future trials and testings she would endure.

So, as each affirmation came,

“Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)

  • The Angel Gabriel’s visitation to Mary to tell her of God’s plan and to tell her not to fear
  • The Angel also spoke to Joseph to tell him that Mary was still a virgin and that he also was chosen to marry Mary and to care for her and Jesus
  • The Shepherds in the stable immediately after His birth
  • Both Simeon and Anna affirmed who He was, when Jesus was taken to the temple for his purification
  • The Wise Men when he was a bit older and in the house with his parents


She had been told that she was the woman with whom God entrusted His Son. Her heart had responded with praise and joyous song (see the Magnificat in Luke 2).

As we think about her courage, let’s think about the the time she rebuked her 12 year old son (JESUS) for staying behind in the temple. Think about the wedding in Cana where adult JESUS did his first (and non-public) miracle. She had courageously pressed Him to make water into wine. Think of the time that Mary took her other children to try to get JESUS to come home because there was so much demand on Him. She was concerned about him. Because she truly cared about the people in her sphere of influence. Let’s look at some general Golden Retriever characteristics and see if they fit Mary’s personality characteristics based on what we know from Scripture about this amazing woman:

  • Patient & Willing
  • Caring & Thoughtful
  • Steadiness
  • People person
  • Let’s do this together
  • Loyal & Nurturing
  • Tolerant
  • Slower Starting
  • Quiet & Reserved
  • Other-centered

Golden Retriever personality types deal in the PRESENT.

Their focus is on what is happening right now in front of them. You can definitely see that in Mary. When someone is hurting and needing a friend, or water made into wine at a wedding, the Golden Retriever is joyfully there! They have a caring heart and listen carefully and attentively to others (including angels 🙂 ). They are always loyal and faithful to friends and family. However, if there is tension, they want to withdraw.

Mary’s willing heart

Mary was a person of discipleship, with a willing heart, and great faith. The first true follower of Jesus. Her calling was great joy in motherhood, but required tremendous suffering. The worst was watching her son on the Cross in such unspeakable agony–knowing He had come to do just that. For you. For me. And for Mary. She knew how costly her submission would be, yet she CHOSE to SUBMIT to GOD’S plan. For that, we can ALL be grateful!

God bless you bunches!

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Lord of the Loaves and Fishes

Lord of the Loaves and Fishes

The Lord of the Loaves and Fishes meets the needs of His children.

And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 in the New Testament of the Bible)

What’s your life look like right now?
Are you facing one problem after another? Feeling unfulfilled in your life’s work? In your family life? In your church life? Inside your own skin? Does it seem like something is missing?

Maybe something is missing. Maybe you are looking in the wrong places.

Are new needs arising?
Are you even thinking “And now there is Christmas with additional financial needs and relationship needs”? Do you feel pulled in all directions and do you feel like you simply cannot make ends meet?

What if it is true that you simply can’t make ends meet on your own?

And…what if there is a better plan?
!. What if you decide to talk it over with the Lord of the Loaves and Fishes?
2. What if you truly and honestly seek HIS plan for your life?
3. What if you ask HIM for help?

When we daily/moment-by-moment consciously and deliberately look to God for help, (“Give us this day your daily bread.” Matthew 6:11), we are acknowledging our own inability to meet our own needs. We are looking to Him as the Lord of the Loaves and Fishes.

How can we bless the Lord?
It blesses Him to know that we realize that He is the Source for all that we need. And He loves blessing His kids. (Of course, sometimes HIS idea of blessing is not what we were thinking would be a blessing, but it’s also true that: Father knows best!)

The foundational principle of my business:
There are true stories in the Bible that teach us about God multiplying what is offered up to Him. I believe that so strongly, that it’s actually the very foundational principle that my whole coaching business is based on.  loavesandfishescoaching.com  You will notice that theme in many of my blog posts as well.  Joyfully, I can testify that the Lord has empowered my clients to experience and then also reflect that foundational principle, as they travel the coaching and mentor/coaching journey. I am truly blessed by each uniquely individual  person that God sends my way.

Acknowledging God as provider
The very first step that Jesus took when he fed the hungry multitudes in the middle of nowhere, was to acknowledge that God Almighty is the One True God. He worshiped God the Father. He knew the Source of the provision of the needs of the people that were hungry. And–in response–God provided more than enough for all.

God responds
Over and over again in my own life, I have seen God multiply the meager offering I have to give. Whether it be time, money, or possessions. Jesus is the Lord of the Loaves and Fishes, and He’s with you in the boat on the rough sea of life. He’s promised to supply all your needs. Yes! He PROMISED! And He keeps His word. He can be trusted. The real question is: Do YOU Trust HIM to supply those needs?

The first step after giving
We need to ASK. To ask. To seek. To knock. We have to acknowledge the Source. He will do it even when we don’t see how it is possible. In fact, the Lord of the Loaves and Fishes…the Lord of the stormy seas…He is the Lord that loves the word IMPOSSIBLE!

I’d love to hear your stories of how God has met you at your point of need. What Loaves and Fishes has He supplied just when you needed them? Share your story. We all want to hear from you!

Merry Christmas!

The season of GIVING! Don’t let it end in January!

God bless you bunches!
Awaiting His shout,
Pam Taylor


Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Lying in a Manger
Holidays can be delightful or they can be the worst time ever. They can be lonely or overwhelmingly busy. They can be a time of illness or health.

All of that is true, but mostly, Christmas being “good” rather than “bad” in your experience, depends on your relationship with the One we are celebrating. His birth (Christmas), life, death on the cross, resurrection and ascension back to Heaven.

AND the best part of it all, is that He is coming again for YOU. For Me. IF you have believed and received the Gift of Salvations He offers. There is ONLY ONE WAY to the Savior. ONE WAY to Heaven. ONE WAY to salvation. JESUS is that ONE WAY. He offers you salvation through believing and receiving that He is the One way for you to be His Child. Without Easter, Christmas doesn’t make any sense.

  • Receive the GIFT offered
  • Receive the GIFT of salvation
  • Receive the GIFT of eternal life

ACCEPT that the price has already been paid

  • Receive the GIFT that cannot be earned
  • Receive the GIFT that has already been paid for
  • Receive the GIFT that YOU cannot earn

ACCEPT that you cannot earn it
TRUST that it is finished
BELIEVE that nothing more is required

Believe that the work of Jesus sacrificed on the Cross made a way where there was no other way.  It is because Adam and Eve did not trust God but believed satan instead. That is why Jesus BECAME the sacrificial Lamb to make atonement for sin.

The work is done. PLEASE believe and receive the GIFT of eternal life that is offered to you. Don’t delay. This is serious! You never know what a day can bring.

To summarize:

  • Believe
  • Receive
  • Embrace the GIFT
  • Rest in Him
  • Walk out of the penalty of the shadow of death into His glorious light
  • Live like you believe you have been saved, and are saved for eternity
  • Each day, let your heart’s attitude be one of gratitude to the Lord for ALL His benefits

Live at peace with great joy. It is finished. You are His and He is yours. Forever and ever. Amen.

Please share…

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

We Are All Hansels and Gretels. We Leave Behind a Trail

Hansel and Gretel Stamp

Funny story

Once upon a time, at the apartment building where I live, there was a strawberry salad thief. A resident was planning a party. She had stored the food in the refrigerator of the Commons area kitchen. Thinking it safe, she went to her apartment and to bed, looking forward to the next day’s celebrations. Only to discover the next morning that her strawberry salad was missing.

It was quickly discovered that there was a RED trail from the kitchen, down the hall, and up the stairs, right to the door of the thief. There was no doubt what had happened. It is funny to think back on, but at the time, it was upsetting to my friend who was planning a party.

The story of Hansel and Gretel

Remember in that story there was a trail of white stones that caught the moonlight and led the children back home. (We won’t discuss their home life in this article. YIKES!!!)

AND, the second time they were left in the woods to die, there was a trail of bread that was eaten by hungry birds. Eventually, they got home again, but it was a much harder journey.

What kind of trail am I leaving?

A story in a devotional book is actually what started me down this path: “Earlier this year, the owners of a restaurant called Build-A-Burger in New York State called the sheriff’s office to report their cash register was missing. Deputies checked a nearby hiking trail and found a steady trail of macaroni salad. Hansel and Gretel didn’t leave a better trail; and within a short time, a gang of three men was captured and charged with theft. It seems that along with the register, the men had also swiped a large bowl of macaroni salad.” — Turning point devotional for Thursday, Sept 17.

Scripture reference

“Be sure your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:23) Hmmmmm…Even when we think we are pulling off the “perfect crime”! 😉

Isn’t that amazing?

What got them caught was their lust of the flesh. They were apparently hungry, careless and sloppy (leaving a trail of macaroni)!

Challenge question

Years ago, a group of us were asked the challenge question: How will you live your life? What would you like your tombstone to say?

I decided right then that I would want it to say: SHE CARED!!! Of course I too often fall short in my selfish humanness, but it is ever in the back of my mind, driving my behavior and attitudes.

Another Scripture verse

Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 6:11-13 “We have spoken freely to you…and opened wide our hearts to you. We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. As a fair exchange…open wide your hearts also.”

It is a fearful thing to open our hearts to others.

To trust. Opening our hearts to others can only be done by the power of the Holy Spirit. The people at Fort Street Christian Church in Omaha Nebraska opened wide their hearts to me about 40 years ago now. They were patient and kind. Gentle. And they loved Jesus above all else. Their “trail” was one that led me to the foot of the cross.

And in this month of greater focus on Gratitude and Thanksgiving, I am thanking them for that trail! They showed me the way HOME!!! To my REAL HOME!!! To JESUS!!!

What do you see as you look at YOUR life?

Isn’t it great that you can actually CHOOSE what kind of trail you leave behind! AND…it is true that…

It is never ever too late to tweak the trail of your life. I can help with that…

God bless you bunches!

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am


“God’s way is always the way of suffering, the way of the long, long trail.”

–Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

God’s way is to shake us into reliance, dependence, and trust in that which is UNshaken. We want blessings and fun and abundance. We want to be happy. But God knows the path through suffering is the path to His Light and Truth and Wisdom.

JOY is not the absence of suffering, but the presence of God. – David Jeremiah

We don’t want to hear that. We don’t want to hear that we become like Jesus through the fellowship of His suffering and that is the ONLY way that we can truly be like Him. It’s difficult to face the fact that when we lack joy, we likely are skipping our time for “refueling” in the Word, in God’s presence. He hasn’t moved. We have.

When the foundations are shaken through loss or disappointment or pain. When the things we knew we could count on are not so reliable anymore. And when many we look to as examples are shaken to their core, where do we turn?

“I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) That, my friends, is an amazing promise from the Lord. Stop and ask yourself, honestly: Do you believe that promise? If you do, then you too…

“…can confidently say, ‘The LORD is my HELPER, I will not be afraid. What shall man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:6) An amazing promise. When eternity is your promised hope, what can anyone REALLY do to you?

In John 17, you learn how deeply Jesus loves you. Loves me. An agape, sacrificial, unselfish love.
Other-centered. So, in that love, there are some things we CAN count on to NOT be shaken…

  • The Father is NOT shaken. He created you to be what and where you are. He knew what you would do.
  • Jesus is NEVER shaken. Not ever! He is with the Father in Heaven, praying for you. He believes in you.
  • The Holy Spirit is NEVER shaken, He is the Helper through it all. Coming alongside. Always faithful.
  • The Bible is the Truth and shows us the Way to live now and prepares us for Life Everlasting with Him.

Jesus truly and deeply understands when life rearranges and you don’t know what to do. What DO you do when you are shaken?

The enemy of your soul, satan, wants you to forget that you are loved unconditionally. He wants you fearful and shaken. His goal is to make you miserable. Discontent.

BECAUSE he knows that Jesus loves you, this I know. For, the Bible tells you so.

And satan hates that that is true! He will nip at your heels trying to discourage you, but don’t let him win. Let’s see what Corrie (a woman who went through unbelievable suffering in a concentration camp, and yet, she found the Truth in the midst of an intense suffering as few have experienced.) Here is what she has to say about that…

If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed.
If you look within, you’ll be depressed.
But if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.

–Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983)

Here’s to the army of the UNshaken. Our God reigns! He is mighty to save!

Until Next Time,

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am


Blocking out God

I was just thinking how often I just push through rather than choosing worship. I get in a zone—blocking out everything—even God!


More often than not, at those times, some sort of mini-crisis arises and God uses it to get my attention, so He can bless me with an awareness of His involvement in my life.

Waiting for a phone call

Today was one of those times. I waited for a landline call that never came. I pondered for a few minutes, deciding what to do about the missed call.


Since I write a weekly newsletter/blog, sometimes I get stuck figuring out what to write about. This was one of those weeks.

While I waited for the call to come in, I began to praise and worship the Lord. Then, Clarity! I KNEW what I would write. And I created the perfect piece for the need. I was UNstuck!

I had been STUCK…UNinspired. I had been pushing through the day from one thing to the next. Not stopping to worship. AND…Not able to put words on a page.

Cell Phone Backup

And then my cell phone rang. It was a friend that had been also trying to reach me through my landline. She informed me it was not working (this is not good news when you do your business from home…on the phone!)

Sudden Realization

I knew why the calls had not come through. I had a block of time that was uninterrupted and I was able to concentrate and create. And, the phone was again working! Coincidence?


What brings you closest to God in worship?

Click the Blue Button..

So we can arrange a time for you to call my landline. It is working now. 🙂

Until Next Time,

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

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