Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Kick Back from Routine

Two girls walking along a pathClear Lake Iowa…
is a beautiful and a busy place all year. Special events all summer draw huge crowds. These visitors stay with relatives and friends, or in motels, and many delight in camping out in our beautiful camp grounds. We have biking trails and hiking trails. And wonderful parks and of course the LAKE.

The summer season
While kicking back from routine a little, remember that July is a good time to re-evaluate and adjust plans for the year. At 1/2 way through the year, stop and think:

  • Have you accomplished what you intended?
  • Are you more than 1/2 way toward the reaching your yearly goals?
  • What do you need to tweak to see your dreams come true?
  • Have you discovered your personality type with its strengths and quirks?
  • Have you considered much about how other people see you as a person?
  • Would you like to be able to bring out the best in other people?
  • Speaking of summer: Are you different when you are working than when you are relaxing?

Your laugh for the day:
(Don’t be one of those people)
(Actual comments people wrote on registration forms & comment cards.) (From a staff article. The Bridger Wilderness Area in Wyoming).

  • Trails need to be reconstructed. Please avoid building trails that go uphill.
  • Too many bugs and leeches and spiders and spider webs. Please spray the wilderness to rid the area of these pests.
  • Please pave the trails so they can be plowed of snow during the winter.
  • The coyotes made too much noise last night and kept me awake. Please eradicate these annoying animals.
  • A deer stole my jar of pickles. Is there a way I can be reimbursed.
  • Reflectors need to be placed on trees every 50 feet so people can hike at night with flashlights.
  • A McDonald’s would be nice at the trailhead.
  • The places where trails do not exist are not well marked.
  • Too many rocks in the mountains.

I’m actually surprised they didn’t complain about the weather. These comments were written seriously by real people. You can’t help wondering what they expected? They were in the WILDERNESS!!!

What about you?
When you visit another state and experience their great outdoors, are you ever THAT person? In our “consumer” society, it doesn’t take much to cause us to lose our perspective, to throw us into demanding our own desires, and become poor reflections of the Savior we profess to follow. What would Jesus do? What did Jesus do? Let’s do THAT! When was the last time you asked Jesus: What would YOU have me do, LORD?

Why do we do what we do?
Have you ever wondered why you might react one way and another person reacts differently to the same circumstances? I love that we can actually know the answer to that question! The answer is “By God’s design.” God decides each of our personalities. And then He plops us down exactly where He wants us to be to learn what He wants to teach us. And then it is our job to figure out how to live our one life the best we know how…

Life is like a big huge puzzle.
And we are each only one single piece. It is critical you KNOW where you fit and why you do what you do. None of us wants to be a curmudgeon like the people who filled out the park comment forms. Let’s talk about how you can KNOW who GOD created you to be and how to be better at it. Ministry Insights has developed an amazing tool that we use at www.LoavesandFishesCoaching.com. Get your questions answered! Don’t delay!

Let’s talk about scheduling a *Free* Inquiry call.

Thanks for all you do…

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Personality Strengths and Weaknesses — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Important Announcement – A New Beginning

July 4th - New Beginnings

Loaves and Fishes Coaching is coming back!
I’m back to my original business: Loaves and Fishes Coaching, because it better explains and expresses what God has called me to do.

My calling from God
He has equipped and called me to find people feeling a bit dissatisfied with their life; maybe feeling stuck—like there’s “more to life” than what they are doing. Perhaps they feel they are merely existing and not really living. The exciting thing is that God has something better for each of us. And, he has equipped us to live out His plan and call.

At Loaves and Fishes Coaching,
We know that God desires you to take the LITTLE you have, give it to Him to use for His Glory; and He then multiplies it—like the times recorded in the Bible where Jesus took the FEW Loaves and Fishes, praised God for them, and then BROKE them, so they could become food and blessing for others. You will be blessed as a result of giving what you have been given; but not from taking what you think you deserve. Gratitude is the key.

Through much personal sorrow and struggle, I’ve learned:
We’re not here on this earth, at this time in history, to BE BLESSED, but rather to BE A BLESSING! God’s ALWAYS got a plan. In discovering your strengths and talents, through coaching, you will begin to live in that knowledge, make decisions based on that knowledge. And wonder of wonders, you will actually end up BEING BLESSED because you have been a blessing.

God wants us to discover our strengths and live them out for others. NO ONE is beyond finding God’s forgiveness AND their place in God’s plan. Maybe today God is calling you to YOUR new beginning/second chance/fresh start. Let’s talk.

Contact me for a FREE inquiry call to see if coaching is for you…

Thanks for all you do…

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

Filed under: Living From Your Strengths — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Are You a Curmudgeon?

file000495201931-morguefile-kitchens-smallI once heard a story about a mom who went to the kitchen to get a drink of water, only to find that the kids had taken the liquid dish soap and squirted it all over the floor. They had removed their shoes and were sliding back and forth like it was an ice rink. They were laughing and having a blast!! Lots of fun! UNTIL they saw her there in the doorway. They stopped in their tracks, looking at each other. TERRIFIED as they waited to see what her response would be.

So, there she stood with her hands on her hips observing the situation and trying to decide what to do. She saw their delight. She heard their laughter. But…she also saw what they had done.

She decided that it looked like so much fun that she took off her shoes and slid across the floor in her socks. She threw her head back in laughter. She was really enjoying herself. The kids couldn’t believe it! Then…suddenly…she stopped.

She looked them straight in the eyes and said,  “That was fun! Now LET’S clean this up.”

I’m pretty sure she told them not to do it again, but she understood how fun it was and it was not EVIL or SINFUL what they were doing. It was not DEFIANT. They didn’t know. So she enjoyed the moment but let them know that there were consequences to their decisions. BUT she helped them clean it up. That way they stayed on task. 

Isn’t that exactly how God is with us? He enjoys us and yet He gently guides us back to Truth. He tells us the rules and then He guides us into following the rules. The blessing comes in the obeying. For our kids and for us.

It’s so much more fun to embrace and enjoy life and to appreciate the differences of others, than to be a curmudgeon. You and your child/children are each very different. Choose to enjoy the differences. It is most definitely a choice. It probably won’t come naturally.  

And yet…you still have to be the Mom…the adult…in the relationship. Yes, of course, the adult makes rules and they also keep them. But…don’t forget to remember that the child-like things they do are normal. They are learning how things work and what is acceptable and what is not. They are experimenting.

They are also teaching us to lighten up a bit. And that, my dear sweet mom friend, is a good thing! A very good thing!

Hope this helps…

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 11:04 am

Are You On a Merry-Go-Round? I’m Still Grinning :-)

Have you ever had them ruin your day? You know…the people in charge that have power to grant your request or not to.

Them. The ones that don’t really care about you personally. You know what I’m talking about.

The Carnival was in town this last week.

For three years they have told me I couldn’t ride a horse on the merry-go-round. I could sit on one of the benches but not ride one of the horses.

Hmrmph! NOT my idea of riding the merry-go-round!!! So I said no thank you.

Riding the merry-go-round horses has been a pleasant childhood memory. So being told no made me sad each year.

But I knew there was nothing I could do to change the mind of them.

I am not the adventuresome type, so this is the only ride I will even consider going on. (I know. I know.)

Funny, how important it became to me.

Well, THIS year, they changed their minds.

WHY did they change their minds?

GOD used a friend who knows the owners.  He went to them and told them my story. My disappointment.


Have you ever wondered about God’s love for you personally? Whether He cares about the little things in YOUR life?

You’ve heard it said, “It pays to know people in high places.” Here’s proof. Look what OUR God did…

This is just one small story about how intimately God is involved in our lives. How much He wants to bless us.

Sometimes He makes us wait three years. Sometimes it is immediate. But the answer and the timing is ALWAYS from the hand of a Loving Creator God.

God cares about every single silly little thing that matters to us.

He delights to delight His children with tangible proof of His love!

And in this case, His child is me.

I’m still grinning…


I thought you might enjoy another post about the town where I live:
Are You Living An Orchestra Life?

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:09 pm

Having a Tough Day?


“Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” — John 12:24

That pretty well sums up parenting…and especially motherhood. Motherhood is so daily!

Dying to self. The single seed dying to self for the greater good…the good crop. Meaning…when we truly surrender our rights to the Lord, beautiful things begin to happen within our hearts. And in our families.

In his very first sentence in the book, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren states a Biblical Truth: “It’s not about you.”

That single statement reminds me to get my priorities in alignment with God’s. It’s NOT about me. It’s ALL about HIM!!! The LORD! If there is a Lord (and there is) then there must be servants who do His bidding. (That’s you and me.)

The Small Catechism states “the chief purpose of man is to love God and enjoy Him forever.” We enjoy God when we obey Him. We obey Him because we believe Him when He gives us directions how to live a life which is pleasing to Him and is joy-filled for us.

And WHEN we surrender to that, He gives us His strength, in our weakness! When we are weak, then He is strong! Hang in there, Mom!

You are loved! And yes…it *is* worth it!

Click Here to leave a comment. I would love to hear your thoughts.

This has been a word of encouragement from:

The MomCourager™
Pam Taylor, Christian Life Coach

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night?
Are you grumpy because you are not getting enough sleep?
You might also be interested in this Secret Sleep Aid:


Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 8:24 pm

What’s Wrong With This Picture?


Put yourself in this Mom’s place. Traveling alone with a baby.

Look closely and then tell me…What’s “wrong” with this picture? Maybe “wrong” isn’t the “right” word. Maybe “unusual” is the right word.

I’m pretty sure this would not be what I would look like if I were at a major airport, ready to travel a number of hours with my baby on a plane…ALONE! What about you?

Here is what is (wrong/unusual) = remarkable: She is smiling! She is a real, live person and she is smiling! And at peace! How did that happen?

Lindsay sent me this picture. It inspired me so much that I asked her if I could use it on my website. I figured if it inspired me, it would inspire you, too. (I’m passionate about helping Overwhelmed Moms find their way out of the fog. And this picture speaks volumes!!!) And then…when I heard her response, I just had to share it with you right away.

Because…here’s something else that is remarkable about this Mom: Her response was “Yes…but…I wasn’t overwhelmed.” WOW! She wasn’t overwhelmed??? Astounding!!!

What do you suppose was Lindsay’s secret?

Lindsay had a plan. She had spent the days leading up to this day (as she prepared to move to another continent in a few short weeks) speaking God’s promises out loud to herself as she packed and as she took care of her baby. Her husband was far away…on another continent because of his work. It was unavoidable. This was a fog she was going to have to find her way through without her husband’s help. She wanted to be victorious, even though her life was in an uproar! But you would not know it to look at her, would you?! She had chosen the HIGHER ROAD.

Life is a series of choices. Flesh or Spirit. Which will rule? Which will we “feed”? The Spirit or the flesh?

This Mom had chosen to listen to praise music even though the things in her life were in chaos. While helpers were shouting questions at her. While she had to make a ton of last minute decisions. While she had to remember to eat. While she had to remember to change the diapers and nurse the baby. While movers came and went. While her apartment looked more like a war-zone than a home…with all the sorting and packing materials all around. Lindsay had chosen to have God on the throne, rather than let her feelings rule her. She did what she could do. She fed her Spirit Soul food and it nourished her to the point that her countenance would actually shine! You can see that for yourself!

She did what she could and left the rest to God. He likes that! 🙂

lindsay-baby-cropShe is an amazing woman. She is one of my favorite people and I wanted to share a bit of her story with you. I pray it inspires you to take the time to stop, drop and pray. To remember that nothing is too big for God to handle. IF we let Him.  She made a conscious choice to meditate on the promises of God. To feed her soul with music. Not just any music. She chose music that nourishes and exalts God. Proving: You definitely are what you “eat”. His Word (the Bible) is her nourishment. AND…Praises helped her rise above her circumstances. God has a plan and she followed it. And this is the result!

Please take time to comment and let us know what this has stirred up in you. And please also share stories of times when God’s Spirit has ruled and you, too, have been victorious in a difficult circumstance. We would love to hear from you. And as Lindsay prepares to move from her familiar surroundings, your remarks could be perfect timing and have the same effect on her to encourage her to keep looking UP because GOD is BIG.

“My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to accomplish His work,” Jesus said. (John 4:34 NAS)

{{Lindsay Nichols Estes has a message for women in transition. She walks her talk and more often than not, she comes forth trusting God’s promises. She knows the secret of success. If you are in transition, and want a coach to walk through it with you, you can find her here: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsaynicholsestes }}

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:45 pm

Don’t Quit! Joseph… A Story of Success… via Blood, Sweat and Tears

Have you heard a version of Anything worthwhile is worth fighting for. Worth waiting for?

I know that’s not a happy thought that success comes via blood, sweat and tears, but it seems especially necessary to say that today. The media would have us believe that we “deserve” success. When we get a college degree, we “deserve” a job. And not just a job, but a job starting at the top. Because we are “qualified”, right? Isn’t that the way it works? Or maybe we believe that when we start our own business, the clients/customers will flock to us. Because we did the right things, so of course we will realize our dreams complete and full…immediately. Right? That when we do the right thing, all falls into place. Blog posts tell us that. Facebook and Twitter posts all claim that if we buy their program, we will get skinny, we will grow new hair on that bald spot, and we will be able to run a marathon if we eat the right energy bar. That’s what we hear from all forms of media. But…is it true???

My inspiration today is the story of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph had a dream. Have you had a dream? Are you continuing to pursue it, or did you quit when it got hard or took too long?

You know the story. Joseph was his Dad’s favorite. And his brothers knew that. It was way too obvious. So, when they got a chance, they got even. Not with the Dad who chose him as favorite, but with Joseph. They tried to eliminate their problem. They wanted him out of the way. The only problem was, even though the Dad thought Joseph was dead, Joseph was STILL his favorite. The empty space at the table was NOT occupied by another. His Dad’s heart was very sad. And none of the other sons became the favorite in his place. So what did they accomplish by taking matters into their own hands?

What about Joseph? At the hands of his brothers, Joseph suffered bullying, abuse, betrayal and great loss; and at the hands of others, he suffered slavery.

He waited. (What else could he do under the circumstances?) But somehow, Joseph never seemed to see himself as “under the circumstances”. He believed in a BIG GOD. THE big God!

Then, he began to find the Favor of the Lord. And he kept his integrity. He faithfully walked honorably, even when tempted to take the lower road to destruction.

He took the higher road to the Favor of God. Those appointed to keep him in line saw clearly God’s favor or him and they appointed him to positions of leadership. And they indirectly received God’s Favor through Joseph. But betrayals and disappointments continued. And he remained a man of integrity. No matter how much power he was given, he remained a man of God. A man faithful to the Lord’s ways.

And the final outcome? Remember his outrageous dream that his brothers hated him for? Hated him enough to try to get rid of him forever…

Well, that dream came true and they literally owed their lives to him…the one they had sought to destroy was later their rescuer.

Blood, sweat and tears…walking that faithful life with our eyes on the Lord of the blood, sweat and tears…not giving up…but going forward…one step at a time. Little by little. Trusting the God of the outcome.  A heart on fire for Him.

Now THAT is “success”! That is God’s definition of “success” and that is where the joy lies. Peace that passes understanding. Don’t quit. Press on. Press through. Keep looking up to the Creator of real success…via blood, sweat and tears!

Easy? No! But ask Joseph someday: “Was it worth it?” And I have a feeling he will shout out, “Yes! Undoubtedly, YES!”

Do you have a dream you haven’t yet followed through on?

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 4:32 pm

Drudge. Drudge

Have you ever felt like something is missing? Like there ought to be more to life than just getting up, doing your daily tasks, going to bed, getting up, and starting all over again. Drudge. Drudge. Same old, same old stuff. Day, after day, after day. What happened to the spring in your step? Where did it go? WHEN did it go? Isn’t there more to life than THIS???

Isn’t it time you did something that will help you move out of this dullness and toward that “thing” you used to be so excited about? That you’ve just never quite followed through on…for whatever reason…and yet it still kinda haunts you? It just won’t “go away.”

You know what I’m talking about. It’s that idea that is always lurking around in the background of your mind. Remember now??? Do you feel a bit of pounding of your heart as you think about it? About what “could have been”? What sidetracked you?

I got sidetracked by college, marriage, a job, a home, children, and even the mission field. All good things, but I always had that lingering feeling that something was missing…something that “defined” me. Something that made me…ME.

Have you ever felt that way?

I first had a dream like that in 1978. And then it got buried. By “life”.

Then…FINALLY…in 2008…I hired a Christian Life Coach and asked him to teach me how to do what he did. It was a new beginning for me. I am now my own boss. And I can choose my own hours and even better than that is the fact that I now get to breathe life into the dreams of others. Just like my coach did for me! He held that vision for me when it would get a bit weak and seemed far away. He held it for me and he encouraged me until the dream is now a reality and I am now a Christian Life Coach, too. Friends and family encourage, but any decisions we make affect them, too, so they can’t be unbiased. Their OWN desires get in the way.

Why not do what I did…and follow through on YOUR dream until it becomes a reality.

I’d like to make it a bit easier for you to follow through on that dream toward a new beginning. Commit to three months of coaching (October, November, and December), and enjoy the third month FREE.  (That is a $200 gift. Think of it as a Christmas gift from me to you. I’m handing you $200 toward your dream! If you don’t take advantage of it, it’s like you are just throwing away $200! And that would be sad! You see, no matter what we are doing…dieting…exercising…or learning to move forward in any new direction…it usually takes at least three months to begin to get a consistently forward movement toward that dream to the point that it feels comfortable and “normal” to you.

Maybe your dream is to start your own business like me. Maybe it’s to finally finish that education path you started on so many years ago. Maybe it is to figure out how to get past “overwhelm” in your life. Maybe your dream is to live well on less. Maybe it’s to become the wife that your husband always dreamed of, rather than the overwhelmed, weary, grumpy wretch that meets him at the door each evening. Maybe it’s….well, YOU fill in the blank. What is it that will make you feel more whole? More like God intended?

Don’t delay. This “gift” is a time-sensitive offer; so, I look forward to hearing from you soon. October will be here before we know it. Let’s talk together about that thing that has been in the back of your mind for all these months or years. I’d LOVE to hear what has been “dogging” at your heels. Contact me through the website at loavesandfishescoaching.com and we can arrange a FREE call.  I’ll be happy to answer any of your questions…even my shoe size. 🙂 Through our conversation together,  you can decide if coaching is right for you. AND we can both determine together if we would be a good match…a good team.

By moving forward beginning in October and November, you’ll then receive the month of December ($200 value) FREE. It will be my gift to you. FREE!

I love helping people with new beginnings. And I love giving gifts. Let me bless you this way so you can begin your journey toward new beginnings, just like I did a few years ago!

You don’t want to wait as long as I did to find your true fulfillment in walking in your strengths!

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 2:59 pm

The Bridegroom. R.S.V.P.

Headline: Jesus is getting married!

The courtship has been bumpy and long. There have been dangers of a broken engagement along the way. But any day now, the wedding will be a reality!

The wedding has been announced and the invitations have been sent. Have you responded to your invitation? It is not too late…yet…

This will be a marriage that will never drift into the mundane. You will never be bored. You will never be separated by divorce or death.

Take some time to read His Love Letter to you — the Bible — the Word of God. Get to know the Bridegroom. Start with making a list of His Greatness…His attributes. Note how He relates to His created ones. Underline. Highlight. Pay close attention. Ask Him for understanding. Begin to make a list of what is most meaningful to you as you read. I suggest that you start toward the back of the book…in the New Testament.

Try this for starters: Make the next four Sundays special. Each Sunday read one of the four Gospels  (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) so you can get to know the Bridegroom. That’s called the 4 Gospels. And it’s where you will read of His invitation to you to join Him forever. The more your read, the more you will understand the depth of His love for you!

Say yes to His invitation to you! And begin the journey toward maturity as His someday soon Bride. Little by little, growing, maturing, and understanding what it means to be a “follower” devoted to the Bridegroom. As He already is devoted to you. He longs to have you say yes! He’s done His part…now it’s your turn to respond. R.S.V.P. But that is only the beginning. The rest of your life and on into eternity will be spent walking together with Him…side-by-side. Never looking back. There is no one you can trust more than the Heavenly Bridegroom. Jesus, the Christ. The Lord.

Let me know if I can help you toward that journey of becoming all you were created to be. Don’t settle for less than that…

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 5:29 pm

Are You Living an Orchestra Life?

I live in a resort town. The population seems to double each summer. Actually, it’s like being on vacation all year long here in Clear Lake, Iowa. The town is overflowing with choices for entertainment and enrichment consistently from January through December every year.

One of those summer choices is the Municipal “Orchestra”. (It’s really a band, but for the purpose of the article, I’m calling it an orchestra.) They perform Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons from the band shell in the City Park downtown. Lovely.

Last weekend I sat in my lawn chair relaxing and enjoying the view of the lake and the beauty of the sounds. There was a gentle breeze. All was “well” with the world there in the park in Clear Lake. And…then…God showed up!!! Not just in the music, though He was evidently there as well…but He had a lesson He wanted me to learn in a fresh way. Amazing how He does that when we aren’t expecting it!

“When the trumpeters and singers were as one(emphasis mine)…the glory of the LORD filled the house of God.”–2 Chronicles 5:13-14.

Music played a big part in the Bible. God used music to call people to worship and to send them to war, to soothe ragged emotions and to ignite spiritual passion, to celebrate victories and to mourn losses.

Some will lead the music and some will follow the leader. The better each one knows their parts, and the better they each follow the conductor, the more beautiful the music.

I began to see how the “orchestra” playing before me was an object lesson. Like families. Like the church. Each has a particular sound. Each has a particular duty. A particular “gift” to share. Each is unique. Separately, they would not have the same effect as they do all working together as one.

So my question to you is: Are you living an “orchestra” life? Are you trying to live your life on your own, without following the leadership of the “Conductor” of our souls? The Lord God, the Creator of that music, calls you to join His “orchestra” and learn your “part” really well, so you can share in creating the beautiful music…merely a foretaste of what Heaven will be like.

Awaiting His shout with you…

Let me hear from you…we are in this together!

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 6:38 pm

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