Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

I Confess. I Am a Fanatic. Join Me?

Pam Taylor

Definition of a fanatic

“A person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme or political cause.” All of you who know me well, know it is true. When I believe something, I am immovable. BECAUSE I have done my own personal and detailed research! And I don’t quit until I am satisfied that I have thoroughly investigated. So…

I confess. I am absolutely a fanatic

I have been a Leading From Your Strengths “fanatic” for about ten years. I was first introduced to it by Rodney Cox, CEO of Ministry Insights, International. About ten years ago, Rodney gave a “guest” presentation in one of my Coaching classes. I took the assessment, feeling a bit smug, thinking that it would NOT be able to “peg” me, because I kept second guessing & changing my answers as I took the assessment. Nope. I was certain. I would be the exception. They would NOT be able to be put me into a neat little box.

However, I was NOT the exception

I was convinced immediately after my virtual consultation by Rodney (in front of all my classmates and my instructor, by the way) that this was a GIFT to the church. To Christians. To SHOW us how to BE the church. How to encourage one another to love and good deeds. All the things that Scripture instructs us to become TOGETHER. So, I immediately signed up for the training to be a LFYS Consultant. (I took it again, wanting to be the best Strengths Coach I could be. And I became even more convinced that I had a key to help the people of the “church” learn better how to BE the church. To date, I have found nothing better.)
Leading from Your Strengths Certified

Now, I laugh at my doubting

When I saw my 20 page print out, I was stunned. It was ME!!! Most of my life, NO ONE has understood me. Certainly, no one has said to me that I my personality was chosen by God. But that is exactly what I learned. I know I can get on people’s nerves. I have too many questions while trying to understand new stuff that people/bosses/family present to me. That can be MISunderstood as wanting my own way, but I discovered, that my questions are because I am actually wanting enough information that I can be on board, in agreement. I always wondered why I was so intense and why couldn’t I just relax and let stuff roll off my back? “What was WRONG with me? WHY couldn’t I be like EVERYBODY ELSE?” (Probably because NO ONE is like EVERYBODY else! My expectation was unrealistic. AND self-centered.)

The many other options

Yes, there are many other options. And over the years, I have also taken those assessments, like the DISC, Myers-Briggs, and others based on colors, nature, and all sorts of different things. And the main reason for this particular article is the latest SHINY OBJECT that CHRISTIANS are running with. EVERYWHERE, the ENNEAGRAM is the latest MUST DO assessment.

Something about the Enneagram concerned me

So, after these 10 years of understanding that feeling of “concern” is part of why God put me in the body of Christ. To ask people to slow down a bit and be sure we understand what we are getting into before we go full speed ahead with the latest shiny object. Being a Beaver (LFYS) personality, I don’t automatically trust something, just because others say it is OK. God actually commended the Bereans for investigating what they were taught, recognizing counterfeits by comparing it with the original (The Bible). And, we must always remember to consider how our choices may not be “sin” but, they may cause our “weaker” or less Berean-like brothers and sisters to stumble and maybe even fall (Romans 14:14-23). .

Unable to just let it go,

I did some Enneagram investigating on my own. A Beaver personality actually NEEDS to understand—not to argue or disagree—but hoping to be able to be a TEAM player and get enough information to feel comfortable with what everyone else is excited about. I needed to know why in my gut I had concerns. I hoped I was wrong. Sadly, I discovered a form of gnostic based numerology with occultist origins, given in a vision by what sounded a lot like a demon. I was put off by the evil and dark origins. The more I investigated,  the more I knew I had to say something on my “platform” that God has given me. Sadly, some say since it is called “Christian Enneagram” that it is OK. You know, like horoscopes, or palm reading. Or like “Christian Yoga”. (If it is Christian, why do we call it Yoga?) Adding the word Christian and adding Bible verses onto something does not automatically make it Biblical. (See links to the right for more info re Ennneagram origins).

Why I stay with Leading From Your Strengths

From what I have witnessed, none have so honored the Word of God and our Creator, like Ministry Insights Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) does. For me, that is the main reason for 10 years, it is the only Personality Assessment Tool I have kept in my Coaching Toolbox.

Another coach posted on Twitter—referring to Ministry Insight International’s Leading From Your Strengths—“The key is your identity in Christ. LFYS emphasizes this point.” She is so right. That is the key!

Excellent life-changing results

God, the Scriptures, loving & accepting others—all Biblical principles—added to the base of discovering our Identity in Christ.

It’s like when a law enforcement officer is trained to recognize a counterfeit bill by studying the original. He learns everything else is counterfeit. Easy peasy! That’s kinda how I feel about LFYS. In another blog post, I wrote to explain in more detail WHY I feel so strongly about sticking with what works for me and for my clients. I have personally witnessed many lives totally transformed through this amazing tool. Mine, included! Here’s more of my testimony: “Which Personality Assessment Tool is the Best?

Have you ever noticed…

Why do you seem to be one person at work and another person at home? Ask yourself: Why are you more intense in some situations? What are others’ perceptions of you under stress? What does your health and finances have to do with your personality? All these questions are answered in the consultation. A trained coach will help you apply it to every part of your life…work, family, play, physical, mental, financial, etc. To become all God intended. Resulting in being Joy-filled.

We fool ourselves

We think we know ourselves. But unless the Lord God is the center of our growth, self-deception can get in the way of our maturity in Christ. It is really important to walk through this personality type journey with a coach who has been trained in the process. I know I have repeated that often. It is crucial! Often we just take ANOTHER assessment and read the results with interest; and then just put it on the shelf. And soon, we forget about it entirely.

Take the LFYS assessment, print out the profile, but don’t stop there. Contact me to set up a consultation. You will be delighted and amazed at the freedom you will experience afterwards. It is the consultation with a LFYS trained coach, helping you with the application of it that makes it like GOLD. Of great value to your life and relationships.

You will discover and embrace all God intended you to be when He created you.

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Personality Strengths and Weaknesses — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Getting to Know Noah. The Man. And the Ark.

A man with a hammer

What makes a man stand so strong?

What was it about Noah’s personality that he was able to complete such a daunting task against all odds? Against all his friends and neighbors mocking him. Staying on task for 120 years.

Signs of the times

The Lord God saw the widespread corruption and violence, and was sorry He had made man on the earth. So, He decided to destroy the people and animals He had created.

The man. Noah was different

Noah was a righteous man. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord God. He was a just man. He had a wife and three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. They built the ark together, while Noah preached to the masses. (UNsuccessfully. For 120 years.)

The Ark

God gave the man specific measurements and details. God told Noah that He would bring flood waters to the earth to kill everything on the earth. Noah had a timeline and kept focused on his duties. He stayed righteous through the whole process. He warned his friends and neighbors. But they ignored him or mocked him. They apparently did not believe him because when the time came, only Noah and his family were invited on board by God, along with the chosen animals for sacrifice and for food; and there was a male and a female of each, so they could reproduce after the flood waters receded, so life could survive on earth again. I am assuming all of you reading this already know the story very well. Let’s look at Noah’s personality. Why was Noah chosen?

All aboard!

When the time came, Noah and his family went on board, along with the chosen animals and the food that all would need. Seven days later, it began to rain and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Noah was 600 years old. (So no excuses from any of you that you are too old. )

Noah’s personality

According to Ministry Insights Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) personality profiles, I believe that Noah was a Lion personality type. Here’s is a bit of a summary of that style of personality:

  • Task person
  • Doesn’t like to waste time
  • Wants to get ‘er done NOW
  • Goal oriented
  • Focused
  • Hard working
  • Visionary
  • Direct and to the point

All was well when he had specific instructions

It took great faith. And, all those traits served him well during the years it took to build the big boat! Facing huge opposition, he was brave and focused. He had two clearly defined tasks. He was to preach and to build the ark. God made a covenant with Noah. If he went into the ark with his family they would be saved. And God would be the one to shut the door behind them. No one else could enter after God shut the door. No one had ever seen rain before. Noah did all that he was commanded to do. (Genesis 6:22, 7:2) Noah was perfect in his sincerity, but it was not sinless perfection.

After the flood water receded and they were again on dry ground

I am guessing that Noah became a bit depressed after all the re-planting was done. He was no longer doing anything exciting or necessarily challenging. The hard work was all done and probably all they had to do was to just maintain what they had planted. Maybe he was a bit bored with things that are always the same. Lion personality types love a challenge. They love being in charge and independent. A lion personality is usually more aggressive than reflective in problem solving. They will work long hours until a tough problem is solved. After it is solved, they can become bored with routine work that follows.

So in pre-flood days, Noah’s personality was good and helpful. But now what?

David Jeremiah speaks about Gen. 9:20-21. “The Bible’s candid portrayal of the heroes of the faith gives a complete picture of God’s redemptive plan and His ability to use flawed humans. Noah’s plunge from exemplary faithfulness to a drunken, disgraceful stupor is a reminder that no one ever stops needing grace, even in old age. Every Christian is prone to sin; there is no riding on the coat tails of past obedience.”

The consequences of Noah’s sin was shame

Matthew Henry’s Commentary sheds some light on what happened. “Noah, kept sober in drunken company is now drunk in sober company.”

“He was uncovered within his tent, made naked to his shame, as Adam when he ate the forbidden fruit. Yet Adam sought concealment; Noah is so destitute of thought and reason that he needs no covering.

”…(drunkenness) disgraces men and exposes them to contempt. As it shows them, so it shames them. Men say and do that when drunk which when they are sober they would blush at the thought of.”

I had a thought

Grapevines take at least 3 years to mature enough to grow grapes. So Noah was likely really weary waiting. He likely had never been drunk before and probably had no idea how much is TOO MUCH for him to drink of the fruit of the vine. He had waited a long time (not a strong point for a Lion personality) and now he enjoyed the fruit of his labor. But…he drank too much and passed out. I want to note: He was ALONE. In his tent. And in walks Ham. Discovers his father and tells his brothers.

I have often wondered why God “cursed” Ham and son

Matthew Henry reminds us that we are not to glory in the faults of others ESPECIALLY PARENTS, whom it is our duty to honor. Noah was a good man, a good father to Ham, and this was especially dishonoring for him to share what he saw. Ham is called the FATHER of Canaan. Matthew Henry speculates that this is a reminder that Ham should have thought of how he would want his son to treat him if he were in a similar situation. “It intimates that he himself who was a father should have been more respectful to him who was his father.”

1 Peter 4:8 “There is a robe of reverence to be thrown over the faults of parents and other superiors.”

Obey the call. The results are up to God

We know that even today, the world is full of people who want nothing to do with God. Noah preached 120 years and the only ones saved were his family and himself. He never gave up though; he kept preaching to the people while he built the ark, and he left the results to God. it must have been heart wrenching as he was doing what God called him to do, day after day, without results. What do we learn from the story of this man?

Building the ark wasn’t enough

We can’t rest on yesterday’s successes. Each day is a day of new opportunities to obey and walk in integrity. In the end, we each have a choice to make. Can we say. “Jesus Christ is my ark. Have I actually come to Jesus in surrender and pulled away from the world’s tempting influences?” Knowing about it and building it wasn’t enough for Noah. He had to walk through the door to get saved. Then GOD shut the door behind him and his family. When the door was shut, no one else could enter. Don’t be left behind.

Choose to come And leave the results to God. He knows your personality. He created you like that. You are perfectly created for the work He has for you to do. But, most importantly, He also wants you to stay close to Him in all the “seasons” of your life. From today until He comes again…

Enter the ark and obey your call.

Are you curious what personality type you are? Let’s set up a consultation. You will be amazed. AND blessed. I promise. LFYS–as far as I know–is the only Biblically based personality assessment/ consultation you will find. It is my absolute favorite! I have used it with clients and friends for many years.  Why? BECAUSE: It declares your identity is only truly created by God AND discovered in Christ.  AND it stresses we are only one piece of the puzzle. We learn how to BE a blessing the way God intended. That is the foundation of Ministry Insights Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS)!!

Thanks for all you do…

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Eight Ways to Embrace Your 2020 Vision

A Pair of Glasses on a Stack of Books
I’ve been praying and thinking about how I can encourage you as you move into a new decade. 2020 is a big deal. I want first of all to say that God created you to be you. He had a special plan in mind when He made you. So, He wants for you to be the best you, you can be.

Here are the eight ways I promised—to get you started in very practical ways, embracing the next decade. Print the list. Keep it in your planner, journal, or Bible. Don’t try to do them all at once. Just conquer one at a time. Little by little the transformation happens. One new decision per week, and in two months, you will be comfortable with the entire list.

  1. Believe this: The 2019 YOU does NOT define The 2020 YOU. Start fresh. Here’s how…
  2. Know this: Gratitude is the path to joy and inner peace. It is a proven fact.
  3. Choose trust: God is still on the Throne. Choose to walk courageously into 2020.
  4. Look up: Thanking God for at least 3 things before sleep each night can re-set your soul (mind, will, emotions) to enable better sleep.
  5. Choose gratitude: Daily add to a written gratitude journal; you can pick it up any time during the day and be encouraged.
  6. Memorize this: Psalm 100. When stressed, recite it out loud. Let your ears and mind hear your praise often. It’s an auto-re-set!
  7. Choose contentment: By asking for less. By enjoying what you already have. By choosing not to covet what others have.
  8. Tell no one: Do at least one SECRET GOOD DEED per week. Tell NO ONE! It’s a way to bless your Father God!

To be that person God had in mind when He created you, don’t wait another day! Contact me so that we can be certain you and God are on the same page. I can help. Remember that the 2019 you does NOT define the 2020 you. You are not a victim of your past. You can choose a new path. Here are the next three suggestions that we can start with together…

It helps first of all to:

  • Discover your Biblical Personality Strengths (There’s many secular options, but Leading From Your Strengths is Biblical and other-centered, and the very best in my opinion. I’ve used it for more than ten years very successfully with my clients and friends.)
  • Then, discover your Spiritual Gifts.
  • Then, let’s figure out together how to help you work with God to be the best you that you can be in 2020.

God bless you bunches!

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

The New Year Cometh

The New Year Cometh

Fresh new starts

To me, it always feels like a fresh new start. And this December 31 ends one decade and the next day begins a new decade. So it is even more special than usual! We go from the 2010’s to the 2020’s. That seems BIG! And it should make a difference in more than a calendar-page-turning event.

High points

Let’s both take a few minutes here to think back over the last decade. What were the high points? For me, when 2010 rolled in, I had just officially become self-employed, as a Christian Life Coach. That is really BIG!! What about you? Big or small, what are the high points for you? Write them down. Think it through. You will be really glad you did. You will discover that God has been active in your life in ways you had forgotten.


For me, it has been a refreshing change from the cubicle job in the huge open room with lots of other people. It was a debt collecting place. Undoubtedly, not a good “fit” for this introvert with the spiritual gift of encouragement. I was miserable there for 5 years. Grateful for a job, but miserable.


And now, I have the freedom to create my own schedule. I work from home. So the introvert part of me is very happy. I get to encourage people every day now, rather than making them mad by working for the company that had the sole goal of collecting their debt. Now, I have no time clock to punch in and out for the long days with 2 short breaks and the 1/2 hour lunch break. Now, I am FREE to freely use my spiritual gifts to ENCOURAGE people to be all God created them to be. Encouraging them to embrace their lives with joy and expectation. Doesn’t that sound good to you? I am daily blessed with amazing people that God has sent to me.


As I write this now, it is still 2019 and Christmas is on the horizon, so I am reminded of Mary’s Magnificat.

Luke 1:46-49

“And Mary said ‘My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has had regard for the humble state of His bond slave…for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is His name…'”

Joy and expectation

I am filled with joy and expectation as I await the next decade, knowing that God will continue to send me the people HE wants me to encourage and mentor AND also hoping—for me—that my time as a student at Christian Book Academy will be fruitful and that many of my writing creations will be published and bear fruit in people’s lives.

What about you?

What are you rejoicing about from the decade between 2010 and 2020? What new thing do you hope 2020 begins for you? Do you have plans to grow as a person? Would you like to explore Christian Coaching to see what God can do as you discover more about your own personality strengths and spiritual gifts and even the way God wired you personally to be drawn into worship of Him? We can do all of that for you, together.

The dawning of a new decade cometh

Wouldn’t you love to keep on learning and to discover ways to live “outside the box” where you safely continue the same ‘ole, same ‘ole. Wouldn’t you like to explore something new and different than what has “always been” for you? Wouldn’t you love to have your own advocate to help you discover and embrace and live your strengths, and realize your full potential?

Let’s chat a bit and pray together about what the next decade holds for you! You don’t have to do this life alone! I promise to be your biggest cheerleader, cheering you on to “what if I…?” This 2020’s decade could be your best decade ever!

God bless you bunches!

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

A Willing Heart

A Willing Heart

Mary, Mother of Jesus

“We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.”

–1 Thessalonians 2:4

Mary’s life never robbed Jesus of His glory.

Her mission was to witness the Glory of the Son of God. She was a woman of courage and character. A poor girl in an insignificant town, from a humble family with little expectation her life would be different than most. Then, angel Gabriel came to Mary. (see Luke 1:38)

Why did God choose Mary?

I’ve been studying the Scriptures about Mary the last few days. And with my knowledge of the Leading From Your Strengths characteristic & personality strengths, I think I know WHY God deliberately chose this Golden Retriever type of personality, because of the particular situations she would need to endure in her adventure as the mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Seeking approval

Mary sought approval from the One that matters most. Seeking God’s approval means turning FROM the desire for the applause of others. She went against social and cultural norms. She trusted God would not let her down. As she yielded to the purposes of God in and through her, she was able to anticipate the approval of the One who matters most without fear of public outcry or condemnation.

Mary surrendered to God’s plan

She was able through the power of the Spirit, by CHOOSING to be willing to lose all that defined her,  in order to become who God had CHOSEN her to be. He wants that for all of us.

What can we learn from Mary?

I’m not a scholar, and I’m not Jewish, but, I believe that when Mary, an innocent VIRGIN, courageously told Joseph, her beloved betrothed love of her life, that she was pregnant,  she knew that he KNEW it was not HIS baby she was carrying. The penalty for adulterous betrayal was death by stoning. BOTH their lives actually were in peril in that culture.

She gave her life & reputation to God

When angel Gabriel gave Mary God’s message, Mary answered, “May it be to me as you have said” (See Luke 1).  She had responded with a willing heart, ready to do whatever the Lord asked of her. Praise God for her response, which played a part in the blessing you and I have in Jesus.” (Anchor Devo December 2019)

The angel called her highly favored

He said to her, “Do not be afraid.” Angels aren’t sweet & pretty with flowing robes that flutter into your life to bless you. Rather, they are fierce looking warriors. Why else would their first words (whenever they appear to people) are some variation of FEAR NOT.

So you might think Mary was different than you or me

You might think you could never do what she did, yet I’m pretty certain that you would obey whatever an angel told you YOU to do, too. Her first response was a question, asking how it could be that she would bear the Christ Child, since she was a virgin. (Luke 1:34) And she most certainly had intended to stay that way before her marriage with Joseph. He also told her that her barren Aunt Elizabeth was now “with child”. Her next response was one of surrender and trust.  With a willing heart, accepting the consequences. “I am your servant. May it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38) The angel left her.

Aunt Elizabeth is 6 months along

Mary went to see her aunt Elizabeth. Upon hearing Mary’s greeting, baby John leaped in Elizabeth’s womb. And Elizabeth gave Mary an important affirmation. Any Golden Retriever personality’s indecision or concern would have melted away when Elizabeth said, “Why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me.” (Luke 1:43) Mary stayed 3 months, until John was about to be born. Golden Retrievers are people people. They are loyal. They are “let’s do this together” people.


Goldens greatest fear is loss of security and they don’t like change. From others, they want sincere appreciation and harmony. When stressed, Goldens can be indecisive and unenthusiastic, so you can see why God gave her so many clear affirmations. God knew she would need them in all the future trials and testings she would endure.

So, as each affirmation came,

“Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)

  • The Angel Gabriel’s visitation to Mary to tell her of God’s plan and to tell her not to fear
  • The Angel also spoke to Joseph to tell him that Mary was still a virgin and that he also was chosen to marry Mary and to care for her and Jesus
  • The Shepherds in the stable immediately after His birth
  • Both Simeon and Anna affirmed who He was, when Jesus was taken to the temple for his purification
  • The Wise Men when he was a bit older and in the house with his parents


She had been told that she was the woman with whom God entrusted His Son. Her heart had responded with praise and joyous song (see the Magnificat in Luke 2).

As we think about her courage, let’s think about the the time she rebuked her 12 year old son (JESUS) for staying behind in the temple. Think about the wedding in Cana where adult JESUS did his first (and non-public) miracle. She had courageously pressed Him to make water into wine. Think of the time that Mary took her other children to try to get JESUS to come home because there was so much demand on Him. She was concerned about him. Because she truly cared about the people in her sphere of influence. Let’s look at some general Golden Retriever characteristics and see if they fit Mary’s personality characteristics based on what we know from Scripture about this amazing woman:

  • Patient & Willing
  • Caring & Thoughtful
  • Steadiness
  • People person
  • Let’s do this together
  • Loyal & Nurturing
  • Tolerant
  • Slower Starting
  • Quiet & Reserved
  • Other-centered

Golden Retriever personality types deal in the PRESENT.

Their focus is on what is happening right now in front of them. You can definitely see that in Mary. When someone is hurting and needing a friend, or water made into wine at a wedding, the Golden Retriever is joyfully there! They have a caring heart and listen carefully and attentively to others (including angels 🙂 ). They are always loyal and faithful to friends and family. However, if there is tension, they want to withdraw.

Mary’s willing heart

Mary was a person of discipleship, with a willing heart, and great faith. The first true follower of Jesus. Her calling was great joy in motherhood, but required tremendous suffering. The worst was watching her son on the Cross in such unspeakable agony–knowing He had come to do just that. For you. For me. And for Mary. She knew how costly her submission would be, yet she CHOSE to SUBMIT to GOD’S plan. For that, we can ALL be grateful!

God bless you bunches!

Until Next Time,

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

We Love Our Gifts, But…

Do we truly trust the Giver? Stop and think for a moment. Do we open our Spiritual Gifts, as we would any gift? With expectation? Do we use those Gifts to the Glory of God–with gratitude– for what He has provided? Let’s talk a bit about Gifts…

Gifts of the Spirit

You know my passion is to help you discover and live your Personality Strengths. But, we also each need to know our Spiritual Gifts. The two work together in each Christian. So…what is YOUR Spiritual Gift? The Lord God assigns our Gifts through the Holy Spirit, just as He assigns our Personality Types. Both are God-given. We can’t pick or choose. It is decided for us.

Our Assignments

Though we mostly love gifts, we often hate our assignments. Our testings. Our challenges to walk the walk we talk. They, too, are chosen…hand picked for us…by God Himself. We can praise the Lord that the Holy Spirit is available to help us through it all. No matter what. We are not alone. What if we actually embraced our God-given Gifts? Many do. Some do not. Which are you?

If God has taken the care to choose the perfect Gift and Personality for each of us, we don’t want to shun His generosity!

Our Spiritual Identity

When we know our spiritual identity in Christ, we naturally walk in it, and have more freedom, because when we walk with Him, rather than fighting Him and His plan for us, the Lord is fully present; and our load is no longer heavy–WHEN and IF we allow Him to help us carry it as He desires to do.

AND when we know and embrace our spiritual identity, we also call out the greatness in other people, by helping them find that freedom, too.

We are billboards–advertising so to speak–what a Fully Devoted Follower looks like.

We either attract or repel others by our “walk” in the Spirit.


Another form of rejection of God’s chosen design for each of us, is to compare ourselves to others, either in a positive OR a negative way. God chooses. His Fully Devoted Followers embrace that choice and bless Him by fully living in that design without envy toward another.

If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.
Galatians 6:3-5 NIV


Your worldview affects your identity. Cultural worldview is about “me”. Kingdom worldview is Biblical, and actually provides the feeling of the inner joy that comes from the realization of being blessed that Jesus is King.

O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.
Psalm 139:1-24 ESV

Church Person vs. Kingdom Person

Which are you? If we are honest, I think most of us waiver back and forth between the two. And life here on earth, is a training ground, so we steadily more and more develop that Kingdom Mindset.

And, though it was intended to be the discipleship training ground, unfortunately, often inside the walls of the church, we don’t find out how to be a good Kingdom person. Rather, we learn how to be a good Church person. That is grievous to our Savior. To our Lord Jesus!

Maintaining an Appearance…

In that case, we might find ourselves settling for mediocrity rather than choosing to put our hand to the plow of Kingdom planting. As a good church person, we maintain an appearance of faith but without the strong heart toward God. We want to “fit in.” The Bible tells us to examine ourselves.

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!
2 Corinthians 13:5 ESV

For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned
Romans 12:3 ESV

What about you?

Are you frustrated trying to figure it all out for yourself? Are you feeling like something is missing? Do you need some help figuring out your God-given Gifts? Your Strengths? I can help you with that.

Walk the walk of a Kingdom person

Ask God for a new lens from which to see your life. May He make us each a faithful Kingdom person. Let’s ask to see our lives as our Creator sees them…both in the victories and in the testings. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Lovingly, He orchestrates our lives for our greatest opportunities to mature. To become a Fully Devoted Follower of our Savior and Lord Jesus.

Until Next Time,

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

The Blessing of Encouragers

An encourager can help you find your voice.

What does that mean?

Each of us has a unique way of expressing ourselves. We are not created to be a carbon copy of another. What we believe that we “ought” to be able to do can sometimes cause a type of emotional or spiritual paralysis and/or an inability to move forward. Finding your voice comes from discovering your strengths. And then using them to grow stronger and more confident each day. It is YOU being YOU. The God-given you. The you that Creator God chose for you to be.

Encouragement is a two-sided coin

It actually is the Spiritual Gift of Exhortation. It is more than encouraging the discouraged or afflicted. The other side of that coin is afflicting the comfortable. Think of the many prophets that displayed that second side of the coin: Afflicting of the comfortable. Think of King David and the Prophet Nathan: “YOU are that man!”

The King’s Speech movie

“When England’s throne is suddenly thrust upon him, amidst royal family scandal and impending world war, King George VI must overcome a lifelong, debilitating speech impediment to lead his nation.”
– from the back of the DVD cover

King George VI’s wife

Elizabeth adored her husband and was an absolute rock of support and encouragement to him. She believed with all her heart that her husband could overcome his speech impediment. He was a stutterer. She had great compassion and continually tried to find someone to help her husband to find his voice and move forward. She was like the first side of the coin (encouraging the discouraged and afflicted king, her husband). He trusted and adored her.

The Speech Therapist

The King’s wife found and enlisted the help of an eccentric man, who had been highly effective with soldiers returning from war, helping them to recover and rehabilitate. But, this speech therapist was the other side of the coin type of encourager. He was a true exhorter. He afflicted the comfortable King. He challenged him. He was absolutely devoted to the king. But, he refused to “baby” him or make excuses for him. He absolutely believed the king could overcome his affliction.

True friends help you overcome your fears

The king (Bertie) and his speech coach (Lionel) learned to trust each other and became great and loyal friends to each other. “…the two men forge an unlikely friendship that will ultimately empower the monarch to find his voice, inspire his people and rally the world.”
– from the back of the DVD cover

Sometimes pain precedes the healing

The King had resigned himself that no one could truly help him. He was thoroughly discouraged. He felt inadequate to lead the nation. And yet, we see it took both sides of the coin to help someone so deeply damaged by his past care-takers and father. People who should have helped him, actually shamed him! And that made him go deeper into the fear of failure.

Who has helped you find YOUR voice?

A Christian life coach is a lot like the speech coach that helped the king find his voice. Sometimes we will be one side of that coin. Sometimes, the other side of the coin, but ALWAYS with the goal of challenging you to achieve the greatness God had in mind when He created you. We work alongside God to help you find your strength…you wholeness. All for the purpose of greater peace and joy.

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Which Personality Assessment Tool Is Best?

Online personality “Superman” tests

Every few months, there are new online evaluation tests, and a continuous flow of new personality assessments that everyone is crazy about. UNTIL the next shiny object comes along. But, as far as I can see, these are focused on YOU. Every one claims to be the Superman of assessments. But I am sticking with one that has been life-changing for me and for my clients.

My favorite for ten years

So, why has Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) been my favorite for 10 years or more? There are many reasons, but my two biggest and best reasons are that it is Biblically based, and it is centered on appreciating our differences, rather than being in competition with each other. It is purposefully other-centered, created for Kingdom-building, focusing on how we fit TOGETHER like puzzle pieces.

Ministry Insight (creator of LFYS) website states:

These key scriptures “explain God’s plan for our uniqueness. We hope you can read them, study them, and discover for yourself God’s design for differences… I Corinthians 12, Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:11-13, I Peter 4:10, Ephesians 2:10.”

Personal testimony: I can be frustrating

Rather than telling someone else’s story about how Leading From Your Strengths helped them to a better, more fulfilling life, I thought I could go deeper with my own story. In order for you to understand the bigger picture I want you to know what is possible, so I’m going to make myself vulnerable. So, here we go…

I need details. I have questions before I commit to anything. I seldom make snap decisions. I don’t know about you, but I sometimes get frustrated with myself because I am not like someone else. Some days, I want to be more dynamic, or more laid back, or more pioneering, for instance.

Volunteering at a Silent Auction

Like the time my friend asked me to volunteer to help her with a Silent Auction. First of all, I had never been to a silent auction. (Don’t laugh. It’s true!) So, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. As the day grew closer, I began to panic. I needed more information to get to a comfort level that would actually make me helpful rather than an irritation.


My friend knew I would love it once I got there, but since she was well-schooled in LFYS, she knew what was causing me to panic. I needed details. So, she patiently explained the whole process and exactly what would be expected of me. She also knew on the ride there, I would have some fresh concerns that needed clarifying. She was patient, calm, and kind. Not having to DEFEND my panic, gave me a comfort level and made the whole process pretty seamless. Because she had eliminated the “new experience anxiety”, I felt equipped to be able to get my eyes off myself and onto the job at hand.

I ended up having a blast!

All because my friend accepted me for who I am and provided what I needed in that circumstance. But then, she understood the strengths differences.

Was I just being picky?

  1. Are you wondering why knowing more facts about what was expected actually changed my whole attitude about serving at the event?
  2. Are you thinking: Why couldn’t I just act like my friend and just go with the flow? I’ve tried that before and that is NOT a pretty picture, believe me! It never works well when we try to be something we are not.

Here’s why and why not…

The answer is because God actually created us to be different. On purpose. By God’s design wisdom.

There had been potential for a conflict.

But the knowledge we had because of LFYS made it possible for each of us to understand the other and to work as a team. My friend and I both were needed at that event. After I felt a greater comfort level and understood how it all worked, my spiritual gift of encouragement kicked in, and I was outgoing, fearlessly asking people to make a bid at our table at the auction. I was able to be other-centered and my friend was able to relax and be herself. Because I had been prepared with knowing what was expected of me, I was able to be left alone in the booth (my personality type is dependable, and not easily distracted from the task at hand). And she was able to meander around the event, meeting needs and greeting people, rather than constantly having to calm down an ill-prepared BEAVER personality. Wouldn’t you like to be able to do that as well as my friend did?

Do you see the POSSIBILITIES?

What if ALL of us understood that we are to help others be all they can be in Christ, by allowing them to be who they are. (We aren’t talking about self-centered sinful behavior here.) We are talking about God-given personality types. God created each person with the exact strength He wanted them to have, in order to accomplish His purposes until He comes again.

Are you ready to get started?

I have an amazing offer for you. For only $49, you can take the assessment AND schedule a one-on-one phone consultation with a certified LFYS Coach. ME! Valuable information is gleaned from a quick multiple choice assessment you take online. We then schedule a phone consultation, to evaluate how to incorporate the information into your life.

Here’s how to make that happen

Leave a comment in the comment box below, with your email address, so we can compare calendars to set up a *Free* call to answer any questions. We can then arrange for your LFYS personality assessment and consultation. Don’t delay! I’m not sure how long I can make this very special offer available.

Until next time,

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

You Will Never Have a Better Past

Are you stuck?
The reality is that many of the conversations we have on a daily basis are about what went wrong in our past. What’s that about? God clearly instructs:

“…Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press towards the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13, 14) He wants you to release the past because you will never ever have a better PAST. No matter how you try. The past is…PAST…

What keeps you from letting go?
My prayer right now is that you will STOP and actually prayerfully look at your life and listen to what God is trying to say to you.

Stop blaming
The past is past. You cannot make it better. There are consequences and there are results. But it is past. Deal with what you need to deal with and move on.

There’s no sense in BLAMING anyone. But you can look at your own attitudes and listen to your own words. We are what we think. And we are what we speak about ourselves. I can remember saying often to myself: “What is WRONG with me?” I wasn’t seeing myself as God sees me. The life of a new creation cannot be lived looking back, but rather by looking ahead toward today and beyond.

Potty training
When I was MUCH younger, the big thing was blaming our mothers because of the way they potty trained us or whether they nursed us or not. That is unproductive. The past is past. Move on. Let it go! What you are right now today is not your mother’s FAULT! You have God and His Word to help you be an overcomer. No more “excuses”.

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us…” (Ephesians 3:20). God actually wants to bless you! But, He leaves it to you and me to embrace Him and believe His plan is for you and me to let go of the past and move forward WITH HIM.

What are you clinging to?

  • Has someone hurt or abused you?
  • Has someone disappointed you?
  • Have you been abandoned maybe as a child or by a husband?
  • Has someone manipulated you with guilt or fear?

CHOOSE to rise above it
Much in our lives can be solved, simply by realizing that we are all living out the personalities that God has given us, in an uninformed way. Often we see our strengths as weaknesses. Sadly many do not even want the abundant life because they would have to stop clinging to victimhood and blame. I don’t believe that is you, or you would not have read this far!

Manipulation & domination
However, If you want to continue to manipulate people to feel sorry for you, or if you want to continue to have inauthentic surface-y relationships, then don’t keep reading. I won’t coddle you in your victimhood. I’ll listen and affirm your life was tough (because who’s life hasn’t been?) BUT if you decide you want to work with me, I will help you discover your personal God-given strengths, so you can embrace and joyfully walk in them. AND I pledge that I will encourage you in every single tiny step forward.

Leading From Your Strengths
It will be glorious watching you do the hard work of re-programming your mind to think GOD’S thoughts and seek HIS plan as you walk away from your past failures and disappointments. God wants you to walk away from the past and toward your future. Because you will never have a better PAST anyway! It is impossible to change the PAST! So…

Let it go!
You won’t forget about it, but it’s behind you. Your past is part of what made you, YOU! I believe you are still reading this because YOU want to see your life through fresh eyes. You actually can move forward with the Lord Jesus Christ as your Source of everything, and trusting you no longer have a desperate need to “please” or “blame” any single person.

CHOOSE to do what you do out of gratitude. For what the Lord has done for you. For your salvation. For your future in Heaven with Him. For His unending unconditional love of who you ARE, because HE is the one who designed you to have the gifts, personality, strengths, and talents that He knew you would need, in order to do what He has prepared in advance for you to do!

Are you ready to begin the discovery process? If so, you have come to the right place. Let’s get started…

Thanks for all you do…

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Do Not Keep Worrying

How is it possible?
Not to worry? Why should I not worry? Everybody worries about something. There is plenty to worry about. And yet God commands us not to worry. Surrendering your heart to Jesus is the great first step. Or, maybe you went forward years ago but your heart has grown a bit cold, making you prone to fear and worry. So…Is there hope? YES!!! YES!!! There is most certainly hope. And I have a plan to share with you…

“Do not keep worrying” (Luke 12:29)
It is not a suggestion. It is an instruction. From GOD. But…we all know that the world is a mess! Families and even churches seem to be dysfunctional. Even so, God has given us a choice. We can live in peace and trust, OR in discontent, striving…wrought up in confusion and fear.

A choice
This is when we want to turn to God and say: Do you mean, God, that worry is a choice? And that NOT worrying is also a choice? You mean that I can actually STOP worrying? How is that possible? Where do I start? Here’s just one idea…

Try this: The 5 second rule*
One of my mentors shared: The 5 second rule: “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (and then speak out loud an “anchor thought”). She used as an example a child afraid of a school rehearsal. The child wants to conquer her fear, so she says, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  My rehearsal is going to be awesome”.

Getting specific
Here’s how it works: when tempted to worry or be afraid, choose to count backwards from 5 and then say out loud the best possible outcome (an anchor thought). As a Christian, you might say, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1. My Father knows I need these things”, or “5, 4, 3, 2, 1. My presentation will be amazing because I have prepared for it and My Father will not forsake me”, or when you don’t want to be angry, …”5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Traffic is slow. What a great time to pray!”

Fear & Faith are both THOUGHTS
Our thoughts are what sabotage us. Fear is thinking the worst possible outcome; and faith is thinking the best possible outcome. Since our thoughts are the problem, they can also be the solution. This “game” we can play with our mind to transform to a more Godly response is just one way to “NOT KEEP WORRYING”. God has more for you than you can ever think or imagine.

Luke 12:28-31 (NAS)

“But if God so arrays the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, HOW MUCH MORE will He clothe you, o men of little faith! And do not seek what you shall eat, and what you shall drink, and DO NOT KEEP WORRYING. For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek, BUT YOUR FATHER KNOWS THAT YOU NEED THESE THINGS.

and these things shall be added to you. Do not be afraid little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the Kingdom.” (EMPHASIS mine.)

Your Father knows you need these things (Luke 12:30)
BUT He wants to be certain that you know the Source is not you, your hard work, your cleverness, or whatever; and He wants you to know that everything, absolutely everything comes from Him and through Him. The trials and the scary worrisome things are the opportunities to “go first” in trust with faith.

So what are you waiting for?
Is it difficult for you to stop worrying? Maybe you would like some support and encouragement through the process of transformation. I’d love to be that one for you. We will look at your God-given strengths and figure out if your personality might be more prone to fear and worry than people with other personality strengths.

Click the blue “Let’s Connect” button below to request a *Free* 1st call. Together, we can get started sooner rather than later. Why wait? CLICK now…

*Author of the book: The Five Second Rule: Mel Robbins (Disclaimer. I have not read the book, so I can’t recommend it or not. I don’t know anything about the author. I merely found the rule to be helpful, and it is a joyful thing to give credit where credit is due. This is an amazing plan!)

Thanks for all you do…

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

The MomCourager™

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