Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Someone Is With You. A Tribute

Two women praying

What do you do when you are afraid?

“Every night a boy had to walk past what he believed was a haunted house. A friend gave him a good-luck charm to give him courage. An adult said, ‘It’s sinful to be afraid. Trust God! Be brave!’ But he was still afraid. Then, someone said with compassion, ‘I know what it is to be afraid. I will walk with you past the house.’ That’s all the boy needed to quell his fears.”

Our Daily Bread devotional

Who walks with YOU in fearful times?

That story is close to my heart today as I write this post, because I am thinking of a very special person. From the time I was a brand new Christ follower she would walk WITH me through the things I feared. She was my spiritual Mom. My mentor. And yesterday, after a long, long period of suffering, she suddenly took a big turn for the worse. She was in the hospital about a week, then to Comfort Care and within a few hours, she had left us…

After 45 years of friendship, my Spiritual Mom went HOME to be with JESUS on Tuesday, this week. She was one amazing lady! I could talk to her about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Mary Ann Bader was a spiritual Mom for many! I first met her at Fort Street Christian Church in Omaha, Nebraska. She SHOWED me JESUS. Even though for many years, we have been separated by many miles. she was always my go-to-person for wisdom and prayer and her delightful “giggle”. I will miss that laughter that came from deep inside of her. I know she has gone HOME to be with JESUS, but it’s hard to say “see you later”…

Her HOME-going has left a huge void here to those still EARTH-bound.

I’m praying for Mary Ann’s family and for the multitude of friends and the foster children she and husband, Gail mentored through all their years together. It’s only been about 1-1/2 years ago that her husband paved the way and went to be with Jesus first. She missed him terribly much! And, so, not far behind, his dear wife, joined him this week. I know they are happy, but they left a deep void…

There is Life-Purpose in Ministry

That’s what Mary Ann taught by example. That we are here for a purpose. Isn’t that why we are kept here on the earth for a season, after we commit our lives to Him? Rather than immediately going HOME to JESUS, aren’t we all to be impacting lives and mentoring others, like my friend, Mary Ann did for me?

Jesus calls you to BE that one who walks with those God puts in your path.  Choosing to walk with them PAST the things they fear. To remind them that Jesus will never ever leave them…even when they are in the midst of trials and tribulations and fearful experiences. To do what Mary Ann did for me. Her EARTH-bound work is finished. She has passed the baton on to me and to you. The Joy of the Lord is your strength.

We are to teach our mentees to:

“Fear Not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you.”

Isaiah 41:10

Marantha! Come Lord Jesus!

Until next time…

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 6:01 am

Are You Suffering from “Virus” Fatigue?

Bored child
It’s like a fatigue that comes from long days of isolation. A general all over blah feeling, Like we’re missing out on life in general. We can be especially vulnerable to negative thinking. Especially with the unknowns that swirls around because of the China virus. We don’t just feel like we are missing out. We truly are. The fear level is high. We don’t know who to trust. And the laws and government decrees are forcing us to keep a distance from one another. Are you feeling Isolated? Lonely? Have you been hungry for a spiritual retreat with your church friends?

This is not the first time for me

I too, have felt that way a few times in my life. God recently reminded me of a specific time many years ago when He spoke very clearly to me about this very topic.

Children are a gift

After the miracle of my first child being born (after 12 years of barrenness), it didn’t take me long to forget she was a GIFT, and begin to complain to God about all that I was missing out on. All I had given up to be home with my child. I’d lost sight of what I had been GIVEN, and was concentrating on what I was LACKING. Have you ever felt that way?

Spiritually “barren”

I remember complaining to God that I felt “barren” spiritually because I was not able to go to Bible studies and fun get togethers with other women like I had before my child was born. I was getting little sleep and my husband traveled a lot. A LOT!!! I was in the mid-west and my family was all back east. I was kinda like Jonah under the Juniper tree. Loving the shade, but when the tree shriveled from the heat, he grumbled. *sigh* That was me, all right!

The Lord clearly spoke to me

My Dad used to say I was stubborn like an old mule sometimes, needing a 2 x 4 to get my attention. (Don’t be dismayed. It was only an expression. My Dad never ever abused me in any way at all. He was a wonderful father. But those of you who know me, know that he was correct in his analysis.)

So, the Lord clearly lovingly but firmly reminded me, as only a loving Father can do: “You’re not even true to what I already taught you.” WOW! TRUTH spoken to my heart and soul. (There goes that 2 x 4 to get my attention!) But, it actually felt like LOVE! Only one who loves you deeply will risk telling you exactly what you need to hear.

I had lots of notes to review

So that is what I did. I began to review and study those Scriptures and lessons I had already been taught. And this refresher course helped solidify what I had already been taught! It was exactly what “the doctor ordered”.

Reality check

You don’t “gotta” go to another retreat. You don’t “gotta” have another spiritual high. God doesn’t want you riding on emotional highs. It is a moment by moment walk with your BEST FRIEND in fellowship in daily conversation and consultation.

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they walk and not faint.”

Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

The Christian life is like a long walk

Moment by moment. And only just this moment! Right now! Just this step! Right now! Not thinking about the last one. Not thinking about the next one. But being fully present in THIS one. THIS STEP! Here and now.

Our destination is Heaven,

but until we get there, the way is long and sometimes a bit crooked. But as long as we keep trudging away with our eyes on Jesus, checking in with Him for directions… so that when we feel fatigued by life’s current trial and testing, we will indeed be OK.

Beginning to end

It doesn’t matter how good you think your BEGINNING with GOD was. It doesn’t matter how good or bad you think you WALK with GOD has been up to now. What matters is that you FINISH well. And we none know if today is our “finish” date or not.

So, keep on keeping on with your eyes on the goal and trust God to remind You of the Truths you need to hear along the way whenever you veer off course a bit.

And rejoice that He is involved with your day-to-day life…even if sometimes it feels a bit like a 2 x 4 reminder. Because THAT is LOVE! Getting you back on course in fellowship with the One who loves you no matter what! Forever and ever!

Marantha! Come Lord Jesus!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

The Vaccine of Joy

Young girl looking upward with joy
Joy is the vaccine against the spiritual virus of discontent. “Grumbling and complaining against God’s provision is complaining against God Himself.” –The Encounter With God devotional. As I pondered that powerfully convicting statement, God reminded me that He calls us to CHOOSE JOY.

Jesus calls us to higher ground. “…Truly, truly, I say to you, if you shall ask the Father for anything, He will give it to you in My name. Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be made full.” – John 16:23, 24 (NAS)

Like Moses, we can find ourselves discontent with God’s marching orders—not trusting in God’s Almighty arm of protection and His provision. It’s a continuous daily lesson we must learn, isn’t it?

For Your Joy-filled Medicine Cabinet

  • JOY at salvation — Luke 19:6-10 – The story of Zaccheus
  • JOY at baptism — Acts 8:36-39 – The story of Phillip and the Ethiopian eunuch
  • JOY in reading the Word of God — Jeremiah 15:16 – Jeremiah’s prayer
  • JOY in prayer — John 16:24 – Jesus’ promise
  • JOY in trials and troubles – James 1:2 – James’ instruction
  • JOY in persecution – Acts 5:41 – Peter & the apostles boldly testified their faith. This is after their “punishments”.
  • JOY in dying as a believer – Acts 20:22-24 – Paul’s Ephesus speech, as he left for Jerusalem

“And now, behold, bound in spirit, I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit, solemnly testifies to me in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions await me. But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, in order that I man finish my course, and the ministry which I receive from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.

Acts 20:22-24 (NAS)

In 1987, those were the verses that called me to the mission field. I pray they will be your heart’s cry to God as well!

Many, many times, I have wanted to give up. To throw in the towel. To walk away. But even in the many, many trials and terrors and challenges that faced me in those years and since then, I have discovered that the Vaccine of Joy continues to be the best medicine through it all. Life is hard but God is good ALL THE TIME! No exceptions. No matter what is going on in your life, God will never ever let you down. He is steadfast and sure.

Willingly embrace the JOY vaccine and choose to walk away from the disease of discontent. Be healed, in Jesus’ Name.

Please pray with me:

Lord, keep me from a complaining spirit, so that I don’t spread a spiritual virus that infects others like wildfire. Guide me daily Lord, that I may act wisely to safeguard my contentment today. Remind me that when I complain against Your provision, I am actually complaining against YOU YOURSELF. Forgive me, Lord, whenever I take You for granted. When I don’t trust You fully. Whenever I forget to embrace my “daily bread” with joy and gratitude that everything comes from You, my Provider. My Protector. My Lord..

Philippians 2: 14-15 reminds me to do all things without grumbling or disputing; that I may prove myself to be blameless and innocent, a child of God above reproach, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom I desire to BE a light. Holding fast Your Word, Lord, so that in the day of Christ, I may bring You glory because I did not toil in vain.

Marantha! Come Lord Jesus!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Do It Yourself!

Use your brain

2 Corinthians 10:5

“Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

Walking in obedience to Christ doesn’t happen automatically when you give your life to the Lord. It actually begins in the mind. It begins with THINKING rightly.

“How much Christian work there is today which has never been disciplined, but has simply sprung into being by impulse!…We are apt to forget that a man is not only committed to Jesus Christ for salvation; he is committed to Jesus Christ’s view of God, of the world, of sin, and of the devil, and this will mean that he must recognize the responsibility of being transformed by the renewing of the mind.” –Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest devotional)

What is Godly wisdom?

It is “first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” (James 3:17) Right-thinking in life is not like a quick sprint in the park, and you’re then a perfect Christian. No. It is more like a marathon. Over time, and with practice, you have to train your brain to think rightly. You can’t let up, or your (brain) muscles get weak and flabby. Just like a long-distance runner, you must train for your brain for a marathon. Godly wisdom leads to Godly actions.

Godly wisdom is seldom valued

Seek it anyway. When Solomon became king, He asked God for wisdom. Perhaps he was mocked for having that goal of wisdom when he was still young. Even in today’s world, Godly wisdom is seldom valued. Gratefully, wisdom is not just for leaders or specially chosen people. It is for any who will ASK (with right motives). A word of caution about right motives: When we do desire wisdom, it is often out of selfish motives. We desire something we want or think we deserve. So, be sure to often check your motives before God.

Are you like Solomon?

It takes focused discipline to train your brain toward Christlikeness. Solomon began with right thinking: do it yourself God’s way. But then became more of a do it yourself (his own way), like Frank Sinatra’s song, “I Did it My Way”, kinda guy. He did many things God had expressly instructed NOT to do. Multiple pagan, idol-worshipping wives. Multiple horses. Pride in possessions. Self-indulgence. He was a THINKER, but chose to rationalize, and did whatever he FELT like doing. He did NOT bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. By the WORLD’s standards, he did great things, and accumulated great wealth and possessions, but was unwilling to give up his rights/his indulgences—rather, taking whatever his eyes gazed upon.

Jesus Christ is our example and our goal

Clarify carefully and set your mind on things above, not on things of earth, where moths and rust ruin them, anyway. Our goal is to make God’s top priorities our own. We are to joyfully give up our indulgences for the sake of what God calls us to. And to trust God with our needs (not our wants). He promises to meet our daily needs TODAY. (Jesus taught His disciples to pray: Give us THIS DAY our DAILY bread…)

How do we become people like that?

Not by seeking our own counsel. Not by finding someone who has the same mindset as we do. No matter how hard we try, we simply cannot change ourselves. Look afresh at your appointment book and bank account. What do they say about your priorities?

Self denial. Pain Can Be Opportunity

Perhaps we should see our need as an opportunity for God to show His greatness and grace and to demonstrate how blessings can be found even in pain. Often the answer comes in ways we do not expect, but which reach deeper—and so last longer—than our pre-packaged expectations. Ultimately God promises a place in His Kingdom.

It’s a Choice

It all begins with taking every thought captive. Bringing every thought into the presence of God. Developing the relationship with God so that it is the most natural thing in the world to seek His counsel in absolutely everything. GIGO is an old computer term.
( GIGO = Garbage in. Garbage Out.) It’s a reminder that our mind works a lot like a computer. Whatever we put into it must be deliberate and carefully monitored, so we don’t get an error message which makes the systems corrupted and no longer functioning as originally intended. Corruption can happen in just a single moment of carelessness.

Please pray (out loud) with me…

Loving Father, I don’t want to go my own way anymore. In the Name and authority of Jesus, the Christ, I am asking you give me wisdom. Please search me, and test my heart, so I may know, confess, and ask deliverance from whatever fear, anxiety, or wrong thinking or doing that I are holding onto. I don’t want to hold onto anything that could lead to wrong actions or words. I’m so grateful, Lord. Whenever I ask, you promise to give me the Godly wisdom I crave. Thank You that You never ever will forsake me and that You will show me the way to a closer walk with You. Daily. Beginning today.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts…lead me in the way everlasting.”

Psalm 139:23-24

Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus.

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Do You Have a Hope-so Faith or a Know-so Faith?

Young woman praying

I have a serious question for you.

Do you hope that you will go to Heaven? Or, do you know that you will go to Heaven? It’s a serious question. These are perilous times.

Being purposeful

It’s that time of year when we start new schedules. This year is more  challenging than most. Keeping God’s Word a priority in your schedule is the wisest thing you can do. (And then modeling your prayers after what you read in the Scriptures.)  Praying God’s Word gives you confidence that you are praying according to His will.

Appointment with God

There is no better time than right now today, to actually and purposefully write into your calendar: “Appointment with God”. Then keeping that appointment daily as though it is a “date” with the coolest person in the world. Because it is! (Think about it: That relationship also carries over into Eternity as well.)

Be honest with Him

Seriously. He knows it all anyway. He loves you. He created you, so He knows why your life is stuck or not working as you had hoped it would. He knows you are hurting over betrayal or disappointment or because you or someone else made a decision that has turned your world upside down. He knows if you are scared. He wants to be your Comforter. He knows what is tempting you. He can provide the way when it looks like there is no way.

He also wants to hear about the happy things in your life. The things that went well. The dreams you have. Share those joys together with Him, as well. He wants to rejoice WITH you! He truly does! He adores His “kids”.

Intentional relationship

There are no shortcuts. The only way to get the power to be the best you can be and to STAND STRONG in these perilous times, is through an intentional relationship with the Lord and His Word. He promises to meet you there. Always. Do not fear. He will never NOT show up.

He promises He will never leave you or forsake you. If it FEELS that way, HE Is NOT the one who moved away from YOU. CHOOSE to keep God close. Keep your appointments with Him, daily!

Let’s get back to basics

We become like those we spend time with. So, here are some things to consider. Maybe you will keep your written discoveries (as you consider this short list) with you in your special place where you meet with your BEST FRIEND, JESUS.

  1. Stop to consider each of your relationships (including the time you spend with TV/computer/cell phone/in person). Are they drawing you closer to the Savior or away from Him?
  2. Think carefully before God how you spend your discretionary time. Are you feeding your mind/spirit/soul with trash or with a banquet?
  3. Be truthful with yourself about the priority you give to spending time with Creator God.
  4. Remember. We become like those we spend time with. We become like those we allow to teach us. CHOOSE wisely. CHOOSE deliberately.

A good way to begin to get that Know-so faith is to practice the presence of God. Be aware of His continuous presence. Everywhere. All the time. In all circumstances.

He is a Gentleman

The Lord will not push Himself on you. It’s your CHOICE to: Seek—with a vengeance—a relationship with Him. Seek as though your eternal life depends on it. Because it does! Literally. Eternally. Marantha. Come Lord Jesus.

If you need help working it through, that’s my favorite thing to do—to walk alongside imperfect people like me—who want to be all the Lord wants you to be. It is so much easier when you have a trusted ally to walk the path with you. Don’t worry. Nothing you say will surprise. me. We all struggle. Me, too. That’s the nature of this world. It’s not our home. We’re only passing through. We’re getting ready for the next—the so-much-better—world.

The first call is a gift

It’s a good way to find out if we would be a good TEAM together, with no risk to you. (No pressure for more.) Just click the connect button to email me to arrange it. It is that easy. Be sure to mention this blog post, to receive the free call. Let’s get you started with this new schedule, determined to get back to the basics—whatever it takes! CHOOSE to commit in your calendar every day focused time with the Lord! Onward!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Announcing the Publication of My First Book

Daddy, Daddy! Guess What I Saw Today?
I can hardly believe it! One of my huge-est dreams has come true!

After many, many years of writing, dreaming, hoping, and praying, the day has finally come. I am so happy to offer this resource for parents and for all who love kids!

My first published book is now available on Amazon. I first penned Daddy, Daddy! Guess What I Saw Today? in the year 2004. The illustrations were created later. Many of you reading this blog post have asked me periodically over the years, to publish this book. You wanted to share it with your kids, your grandkids, your nieces and nephews, your Sunday School kids, and you had any number of ideas to use it to help encourage the attitude of gratitude in kids and adults alike.

Until this year, I did not see how I could possibly overcome all the obstacles and the details to make it happen. But thanks to Christian Book Academy, I began to BELIEVE it was POSSIBLE. And then, Heather Hart agreed to be my Author’s Assistant and a miracle happened.

This book is written with gratitude for God’s protection, provision, and wisdom along my own journey. I hope to remind you, too, to carry an attitude of gratitude to God with you throughout your day, and that your life will begin to take on that child-like quality the Lord calls you to.

Children model what they observe in adults, and especially what they see in their parents. Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:3 that we must change and become like little children in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Hopefully Daddy, Daddy! Guess What I Saw Today? will be one of many tools the Lord can use to help you towards that goal, refreshing your own view of the ordinary things around you, to regain that childlike joy of God’s creation, so the children in your life, will “catch” that from you. And that you, too will enter into your children’s enthusiasm for God’s Creation, with them. This book is for anyone who longs to be reminded of the beauty, the color, the texture, and life that Father God created for the enjoyment of His children of all ages.

Here’s the Link

“From a flock of geese to a dog on a leash, the pages of this winsome little book are filled with things we see around us every day. Everyday items get a fresh look through the eyes of a child; making them seem exciting and new while also teaching children how to be grateful for the God who created them. Take a walk with me through the pages of this book and help your little ones see God’s hand in the beauty of life.”

God bless you bunches!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Finding the Place of Victory Over Self-Condemnation

Fireworks - Freedom and independence

For many years, I condemned myself

I could only see what was WRONG with me. And there was no lack of people to reenforce that mindset. I didn’t know that it was OK that I was different than the people I longed to be like. In fact, it was not just OK but it was a very GOOD thing. It took awhile, but I began to realize that God wanted me to embrace who He made me to be. To be used for His glory.

What is self-condemnation and how do we get victory over it?

Self-condemnation is self-absorbing. Sadly, it prevents us from fully loving others. And that is sad, because that is exactly why we are here. First, to love God, the One Who made us. And then we are to love others with God’s kinda love!

Self-condemnation prevents us from having a God mindset towards others AND towards ourselves.

God’s desire for us is to have self-compassion

I needed to understand that on a deep level. Along the way, somewhere, I heard a story that helped me to change my mindset. And I’m going to tell it to you right now. So that you can join me in that place of victory!!

Before I tell you the story, please find quiet place alone. This won’t take long, but it is more effective if you give this story your FULL attention.

Ready for the challenge? OK…

Here’s we go…


(Pleeeeasssseee…I am serious about this. In order to fully benefit, you have to totally stop everything right now and take a few minutes to truly imagine with me…No multi-tasking :-))

Ok. Ready?

Imagine a time when you’re tenderly and compassionately caring for someone that is ill. You lovingly put her to bed. A little later, you go in to check on her and you are relieved to see that she is asleep. You know that sleep is good for her.

You just stand quietly in the doorway, watching her as she sleeps. Just loving her as she sleeps. She isn’t doing anything to earn your love. You just love her because you love her. And you pray for her to be well again. It hurts you that she is suffering. You will her to be well again. You have deep compassion for her suffering.

Then, she turns over, she looks at you, and you realize…

That person…

You realize that…

It’s YOU!

Now…if you can just purpose to stay in that moment of time until you sense something “shift”, a time of personal healing is waiting for you there!

THAT is exactly how God loves you! He just loves you because He loves you. You couldn’t EARN His love by anything you do even if you tried. Will you. Right now. Accept that love and LET Him love you unconditionally?

Daddy, Daddy! Guess What I Saw Today?

From a flock of geese to a dog on a leash, the pages of this winsome little book are filled with things we see around us every day. Pamela A. Taylor takes those everyday items and looks at them through the eyes of a child; making them seem exciting and new while also teaching children how to be grateful for the God who created them. Take a walk with Pamela through the pages of this book and help your little ones see God’s hand in the beauty of life.

Now take it one step further

Our children model what they see in us. So if we raise “healthy” kids, and we only love them, but we don’t love ourselves, they too will have difficulty loving themselves, because that is what was modeled for them = NOT loving oneself. THAT was their example.


Of course we are not referring to the model that embraces the thinking that the world revolves around oneself, but rather we are referring to a good healthy love of what the Creator decided we would be. He chose our personality, our spiritual gifts, our talents, and skills. To not embrace who we were created to be, is an affront to our Father. We owe it to our children to know the difference between self-pity vs. self-compassion. And to teach them by example. Ahhh…now there is the challenge, ‘eh?

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this. Have you found this to be true?

Here is what I would like to end with:

I’d love to help you discover your God-given self to love as He loves you. And the best way to do that is through the Leading From Your Strengths process. It was designed to strengthen the Body of Christ by helping each individual person discover what God had in mind when He thought you up. Through the process, You can gain freedom and independence from the discouraging comparisons and learn to embrace the beauty of who you really are.

I stand ready to help…I’m only a click away…

God bless you bunches!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Personality Strengths and Weaknesses — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

God Will Use the Loaves and Fishes You Bring to Him

Loaves and Fishes Logo
On the Christian Book Academy Zoom call today, the teachers’ topic was that God takes our little and turns it into much. I was blessed by the reminder. The topic was how to view our writing but it can be applied to everything in our lives as Christians. I remembered I had written a blog about that topic shortly after my website was “born”. So, here is a new version of that blog from 2012.

The young boy’s lunch.

”There’s a boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?” – John 6:9 NLT

Pessimist much?

Isn’t that what we do, too? We get negative. A scarcity mentality takes over. We know that God is our Provider. But in a bit of a twisted humility, we minimize what we have to offer “to the world”. And yet, what we have to offer came from God. If you are anything like me, we have some work to do to get in alignment with God’s plan. What do you think? Ready?

Learn to lead from your strengths.

First things first: Discover through the Leading From Your Strengths consultation and coaching who God made you to be . Guaranteed, it will give you a good start on moving forward wherever God is leading you. I know from experience, having your own personal “cheerleader” (mentor coach) minimizes the stress of the journey.

Even when you get off track, a life coach doesn’t try to fix you. Rather, she helps you discover what is special about the way God made you. It is already there inside you. She just helps you find it! And then she helps you figure out how it works in your relationships. Learning to actually value others’ differences. It’s so fun to figure out WHY we EACH do what we do. Understanding the 4 personality types is a huge “game changer”. You will look at everyone through fresh eyes.

As children we have tons of dreams and hopes

Even if you have forgotten your vision, hopes, or dreams, let’s talk. You can discover them anew. And then, when you surrender them to God, He will take them and just like he did with the young boy who surrendered his lunch of “ONLY” 5 barley loaves and 2 fish, God will use your “ONLY” that you bring to Him, too. HOWEVER,  you have to take that first step toward Him.  Surrendering what you have, like the young boy did.

I’m excited for all that God has in mind for you.

That’s the reason for Loaves and Fishes Life Coaching. The name for my business came from those very same verses in the Bible about the young boy. Jesus had been teaching the multitudes all day and they were hungry, so the disciples come to Jesus and asked Him what to do. They reasoned that it would cost a small fortune and a lot of precious time if they went into town and to buy the huge amount of food that would be needed for such a great multitude. (Their faith was still being formed. And they were suffering from that scarcity mentality we all can so easily fall into.)

Not up for the task?

Do you think you have nothing to offer? That you are not enough? The blessing is that when God calls, He enables. He provides for the need. The call & the need are not too big for Jesus when we surrender all to Him for His use. Here’s the cool part that I never tire of hearing about the loaves and fishes story:

“So they all ate and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and of the fish. Now those who had eaten the loaves were about five thousand men.” (Mark 6:42-44)

That’s the cool part because that’s how God is with us, too.

Do you see that? 5,000 men ate and were filled...on five loaves and two fish! You might think what you have is not enough; but when you bring it to Him, He blesses it and multiplies it.

And many benefit.

God will use the loaves and fishes you bring to Him.

It is not a maybe. He will do it! Trust Him! But, the big catch is: you have to BRING it to HIM. That means you have to choose to trust even if it is scary. Even if it seems dumb by the world’s standards. God’s ways are not the world’s ways. What is it you want to do? Do you want to stop beating yourself up because you are not like someone else? Are you struggling with relationships? Let’s discover together what your strengths are and then learn how to implement them into your daily life. Ready? I’m only a click away…

Bring what you have and watch what He can do!

Come Lord Jesus!

God bless you bunches!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Don’t Look Back

Farmer plowing with ox
Jesus said, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62 NIV)

Yesterday is gone.

You will never have a better yesterday. What is done is done! So, if you look back to your yesterdays, the farrow in front of you (the row) will be crooked. It will not be a fit place to sow seeds. The past is past. Moses looked at his past and felt inadequate. And he even reminded God that he was a nobody, so why would God send him out to do anything. But God reminded Moses what He also reminds us: It doesn’t matter who I am. It doesn’t matter who you are. It only matters who GOD is.

Don’t look at the things you left behind. Go forward into today. Knowing that God will be with you. He promises:

“I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:11)

Tomorrow is not here yet

Focus on today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Because God says: “Don’t boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.” (Proverbs 27:1) My Dad used to say: Don’t borrow trouble. Today has enough trouble of its own.

Looking forward

Mentor Coaching is different from Counseling. Coaching is about being forward looking. We look at the past to learn from it, to see if there is something we need to confess, or pay restitution for, but not to stay there in blame, regret, or remorse. Then, when we decide to follow Jesus, we put our hand to the plow…and we do not look at the things we left behind in regret or “what ifs” of wishing things had been different. We rejoice at what is ahead of us. Of possibilities. Of potential in the “seeds” we will plant, with the Lord as our constant Companion.

A Sneak Peak into My Personal Journal

I’m going to do something I haven’t done before. I’m going to give you a peak into my journal and share a bit of what God showed me yesterday morning as I ruminated on this Scripture lesson from Jesus. About not looking back. About putting my hand to the plow…

“While I cried out to You, this morning about “evil” winning – You reminded me that evil has NOT had the victory because I have “put my hand to the plow.” Praise the Lord I STILL follow You, wherever You have led me, Lord. It’s been hard, but You have never forsaken me. NEVER EVER. And You have not let my hands grow limp to fall from the plow. I am still PLOWING A STRAIGHT FARROW (row) because YOU have held my hands onto the plow and kept my face forward.

…When a farmer looks back, the row gets crooked. My “row” (my mission) is to follow you. I remember the song, “I have decided to follow Jesus. (3x) No turning back (2x). Amen. Thank you, Lord.”

God’s reminders

The last two days, God has often reminded me of this lesson. So I decided perhaps He wanted me to share it with you. It felt like SOMEONE besides me needed to hear this today.


Father, Thank You for Your persistent love and promptings to follow You behind the plow, facing forward. Please bless and minister to whoever reads this, Lord. Thank you God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. For Your mercy, protection, provision, wisdom, and for Your continuous reminders that whenever we have a problem we can turn to You. We will thank You for the “crop” that will grow out of the seeds that are planted because You do and will remind us to hold our hands to the plow and not look back. Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus.

Philippians 3:10 (Amplified)

“For my determined purpose is that I may know Him (that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly.)”

God bless you bunches! I would love to hear from you!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 8:00 am

It Is Finished: Easter

The Empty Tomb
I am currently watching Matthew with Bruce Marchiano portraying Jesus in the video series. Here’s a link to an article describing his journey as God prepared him for that role. Has God ever asked you to do something so outrageous as this? To PORTRAY JESUS to the world? In a much different day-to-day way, isn’t that exactly WHAT is God asking YOU and ME to do?

Easter is often called Resurrection Day. We are reminded that the Lord has done what needed to be done, bridging the gap that Adam and Eve left behind. There are no works you can do to bridge that gap yourself. He lived. He died. He arose from the dead, leaving an empty tomb. And He is coming again for His own. O what a glorious day that will be! Have YOU responded to His call to be His child, so you will be able to hear when He asks you to do something outrageous?

There is ONLY ONE WAY to the Savior

What if you are NOT His own? There is only ONE WAY to Heaven. ONE WAY to salvation. JESUS is that ONE WAY. He offers you salvation through believing and receiving that He is the One way for you to be His Child.

  • Receive the GIFT offered
  • Receive the GIFT of salvation
  • Receive the GIFT of eternal life

ACCEPT that the price has already been paid

  • ACCEPT that you cannot earn it
  • TRUST that it is finished
  • BELIEVE that nothing more is required

How did we get in this mess?

It is because Adam and Eve did not trust God but believed satan instead. Adam and Eve messed up the Paradise God had created for them. That is why Jesus BECAME the sacrificial Lamb to make atonement for the sin nature which resides in all of us. God says in Romans that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. You fall short. I fall short. Adam and Eve fell short. Only One person did NOT fall short…JESUS!

Jesus already did it all

His ultimate sacrifice on the Cross made a way where there was no other way.

The work is done.

PLEASE believe and receive the GIFT of eternal life that is offered to you. Don’t delay. This is serious! Especially in these perilous times during the Corona Virus Worldwide Epidemic, you never know what a day can bring. And to you who already have surrendered your life to Him, live each day as if it were your last. As if you will be seeing Him face-to-face TODAY. Because that could happen.

Don’t waste your sorrows. What would your life be like if you thought of any suffering you or your loved ones are experiencing, as the privilege of participating in Christ’s suffering. They are lessons to guide you to a deeper walk with Him. A closer relationship. Live each day with an active expectation of the second coming. Glory!

“Lord, we grieve over the suffering of our brothers and sisters…and we pray for continued steadfastness in the faith.”

March 2020 Encounter With God Devotional

To summarize:

  • Believe
  • Receive
  • Embrace the GIFT
  • Rest in Him
  • Walk out of the penalty of the shadow of death into His glorious light
  • After you CHOOSE to become His fully devoted follower, then LIVE like you believe you have been saved, and are saved for eternity
  • Each day, let your heart’s attitude be one of gratitude to the Lord for ALL His benefits

And now we wait.

With all the hysteria today about the Virus that has descended upon the world, we wait in hope for the Lord’s return.

Free E-Book for Easter

When you sign up for Pamela Taylor's email list, you'll receive her 7-day Names of God Easter devotional book FREE.

Names of God: 7-Day Easter Devotional

If you would like someone to talk to…

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

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