Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Lord of the Loaves and Fishes

Lord of the Loaves and Fishes

The Lord of the Loaves and Fishes meets the needs of His children.

And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 in the New Testament of the Bible)

What’s your life look like right now?
Are you facing one problem after another? Feeling unfulfilled in your life’s work? In your family life? In your church life? Inside your own skin? Does it seem like something is missing?

Maybe something is missing. Maybe you are looking in the wrong places.

Are new needs arising?
Are you even thinking “And now there is Christmas with additional financial needs and relationship needs”? Do you feel pulled in all directions and do you feel like you simply cannot make ends meet?

What if it is true that you simply can’t make ends meet on your own?

And…what if there is a better plan?
!. What if you decide to talk it over with the Lord of the Loaves and Fishes?
2. What if you truly and honestly seek HIS plan for your life?
3. What if you ask HIM for help?

When we daily/moment-by-moment consciously and deliberately look to God for help, (“Give us this day your daily bread.” Matthew 6:11), we are acknowledging our own inability to meet our own needs. We are looking to Him as the Lord of the Loaves and Fishes.

How can we bless the Lord?
It blesses Him to know that we realize that He is the Source for all that we need. And He loves blessing His kids. (Of course, sometimes HIS idea of blessing is not what we were thinking would be a blessing, but it’s also true that: Father knows best!)

The foundational principle of my business:
There are true stories in the Bible that teach us about God multiplying what is offered up to Him. I believe that so strongly, that it’s actually the very foundational principle that my whole coaching business is based on.  loavesandfishescoaching.com  You will notice that theme in many of my blog posts as well.  Joyfully, I can testify that the Lord has empowered my clients to experience and then also reflect that foundational principle, as they travel the coaching and mentor/coaching journey. I am truly blessed by each uniquely individual  person that God sends my way.

Acknowledging God as provider
The very first step that Jesus took when he fed the hungry multitudes in the middle of nowhere, was to acknowledge that God Almighty is the One True God. He worshiped God the Father. He knew the Source of the provision of the needs of the people that were hungry. And–in response–God provided more than enough for all.

God responds
Over and over again in my own life, I have seen God multiply the meager offering I have to give. Whether it be time, money, or possessions. Jesus is the Lord of the Loaves and Fishes, and He’s with you in the boat on the rough sea of life. He’s promised to supply all your needs. Yes! He PROMISED! And He keeps His word. He can be trusted. The real question is: Do YOU Trust HIM to supply those needs?

The first step after giving
We need to ASK. To ask. To seek. To knock. We have to acknowledge the Source. He will do it even when we don’t see how it is possible. In fact, the Lord of the Loaves and Fishes…the Lord of the stormy seas…He is the Lord that loves the word IMPOSSIBLE!

I’d love to hear your stories of how God has met you at your point of need. What Loaves and Fishes has He supplied just when you needed them? Share your story. We all want to hear from you!

Merry Christmas!

The season of GIVING! Don’t let it end in January!

God bless you bunches!
Awaiting His shout,
Pam Taylor

Meeting Jesus Face-to-Face

A tribute to a life well lived

I originally wrote this, many years ago, in 2007, as I grieved the loss of a dear friend many miles away. Since that time, many others I held dear have joined my friend. Diane, in the presence of Jesus. Though they are blessed and full of joy in Jesus’ presence…

I find that today, I am again grieving my own loss in the death last evening, of another dear mentor and friend, Leota Mether, many miles away. It has been many years since we have seen each other, but her steadfast love of her Lord and Savior was palpable and she longed for Heaven to be with Jesus from the day I first met her. Her example has continued to give me a good foundation from which to build my own trust and faith in our Lord. Leota was our family’s piano teacher, but she was so much more. She was our mentor in how to live a faithful Christian walk. So, I share this piece, Welcome Home, again, knowing that everyone reading it will be thinking of someone that they miss…mindful of the transition from here to there…I pray this comforts you in your own loss…

Welcome Home

The story begins in Delaware. One morning, so many years ago, a dear friend kissed her husband good-bye, left to go jogging with her friend, was hit by a truck, and immediately left to be with her Lord. I’ve written from the perspective of my friend, Diane, and now from the perspective of my friend, Leota, as she meets King Jesus face-to-face in Heaven.

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.”
—Jude 24, 25, NAS

Today, at 6:40 a.m. (Earth-time)

I stepped from your world into the peaceful beauty and splendor of Heaven. It was an easy passing…there was a quietness and a calm in the air as I passed from one world and into the next. It was a lovely journey.

King Jesus was on the Bema Seat. I was not afraid to face Him. We discussed my life and I quietly asked, “but Lord, what about when I…”


(In blood red)

suddenly appeared on my hand. “Oh, my Lord,” I whispered, as He stepped down from the Bema Seat. The jagged scars from the rough-hewn nails on His wrists made me weep as He wrapped His lovely arms around me. That simple act of His hug has totally healed me of my earthly experiences. Those beautiful scars! I laid my head on His shoulder and wept for joy. Such love. I looked down and saw the scars on His feet…love marks to me. Such glorious, pure, untainted, unconditional love. I am in the home of the forgiven.

He placed a crown on my head. On me! How could this be? And yet, it is true! Glorious love! Somehow, I don’t feel unworthy. It feels natural to be here. As though I have always been here. Then I remember: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1, NAS).

“Oh, my Lord…my glorious Lord!” I fell before His feet. I touched the scars. “They are there because of my sin, not Yours!” He lifted me up, and escorted me – His bride – to the banquet table. “How is it possible, with so many others here, that I feel as though I am alone with You”? I asked Him. Those beautiful expressive eyes drew me closer – ever closer to an understanding of the purity that love can possess.

The clutter of the things that were important in my earth-life is gone. “Life is so simple here. There is love and there is purpose; and I know that You have prepared this destiny especially for me. You have used my earth-life to prepare me for what You were preparing for me – here – after the banquet.”

“I have been healed with Your loving embrace,” I whispered. “Your banquet table has nourished me. I have walked down the path with You – on Your arm as Your bride. Oh, the wonder of it all! Now, You have said that we have work to do – together – in every sense of the word. You have made me worthy to be here and You have proved it by placing this crown on my head.”

I tried to kneel and He told me, “No, STAND before Me…I have made you worthy.” So, I stood…in my glorified body – before King Jesus and He embraced me again, and said, “You have been faithful. Well done, My lovely one. My bride. You are here, not for what you have done in My Name, but because you have loved my Glorious Appearing. That is all that I have required. There is no need for My bride to ever fear My appearing. You were created for this purpose. Your earth-life was preparation for all of this. I often told you, “I have My way. You have yours. Mine is better. You see…I was right. My way is better.”

Then He said, “Here, My love…let Me show you how My Light sparkles through this bottle of your tears that I have kept. Not one tear was lost…and see how they add to the beauty of Heaven—the home of the forgiven.



This might be a good time to think of what it might be like for you your last day on earth. Are you ready to meet your Maker? I’d love to hear your story. Let’s talk!

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Sleep Deprivation. A Gift From God?

I want to say a little bit to those who suffer from sleep deprivation. Those who wake in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep. Have you ever thought of it as a gift from God? Maybe He is calling you to a closer walk to Himself.

Thinking back…

I’m thinking back about those morning feedings with my children and it seems like it was often about 4:00 or so in the morning. Somehow it was like God was calling me in a very special way to Himself and I was almost sorry when the children grew older and I slept through those times.

The 4th Watch

Just recently I’ve discovered some things how Jesus comes to people during the 4th watch. I also noticed that often He would pray to His Father during the 4th watch. So I did a little bit of research, and I discovered that it happens to be between the hours of 3 and 6 in the morning. I have a feeling many of you suffering from sleep deprivation might say that often that is the time when you are awake and frustrated.

What’s the significance?

I noticed that the 3rd watch was often during time of trial or battle. Remember the disciples on the sea, struggling during the 3rd watch of the night? That would have been sometime between 12 midnight to 3 in the morning.

The weather was bad and the boat was tossing around and they were struggling and crying out for help. Then, Jesus came and walked to them. That was during the 4th watch when he appeared. The hours between 3 and 6 in the morning.

What if…?

So, what if he lets you struggle. He lets me struggle? And what if we take the time to look for Him during that 4th watch? What if He is there? What if we have been missing Him?

Mindset shift

What if you just decide to change your mindset…your way of looking at the sleep deprivation…and just decide to embrace that time and spend it with Him in the wee hours of the morning?

A blessing in disguise

I know for me, it has been a blessing in disguise to change my way of looking at the wakeful hours. Surrendering, rather than fighting it to no avail. CHOOSING instead to relax and visit with My Father in His Word and prayer. And spend some time with Oswald Chambers “My Utmost For His Highest” devotional. And journaling. Somehow, it is so much better than later in the day. The 4th watch. And then, often, I go back to bed and am able to sleep for another hour or two.

Give it a try. And let us know how it goes…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Increase Your Energy

This is a busy time of year coming up. Summer is drawing to a close and highly scheduled lives begin again. We know that with God, anything is possible. Faith, Hope, Love and Laughter are all part of God’s energy plan.

Learn from the past

But, don’t LIVE there in the past. What did you do last year that you want to do the same?

Life is full of lessons

Maybe you have disappointments, failures, and things you wish you had done differently. You know that no re-do is possible. You can’t un-do what has happened. But you can learn from it and choose a new path. Rehashing the past is energy-draining! You can move into an amazing fresh new start. Here’s how…

Learning from the Apostle Paul

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do; forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this in mind…
Philippians 3:13-15a

In summary, the Apostle Paul’s 3-part plan was actually a goal toward maturity. And you and I need to follow the same plan in order to be effective in the Kingdom work He has called us to do.

  • Forgetting what’s behind
  • Reaching toward what’s ahead
  • Pressing on with the goal in mind

You can’t change the past. But you can reach out toward what is ahead of you, and with the energy of the Holy Spirit in you, believing God, you can press forward toward the goal always in your mind. What are you working toward? In the Lord, you have the energy/the power/the ability to do what He has called you to do. Remember…

A definition of energy:

the power and ability to be physically and mentally active. Sometimes, you can sabotage the plan, so…

Here’s some ideas to increase your energy so you can reach toward accomplishing your goals

  • Don’t skip a good protein breakfast
  • Drink lots of water
  • Walk whenever you can, rather than jumping in the car
  • Take 3 deep breaths whenever you feel like you can’t cope
  • The Psalms can be helpful in times of great pain and sorrow
  • BELIEVE GOD. “Act as if…” you have it all together. When you are faithful with this, the FEELINGS will soon follow and you will be surprised at your coping ability!
  • REMEMBER: You and God can do this together. Believe that! He is only a prayer away!

Listen to Classical Music* every chance you get (to minimize energy-drainers)

  • Decreases the stress hormones causing overeating and excess belly fat
  • Decreases depression, anxiety and physical pain
  • Improves sleep and decreases nightmares
  • Encourages faster healing after surgery
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Increases energy and endurance while exercising by 10-12 percent

*(The benefits of music list is from: 700 Club’s “Increase Your Energy. You can get the energy you need to live a full life.”)

Until next time,

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

You Will Never Have a Better Past

Are you stuck?
The reality is that many of the conversations we have on a daily basis are about what went wrong in our past. What’s that about? God clearly instructs:

“…Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press towards the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13, 14) He wants you to release the past because you will never ever have a better PAST. No matter how you try. The past is…PAST…

What keeps you from letting go?
My prayer right now is that you will STOP and actually prayerfully look at your life and listen to what God is trying to say to you.

Stop blaming
The past is past. You cannot make it better. There are consequences and there are results. But it is past. Deal with what you need to deal with and move on.

There’s no sense in BLAMING anyone. But you can look at your own attitudes and listen to your own words. We are what we think. And we are what we speak about ourselves. I can remember saying often to myself: “What is WRONG with me?” I wasn’t seeing myself as God sees me. The life of a new creation cannot be lived looking back, but rather by looking ahead toward today and beyond.

Potty training
When I was MUCH younger, the big thing was blaming our mothers because of the way they potty trained us or whether they nursed us or not. That is unproductive. The past is past. Move on. Let it go! What you are right now today is not your mother’s FAULT! You have God and His Word to help you be an overcomer. No more “excuses”.

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us…” (Ephesians 3:20). God actually wants to bless you! But, He leaves it to you and me to embrace Him and believe His plan is for you and me to let go of the past and move forward WITH HIM.

What are you clinging to?

  • Has someone hurt or abused you?
  • Has someone disappointed you?
  • Have you been abandoned maybe as a child or by a husband?
  • Has someone manipulated you with guilt or fear?

CHOOSE to rise above it
Much in our lives can be solved, simply by realizing that we are all living out the personalities that God has given us, in an uninformed way. Often we see our strengths as weaknesses. Sadly many do not even want the abundant life because they would have to stop clinging to victimhood and blame. I don’t believe that is you, or you would not have read this far!

Manipulation & domination
However, If you want to continue to manipulate people to feel sorry for you, or if you want to continue to have inauthentic surface-y relationships, then don’t keep reading. I won’t coddle you in your victimhood. I’ll listen and affirm your life was tough (because who’s life hasn’t been?) BUT if you decide you want to work with me, I will help you discover your personal God-given strengths, so you can embrace and joyfully walk in them. AND I pledge that I will encourage you in every single tiny step forward.

Leading From Your Strengths
It will be glorious watching you do the hard work of re-programming your mind to think GOD’S thoughts and seek HIS plan as you walk away from your past failures and disappointments. God wants you to walk away from the past and toward your future. Because you will never have a better PAST anyway! It is impossible to change the PAST! So…

Let it go!
You won’t forget about it, but it’s behind you. Your past is part of what made you, YOU! I believe you are still reading this because YOU want to see your life through fresh eyes. You actually can move forward with the Lord Jesus Christ as your Source of everything, and trusting you no longer have a desperate need to “please” or “blame” any single person.

CHOOSE to do what you do out of gratitude. For what the Lord has done for you. For your salvation. For your future in Heaven with Him. For His unending unconditional love of who you ARE, because HE is the one who designed you to have the gifts, personality, strengths, and talents that He knew you would need, in order to do what He has prepared in advance for you to do!

Are you ready to begin the discovery process? If so, you have come to the right place. Let’s get started…

Thanks for all you do…

Until next time…

God bless you bunches!
Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

What’s Wrong With This Picture?


Put yourself in this Mom’s place. Traveling alone with a baby.

Look closely and then tell me…What’s “wrong” with this picture? Maybe “wrong” isn’t the “right” word. Maybe “unusual” is the right word.

I’m pretty sure this would not be what I would look like if I were at a major airport, ready to travel a number of hours with my baby on a plane…ALONE! What about you?

Here is what is (wrong/unusual) = remarkable: She is smiling! She is a real, live person and she is smiling! And at peace! How did that happen?

Lindsay sent me this picture. It inspired me so much that I asked her if I could use it on my website. I figured if it inspired me, it would inspire you, too. (I’m passionate about helping Overwhelmed Moms find their way out of the fog. And this picture speaks volumes!!!) And then…when I heard her response, I just had to share it with you right away.

Because…here’s something else that is remarkable about this Mom: Her response was “Yes…but…I wasn’t overwhelmed.” WOW! She wasn’t overwhelmed??? Astounding!!!

What do you suppose was Lindsay’s secret?

Lindsay had a plan. She had spent the days leading up to this day (as she prepared to move to another continent in a few short weeks) speaking God’s promises out loud to herself as she packed and as she took care of her baby. Her husband was far away…on another continent because of his work. It was unavoidable. This was a fog she was going to have to find her way through without her husband’s help. She wanted to be victorious, even though her life was in an uproar! But you would not know it to look at her, would you?! She had chosen the HIGHER ROAD.

Life is a series of choices. Flesh or Spirit. Which will rule? Which will we “feed”? The Spirit or the flesh?

This Mom had chosen to listen to praise music even though the things in her life were in chaos. While helpers were shouting questions at her. While she had to make a ton of last minute decisions. While she had to remember to eat. While she had to remember to change the diapers and nurse the baby. While movers came and went. While her apartment looked more like a war-zone than a home…with all the sorting and packing materials all around. Lindsay had chosen to have God on the throne, rather than let her feelings rule her. She did what she could do. She fed her Spirit Soul food and it nourished her to the point that her countenance would actually shine! You can see that for yourself!

She did what she could and left the rest to God. He likes that! 🙂

lindsay-baby-cropShe is an amazing woman. She is one of my favorite people and I wanted to share a bit of her story with you. I pray it inspires you to take the time to stop, drop and pray. To remember that nothing is too big for God to handle. IF we let Him.  She made a conscious choice to meditate on the promises of God. To feed her soul with music. Not just any music. She chose music that nourishes and exalts God. Proving: You definitely are what you “eat”. His Word (the Bible) is her nourishment. AND…Praises helped her rise above her circumstances. God has a plan and she followed it. And this is the result!

Please take time to comment and let us know what this has stirred up in you. And please also share stories of times when God’s Spirit has ruled and you, too, have been victorious in a difficult circumstance. We would love to hear from you. And as Lindsay prepares to move from her familiar surroundings, your remarks could be perfect timing and have the same effect on her to encourage her to keep looking UP because GOD is BIG.

“My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to accomplish His work,” Jesus said. (John 4:34 NAS)

{{Lindsay Nichols Estes has a message for women in transition. She walks her talk and more often than not, she comes forth trusting God’s promises. She knows the secret of success. If you are in transition, and want a coach to walk through it with you, you can find her here: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsaynicholsestes }}

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:45 pm

Don’t Quit! Joseph… A Story of Success… via Blood, Sweat and Tears

Have you heard a version of Anything worthwhile is worth fighting for. Worth waiting for?

I know that’s not a happy thought that success comes via blood, sweat and tears, but it seems especially necessary to say that today. The media would have us believe that we “deserve” success. When we get a college degree, we “deserve” a job. And not just a job, but a job starting at the top. Because we are “qualified”, right? Isn’t that the way it works? Or maybe we believe that when we start our own business, the clients/customers will flock to us. Because we did the right things, so of course we will realize our dreams complete and full…immediately. Right? That when we do the right thing, all falls into place. Blog posts tell us that. Facebook and Twitter posts all claim that if we buy their program, we will get skinny, we will grow new hair on that bald spot, and we will be able to run a marathon if we eat the right energy bar. That’s what we hear from all forms of media. But…is it true???

My inspiration today is the story of Joseph in the Bible. Joseph had a dream. Have you had a dream? Are you continuing to pursue it, or did you quit when it got hard or took too long?

You know the story. Joseph was his Dad’s favorite. And his brothers knew that. It was way too obvious. So, when they got a chance, they got even. Not with the Dad who chose him as favorite, but with Joseph. They tried to eliminate their problem. They wanted him out of the way. The only problem was, even though the Dad thought Joseph was dead, Joseph was STILL his favorite. The empty space at the table was NOT occupied by another. His Dad’s heart was very sad. And none of the other sons became the favorite in his place. So what did they accomplish by taking matters into their own hands?

What about Joseph? At the hands of his brothers, Joseph suffered bullying, abuse, betrayal and great loss; and at the hands of others, he suffered slavery.

He waited. (What else could he do under the circumstances?) But somehow, Joseph never seemed to see himself as “under the circumstances”. He believed in a BIG GOD. THE big God!

Then, he began to find the Favor of the Lord. And he kept his integrity. He faithfully walked honorably, even when tempted to take the lower road to destruction.

He took the higher road to the Favor of God. Those appointed to keep him in line saw clearly God’s favor or him and they appointed him to positions of leadership. And they indirectly received God’s Favor through Joseph. But betrayals and disappointments continued. And he remained a man of integrity. No matter how much power he was given, he remained a man of God. A man faithful to the Lord’s ways.

And the final outcome? Remember his outrageous dream that his brothers hated him for? Hated him enough to try to get rid of him forever…

Well, that dream came true and they literally owed their lives to him…the one they had sought to destroy was later their rescuer.

Blood, sweat and tears…walking that faithful life with our eyes on the Lord of the blood, sweat and tears…not giving up…but going forward…one step at a time. Little by little. Trusting the God of the outcome.  A heart on fire for Him.

Now THAT is “success”! That is God’s definition of “success” and that is where the joy lies. Peace that passes understanding. Don’t quit. Press on. Press through. Keep looking up to the Creator of real success…via blood, sweat and tears!

Easy? No! But ask Joseph someday: “Was it worth it?” And I have a feeling he will shout out, “Yes! Undoubtedly, YES!”

Do you have a dream you haven’t yet followed through on?

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 4:32 pm

The Bridegroom. R.S.V.P.

Headline: Jesus is getting married!

The courtship has been bumpy and long. There have been dangers of a broken engagement along the way. But any day now, the wedding will be a reality!

The wedding has been announced and the invitations have been sent. Have you responded to your invitation? It is not too late…yet…

This will be a marriage that will never drift into the mundane. You will never be bored. You will never be separated by divorce or death.

Take some time to read His Love Letter to you — the Bible — the Word of God. Get to know the Bridegroom. Start with making a list of His Greatness…His attributes. Note how He relates to His created ones. Underline. Highlight. Pay close attention. Ask Him for understanding. Begin to make a list of what is most meaningful to you as you read. I suggest that you start toward the back of the book…in the New Testament.

Try this for starters: Make the next four Sundays special. Each Sunday read one of the four Gospels  (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) so you can get to know the Bridegroom. That’s called the 4 Gospels. And it’s where you will read of His invitation to you to join Him forever. The more your read, the more you will understand the depth of His love for you!

Say yes to His invitation to you! And begin the journey toward maturity as His someday soon Bride. Little by little, growing, maturing, and understanding what it means to be a “follower” devoted to the Bridegroom. As He already is devoted to you. He longs to have you say yes! He’s done His part…now it’s your turn to respond. R.S.V.P. But that is only the beginning. The rest of your life and on into eternity will be spent walking together with Him…side-by-side. Never looking back. There is no one you can trust more than the Heavenly Bridegroom. Jesus, the Christ. The Lord.

Let me know if I can help you toward that journey of becoming all you were created to be. Don’t settle for less than that…

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 5:29 pm

Are You Living an Orchestra Life?

I live in a resort town. The population seems to double each summer. Actually, it’s like being on vacation all year long here in Clear Lake, Iowa. The town is overflowing with choices for entertainment and enrichment consistently from January through December every year.

One of those summer choices is the Municipal “Orchestra”. (It’s really a band, but for the purpose of the article, I’m calling it an orchestra.) They perform Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons from the band shell in the City Park downtown. Lovely.

Last weekend I sat in my lawn chair relaxing and enjoying the view of the lake and the beauty of the sounds. There was a gentle breeze. All was “well” with the world there in the park in Clear Lake. And…then…God showed up!!! Not just in the music, though He was evidently there as well…but He had a lesson He wanted me to learn in a fresh way. Amazing how He does that when we aren’t expecting it!

“When the trumpeters and singers were as one(emphasis mine)…the glory of the LORD filled the house of God.”–2 Chronicles 5:13-14.

Music played a big part in the Bible. God used music to call people to worship and to send them to war, to soothe ragged emotions and to ignite spiritual passion, to celebrate victories and to mourn losses.

Some will lead the music and some will follow the leader. The better each one knows their parts, and the better they each follow the conductor, the more beautiful the music.

I began to see how the “orchestra” playing before me was an object lesson. Like families. Like the church. Each has a particular sound. Each has a particular duty. A particular “gift” to share. Each is unique. Separately, they would not have the same effect as they do all working together as one.

So my question to you is: Are you living an “orchestra” life? Are you trying to live your life on your own, without following the leadership of the “Conductor” of our souls? The Lord God, the Creator of that music, calls you to join His “orchestra” and learn your “part” really well, so you can share in creating the beautiful music…merely a foretaste of what Heaven will be like.

Awaiting His shout with you…

Let me hear from you…we are in this together!

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 6:38 pm

Welcome Home

An Easter message of redemption and love and hope.  I’m reading Not a Fan. Becoming a completely committed follower of Jesus. by Kyle Idleman. It brought back some memories… 

I’m excited to share with you something I wrote in 2007. The story begins in Delaware. One morning, so many years ago, a dear friend kissed her husband good-bye, left to go jogging with her friend, was hit by a truck, and left to be with her Lord. I’ve written from the perspective of my friend, Diane, as she meets King Jesus face-to-face in Heaven. 

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.  Amen.”—Jude 24, 25, NAS

Today, at 6:40 a.m. (Earth-time) I stepped from your world into the peaceful beauty and splendor of Heaven.  It was an easy passing…there was a quietness and a calm in the air as I passed from one world and into the next.  It was a lovely journey.

King Jesus was on the Bema Seat.  I was not afraid to face Him.  We discussed my life and I quietly asked, “but Lord, what about when I…”


(In blood red)

suddenly appeared on my hand.  “Oh, my Lord,” I whispered, as He stepped down from the Bema Seat.  The jagged scars from the rough-hewn nails on His wrists made me weep as He wrapped His lovely arms around me.  That simple act of His hug has totally healed me of my earthly experiences.  Those beautiful scars!  I laid my head on His shoulder and wept for joy.  Such love.  I looked down and saw the scars on His feet…love marks to me.  Such glorious, pure, untainted, unconditional love.  I am in the home of the forgiven.

He placed a crown on my head. On me!  How could this be? And yet, it is true!  Glorious love!  Somehow, I don’t feel unworthy.  It feels natural to be here.  As though I have always been here.  Then I remember:  “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1, NAS).

“Oh, my Lord…my glorious Lord!”  I fell before His feet.  I touched the scars.  “They are there because of my sin, not Yours!”  He lifted me up, and escorted me – His bride – to the banquet table.  “How is it possible, with so many others here, that I feel as though I am alone with You”?  I asked Him.  Those beautiful expressive eyes drew me closer – ever closer to an understanding of the purity that love can possess.

The clutter of the things that were important in my earth-life is gone. “Life is so simple here.  There is love and there is purpose; and I know that You have prepared this destiny especially for me.  You have used my earth-life to prepare me for what You were preparing for me – here – after the banquet.”

“I have been healed with Your loving embrace,” I whispered.  “Your banquet table has nourished me.  I have walked down the path with You – on Your arm as Your bride.  Oh, the wonder of it all!  Now, You have said that we have work to do – together – in every sense of the word.  You have made me worthy to be here and You have proved it by placing this crown on my head.”

I tried to kneel and He told me, “No, STAND before Me…I have made you worthy.”  So, I stood…in my glorified body – before King Jesus and He embraced me again, and said, “You have been faithful.  Well done, My lovely one.  My bride.  You are here, not for what you have done in My Name, but because you have loved my Glorious Appearing. That is all that I have required.  There is no need for My bride to ever fear My appearing.  You were created for this purpose.  Your earth-life was preparation for all of this.  I often told you, “I have My way.  You have yours.  Mine is better. You see…I was right.  My way is better.”

Then He said, “Here, My love…let Me show you how My Light sparkles through this bottle of your tears that I have kept.  Not one tear was lost…and see how they add to the beauty of Heaven—the home of the forgiven.  WELCOME HOME!”  

Meditation: The timing to share this with you seems right. Easter time…remembering the death, resurrection, and ascension of  the Lord Jesus Christ. A time to think of what it might be like for us. Are you ready to meet your Maker?  I’d love to hear from you.


Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 9:55 pm

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