Virus Survival Ideas: Let’s Get Practical
Our world is in a mess
And yet, I am encouraged. Odd? Let’s look at what is going on. Everywhere we look, things are changing. Like the picture here, even church parking lots are empty. Life is confusing and a bit difficult to navigate. All things are different than they were even just a couple months ago. We pray. We order supplies. We try to encourage those around us. We have to find new ways to do everything that needs doing. And all while practicing “Social Distancing”.
It can be easy to get distracted
“Faith feels. But feelings can never produce faith…Faith knows God truly but not fully.” (Anchor Devotional March 2020). We cannot know what God knows in the way that God knows it. We do what we can do and we leave to God what only God can do. We put our faith in what Jesus has already done; and we put our HOPE in Him.
The feet of faith is HOPE
Yes. When we feel fearful, we remember we put our faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and ONLY in Jesus Christ. In times like these, when it is a bit scary, we remember. It’s a journey. One step at a time. HOPE is what makes us long for His return. It is like watching out a window for a loved one to return. We wait.
What an amazing time to be alive
It is all so hard, and yet, when we look below the surface, Philippians reminds us that God truly is working all things for good… but, we are also reminded that that working for good is conditional. That promise is for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. This is a great time to re-evaluate our relationship with God.
We are coming up on the Palm Sunday/Easter weeks in the United States. Such a special season for the Followers of the Way.
The issue of faith is not so much whether we believe in God, but whether we believe the God we believe in.
– R. C. Sproul
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What do we do while we wait?
O that Christians would learn to live with one eye on Christ crucified and the other on His coming Glory. –Richard Baxter
The Easter season. Passover. Remember I said in the first sentence that I am encouraged? Here’s how and why: As followers of Christ, we are victors; and part of being a victor is making well-thought out choices. So…
As we sit in our homes and model the faith for our children and try not to worry during this “Pandemic”, we can make some important and lasting choices…
Let’s get practical. Here’s some things I’ve been doing & you can too:
- Anoint the doorposts with olive oil (Praying for the protection of our homes by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Remembering Passover.)
- Memorize Psalm 100 (Such a joyous psalm.) And speaking it out loud often.
- Create acronyms of Names/Attributes of God ( A – Z) You can even make a game of it. Or a poster. Together.
- I made posters for each room of my apartment. I wrote: S M I L E and a big happy face under the word (I was forgetting to smile).
- Tired of singing the 20 second happy birthday song, I learned an alternative from . (To be sure I washed my hands long enough to get rid of the germs. AND to keep my focus on God.) I put it on an index card that I placed where I wash my hands.
Here’s what it says:
Download a FREE 3"x5" print to remind you of the Bible passage to recite while washing your hands.
(Jesus said) “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
– Matthew 28:18b-20 (NAS)
I’m praying for you as I am typing this.
Keep looking UP, brave warrior. The Lord is on your side!
Let me know how you are doing. I really want to know.
Awaiting His shout,
Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor