Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Is This The Removal of a Nation’s Hedge of Protection?

Castle Surrounded by Hedge
What do you do in the midst of a world-wide pandemic? How does one cope? Should we hope or despair? Is it more than just an illness or is this a message? What could that message be? And why?

The 7:14 Challenge

I accepted a challenge to set the timer on my phone for 7:14 as an encouragement to pray the 2 Chronicles 7:14 Scripture over our nation. Our leaders need wisdom. And the citizens need peace and wisdom. Will you join me in the challenge? Every day. Either once or twice/day.

Exactly what is that Scripture telling us to think and do?

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

II Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

  • First, it is conditional. IF we do our part.
  • Who will God hear? It is an exhortation from God to His people. Not to everyone. Just those called by His Name.
  • We are to humble ourselves. To ask God to show us about what we are doing or saying that is displeasing to Him.
  • THEN we are to pray for the purpose of seeking His face. To truly seek HIM. Because we love Him. Not stuff or blessings. But Him.
  • AND we are to be specific what we are doing that is against His will. “Wicked ways” are those that are Unholy. Ungodly. Selfish. Immoral.
  • THEN, and only then does God promise to hear from Heaven and forgive our sins..the “wicked ways” we have confessed and turned away from.
  • THEN, and only then will He heal our land…when His people follow the plan.
  • And then, and only then will He forgive the collective sin of that nation.

And then we are in the position to receive our assignment: we are to share everywhere…the Gospel message.There is forgiveness for sin. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. The GOOD NEWS! Jesus is ALIVE! And coming again!

“He said to them, ‘Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that REPENTANCE and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.’”

Luke 24:47

Have we been taking God’s protective hedge for granted?

I hear the 2 Chronicles 7:14 scripture quoted often. And often, the phrase “And turn from their wicked ways”is  left out. (That is selective praying.)

“You can’t solve a problem by dealing with the symptoms…its manifestations. You have to deal with the cause behind it.”
– Jonathan Cahn

Let’s now take a bit of a different direction…

Extraordinary! Stunning! Mind Blowing!

Those are words on the cover of the New York Times Best Seller
The Harbinger (My copy says: Over 1,000,000 copies sold … and that was 7 years ago). WOW!

“EVERY POLITICIAN, EVERY LEADER, AND EVERY PERSON IN THE UNITED STATES should not only read this book but also understand the divine implications it contains. Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, is far more than a prophetic warning to the United States; it is an unveiling of the ways of God. Cahn carefully unfolds how God renders His judgment of a nation in perfect balance with His mercy. Those who read it will be captivated by the narrative, convicted by how blind we are to God’s ways and in awe of how thorough God is in His warnings.

John Paul Jackson

Jonathan Cahn says

“Ten years after removing prayer and Scripture from its public schools, the nation legalized the killing of its unborn. The blood of the innocent now stained its collective hands. Israel had sacrificed thousands on the altars of Baal and Molech. But by the dawn of the twenty-first century, America had sacrificed millions. For its thousands, judgment came upon Israel. What then of America?”
– p. 22

Nine Harbingers

“Each was a sign for ancient Israel. Each was a warning of judgment…of their end…the Nine Harbingers of judgment…Each one containing a prophetic message.” – p. 23

What application can we make about God’s warnings and blessings concerning what we are experiencing?

The Breach

“America was the most blessed nation on earth, its blessings shielded by a powerful hedge of national protection. As its founders had foretold, if the nation followed the ways of God, it would be blessed not only with prosperity and power but also with peace and security. But if America turned away from God, its protection would be removed!” – p. 29

God desires to bless us, BUT there is the pesky word “if” which speaks of OUR responsibility if we want to REMAIN in the place of His blessings. WE are the ones that moved away from what God intends.

Think 9/11

“On September 11, 2001, the walls of America’s national security were breached…The most powerful nation on earth and the most sophisticated defense system ever built by man…The wall of defense…breached.” … “Then came the mistake. Then came the repeating of the ancient mistake. America responded to the calamity as if it were only a matter of security and defense…and nothing more. It would strengthen its national defenses and fortify its walls of protection. There was no pausing to ponder whether there could be anything of deeper significance behind it, no asking if something could be wrong, no searching of its ways.” – p.30

We all ran to our churches and prayed out of fear and that continued for a short season, but we didn’t turn from our wicked ways. We fell back into going our own way. We became even more lukewarm as a nation than we were before 9/11. And we didn’t stop murdering innocent babies in the womb and we didn’t stop trafficking our children and women. Sadly…we walked OUT of the blessing God intended for us as a nation. We forgot the “if” … and expected to benefit from the “then God will…”

Can God turn it for good purposes?

What could we possibly call good about 9/11? He was trying to get our attention. To wake us out of complacency. “The sounding of an alarm to wake up a sleeping nation, to change its course, to save it from judgment.” – pg 30

Could it possibly be that God is again sounding the alarm with the China Virus? The Coronavirus.

Enough of quoting from the book

I am hoping to inspire you to purchase the book and read it. Or take it off the shelves and read it again, as I have been doing. See if you agree that it is applicable to what we are now experiencing in our nation and around the world, in fact.

God has not forgotten us.

He still has the same plan: “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” — Acts 3:19 (KJV)

Know that I am praying for you.

And I’m here to encourage and to help you through this, if you’d like. Just click the button to send me an email if you want someone to talk to, to pray with, or vent about whatever is on your mind and heart. Each of us has our own unique circumstance we are working through during these uncertain times. TOGETHER with GOD, we shall overcome…

God bless you bunches!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

It Is Finished: Easter

The Empty Tomb
I am currently watching Matthew with Bruce Marchiano portraying Jesus in the video series. Here’s a link to an article describing his journey as God prepared him for that role. Has God ever asked you to do something so outrageous as this? To PORTRAY JESUS to the world? In a much different day-to-day way, isn’t that exactly WHAT is God asking YOU and ME to do?

Easter is often called Resurrection Day. We are reminded that the Lord has done what needed to be done, bridging the gap that Adam and Eve left behind. There are no works you can do to bridge that gap yourself. He lived. He died. He arose from the dead, leaving an empty tomb. And He is coming again for His own. O what a glorious day that will be! Have YOU responded to His call to be His child, so you will be able to hear when He asks you to do something outrageous?

There is ONLY ONE WAY to the Savior

What if you are NOT His own? There is only ONE WAY to Heaven. ONE WAY to salvation. JESUS is that ONE WAY. He offers you salvation through believing and receiving that He is the One way for you to be His Child.

  • Receive the GIFT offered
  • Receive the GIFT of salvation
  • Receive the GIFT of eternal life

ACCEPT that the price has already been paid

  • ACCEPT that you cannot earn it
  • TRUST that it is finished
  • BELIEVE that nothing more is required

How did we get in this mess?

It is because Adam and Eve did not trust God but believed satan instead. Adam and Eve messed up the Paradise God had created for them. That is why Jesus BECAME the sacrificial Lamb to make atonement for the sin nature which resides in all of us. God says in Romans that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. You fall short. I fall short. Adam and Eve fell short. Only One person did NOT fall short…JESUS!

Jesus already did it all

His ultimate sacrifice on the Cross made a way where there was no other way.

The work is done.

PLEASE believe and receive the GIFT of eternal life that is offered to you. Don’t delay. This is serious! Especially in these perilous times during the Corona Virus Worldwide Epidemic, you never know what a day can bring. And to you who already have surrendered your life to Him, live each day as if it were your last. As if you will be seeing Him face-to-face TODAY. Because that could happen.

Don’t waste your sorrows. What would your life be like if you thought of any suffering you or your loved ones are experiencing, as the privilege of participating in Christ’s suffering. They are lessons to guide you to a deeper walk with Him. A closer relationship. Live each day with an active expectation of the second coming. Glory!

“Lord, we grieve over the suffering of our brothers and sisters…and we pray for continued steadfastness in the faith.”

March 2020 Encounter With God Devotional

To summarize:

  • Believe
  • Receive
  • Embrace the GIFT
  • Rest in Him
  • Walk out of the penalty of the shadow of death into His glorious light
  • After you CHOOSE to become His fully devoted follower, then LIVE like you believe you have been saved, and are saved for eternity
  • Each day, let your heart’s attitude be one of gratitude to the Lord for ALL His benefits

And now we wait.

With all the hysteria today about the Virus that has descended upon the world, we wait in hope for the Lord’s return.

Free E-Book for Easter

When you sign up for Pamela Taylor's email list, you'll receive her 7-day Names of God Easter devotional book FREE.

Names of God: 7-Day Easter Devotional

If you would like someone to talk to…

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Virus Survival Ideas: Let’s Get Practical

Cross in front of a parking lot

Our world is in a mess

And yet, I am encouraged. Odd? Let’s look at what is going on. Everywhere we look, things are changing. Like the picture here, even church parking lots are empty. Life is confusing and a bit difficult to navigate. All things are different than they were even just a couple months ago. We pray. We order supplies. We try to encourage those around us. We have to find new ways to do everything that needs doing. And all while practicing “Social Distancing”.

It can be easy to get distracted

“Faith feels. But feelings can never produce faith…Faith knows God truly but not fully.” (Anchor Devotional March 2020). We cannot know what God knows in the way that God knows it. We do what we can do and we leave to God what only God can do. We put our faith in what Jesus has already done; and we put our HOPE in Him.

The feet of faith is HOPE

Yes. When we feel fearful, we remember we put our faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and ONLY in Jesus Christ. In times like these, when it is a bit scary, we remember. It’s a journey. One step at a time. HOPE is what makes us long for His return. It is like watching out a window for a loved one to return. We wait.

What an amazing time to be alive

It is all so hard, and yet, when we look below the surface, Philippians reminds us that God truly is working all things for good… but, we are also reminded that that working for good is conditional. That promise is for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. This is a great time to re-evaluate our relationship with God.

We are coming up on the Palm Sunday/Easter weeks in the United States. Such a special season for the Followers of the Way.

The issue of faith is not so much whether we believe in God, but whether we believe the God we believe in.
– R. C. Sproul

What do we do while we wait?

O that Christians would learn to live with one eye on Christ crucified and the other on His coming Glory. –Richard Baxter

The Easter season. Passover. Remember I said in the first sentence that I am encouraged? Here’s how and why:  As followers of Christ, we are victors; and part of being a victor is making well-thought out choices. So…

As we sit in our homes and model the faith for our children and try not to worry during this “Pandemic”, we can make some important and lasting choices…

Let’s get practical. Here’s some things I’ve been doing & you can too:

  • Anoint the doorposts with olive oil (Praying for the protection of our homes by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Remembering Passover.)
  • Memorize Psalm 100 (Such a joyous psalm.) And speaking it out loud often.
  • Create acronyms of Names/Attributes of God ( A – Z) You can even make a game of it. Or a poster. Together.
  • I made posters for each room of my apartment. I wrote: S M I L E and a big happy face under the word (I was forgetting to smile).
  • Tired of singing the 20 second happy birthday song, I learned an alternative from mcleanbible.org . (To be sure I washed my hands long enough to get rid of the germs. AND to keep my focus on God.) I put it on an index card that I placed where I wash my hands.

Here’s what it says:

(Jesus said) “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
– Matthew 28:18b-20 (NAS)

I’m praying for you as I am typing this.
Keep looking UP, brave warrior. The Lord is on your side!

Let me know how you are doing. I really want to know.

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Are YOU Resting In Jesus in These Perilous Times?

Train passing through a mountain tunnel

In perilous times, we need Courage

David Wilkerson was small in stature; however, when the Lord called him to evangelize in New York City, he did it! He became a street corner preacher and God continued to use him for the rest of his life. He trusted the One Who holds the world in His hands. He knew there was no safer place to be than to be right in the center of God’s will for his life.

David Wilkerson was also a writer

David Wilkerson wrote about resting in Jesus in perilous times. In his inspiring newsletter, he said that God had impressed on him a single promise from God’s Word (the Bible) that if he would commit his very life to it, this promise would keep him through any and all perilous times. It would be a daily power source of faith. For him. In New York City amongst the gangs. AND for you and me, too, right where we are right now.


Right now, the United States, and the entire rest of the world is suffering loss. There is grief over the isolation and changes we have no control over. Sickness. We are fighting an unseen enemy. And we are suffering for fear that there will not be ENOUGH of what we need. Of what we are used to. Businesses, schools, churches, and all other events are being closed and cancelled. Bars and casinos are closed. There is fear and there is confusion. There is loneliness from the isolation and the lack of the regular routine. What is a person to do? Some are not heeding the warnings. Others are hoarding. Others are reaching out to see where they can help those in need of help.

Here is David Wilkerson’s “promise verse”:

“Your Father knows what things you have need of before you ask Him.”
–Matthew 6:8

There is only one reliable option

Surrender to the One Who loves you. The Lord wants each of us to find that “sweet spot” of fellowship with Him. God wants you to CHOOSE to give Him “quality” time. Focused attention. And He wants each of us to trust Him! Because He is trustworthy. He is DAD! And like a good father, he knows what we need before we even ask Him. He is our Provider. Our Source of EVERYTHING we need. That is a foundation we MUST stand upon, or we will fear and fall.


The necessity is resting in (trusting in) the Fatherhood of Almighty God, Creator God, Restorer of the Breach, Savior, Blessed Redeemer.

Fear not

I have been hearing that there are approximately 365 verses that state: “fear not” in the Bible. God speaks those words to many fearful people in Scripture. They were just like you and me and yet they learned to fear not! We can, too! 🙂

God can be trusted

When Corrie ten Boom was a child, her dad comforted her fears with this illustration: “When a train goes through a tunnel, and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.” God is not only our Creator; He is our Engineer. He knows what is best. Trust Him even when you don’t understand and when you go through the trials and dark “tunnels” of life. Trust Him. He adores you!

Here’s what you CAN do…

“Casting all your care upon Him, because He cares for you!” (I Peter 5:7)

That verse is powerful! The Creator God cares about you…about me! WOW! And He is patient while we learn to trust Him on a deeper level each day. Little by little. We can learn to be resting in Jesus in perilous times.

Don’t give up. It will be worth it all! I promise!

Better still…HE promises!

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

I Confess. I Am a Fanatic. Join Me?

Pam Taylor

Definition of a fanatic

“A person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme or political cause.” All of you who know me well, know it is true. When I believe something, I am immovable. BECAUSE I have done my own personal and detailed research! And I don’t quit until I am satisfied that I have thoroughly investigated. So…

I confess. I am absolutely a fanatic

I have been a Leading From Your Strengths “fanatic” for about ten years. I was first introduced to it by Rodney Cox, CEO of Ministry Insights, International. About ten years ago, Rodney gave a “guest” presentation in one of my Coaching classes. I took the assessment, feeling a bit smug, thinking that it would NOT be able to “peg” me, because I kept second guessing & changing my answers as I took the assessment. Nope. I was certain. I would be the exception. They would NOT be able to be put me into a neat little box.

However, I was NOT the exception

I was convinced immediately after my virtual consultation by Rodney (in front of all my classmates and my instructor, by the way) that this was a GIFT to the church. To Christians. To SHOW us how to BE the church. How to encourage one another to love and good deeds. All the things that Scripture instructs us to become TOGETHER. So, I immediately signed up for the training to be a LFYS Consultant. (I took it again, wanting to be the best Strengths Coach I could be. And I became even more convinced that I had a key to help the people of the “church” learn better how to BE the church. To date, I have found nothing better.)
Leading from Your Strengths Certified

Now, I laugh at my doubting

When I saw my 20 page print out, I was stunned. It was ME!!! Most of my life, NO ONE has understood me. Certainly, no one has said to me that I my personality was chosen by God. But that is exactly what I learned. I know I can get on people’s nerves. I have too many questions while trying to understand new stuff that people/bosses/family present to me. That can be MISunderstood as wanting my own way, but I discovered, that my questions are because I am actually wanting enough information that I can be on board, in agreement. I always wondered why I was so intense and why couldn’t I just relax and let stuff roll off my back? “What was WRONG with me? WHY couldn’t I be like EVERYBODY ELSE?” (Probably because NO ONE is like EVERYBODY else! My expectation was unrealistic. AND self-centered.)

The many other options

Yes, there are many other options. And over the years, I have also taken those assessments, like the DISC, Myers-Briggs, and others based on colors, nature, and all sorts of different things. And the main reason for this particular article is the latest SHINY OBJECT that CHRISTIANS are running with. EVERYWHERE, the ENNEAGRAM is the latest MUST DO assessment.

Something about the Enneagram concerned me

So, after these 10 years of understanding that feeling of “concern” is part of why God put me in the body of Christ. To ask people to slow down a bit and be sure we understand what we are getting into before we go full speed ahead with the latest shiny object. Being a Beaver (LFYS) personality, I don’t automatically trust something, just because others say it is OK. God actually commended the Bereans for investigating what they were taught, recognizing counterfeits by comparing it with the original (The Bible). And, we must always remember to consider how our choices may not be “sin” but, they may cause our “weaker” or less Berean-like brothers and sisters to stumble and maybe even fall (Romans 14:14-23). .

Unable to just let it go,

I did some Enneagram investigating on my own. A Beaver personality actually NEEDS to understand—not to argue or disagree—but hoping to be able to be a TEAM player and get enough information to feel comfortable with what everyone else is excited about. I needed to know why in my gut I had concerns. I hoped I was wrong. Sadly, I discovered a form of gnostic based numerology with occultist origins, given in a vision by what sounded a lot like a demon. I was put off by the evil and dark origins. The more I investigated,  the more I knew I had to say something on my “platform” that God has given me. Sadly, some say since it is called “Christian Enneagram” that it is OK. You know, like horoscopes, or palm reading. Or like “Christian Yoga”. (If it is Christian, why do we call it Yoga?) Adding the word Christian and adding Bible verses onto something does not automatically make it Biblical. (See links to the right for more info re Ennneagram origins).

Why I stay with Leading From Your Strengths

From what I have witnessed, none have so honored the Word of God and our Creator, like Ministry Insights Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) does. For me, that is the main reason for 10 years, it is the only Personality Assessment Tool I have kept in my Coaching Toolbox.

Another coach posted on Twitter—referring to Ministry Insight International’s Leading From Your Strengths—“The key is your identity in Christ. LFYS emphasizes this point.” She is so right. That is the key!

Excellent life-changing results

God, the Scriptures, loving & accepting others—all Biblical principles—added to the base of discovering our Identity in Christ.

It’s like when a law enforcement officer is trained to recognize a counterfeit bill by studying the original. He learns everything else is counterfeit. Easy peasy! That’s kinda how I feel about LFYS. In another blog post, I wrote to explain in more detail WHY I feel so strongly about sticking with what works for me and for my clients. I have personally witnessed many lives totally transformed through this amazing tool. Mine, included! Here’s more of my testimony: “Which Personality Assessment Tool is the Best?

Have you ever noticed…

Why do you seem to be one person at work and another person at home? Ask yourself: Why are you more intense in some situations? What are others’ perceptions of you under stress? What does your health and finances have to do with your personality? All these questions are answered in the consultation. A trained coach will help you apply it to every part of your life…work, family, play, physical, mental, financial, etc. To become all God intended. Resulting in being Joy-filled.

We fool ourselves

We think we know ourselves. But unless the Lord God is the center of our growth, self-deception can get in the way of our maturity in Christ. It is really important to walk through this personality type journey with a coach who has been trained in the process. I know I have repeated that often. It is crucial! Often we just take ANOTHER assessment and read the results with interest; and then just put it on the shelf. And soon, we forget about it entirely.

Take the LFYS assessment, print out the profile, but don’t stop there. Contact me to set up a consultation. You will be delighted and amazed at the freedom you will experience afterwards. It is the consultation with a LFYS trained coach, helping you with the application of it that makes it like GOLD. Of great value to your life and relationships.

You will discover and embrace all God intended you to be when He created you.

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Personality Strengths and Weaknesses — Tags: — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Getting to Know Noah. The Man. And the Ark.

A man with a hammer

What makes a man stand so strong?

What was it about Noah’s personality that he was able to complete such a daunting task against all odds? Against all his friends and neighbors mocking him. Staying on task for 120 years.

Signs of the times

The Lord God saw the widespread corruption and violence, and was sorry He had made man on the earth. So, He decided to destroy the people and animals He had created.

The man. Noah was different

Noah was a righteous man. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord God. He was a just man. He had a wife and three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. They built the ark together, while Noah preached to the masses. (UNsuccessfully. For 120 years.)

The Ark

God gave the man specific measurements and details. God told Noah that He would bring flood waters to the earth to kill everything on the earth. Noah had a timeline and kept focused on his duties. He stayed righteous through the whole process. He warned his friends and neighbors. But they ignored him or mocked him. They apparently did not believe him because when the time came, only Noah and his family were invited on board by God, along with the chosen animals for sacrifice and for food; and there was a male and a female of each, so they could reproduce after the flood waters receded, so life could survive on earth again. I am assuming all of you reading this already know the story very well. Let’s look at Noah’s personality. Why was Noah chosen?

All aboard!

When the time came, Noah and his family went on board, along with the chosen animals and the food that all would need. Seven days later, it began to rain and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. Noah was 600 years old. (So no excuses from any of you that you are too old. )

Noah’s personality

According to Ministry Insights Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS) personality profiles, I believe that Noah was a Lion personality type. Here’s is a bit of a summary of that style of personality:

  • Task person
  • Doesn’t like to waste time
  • Wants to get ‘er done NOW
  • Goal oriented
  • Focused
  • Hard working
  • Visionary
  • Direct and to the point

All was well when he had specific instructions

It took great faith. And, all those traits served him well during the years it took to build the big boat! Facing huge opposition, he was brave and focused. He had two clearly defined tasks. He was to preach and to build the ark. God made a covenant with Noah. If he went into the ark with his family they would be saved. And God would be the one to shut the door behind them. No one else could enter after God shut the door. No one had ever seen rain before. Noah did all that he was commanded to do. (Genesis 6:22, 7:2) Noah was perfect in his sincerity, but it was not sinless perfection.

After the flood water receded and they were again on dry ground

I am guessing that Noah became a bit depressed after all the re-planting was done. He was no longer doing anything exciting or necessarily challenging. The hard work was all done and probably all they had to do was to just maintain what they had planted. Maybe he was a bit bored with things that are always the same. Lion personality types love a challenge. They love being in charge and independent. A lion personality is usually more aggressive than reflective in problem solving. They will work long hours until a tough problem is solved. After it is solved, they can become bored with routine work that follows.

So in pre-flood days, Noah’s personality was good and helpful. But now what?

David Jeremiah speaks about Gen. 9:20-21. “The Bible’s candid portrayal of the heroes of the faith gives a complete picture of God’s redemptive plan and His ability to use flawed humans. Noah’s plunge from exemplary faithfulness to a drunken, disgraceful stupor is a reminder that no one ever stops needing grace, even in old age. Every Christian is prone to sin; there is no riding on the coat tails of past obedience.”

The consequences of Noah’s sin was shame

Matthew Henry’s Commentary sheds some light on what happened. “Noah, kept sober in drunken company is now drunk in sober company.”

“He was uncovered within his tent, made naked to his shame, as Adam when he ate the forbidden fruit. Yet Adam sought concealment; Noah is so destitute of thought and reason that he needs no covering.

”…(drunkenness) disgraces men and exposes them to contempt. As it shows them, so it shames them. Men say and do that when drunk which when they are sober they would blush at the thought of.”

I had a thought

Grapevines take at least 3 years to mature enough to grow grapes. So Noah was likely really weary waiting. He likely had never been drunk before and probably had no idea how much is TOO MUCH for him to drink of the fruit of the vine. He had waited a long time (not a strong point for a Lion personality) and now he enjoyed the fruit of his labor. But…he drank too much and passed out. I want to note: He was ALONE. In his tent. And in walks Ham. Discovers his father and tells his brothers.

I have often wondered why God “cursed” Ham and son

Matthew Henry reminds us that we are not to glory in the faults of others ESPECIALLY PARENTS, whom it is our duty to honor. Noah was a good man, a good father to Ham, and this was especially dishonoring for him to share what he saw. Ham is called the FATHER of Canaan. Matthew Henry speculates that this is a reminder that Ham should have thought of how he would want his son to treat him if he were in a similar situation. “It intimates that he himself who was a father should have been more respectful to him who was his father.”

1 Peter 4:8 “There is a robe of reverence to be thrown over the faults of parents and other superiors.”

Obey the call. The results are up to God

We know that even today, the world is full of people who want nothing to do with God. Noah preached 120 years and the only ones saved were his family and himself. He never gave up though; he kept preaching to the people while he built the ark, and he left the results to God. it must have been heart wrenching as he was doing what God called him to do, day after day, without results. What do we learn from the story of this man?

Building the ark wasn’t enough

We can’t rest on yesterday’s successes. Each day is a day of new opportunities to obey and walk in integrity. In the end, we each have a choice to make. Can we say. “Jesus Christ is my ark. Have I actually come to Jesus in surrender and pulled away from the world’s tempting influences?” Knowing about it and building it wasn’t enough for Noah. He had to walk through the door to get saved. Then GOD shut the door behind him and his family. When the door was shut, no one else could enter. Don’t be left behind.

Choose to come And leave the results to God. He knows your personality. He created you like that. You are perfectly created for the work He has for you to do. But, most importantly, He also wants you to stay close to Him in all the “seasons” of your life. From today until He comes again…

Enter the ark and obey your call.

Are you curious what personality type you are? Let’s set up a consultation. You will be amazed. AND blessed. I promise. LFYS–as far as I know–is the only Biblically based personality assessment/ consultation you will find. It is my absolute favorite! I have used it with clients and friends for many years.  Why? BECAUSE: It declares your identity is only truly created by God AND discovered in Christ.  AND it stresses we are only one piece of the puzzle. We learn how to BE a blessing the way God intended. That is the foundation of Ministry Insights Leading From Your Strengths (LFYS)!!

Thanks for all you do…

Let's Connect!Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Sure You Can!

Women Jumping

It is never too late, until that day when you unzip this earthly body and step into eternity to see Jesus face-to-face. On that day, you will either be His or you will not. Your choice. I can help you with understanding that choice. And then walk alongside you as you discover how best to direct your life for your greatest fulfillment.

This is the first day of the rest of your life!

You can—beginning this very day— choose more deliberately and thoughtfully how you spend the gift of your life. It is not too late. You can readjust your course. Get out of the rut! Sure you can! I have, and you can, too!

Let’s talk!  I’m available for a FREE call. Contact me and we can set up an appointment. As you learn to walk more fully in your God-given gifts and strengths, you will find new energy and greater satisfaction in your relationships. What have you got to lose? It is definitely a win/win situation. No doubt about it! Get coached!

Ignatius of Loyola prayed: “O heavenly Father…give us the sense of Your presence, Your love, Your strength. Help us to have perfect trust in Your protecting love and strengthening power…for, living close to You, we shall see Your hand, Your purpose, Your will through all things. Amen.”

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Forget the Former Things

Baby Crawling

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing.” (Isaiah 43:18-19)

Endings. Happy times or sad?

The end of one thing is always the beginning of another. When anything ends, we tend to believe it’s the end, when truly it is THE beginning. Think back over some of your “endings”. Here’s some examples:

  • The end of crawling was the beginning of walking.
  • The end of babble was the beginning of talking.
  • The end of pablum was the beginning of solid food.
  • The end of your tricycle was the beginning of your bicycle.
  • The end of picture books was the beginning of word books.
  • The end of elementary school was the beginning of junior high school, and the end of that was the beginning of high school.

Grieving over the past

We tend to grieve over endings and actually they can be a good things. What mother hasn’t cried a tear or two over each and every one of those endings with her child? The grieving of the loss can then turn into the embrace of the new beginning. To say goodbye to one thing is to say hello to something else. ALWAYS.

As we mature in years, and the endings become more consequential, we have TWO choices: to be bitter OR to be better through these changes in life.

It is a choice

There’s always a choice how we will react. Better or bitter is a choice between grumbling or gratitude. It is realizing we are not the Master of our fate, but our God is the Master of our fate. Loss is gain when left in the Father’s hands. When faced bravely and with our eyes on Jesus.

Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT)

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterward. Now He is seated in the place of highest honor beside God’s throne in Heaven.”

Abundant Grace

God’s sovereignty provides abundant grace to endure even trials and sufferings, even like Job’s famous,
“Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him.” (Job 13:15)

Corrie ten Boom

She was a women who endured unbelievable suffering in a Nazi prison camp. We could call her an expert on looking for God in the midst of all things. She is known for this statement: “No pit is so deep that He is not deeper still.” Amen! God is in the circumstances. He is in the details. We can trust Him. When we trust Him, we will find He is worthy of that trust. Worthy of our love. Worthy of our gratitude. And HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH in all things. ALWAYS. All Day. Every Day. No matter what! For those who have put their trust in Him, the end of life on earth is THE beginning! Heaven awaits!

What about you?

Have you asked Jesus to be your Savior? To be your Lord? Are you living for Him? Where will you spend eternity? Let’s talk…

Until next time…

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Are You Good Enough?

Woman standing next to a wall.

If you are like me, there have been times when you have felt like a failure & unfit for God to use. Maybe this winter or some other circumstance is draining you of joy. Maybe you are weary of feeling NOT good enough. Let’s take a look at God’s list of “losers” …

  • Noah got DRUNK.
  • Abraham was too OLD.
  • Jacob was a LIAR.
  • Gideon was AFRAID.
  • Rahab was A PROSTITUTE.
  • Jeremiah and Timothy were considered TOO YOUNG.
  • David had an AFFAIR.
  • Moses was a MURDERER.
  • Elijah was SUICIDAL at one point.
  • Jonah RAN FROM GOD.
  • The Disciples FELL ASLEEP while PRAYING.
  • The Samaritan Woman WAS DIVORCED five times.
  • Timothy had AN ULCER.
  • John the Baptist ATE BUGS.
  • And Lazarus WAS DEAD!

So what’s your excuse?

(The list was from: Greg Laurie “A New Beginning” )

Joy sometimes needs pain to give it birth

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. That is actually good news because we are ALL ordinary people. God chooses what the world calls “losers” and “failures” and shows us how to be “fit for the Master’s use”. Let us not confound physical weariness with spiritual weakness. During a season of testing, God wants most to prove His faithfulness to you. It’s not who you are that matters. It’s who God is! It’s not what you can do; it’s what GOD can do! It’s not what you know; it’s WHO you know: GOD! God does not call the enabled. He enables the called.

The above list is just a few Biblical examples to encourage you. You can be healed from your past (every one of us has things in our past we wish we had done differently.) With Him, you CAN be fit for the Master’s use. You (and I) are not good enough. But HE is!!! Now THAT is really, really “GOOD NEWS”!!!

No matter where you are in your life with God,

HE is qualifying you for his service. He can even use the mistakes you have made to help others. So, choose to allow Him to do that!

God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for scars. — Elbert Hubbard

The Lord is your strength

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.” – Psalm 28:7

Nehemiah said: “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

A joyful heart causes good healing.

“A joyful heart promotes healing; but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” — Proverbs 17:22

Two peoetple leaping at suns

When you feel you have no strength to go on.

When you feel like a loser. When you are weary of the battle to survive. When you think everyone has forgotten you. Rise up, O woman of God. CHOOSE JOY! Your Savior will redeem the locust eaten YEARS and use you in the midst of all that He is accomplishing.

Surrender to the One who loves you above all others. Jesus Christ, THE LORD!!!


Let’s start TOGETHER this journey of discovery of your strengths and God’s plan for you. Let’s find the path to your EMBRACING your strengths and then LIVING them to the fullest. BE who God created you to be. He has a plan and YOU are part of that plan. Just click the button to connect.

Until next time…

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Tags: , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

Marathon Running

A crowd running in a race
People that run marathons are a dedicated bunch. They train faithfully, in all kinds of weather, always with that focused attention to detail that produces “winners”. Some hire coaches to help them train and to endure to the end. Marathon running. It can be grueling before, during and after the event. One friend actually lost a toe as a result of being determined to finish the race. She persevered in spite of the pain. Maybe even because of it. She had worked so hard to get to this point. She simply could not give up! Would not give up!

Water stations

The water stations along the way are like an oasis in the desert. Along with the refreshment of the water, they are also a place to receive encouragement to persevere. People cheer you on at these specially prepared refreshment stations. It is critical to be reminded of the goal to finish.

The value of Mentor Coaches

Time on this earth—as followers of Christ—can seem like running a marathon.  Both are difficult to accomplish alone. It is critical to be persevere. Christian Life Coaches & Mentor Coaches are like a marathon “water station”. A place to be encouraged and refreshed, with a forward focus. Coaching can help you stop being paralyzed by past failures.

Philippians 3:14

“Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead…the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Paul also said in that same verse: “…but one thing I do…”

What is that one thing?

Paul says it is: To press on with our eye toward the goal of spending eternity with Jesus. Is that your joy. Your focus? Do you want it to be? Have you learned to love Him enough to go through the grueling training before, during, and after the event of “going home to be with the Lord”? Are you willing to lose a toe…or worse…in the process? Or are you distracted toward the worldly prizes more than the heavenly ONE? Do you try to take shortcuts because the training is so hard? Let’s keep cheering one another on to the finish line.

Today is a new day!

Isn’t it about time to get more serious about reaching those goals? You can’t run the race without training and it is much easier with a coach.  This is a great day for a fresh start with a fresh perspective. Which marathon are YOU running? Spiritual or physical? And which prize do you most value?

I would love to hear from you. Have you done any marathon running? How have you found it to compare to the walk of a disciple of Christ?

I’d love to help you reach your goals. Onward!

Until next time…

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

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