Leading from Your Strengths Certified
Leading from Your Strength Certified

Let Me Introduce You to My Best Friend

The Upper Room

The upper room was the last time before His death, that Jesus and his best friends—the disciples—would be together eating a meal and enjoying each other’s company. He showed them TRUE love. He talked frankly with them. They had shared so many wonderful experiences those three years of traveling together. Now, this was their last evening together—celebrating the Passover Feast. HE knew that, but they were just living for the day. With no thought for tomorrow.They were all together in one place. It was glorious. He loved them so much! He wanted them to KNOW that! He served them. He SHOWED them over and over again, HOW to love one another. And now—He was washing their feet. Imagine that! Peter, of course, protests. What would you do? Jesus kept trying to prepare them for what was ahead, but they simply did not or would not understand. I know often in my own life, I simply don’t understand what Jesus is doing in my life until AFTER the fact. I guess I am as dense as the disciples were! What about you?

The Garden of Gethsemane

Think of that first battle between good and evil (think Adam and Eve). And now Jesus has the ultimate good verses evil battle looming in front of Him. Yet, this is exactly WHY He came. He didn’t come to be born. He came to die. Without Easter, Christmas doesn’t make any sense. Sadly it doesn’t make sense to the RATIONAL EARTHBOUND MIND. But it is true! He came to DIE! For you. For me.

In the Garden, Jesus cried out to His Father God, “not my will but Yours be done”. In this Garden, Jesus wins the battle by choosing to totally and absolutely surrender HIS will to the will of His FATHER. ABBA. He chose to SHOW us ultimate unselfish love! Love that SAVES! The horror of what was ahead for Him, was to begin very soon. He knew what He had to do, but that didn’t make it easy. He struggled in the Garden. But, He prevailed in prayer. He won the battle in His mind, will, and emotions before He actually experienced the suffering and humiliation. He did that for you, For me. Stunning!

Alone with His Father

Jesus was often alone with His Father, but this time is different. Sadly, His friends, the disciples that He had taken with Him to share the sorrow and pain of His burden in the Garden, had fallen asleep, while Jesus did Spiritual Warfare! They slept. He fought in prayer. They gave in to their humanness. Their weariness. Have you ever gone through a tough spiritual battle ALONE? Friends deserting. Too busy. Too weary. Clueless what you are experiencing? I have. And I’m pretty sure you have, too. The good thing is that we—like Jesus—are not really alone. God the Father was with Him and He will be with us in all things. Through all things, ALL THE TIME! We are NEVER really alone. Believe that with your whole being.

They took Him away

Then, in the Garden, the solders took Him away. He did not resist. Any resisting He had previously felt, had already been dealt with in the Garden, wrestling with His feelings before God. While His friends—the disciples—slept. So, the soldiers brought Him before the High Priest. His friends had all run away. Peter followed at a distance. He tries to blend in with the crowd—to be UNnoticed, he hopes, Yet, he is recognized and in fear, he denies even knowing who Jesus is! THREE times he does that! Do YOU ever do that? Can you imagine the sadness Jesus feels when He is denied?

In your/my garden

In my mind, I picture this scene in my “gardens” of testing and trial. I imagine maybe saying things like, “I’m in a tough place. I don’t want to go through this alone.” And I look and there is NO ONE there with me. I am alone. Like Jesus was. That’s what life truly is.People can only go so far with us. Most of the journey must be “fleshed out” individually alone in our “closet” (garden) before our Father. And He will make us aware of His presence with us. We are never truly alone, no matter how it may feel sometimes.

They slept

His friends slept while Jesus went through His spiritual battle alone. Just as our friends “sleep” while we go through our battles. They are going to blow it. And, sadly, we are going to blow it, too, when they go through trials and testings. We are just like the disciples. But, when we return, like Peter came humbly, repenting, in sorrow, we, too, will be welcomed back into fellowship with Jesus. And He will show us what to do. And when to do it. And how to do it.

Faith and Trust

Next to Jesus, there were two thieves hanging on crosses, tortured and in horrendous pain. Like Jesus was. One of them was arrogant and spewing out angry words. But the other one realized he deserved his punishment and he also realized that Jesus did NOT deserve what HE was experiencing. That second thief was saved because he put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ, not in any works. Just simple faith and trust. Not in church attendance or ministry. Not in teaching a Bible study or hosting a small group in your home. Not in water baptism. But He believed Jesus was the Son of God—come to save him for an eternity together with Him. When He spoke those words, Jesus promised him they would be together for eternity very soon. And the suffering would be behind them.

John 5:24 (NASB) “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.”

How about you?

Have you taken that step of faith—into the arms of the risen Savior? If not, this Easter would be a great time to take that step. Jesus is my Friend. I’d like to officially introduce you to each other!

We are living in perilous times.

I’d be grateful if you would pass this on to as many people as possible. It’s Easter time. Like Christmas time, many thoughts are pondering Jesus. Springtime is a time of new beginnings. My passion is to get the word out that Jesus Saves while we still have opportunity.

Personality and Jesus

Do you know who God created you to be? Have you ever stopped to think about how your personality affects the way you interact with others? Find out more in this new book by Pamela A. Taylor.

Personality and Jesus

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

God’s Love Letter to You!

Woman reading book

God does the choosing

“God’s choice of you was not rooted in your usefulness, but in His sovereign love, displayed in the perfect obedience and atoning sacrifice of His Son who took on weakness and shame. You were not useful TO Christ—you are made useful IN Christ.”—Anchor Devotional. (emphasis mine)

He chose YOU to love

He wants you to love Him back. And, that actually happens when you read His love letter written especially for you and to you, His beloved! And when we love, we also want to be known and to be wanted and to be useful, right? The very best way to do that is to read His love letter to you–in its entirety. Don’t miss a word of what He wants to say to you!

Read through the Bible in 2022

No study guide or special homework. Just encouragement in the journey as you choose your own plan to read through the Bible in 2022. Becoming “equipped” to BE more useful…

The point is to do it!

It is a choice. Use any plan you like. Choose to read through or even choose to listen through–as some are doing. Great blessings await you when you practice this discipline.

And, if you already are doing this anyway each year, try a new version of the Bible for a fresh look and some fresh insights.

4 Benefits

  1. The WHOLE counsel of GOD is necessary to observe and learn how it ALL fits together, rather than just picking and choosing your favorite parts.
  2. The WORD of GOD provides wisdom and understanding for daily living. Sometimes you receive a direct word and other times you learn from an example provided in the text.
  3. JESUS IS THE WORD. Reading the WHOLE WORD of GOD helps you know Him better each day. He was with God in the beginning. He is, was, and always will be the very Word made flesh. He came and dwelt among us for a season. Now He is with God interceding for us.
  4. We learn to know on a personal level–Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. And we become acquainted with His BEST plan for living the life of a Follower of Jesus Christ. It takes time and effort to develop that relationship. Reading the Word daily gives us the wisdom to know how to live out the Christian life that honors God, our Father.

When to get started

Now is the best time to start a Bible Reading plan. Today.

My plan

I am choosing to read two Old Testament chapters and one New Testament chapter each day; and on Sunday, I read a Psalm or two, along with the 2 Old Testament chapters…rather than the New Testament. That plan should get me through the whole Bible in a year!

5 Options

    1. Some are reading a new version of the Bible. This is my first time reading from New Living Translation. It can give a fresh perspective when you change to an unfamiliar translation. There are LOTS of options.
    2. Or read your familiar version. That is also a great idea! There is no right or wrong version. Just choose one and take the plunge.
    3. Some are listening to an audio version, because they are audio learners …. or they can listen while they travel to work in their car, for instance.
    4. One person I know is writing out in her own handwriting what she is reading. She says it helps her concentrate on the text better.
    5. I found this example through a Google search: NIV Reading Plans

There are all kinds of options out there for you. Just choose something and get started. TODAY!

Don’t try to make up for missed days.

Just start today and finish a year from now. Don’t get legalistic or bogged down or discouraged if you miss a day or so. Just pick up where you left off and keep going. All is well. Give yourself GRACE. Missing a day is not the end of the world. Just START and then take one day at a time. Before you know it, you will be finishing up your plan by reading Revelation!!! YAY for you!

Until next time…

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Stepping Confidently into the 4th Quarter of 2021

Sun setting over a pumpkin patch

Can you believe it? 2021 is 3/4 behind us. Many of us have been like a fish out of water. Our regular routines have been disrupted and our plans have been smashed against the proverbial rock. So, now what? I don’t know about you, but I want to finish out this year well. How about you? Join me? Can we do this deliberately and confidently? YES! I absolutely believe that we can!

John 16:33

“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

How shall we start?

Let’s start with prayer: Lord, Jesus, we want to honor You in the midst of confusion and scary things. We have not come this far to give up now. But we turn to You as our Guide. Our Ever-Present Help in times of trouble. Our Strong Tower. Our Wisdom. Our Provider. Our Healer. Our God.

You are our Creator–You created us just the way You knew we would need to be in order to finish the work that You prepared in advance…before the creation of the world…in fellowship with You! You knew what TODAY would bring and what we would need in order to navigate through it. For Your Glory!

Two Choices

I am reminded that there are ONLY TWO choices. We are either seeking God or forsaking God. There is no lukewarm middle ground. It is either one or the other. And…Since you have already read this far, I am going to assume that you are SEEKING GOD. Praise the Lord for that!

“God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts to us in our pain.”

C. S. Lewis

Anchor devotional September 30, 2021

“We need God. He cares about us.He promises that one day He will end all brokenness and suffering. We may not understand why He has not ended it yet, but we do know that He came and entered into it with us through Jesus.”

He is with us in our laughter and in our tears.

I want to stop a bit here to meditate on the “WITH US” part of that last quote. He entered into it WITH US THROUGH JESUS. That’s BIG! That’s how we are able to continue. We are not alone. He is Immanuel. WITH us.

Psalm 27:8

“My heart says to You – Your Face, Lord, do I seek.”

Actively seeking

That is a choice that sets you and me apart from others. Unfortunately, some are getting into Heaven “by the skin of their teeth”, but we want something more than that. We want the joy that comes from being in communion with God when we ACTIVELY seek the Lord and His Word and His ways. And, that, my friend, puts you and me right smack in the middle of a deep joy-filled relationship with the Lord. And THAT, is…

the safest place to be AND the wisest place to be—right in the center of His will—in a two-way, back-and-forth relationship with the Lord.

Take time to step back and PLAN to finish this year well…don’t leave it to chance…

I would love to hear about your plans.

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Hearts Don’t Need Words to Communicate

Group of Friends

A car load of women. Lessons learned.

Fresh out of High School and driving a car load of women the 12 miles to the next town for work each day, I was a sponge, soaking up all the wisdom those women offered in our daily conversations back and forth to work. They were wise and also fun. And free with advice and life lessons.

Not speaking

One memory is deeply imbedded in my mind. Margaret (not her real name) was talking about a car ride she and her husband had taken the day before—not speaking to each other the entire time. Think of it—neither of them saying a word. What would you have thought? My thoughts were how awful that they were mad with each other, or how boring it would be. Everything I thought was negative.


Yet, she was smiling and said it was comforting and comfortable. They had been married a long time. They knew each other so well, they had no need to speak. Say what??? Seriously?? That sounded rude to me. She meant it though.

What about our relationship with God?

And now, with the memory of my car pooling days of my youth, I am reminded of how we are to enjoy the company of God in much the same way. We don’t need to always be talking and asking for stuff. We tend to waiver back and forth between being a human BEING and being a human DOING. He loves just being with you and me. In our very LOUD world, it can be difficult to wrap our minds around this.

In The Pleasure of His Company book

Dutch Sheets shares: “Take some time to stare at Papa God. I promise you He’ll gaze back, straight in the eye.

Words aren’t needed. I’ve spent hours conversing with God without saying a word. Hearts don’t need words to communicate; they just need to be together.”

“Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46:10 (Amplified Bible)

Shut off your computer or other device and go and just SIT AWHILE with your CREATOR. He longs to be WITH you!

God Loves Aardvarks: And God Loves Me

"Thank you, God, that you love all the animals and bugs. You love funny looking aardvarks and you love me."

Thankfulness through the alphabet. That's what this fun book will teach the kids in your life.

God Loves Aardvarks and God Loves Me

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Law vs Grace


Two Husbands

I once heard a story that helped me understand the difference between OT law and NT grace. Here it is…

There once was a woman married to a harsh task master of a husband. He made her a long list of what he expected her to accomplish. She found it impossible to complete and always felt lacking and a bit frightened of his reaction. She never felt good enough. She daily felt like a failure. She had no relationship with him. And, she was very afraid of him.

One day, her husband died and she put the list away in a drawer and forgot all about it.

She later met another man. He was a wonderful, kind, thoughtful, soft-spoken, loving man. She married him. They had a wonderful relationship, based on mutual respect.

As she was cleaning out that old desk one day, she found the list and when she read it—much to her surprise—she was automatically doing all the things on the list for her current husband. Without even trying. It was so easy to bless and serve him.


That was an illustration I heard many years ago to compare the inability to keep the Old Testament laws. Always attempting to please & appease God. It was never enough. There were so many rules!!!

THEN, along came Jesus, who became our sin and died in our place, opening the gates of Heaven to all who choose to believe and accept the marvelous gift of forgiveness God offers us through His Son, Jesus. He is wonderful! We no longer fear we are not good enough and we can choose to live in the joy and pleasure of His company NOW, under grace. The Lamb of God, Jesus the Christ, our Savior,

“God of unconquerable Love, each day you surround me with Your unfailing Love. Today, I am going to remember that!”

Mary Ann Radmacher

It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord for His boundless Love!

God Loves Aardvarks: And God Loves Me

"Thank you, God, that you love all the animals and bugs. You love funny looking aardvarks and you love me."

Thankfulness through the alphabet. That's what this fun book will teach the kids in your life.

God Loves Aardvarks and God Loves Me

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

The Secret

Door into a Garden

I have been set aside these last few weeks. I thought I’d share with you a bit of what God has been impressing on me.

Elisabeth Elliot

“The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances.”

Change for change sake is not the answer. The secret is believing. Trusting that God means what He says. He is with us and within us always.

John Piper

”God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”

God created our hearts with a thirst that can only be satisfied in Him.

Psalm 63:1

“O God, Thou art my God. I shall seek Thee earnestly. My soul thirsts for Thee. My flesh yearns for Thee, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”

The Psalmist reminds us that our entire being literally longs for God and no matter what else we seek to fill that void, that God-sized vacuum in each of us can only be satisfied when He is truly our first love. When we earnestly seek Him above all others.

Hudson Taylor describes “The Secret”

“It is the exchanged life…. No longer I…” No thought of imitating Christ. Rather, “It was in the blessed reality: ‘Christ liveth in me’…

“No longer bondage, but liberty. Instead of failure, quiet victories within; instead of fear and weakness, a restful sense of sufficiency in ANOTHER.


I Thessalonians 5:24

“Faithful is He who calls you and He also will bring it to pass.” He promises! He keeps His promises.

1 Thessalonians 5:28

”The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”

Until next time…

God Loves Aardvarks: And God Loves Me

"Thank you, God, that you love all the animals and bugs. You love funny looking aardvarks and you love me."

Thankfulness through the alphabet. That's what this fun book will teach the kids in your life.

God Loves Aardvarks and God Loves Me

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Wedding Plans and Alpha Moms. Finding Joy in the Journey.

Wedding party tug of war

Most couples have expectations that after the engagement, there comes the blissful and effortless planning of a wedding celebration. However, sometimes, one or more Alpha Moms vie against the Alpha Bride for the power to plan.

Let’s be fair. Seldom does the Alpha person see the relational fractures they are causing. What could be some of the possible reasons this is happening?

Alpha Manifestations

  1. The money rules. Whoever pays the most thinks (and rightly so) that they should have a greater input … but unfortunately that often translates into the “Right to Rule” all things attitude.
  2. Power struggles. “Where, what, who, when” decisions become nightmares as formerly sane people try to be heard. It appears that they feel that their way is the only reasonable (translated: correct) decision.
  3. Focus on tasks/decisions. It is easy to forget to be kind when so many tasks and decisions are piling up.
  4. Past experiences. Perhaps their own Mom was a Wedding Alpha Mom and they don’t know there is another option.

Is there an alternative? Is this all inevitable? Does the best Alpha win?

Advantages in the Christian Wedding

We can choose to keep God in the center…to pray first, pray during, and pray after each decision, each meeting, and each event.

  1. The wisdom of the Word of God is the Rock to stand on. Reading the New Testament book of Philippians is a good place to start each day. It helps to keep our focus on the Joy in the Lord…to keep our thoughts of Him front and center.
  2. It helps to keep reminding ourselves that God is on our side. He wants us to ask for His help. He desires the wedding plans to be as blissful as the joy of the engagement was. Jesus’ first recorded miracle was at a wedding feast with his mother. He understands.
  3. A priority must be in keeping our guard up against the evil one that desires to destroy the good testimony that can come from a Christian wedding done well.
  4. We can choose to have an “accountability partner” to help us keep focused on what is eternal.

It is also important to remember that just because we are Christians, we are not immune to the temptations brought on by wanting everything to be just right. With all the busyness, it is easy to forget we are sinners needing God’s mercy, guidance, wisdom, and grace.

In Luke 18:9-14

The Alpha church leader – the one that knew and taught the Scripture – the one that spent most of his days in a religious lifestyle (and should have known better) tried to convince God of his “Alpha-ness” (translated: worthiness).

In the story, we also see the contrast of the lowly, despised man – feeling his sinfulness (translated: UNworthiness). He is begging God for mercy.

The question is

In any of life’s circumstances – do we want to be the Alpha person or the one asking for the Lord’s mercy and guidance…and receiving it because God sees our heart. Being an Alpha person is a hard habit to break. But the first step is awareness that it’s not worth the ultimate price of being out of God’s favor.


It helps to keep the perspective that it is truly only one day. Future relationships can be strained when we insist that the Alpha way is the right way…controlling things with either attitude, tears, or outbursts of anger. Whether you are the bride, the groom, the mother, the father, a relative, or friend, it simply is not worth it in the long run. How much better to seek to be a blessing in the planning of a wedding.


Yes, decisions have to be made and deadlines have to be met. And yielding is difficult, but done with eyes wide open and on the Lord, it can be the difference between being a Kingdom Person rather than a Church Person. Our ways are earthly. His ways are Heavenly.

Luke 18:14 “I tell you that this man {the UNworthy one…the one who knew that he was a sinner}, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled; and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

For His glory!

If you are now or soon to be involved in the planning of a wedding, I pray for God to bless your wedding plans, your wedding, and all the rest of your days on earth. I’d love to help you through the process. Let’s talk…

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

God Loves “Face Time” With You

Boy talking on phone
Yesterday, I consulted with my homeopath, using social media “Face time.” She wants to do “Face time” so she can see me. To see my demeanor; to watch my reactions, etc. All that is part of the process toward healing. We routinely meet every couple months or so on social media. I explain all my concerns and she records them in my file, and then prescribes a remedy. It is a liquid that she mixes up for me and I take it regularly, 3 times per week. Every person is different. A homeopath has to be attentive to details and the uniqueness of each client.


This morning, I saw a correlation to our devotions…our set-aside-times with our attentive-to-details God. Just think, if a homeopath has regular times to help clients stay healthy, then certainly, we need regular times with God—talking as He is listening and asking questions to make us think deeper. To get to the root of the malady. However, meeting with God only every couple of months, would not be very good for relationship building. And reading the Scriptures and praying (the remedy) only 3 times a week, would not be adequate to maintain a spirit-filled life. So, the comparison is a bit lame, but still can be helpful if it makes us think about God more deeply, causing us to want even more time with Him.

God is a good listener

God wants more face time with each of us. He never tires of hearing from us. He loves seeing our face lifted up to Him in adoration, or in pleading for help. WHATEVER we say or do, He is like a doting parent wanting to be a part of all that matters to us. Whatever concerns you, concerns your God. He desires a very personal and intimate relationship. Hold nothing back. He knows it all, anyway. He will help you sort it all out if you trust Him. THAT is a big “if”…IF you will trust Him…

“Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him, God is a refuge for us. Selah.”

Psalm 62: 8 (NKJV)

Undistracted devotion

But God is also a jealous God. He wants our affections to be towards Him and not towards other gods of our own making. He wants to be our FIRST LOVE and our deepest love.

“Delight yourself in the LORD,…”

Psalm 37:4a (NKJV)

Undistracted time

Our Father wants us to give Him focused time. Multi-tasking does NOT impress the Creator God. When we stray, He kinda grabs us by the scruff of our neck, (through circumstances) to get our attention back on Him and on what really matters.


“You can’t focus on everything. We must focus on the things that matter most.”

“Slow down a little, and let God get into your world.”…

— Dutch Sheets


Life can be hard and we continually have needs. I’m thinking of friends that are going through some trying times lately.

  • One friend has suffered from debilitating headaches for almost 4 years. Finally, this week, she found a specialist that had the solution.
  • Another friend has had multiple challenges. First bright lights in her eye, then her heart acted up, and then when she was outside soaking up vitamin D in a lawn chair in her yard, the chair collapsed and she hit her tail bone! She is in pain. She is still seeking solutions.
  • Another friend tripped on a step, and hit her head and split her lip, and banged up her knee. She was at her son’s home where she could get immediate help for her banged up body. She is better today.
  • Another friend spent last week in Hospice with her dear Father. She was at the hospital when he passed into eternity. And her daughter gets married this weekend. AND she needs to find a dress. This week will be full of lots of conflicting emotions. She knows God is with her through it all.

Stuff happens…

And it is horrible going through it; and it either makes us bitter or better. If you are like my friends, these trials have made them better and yours will for you too, if each of us allows our hard times to cause us to stop long enough to choose to spend more “face” time with our FATHER GOD, the fixer-upper, the Comforter, the Healer, the really good listener. It all pulls us back to our Anchor, the Lord; and we are reminded AGAIN that time with Him brings peace, joy, healing, comfort and anything else we need. He promises to meet our daily needs…(NOT our daily wants )

“God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God. Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy;…”

Psalm 61: 11, 12a

Will you join me to pray this prayer?

Father God, thank You for sending Jesus, so that I can have a personal relationship with You, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank You for daily reminding me to make the time with You as the first priority of my day before I go out into the world. Give me Your wisdom to obey Your promptings as I go throughout my day. May I bring You joy as I seek more and more “Face” time with you each day.

“Because Your loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul will be satisfied…my mouth will praise You with joyful lips.”

— Psalm 63:3-4 (NKJV)

Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor


Little Girl in Airplane

Children worry

There’s a story I heard over the weekend, about orphan children. Harmed by poverty, they often had trouble sleeping at night, even when they went to bed with a full stomach. It seems they couldn’t sleep because they were worried they wouldn’t have food tomorrow . They were inconsolable. Words of reassurance were not enough. Then someone had an idea to give them a chunk of bread to hold in their hand as they slept. But they were told they could not eat it until tomorrow. Amazingly, they slept soundly.

My daughter was worried

It reminded me of a time when my daughter had trouble sleeping at night. After some conversations, I realized she was afraid she would go hungry. If I remember correctly, it was around the time of the year 2000 scare. So much was said about running out of everything because our world runs on computer systems now. The Lord gave me the idea to give her a box of protein bars to keep under her pillow and a can of soda to keep on her nightstand. Remarkably, she was able to relax and sleep, knowing she had provision right at her fingertips, if she ever needed it. Just like the little orphans in the story in the paragraph above.

Passengers on a plane in a storm were worried

The passengers were told to put on their seat belts. Turbulence was expected. It got pretty wild in the plane. People were scared. The were worried the plane would break apart or crash. Everyone, except for one little girl, sitting quietly and calmly coloring in her coloring book. Odd. Why wasn’t she afraid? Then, someone asked her why. Her response: “My Daddy is the pilot. And he is taking me home.” (A little child shall lead them. )

These are times that try men’s souls

Like the year 2000, we live in a turbulent time. Many things tempt us to worry. Will God really take care of us? We are so used to our conveniences and being the masters of our own fate, we have forgotten that God promises to provide our daily bread. Just ask! Jesus meant it when He taught us in what we call the Lord’s Prayer. As God’s children, we are to have no worries. And we are to be grateful for what He provides. Not grumbly like the Israelites when the were “stuck” with “manna” they had to gather daily (except for the Sabbath eve day, when they could gather for two days). They worried they would never have tasty food again.

Worry is about the FUTURE

Worry is concern over the unknown and uncertain future. Worry comes from a divided mind. Scripture tells us that a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways. It is true that we should plan when we can. And we should have concerns about the uncertainties. But each day has enough trouble of its own, and worry is about TOMORROW. We can plan for tomorrow, but any number of things could happen to mess up our plans. And so, we can’t really do anything certain about tomorrow, until tomorrow becomes today. Worry can actually destroy a person, often robbing them of their joy and causing a focus on lack instead of possibilities.

Concern is about the PRESENT

David Jeremiah says: Worry sees problems. Concern solves problems. Worry is the future. Concern is the present. He says when you worry, you act like a pagan. Like you don’t know God. Like you don’t have a Father. Like you are an orphan. Each day has its own need and its own provision. Mark Twain said, “I’ve had many worries in my life, most of which never happened.” Does that sound like you?

Let’s pray:

Jesus, I confess my sin of unbelief. Lord, I am yours. My family is yours. I am not an orphan. With Your help, I will stop acting like one. You are my Father. I trust You are my pilot and You will capably fly the plane of my life; and when the time comes, You will take me HOME.

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Tags: , , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

The Smell of a Fresh Rain

Woman under umbrella

“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”

Psalm 90:14

Early Morning

It was early morning. I was outside and it had just begun to rain.

The sweetness and beauty.

Is there anything sweeter than the smell of fresh rain in the air? Or more beautiful than the sound it makes as it hits the pavement? Or more fun than watching it joyfully patter onto the earth and bounce back up with a type of joy?

I wonder…

I wonder if that’s what God’s breath smells like? Like the rain…as He “breathes fresh life” into His creation? I love that thought!

The Creator of the rain…

Could those drops also be His tears of joy…happy that I had stopped for a few minutes and “connected” with Him…The Creator of the rain?

Do you feel like you don’t have that kind of time to stop like that?

Well, you are wrong! 😉 It simply takes a mindset shift. That’s all. AND…I can help you with that. I can help you renew your childlike “wonder”… Let’s connect soon. Don’t put it off…Just click on the blue button to leave me a message.

My Father: Experiencing God's Love A-Z

Pamela Taylor invites you to join her in this interactive acrostic devotional journal designed to draw you into the extremely personal and abundant love God has waiting for you. Experience the "Just ask..." of His love for you!

My Father: Experiencing God's Love from A-Z by Pamela A. Taylor

Let's Connect!Until next time,
Awaiting His shout,

Christian Life Coach
Leading from Your Strengths Mentor

Filed under: Christian Life Coaching,Spiritual Life — Tags: , , — Pam Taylor @ 7:00 am

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